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一,台湾TYC进口链条中国港口码头全国总代理和工业链条华南总代理,为您提供各种叉车用起升叶片链.链条在码头仓储物流叉车中的应用:(提供15个月、28万TEU或者8000工作小时质保).  相似文献   

日本椿木链条公司首次推出完全不需加润滑油的链条传送带。链条磨损是由于链条之间的接触,这种不需加润滑油的链条则采用工程塑料制成的  相似文献   

刘斌 《世界海运》2009,32(8):41-41
投资是经济发展的永恒动力 从摆脱金融危机的历史来看,加大基础设施投资是摆脱金融危机的有效方法。随着科技进步和全球化的进一步加深,港口的功能由物流链上的节点演进为产业链条上的价值链发动机已成为有识之士的共识。我国区域大型港口的投资建设高潮似乎已近尾声,但区域经济发展的不平衡以及港口建设的差异,使得港口投资建设仍具有相当大的潜力。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势的不断加深,国际港航产业链条也在发生着微妙的变化。在全球港航物流业动态的结构性变化当中,作为一个积极参与国内、国际市场竞争的特大型港口企业,如何实现自身的可持续发展,是一个必须深入思考并不断实践、创新的问题。青岛港选择了一条与国内外知名航运企业“合纵连横、强强联合”,打造港航合作共赢的全新模式。  相似文献   

许多输送机采用链条作为牵引传动构件,其结构简单、牵引力大。但是,采用链条传动也有不足之处,其最大的缺点是,链条尤其是大节距链条运行时会产生多边形效应,造成传动的冲击较大,从而影响设备和链条本身的使用寿命,恶化设备使用环境。  相似文献   

<正>作为传递大车驱动机构动力使大车车轮运行的重要装置,轮胎吊大车链条是维持大车机构良好运行状态的必要部件。轮胎吊大车链条是故障多发区,尤其是链条生锈导致的故障占比较大,严重影响轮胎吊运行安全和码头生产作业效率。本文设计一款轮胎吊大车链条自动润滑装置,不仅可以改善大车链条生锈情况,有效降低大车链条故障频率,  相似文献   

简单地说,"中国模式"实质上就是中国作为一个发展中国家在全球化背景下实现社会现代化的一种战略选择,它是中国在改革开放进程中逐渐发展起来的一整套应对全球化挑战的发展战略和治理模式.中国从20世纪80年代开始,就提出了建设"具有中国特色的社会主义现代化"的目标,这实际上就是在全球化背景下实现国家现代化的一种战略选择.  相似文献   

为了提高悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命预测准确性能,设计了一种基于改进神经网络的悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命预测模型。首先对悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命预测研究现状进行分析,找到引起悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命预测精度的因素,然后收集悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命的历史数据,并采用BP神经网络建立悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命预测模型,并引入自适应遗传算法对BP神经网络的不足进行改进,最后采用仿真实验对悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命预测模型的准确度进行评估,结果表明,改进神经网络提高了悬链式船舶链条机械磨损寿命预测精度,预测结果比其他模型更加可靠。  相似文献   

埋刮板输送机链条跑偏对设备本身的寿命影响非常大,必须加以重视。分析埋刮板输送机链条跑偏的原因。提出消除链条跑偏的措施。改造后取得良好效果。  相似文献   

近年来MAN B&W MC-C系列主机链条机构故障时有发生。根据制造商的统计数据,占比最多的是链条导板(以下简称导板)损坏,而链条导板损坏又多为导板减震橡皮(以下简称橡皮)裂纹、脱壳、断裂、剥落等。橡皮破损的潜在危害很大,长期运行甚至导致链条断裂。因为:  相似文献   

航运企业选择战略联盟伙伴的决策方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略联盟作为企业经营的一种新理念 ,自美国DEC公司总裁简·霍普兰德 (J .Hopland)和管理学家罗杰·奈杰尔 (R .Nigle)提出以来 ,在近 2 0多年的时间里 ,越来越多的企业通过战略联盟的方式参与全球竞争 ,并取得了显著的效果。这一组织制度的创新理论 ,迅速成为各大公司获取自身利益最大化的最优选择。我国加入WTO后 ,航运业的竞争也将日趋激烈 ,对如何提高航运企业的竞争优势 ,作出合理的决策 ,关系到企业的生存大计。通过对航运企业实施战略联盟的分析 ,提出了航运企业在选择战略联盟伙伴时 ,可供采取的模糊综合评判决策方法  相似文献   

We developed an empirical model to explain the changing global competition among major countries involved in the shipbuilding industry over the last three decades. In order to develop future strategies for not only shipbuilding companies but shipping companies and governments, it is necessary to understand the past logic of their competitive strategies. Using the real strategic behaviours and decision rules of shipbuilding companies derived through a literature survey and interviews, we developed a model using the Cournot oligopoly with Choquet Expected Utility (CEU) theory. Three national players, Japan, Korea and China, are supposed to be either optimistic or pessimistic, which allows us to incorporate the different attitude of the players into the demand uncertainty for our model. Competitive reaction functions are derived and compared with the estimation results via multiple regression with annual shipbuilding tonnage data. Our results provide strong evidence that the major players are bound to use simple rules for competitive quantity decisions, but change the rules completely when they become ineffective. In addition, the competitive behaviour of the players depends on both the degree of demand uncertainty and the different attitudes of the players towards uncertainty.  相似文献   

李斌 《水运工程》2014,(6):41-44
越来越多的国内企业走向国际市场参与全球性的竞争。国内企业在海外施工项目的成败直接影响着企业的利润、声誉甚至生存。由于国际工程存在诸多不确定因素,加之我国工程企业自身弱点,企业在参与国际工程过程中面临着各种风险。以毛塔石油码头修复工程为例,分析海外项目风险管理现状,阐述了外项目风险识别方法,并提出行之有效的风险管理策略,以期增强企业风险管理意识,提高风险识别和评估能力。  相似文献   

文中介绍了全球船用燃油硫含量现状、IMO对船用燃油硫含量标准的最新修订进程以及MEPC57最终形成的硫含量新标准,结合我国相关行业现状,分析了新标准的实施对我国可能产生的影响,并提出了针对性的应对措施。  相似文献   

沙洋 《中国海事》2009,(4):52-55
《中华人民共和国航运公司安全与防污染管理规定》自2008年1月1日起施行。结合该规定的要求,笔者在文中对非体系内航运公司的监管工作现状及难点进行了简要分析,重点就如何开展对航运公司日常检查工作提出了工作思路。同时,笔者在文中阐述了对航运公司监管与评估工作之间的关系,并在文中介绍了一套航运公司评估体系。  相似文献   

The Belt and Road initiative is a novel exploration of China towards strategic collaboration with Eurasia countries to an extent of a larger scale with higher and deeper level of cooperation. To meet the growing global demand of transportation, increasing numbers of liner shipping companies collaborate and form alliances to share vessel capacity and reduce capital costs. Effective liner shipping vessel sharing is essential for the Belt and Road initiative in terms of building efficient maritime transport networks. In promoting environmental development, shipping companies are required to attain higher environmental standards. However, limited literature relates vessel sharing to environmental performance. This paper studies the impacts of liner vessel sharing from the economic and environmental perspectives. Two container allocation models are developed for the two scenarios: with and without vessel sharing. The carbon emissions in transportation are calculated under both scenarios. Numerical studies are carried out using services along the China-Indochina Peninsula Economic (CIPE) Corridor. Liner shipping companies could benefit from vessel sharing in terms of significant profit improvement. Vessel sharing could also benefit the environment by reducing the CO2 emissions dramatically.  相似文献   

张婷 《世界海运》2010,33(6):37-39
中国拆船业在绿色环保方面已达到世界先进水平,目前已成为国际船东进行船舶拆解的首选,但受南亚等国拆船企业拆解水平、落后低标准设备的压力,在价格竞争中受到一定的制约。中国拆船企业应当把握市场新机遇,充分发挥自身在绿色拆船领域的优势和实力,采取措施规避不利因素,使中国拆船业获得良好的可持续发展。  相似文献   

梁志勇 《中国修船》2009,22(2):11-13
随着世界各国对LNG这种清洁能源的需求日益扩大,作为LNG的运输工具,全球LNG船船队规模获得了前所未有的增长。当今全球LNG船修理中心主要分布在东南亚、中东和西欧三个地区,同时新进入者不断增多,企业间竞争日趋激烈。2008年,全球主要修船企业修理LNG船71艘。  相似文献   


Maritime shipping necessitates flexible and cost-effective port access worldwide through the global shipping network. This paper presents an efficient method to identify major port communities, and analyses the network connectivity of the global shipping network based on community structure. The global shipping network is represented by a signless Laplacian matrix which can be decomposed to generate its eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues. The largest gaps between the eigenvalues were then used to determine the optimal number of communities within the network. The eigenvalue decomposition method offers the advantage of detecting port communities without relying on a priori assumption about the number of communities and the size of each community. By applying this method to a dataset collected from seven world leading liner shipping companies, we found that the ports are clustered into three communities in the global container shipping network, which is consistent with the major container trade routes. The sparse linkages between port communities indicate where access is relatively poor.  相似文献   

Nowhere else in the world are there marine transportations highly confined than across the Taiwan Straits (mainland China and Taiwan). This study strives to explore the present employment status of Taiwanese ship officers under the influence of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits, and to make sure if such an employment trend has a negative impact on the future operating mode of Taiwan shipping companies. By means of field interview and questionnaire, this study collected the employment data of ship officers from 21 leading shipping companies in Taiwan, and made a statistical analysis. The research findings show that the existing cross-strait shipping relationship, which is seriously distorted by the hostility between the governments of Taiwan and mainland China across the Taiwan Straits, has made Taiwanese shipping companies turn to flagging-out in order to enter the extensive shipping market of mainland China. This leads to a decline of job opportunities for Taiwanese ship officers. Ironically, the ship officers from mainland China pose a biggest threat to those in Taiwan in this respect. In addition, the operating modes of Taiwanese shipping companies also change gradually in tune with the increasing number of non-Taiwanese ship officers (mainly those from mainland China).  相似文献   

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