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刘戈  陈燕 《集装箱化》2012,23(12):1-4
近年来,我国各区域港口群积极发展集装箱运输,辽宁港口群也不例外,但该区域港口面临腹地经济规模小、货源不足、货物分流、航线竞争激烈等问题,十分不利于未来港口集装箱运输的发展。鉴于此,有必要协调整合辽宁港口群,减少区域内港口的内部竞争,以形成合力,共同促进辽宁港口群集装箱运输发展。本文分析辽宁港口群集装箱运输发展现状,并对未来5~10年该区域集装箱运输市场的需求状况进行预测,在此基础上,提出促进辽宁港口群集装箱运输协调发展的措施。  相似文献   

港口枢纽集疏运对城市交通影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的发展,我国港口的吞吐量增长迅猛。本文以腹地型的港口——上海港为背景,通过对集装箱运输的特点和流程进行分析,指出港口枢纽城市集装箱运输中存在的问题,并提出降低公路集疏运分担率是减少上海港道路集装箱集疏运对城市交通影响的战略目标之一。  相似文献   

吕霞  陆明生 《水运管理》2009,31(11):29-31
基于广东省港口现状,借鉴世界先进港口的发展经验,分析广东省港口的发展方向,提出协调区域港口发展、整合资源、加快港口发展和提升服务能力的战略措施:提高港口发展水平;发展集装箱运输系统;加快港口公共基础设施建设;构建一体化珠江口港口群核心区。  相似文献   

区域化:长江三角洲地区集装箱港口群发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据全球集装箱箱港口业所处的物流环境、发展风险和压力,结合长三角集装箱港口群现状及存在的问题,长江三角洲集装箱港口群的建设目标应当是双枢纽型国际航运中心并以上海港为中心建成高效有序的集装箱港口运输体系.为实现这一目标,应当以市场为导向,以资产为纽带通过港口企业间的联合与合作,形成企业主导型的上海国际航运中心集装箱运输网络体系.港口群应协调港口规划、通过多式联运和物流合作、培育运输市场机制、推进运输网络建设、建设高效信息网络等手段促进集装箱港口群的区域化发展.  相似文献   

顾安 《集装箱化》1993,(4):35-36
随着海上集装箱运输的迅速发展,港口集装箱运输系统也日超完善。为了提高整个集装箱运输系统的经济效益,根据港口功能和发展及专业化程度和吞吐量的大小,合理选用集装箱码头装卸搬运系统是非常必要的。  相似文献   

目前温州港正处在加快发展集装箱运输的大好机遇下,如何发展温州港集装箱运输将是我们研究的新课题,而且日益显示出其重要性。一、建设港口揽货网络要更好地利用和发挥港口综合优势,增强揽货系统活力是温州港发展集装箱运输所要考虑的首要问题。国际集装箱运输是港口发展的重点  相似文献   

本文首先确定了准则层各分系统的权重以及指标层各分系统中各项指标的权重,然后根据上文所确定的各港口集装箱运输竞争力评价的指标值,利用基于模糊一致矩阵理论的多层次决策优选方法,对相关港口集装箱运输竞争力进行了综合评价。建立在各分系统综合优度值的基础上,分析了我国大陆有关港口业已存在的竞争优势和尚存的劣势,综合各分系统中的评价结果,最后可以得到本研究中8个港口集装箱运输竞争力的综合排名结果,为我国有关港口制定发展战略提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

赵俭 《中国水运》2003,(10):4-5
现代港口竞争的焦点--枢纽港地位 1.集装箱运输方式的变革:枢纽一支线型运输方式 近年来,远洋承运人一直在利用枢纽港进行集装箱的转运.随着大型集装箱船舶的使用和枢纽一支线型运输方式的优势日益明显,枢纽一支线型集装箱运输方式逐渐形成世界性的趋势.  相似文献   

洋山港建设对长江集装箱港口布局的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王亚梅  谭家华 《水运管理》2005,27(10):15-19
预测长江主要港口未来几年的集装箱吞吐量,用层次分析法确定长江主要港口发展国际集装箱运输的竞争力水平,并对港口在长江集装箱运输系统中的定位进行规划。  相似文献   

陈平 《珠江水运》2014,(4):88-89
随着我国社会经济的不断进步,物流系统实现了飞跃式的发展,特别是港口物流系统的逐渐完善,使得集装箱运输处于港口运输的核心地位。但是我国现阶段港口集装箱运输仍然存在较多问题,需要通过全面提高运输整体服务能力水平,加快集疏运大通道建设进程,全面强化港口集装箱运输信息化系统建设等措施来进行解决。  相似文献   

container shipping lines require hab ports to possess the fehowing conttions Drart of mafor conalner hub ports and their tlder differences some majer hub ports developttental programine eanctbore to be denned for the port of shunghml in the centext if international container transport comsiderahons of water depth for the international container hub port of shanghai conefesions to be drawn  相似文献   

杨玚 《港工技术》2013,(4):8-10
环境保护是我国的基本国策,港口是我国物流综合运输体系的枢纽和重要节点,担负着节能减排的艰巨任务。GRID系统是适用于港口集装箱码头水平运输的新型设备,GRID系统的装卸设备具有自重轻、作业环节少和全电力驱动等优点,有利于集装箱码头的节能减排。  相似文献   

运用SWOT分析方法对太仓港发展的优势、劣势、机遇及挑战进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策,希望对太仓港加快自身又好又快的发展、成为上海国际航运中心北翼集装箱干线港和长三角地区江海联运重要枢纽的发展战略有所启示。  相似文献   

阪神地震成就了釜山这个东北亚国际集装箱枢纽港的地位,大小洋山深水港的逐步启用,将有可能使上海成为中国真正的国际集装箱枢纽港。在这种情况下,大连、青岛、天津就不只是釜山的喂给港,还将成为上海的喂给港,三港也就更难成为东北亚枢纽港。大连、青岛、天津环渤海湾三大港是否有可能联合起来,打造东北亚的国际枢纽港群,则是本文探讨的主题。  相似文献   

在集装箱航运市场中,由于超大型集装箱船优良的经济性能及全球集装箱航运结构的重组,并且在全球国际集装箱运输呈增长的趋势背景下,大批超大型集装箱船投入运营,对上海港的运营和发展形成一定的影响,但同时也给上海港的发展带来了机遇。上海港要应对国际航运市场的这种变化,就必须采取相应的策略。随着长三角经济圈的发展和洋山深水港一期、二期工程的完工,进一步巩固了上海港的国际集装箱枢纽港地位,上海港应抓住新的发展机遇,为上海早日建成国际航运中心奠定更加坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop a multi-commodity network model to analyse the flow of containers within the Asia Pacific context. The model is used to evaluate the impact of container throughput in Asia's port by varying terminal handling charges and turnaround time. The three main regions analysed are north-east Asia, east Asia (Chinese port region) and south east Asia. Using the model, it could be shown that Busan port, which is an important transhipment hub in north-east Asia, could boost the container activities in the north-eastern part of China by improving its service quality. It is also found that the efficiency of the land link between Hong Kong and mainland China plays a crucial role for the future of Hong Kong port. While Singapore port maintains its position as a transhipment hub in south-east Asia, there would be expected competition from neighbouring low costs ports.  相似文献   

梅燕 《中国水运》2007,5(10):33-34
长江港口通过多年大规模的建设,已成为沿江综合运输体系的重要枢纽,承担了沿江能源、外贸物资、石油、集装箱、煤、矿石等货物的运输任务。近十几年来是长江港口基础设施投入资金最多,基础设施建设最快,港口结构调整成效显著,港口吞吐量增长迅速,科技含量、管理水平和人员素质迅速提升的时期,港口建设取得了巨大的成就,港口综合竞争力明显提高。如何综合考核港口发展状况是当前的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop a multi-commodity network model to analyse the flow of containers within the Asia Pacific context. The model is used to evaluate the impact of container throughput in Asia's port by varying terminal handling charges and turnaround time. The three main regions analysed are north-east Asia, east Asia (Chinese port region) and south east Asia. Using the model, it could be shown that Busan port, which is an important transhipment hub in north-east Asia, could boost the container activities in the north-eastern part of China by improving its service quality. It is also found that the efficiency of the land link between Hong Kong and mainland China plays a crucial role for the future of Hong Kong port. While Singapore port maintains its position as a transhipment hub in south-east Asia, there would be expected competition from neighbouring low costs ports.  相似文献   

The manufacturing base in the Pearl River Delta of China is moving westwards, where the Pearl River system has extensive coverage. This makes container barge transport a new growth area for Hong Kong Port. Traditionally, Hong Kong Port has been the main gateway for containers transported through the Pearl River system, but this advantageous position is under challenge from the adjacent ports in South China, especially from Shenzhen Port, which is keen to take a bigger share of the new growth by improving the access of barges to its port facilities. While services at Shenzhen Port are improving, barge operators have been experiencing high congestion at Hong Kong Port. Improving the quality of barge container services becomes crucial for Hong Kong Port. In this study, we propose and investigate three improvement strategies: to enhance the consolidation of small container flows, to increase the efficiency of berth allocations for barges, and to optimize the overall utilization of port resources in Hong Kong. These strategies can be instrumental for keeping Hong Kong's status as the gateway for the Pearl River system and help maintain its competitiveness as an international shipping hub.  相似文献   

This study compares the evolution of container port systems in China and the USA in terms of port throughput, number of container ports and the concentration level in the container port system, based on the time-series data on these three features over the period 1979–2009 for China and 1970–2009 for the USA. The results show that the densities of container ports in the two countries are similar, and their evolutionary processes are alike, which has led to a comparable market structure in the port industries of the two countries. In addition, the disparities between container ports closely represent the unevenness in the regional economic development. We further compare the port management regimes of the two countries in terms of the administrative processes for port development and expansion, the ownership structure and the providers of port functions, which offer some explanation on the dynamics of port evolution in the two countries. In conclusion, it can be seen that the evolution of the container port system and the management regime in the USA can be a de facto reference for the future development of the Chinese container port system.  相似文献   

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