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文章针对潍坊滨海旅游度假区人工沙滩防护工程进行研究,分析了工程海域自然条件和沙滩侵蚀成因,对滩沙水力特性进行了实验研究,最后通过波浪泥沙整体物理模型试验手段,分析了丁坝防护工程建设后的整治效果。其主要结论如下:潍坊滨海旅游度假区人工沙滩侵蚀的破坏性动力来自NE向波浪的持续向西输沙;正常天气下人工沙滩年损失量约为2万m~3,在极端高水位下如遭遇10 a一遇大浪作用24 h条件下,沙滩损失量为1.2万m~3,人工沙滩年损失量约为7.7万m~3;优化方案实施后,防护工程实施1 a后,人工沙滩年损失量约为6.4万m~3,约占总铺砂量的6%;且抑制东湾内泥沙在风暴潮增水作用下向西湾输送,达到了优化目的。  相似文献   

文章通过现场实地踏勘、水力特性试验、波浪潮流数学模型、波生沿岸流数学模型及经验公式计算等多种手段,对大连金州湾沙滩改造工程实施后人工沙滩稳定性及泥化的可能性进行了初步分析。研究结果表明:拟建人工沙滩从选址来说是可行的,岸线可长期保持稳定状态,且无泥化风险。从方案比选来看,两方案动力条件差异不大,采用出水堤对沿岸输沙拦截效果更好。建议在现有基础上适时开展波浪泥沙整体物理模型试验,进一步确定沙滩正常及风暴潮条件下的侵蚀量、沙滩平衡岸线及平衡剖面形态,为设计方提供基础数据。  相似文献   

随着在滩涂之上建设人工沙滩的举措逐渐增多,人工沙滩剖面横向输沙研究有非常重要的现实意义。在与海岸动力相互适应的原岸滩上建造人工沙滩是较为复杂的问题,并且实际工程中的人工沙滩还受到工程措施的影响,剖面形态较难预测。在原海滩上建造人工沙滩较复杂,它适应了海岸的力量;实际工程中的新滩受工程测量的影响,因此其剖面形状难以预测。针对这个问题,采用物理模型试验的方法,针对受挡沙坝及护岸限制的人工沙滩剖面在不同水位及波浪条件下的形态变化进行试验研究,并应用工程中常用的平衡剖面模型对相对稳定的剖面进行计算比较,得出了形成稳定的剖面形态所需要的条件。试验结果验证了初始岸滩坡度1∶15的适用性,得出了当波浪受结构物影响较小时可以形成均衡沙滩剖面的结论。  相似文献   

在港口岸线退岸还海修复整治工程中,为有效保护人工岸滩的稳定性,需在工程海域建设防波堤。以日照港石臼港区原煤堆场岸线退岸还海修复整治工程为例,采用MEPBay模型,对不同防波堤位置长度下岸滩稳定性进行分析,并分析工程建成后泥沙运动情况。计算结果表明:合理的防波堤位置及长度可保持沙滩的稳定性;防波堤短则沙滩南段侵蚀严重,长则沙滩北段侵蚀严重、南侧泥化。  相似文献   

于泳 《港工技术》2013,(3):9-10,13
唐山港京唐港区20万t级进港航道是在我国粉沙质海岸上建成的最大规模的人工航道。针对本港区20万t级进港航道前期研究、设计和建设实施中遇到的主要技术问题,如航道选线、主尺度设计、防沙堤口门布置、航道13门段的泥沙骤淤和横流等.进行深入细致的分析研究并提出解决方案。本工程的成功建设对在泥沙运动机理较为复杂的粉沙质海岸上建设高等级航道具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为掌握细颗粒淤泥在盐水环境下的起动规律,利用可循环水槽开展盐水0‰泥(仅水体含盐)、盐水盐泥(水体和泥沙均含盐)和0‰水盐泥(仅泥沙含盐)3个系列的泥沙起动水槽试验.基于PIV(粒子图像测速)系统和数字图像灰度处理技术实现泥沙起动流速的定量判别.结果表明:水体或黏性泥沙的含盐度越高,黏性泥沙越难起动.黏性泥沙起动流速与...  相似文献   

天津港东疆港区人工沙滩冲淤稳定性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用整体潮流泥沙物理模型及波浪水槽模型,对天津港东海岸人工沙滩的冲淤情况进行了实验研究,由于该工程海岸属典型的流泥质,人工沙滩在亲水段的潮问带内必然产生淤积,年约5 cm.人工沙滩在有掩护条件下,10年一遇波浪基本稳定,50年一遇大浪沙滩剖面变形,单宽流失量约3.3 m3/m.  相似文献   

近几年海洋风暴活动频繁,伴随着人类不合理的海岸工程造成的影响,部分海岸沙滩侵蚀严重,研究海岸沙滩侵蚀机制成为当前海岸工程科学的前沿性问题。本文以日照万平口沙滩为研究对象,根据实测水深地形数据及相关水文气象资料,搭建研究海域处纯潮流作用、波生流作用、单向波流耦合作用、双向波流耦合作用下的泥沙冲淤数值模型,研究不同水动力环境对近岸沙滩稳定性的影响,得出近岸海域受潮流和波浪的共同作用产生泥沙输移。  相似文献   

目前人工沙滩在国内建设较少,缺乏成熟的建设经验。本文以潍坊滨海旅游度假区人工沙滩的设计和建设为例,主要说明了人工沙滩的主要设计参数的确定和人工沙滩经历风暴潮后的稳定性分析及优化过程。人工沙滩正式投入使用后,整体效果良好。本文以期对同类工程提供一定的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

基于波浪泥沙物理模型,考虑不同水位条件、不同重现期的波浪作用以及复坡和单坡2种不同坡度的沙滩坡面,对斯里兰卡科伦坡港口人工沙滩的冲淤情况及稳定性进行试验研究。结果表明,在次生波作用下,沙滩出现了不同程度的冲刷,沙滩剖面出现冲刷的主要部位一般位于水面线以下的波浪破碎带内,但当波浪条件增大时,人工沙滩剖面在水面线以上也呈普遍冲刷状态。在试验工况范围内,外海水位越高,波高、周期越大,防波堤堤后的次生波越大,所造成的沙滩剖面变形越大,冲刷深度越大。复坡和单坡2种不同坡度方案滩面泥沙在次生波作用下的冲淤部位基本相似,剖面稳定性相当。  相似文献   

综合国内外人工岛现状和相关研究,初步探讨分析了滩海工程环境因子与滩海工程的相互作用,结果提出了与滩海构筑物相互作用的关键环境因素为风浪、强潮流、海冰、海底地质灾害4个因子,并最终以泥沙迁移和海床失稳两种方式与构筑物相互影响。  相似文献   

This contribution addresses the need for a simple model for managers to employ when planning strategies for the management of touristic beaches under sea level rise. A methodological framework was developed and tested in two Aegean archipelago islands (Lesvos and Rhodes, Greece). The scheme can represent the status of touristic island beaches, based on easily obtained variables/indicators and projections of beach erosion/retreat under different scenarios of mean sea level rise (MSLR) and extreme events. Information on beach geomorphological characteristics, environmental setting, water quality, management, and services (such as those used in the “Blue Flag” classification) was collated/collected and beach erosion/retreat due to CV & C was estimated through suitable ensembles of cross-shore (1-D) morphodynamic models. A Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) framework was employed to assist in the selection of indicators and multicriteria analysis used to optimize indicator weights and rank beaches according to their sustainability under sea level rise. Implementation of the framework at the two islands has shown that: the majority of Lesvos and Rhodes beaches (82% of a total of 217 beaches and 58% of a total of 97 beaches, respectively) can be classified as beaches with no, or minimal, human interference, suggesting that under environmentally sound coastal management further touristic development might be afforded; there could be very significant effects of the sea level rise on the carrying and buffering capacities of the most developed (“Blue Flag”) beaches, with some expected even under conservative projections to be completely eroded by 2100, unless technical adaptation measures are taken; and using the proposed framework, touristic beaches can be rapidly ranked in terms of their resilience to sea level rise and their development potential, allowing prioritization of effective management responses.  相似文献   

Beach erosion presents a hazard to coastal tourism facilities, which provide the main economic thrust for most Caribbean small islands (CSIs). Ad hoc approaches to addressing this problem have given way to the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) approach, which recommends data collection, analysis of coastal processes, and assessment of impacts. UNESCO's Coast and Beach Stability in the Caribbean (COSALC) project has provided most CSIs with an opportunity to monitor their beaches and collect over 10 years of data. Research has been directed at integrating these data with geographic information systems (GIS) and other information technologies to develop a prototype beach analysis and management system (BAMS) for CSIs. This article presents the results of phase I development of this effort, which includes the development of tools for integrating spatial and non-spatial coastal data, estimating long-term beach erosion/accretion and sand volume change trends at individual beaches, identifying erosion-sensitive beaches, and mapping beach erosion hazards. The Southeast Peninsula, St. Kitts, is used as a case study to develop these tools and demonstrate system functionality.  相似文献   

Ecolabels for beaches have been around since 1985 and have grown rapidly over the past decade. However, effects from ecolabels on beach ecology and local coastal cultures are unknown. This study reviews the literature on tourism ecolabels and environmental certification for beaches, analyzes the criteria of the most prominent beach ecolabel, and identifies considerations and proposes recommendations for local management that address sandy beach ecology and local cultures. The Blue Flag ecolabel is evaluated for how well the program criteria balance tourism, the processes of sandy beach ecology, and accommodate for local cultural values. This Blue Flag's criteria leave out protecting sandy beach ecology and fail to incorporate local community values in program design. The results of the study include three areas that beach managers need to consider for better understanding the utility of beach ecolabel programs: opportunity costs of participation and consequences of losing certification; evaluate investment in multiple certifications; and identify potential changes from the implementation of ecolabels.  相似文献   

连云港徐圩海域海岸性质研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了连云港徐圩海域底质的粒径特征和泥沙水力特性,并与连云港主港区、天津港和黄骅港等港口进行对比,研究了不同海岸类型在底质的粒径特征和泥沙水力特性的差异,指出泥沙颗粒黏性影响泥沙水力特性、泥沙水力特性决定海岸性质,给出了海岸性质分类的改进意见,在此基础上确定了徐圩海域海岸性质.  相似文献   

我国水运工程科学研究的现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
经过近年来的快速发展,我国的水运工程科学研究已经达到了较高的水平,但距离工程实际的需求还有很大差距,与国外同行业相比有很多不足。文章总结了淤泥质海岸泥沙运动规律,粉沙质海岸泥沙运动规律,海岸动力及沙质海岸泥沙运动规律,山区河流航道整治技术,平原河流航道整治技术,通航枢纽建设关键技术,水工构造物检测、评估与加固技术,环境保护技术,淤泥质海岸港口适航水深应用技术和水动力数值模拟软件包TK-2D等10个方面的研究现状。总结了现场调查和有关资料分析,理论分析研究,物理模型试验研究和数值模拟研究等4种研究手段的发展现状。目的是促进核心技术的形成,提高为重大工程服务的能力和水平,增强国际竞争力。  相似文献   

Beach management and coastal management are interwoven and scale-dependent activities in Australia. Present coastal policies are broad and designed for large, national, and statewide scales. They specify ecologically sustainable development as the overarching goal for coastal management and provide the context for beach management. On smaller scales, an approach focusing on the reduction of geomorphic hazards as the basis of beach management was established by the Coastline Hazard Policy, with nonhazard aspects of beach management such as ecological, economic, and social concerns assuming secondary importance. Although beach management can occur effectively under these coastal management arrangements, better guidance is required to make this process as effective and efficient as possible. This guidance - the policy framework - could be better developed for beach management and better integrated with existing coastal management arrangements. While this policy development is not strictly necessary to achieve positive outcomes from beach management, it is necessary to effectively guide implementation of the existing broad coastal policies. Effective goals for beach management are yet to be thought out and clearly articulated in Australia. A good start would be to couple the present goals of ecologically sustainable development and hazards reduction into a coherent goal for beach management. A specific policy for beaches should be developed given the importance of beaches in Australia.  相似文献   

Beach erosion can have important socioeconomic and environmental consequences, particularly in tropical regions where tourism is a significant source of income. Although caused by natural processes, erosion is often aggravated by disorderly anthropogenic modification of the coast and extreme events. In Yucatan, Mexico, increasing urban development and deficient coastal management strategies as well as hurricanes have affected beach stability. This has highlighted the need for adequate coastal planning and policies that ensure the protection of key coastal ecosystems, such as beaches and sand dunes. To address this, a methodology to classify the coast according to its vulnerability is presented in this work. This methodology assumes that morphological features are indicators of beach evolution and the processes driving it and that these can be associated with different levels of vulnerability. The features considered are beach width, dune vegetation, anthropogenic pressure, and shoreline orientation, which were analyzed through aerial images and a multicriteria evaluation. It was observed that the most vulnerable areas are found near the most developed parts of the coast, where narrow beaches with little dune vegetation dominate. It is expected that this index will be of use to coastal planners and decision makers, particularly in the identification of critical zones.  相似文献   

Driving of off-road vehicles (ORVs) on sandy beaches is common and widespread, but is not universally embraced due to putative environmental impacts on beach biota. For ORVs to impact the beach fauna, traffic areas must overlap with faunal habitat: a fundamental pre-requisite for impact assessments but as yet un-quantified for sandy beaches. Thus, this study quantified the spatial and temporal patterns of ORV traffic on five Australian beaches, and measured the degree to which the distribution of intertidal macro-invertebrates overlaps with traffic zones. Traffic volumes on beaches can be considerable (up to 500 vehicles per day). The position of beach traffic across the beach-face is principally governed by tides and driver behavior. Despite driver education campaigns to the contrary, a considerable fraction of vehicles (16–67%) traverses the soft, upper shore near the foredunes. The majority (65%) of burrowing invertebrate species of the intertidal zone is directly exposed to traffic, save for species inhabiting the swash zone. Because beach traffic presents a formidable management challenge, a fundamental first step in identifying whether ecological impacts are indeed likely, is to assess the potential for spatial and temporal conflict between human pressures (e.g., ORVs) and biological resources (e.g., beach fauna). Although this potential is certainly substantial for sandy shores used by ORVs, the actual ecological impacts on the intertidal fauna can only be predicted in situations where the responses (e.g., direct mortality, behavioral changes) of individual species to beach traffic are known.  相似文献   

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