交通运输系统工程与信息 ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (6): 141-147.

• 系统工程理论与方法 • 上一篇    下一篇


李登辉1, 2,彭其渊1, 2,鲁工圆1, 2,王坤* 1, 2,吴正阳3   

  1. 1. 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院,成都 610031;2. 综合交通运输智能化国家地方联合工程实验室,成都 610031;3. 成都地铁运营有限公司,成都 610051
  • 收稿日期:2019-07-08 修回日期:2019-09-09 出版日期:2019-12-25 发布日期:2019-12-25
  • 作者简介:李登辉(1993-),男,山西盂县人,博士生.
  • 基金资助:

    国家重点研发计划/National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFB1200700).

Control Method for Passenger Inflow Control with Coordination on Urban Rail Transit Line in Peak Hours

LI Deng-hui1, 2, PENG Qi-yuan1, 2, LU Gong-yuan1 ,2,WANG Kun1, 2, WU Zheng-yang3   

  1. 1. School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 2. Integrated Transportation and Intelligent National Local Joint Engineering Laboratory, Chengdu 610031, China; 3. Chengdu Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610051, China
  • Received:2019-07-08 Revised:2019-09-09 Online:2019-12-25 Published:2019-12-25


在线路客流控制中,需同时考虑各个车站控流方案的可执行性与协同性. 采用 Fisher 最优分割法确定合理客流控制时段,基于此建立以乘客总等待时间最少和旅客周转量最大为目标的线路客流协同控制线性规划模型. 基于成都地铁2 号线AFC数据进行实验,针对协同控流与非协同控流方案,以及不同客流控制时段划分方案下的协同控流方案进行对比实验. 算例中:协同控流方案在旅客周转量下降约1.0%的情况下,乘客总等待时间减少约 56.7%;基于Fisher 最优分割法确定的时段划分方案中协同控流方案在乘客总等待时间方面最优,并具有很好的可执行性.

关键词: 城市交通, 线路客流协同控制, 线性规划模型, 高峰客流, Fisher最优分割


The executability of the passenger flow control strategies and the coordination among the strategies need to be simultaneously taken into account in the passenger flow control on an urban rail transit line. In this paper, the reasonable control time intervals are firstly determined by Fisher optimal division method. Then this paper proposes a linear programming model for passenger flow collaborative control, which aims at minimizing the total passenger waiting time and maximizing the passenger person- kilometers. Based on the data of AFC of Chengdu Metro Line 2, this paper makes two group of experiments of comparative analysis, including the collaborative and non- collaborative control strategies; and the collaborative control strategies under different control time interval division strategies. In the experiments: the total passenger waiting time decreases by 56.7% when the passenger person-kilometers decreases by about 1.0%; the collaborative control strategy from the control time intervals based on Fisher optimal division method is optimal in the total passenger waiting time and has a high executability.

Key words: urban traffic, passenger flow collaborative control, linear programming model, peak passenger flow, Fisher optimal division method
