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综合2008中国国际物流会议在南京举行2008年11月1 9日,由中国国际贸易促进委员会、中国国际人才交流基金会和美国运输与物流协会(AST&L)联合主办的中国国际物流会议在南京国际博览中心开幕。来自美国、加拿大和欧洲国家的近100名外宾和300余名国内嘉宾  相似文献   

王毅 《综合运输》2006,(12):63-63
记者日前从中国贸促会获悉,中美物流展览和会议将于2007年7月在北京举行。本次展览会由中国贸促会(CCPIT)与中国交通运输协会(CCTA)、美国国家工业运输联盟(NITL)和美国运输与物流协会(AST&L)联合主办,时间为2007年7月18—20日,地点在北京市中国国际展览中心。展览会将分为中美物流论坛和展览两个部分,其中,展览部分将集中展示现代物流技术、产品及服务,包括:交通运输设备、港口及仓储设施、物流服务、物流自动化技术、运输系统等,总展览会面积为8000平方米,约有中美150多家物流行业的企业参展,预计将有超过1万名专业观众参观。  相似文献   

受地理位置、政策导向、经营理念、市场意识的制约,内陆的大多物流企业还停留在传统运输、仓储的思维模式中,而积极筹建"合肥物流中心"的安徽迅捷物流有限公司(以下简称"迅捷物流")似乎是一个例外.  相似文献   

企业理念 山东海丰国际航运集团是一家多元化、现代化、国际化的综合性航运集团,拥有海、陆、空、码头几大业务体系.经营范围涉及集装箱班轮运输、散货运输、沿海内贸内支运输、船东、船舶管理、船舶经纪、综合物流、仓储、报关、车队、船舶代理、空运快递、码头等广泛领域.40多条航线及网络覆盖中国、日本、韩国、台湾、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、越南等地区,为客户提供门到门的全程国际物流服务,是中国最大的国际物流企业之一.在全国乃至东南亚地区,海丰打造了由58家分支机构组成的综合物流服务网络,服务覆盖100多个城市和地区.  相似文献   

<正>"物流行业的迅猛发展,给移动仓储建筑的发展带来大好机遇。劳斯伯格凭借其智能化仓储解决方案优势,加速了在中国物流行业中的布局。"还在为临时出现的物流仓储瓶颈而苦恼吗?还在为因业务扩大想要拓展仓储空间而发愁吗?还在为计划在更多区域建立物流仓储基地而烦恼吗?针对上述物流仓储方面的问题,劳斯伯格推出的移动物流仓储建筑系统就能解决——其移动物流仓储材质牢固可靠,仓储面积可以灵活改变,可以满足短期、中期和长期的不同使用需求。而最为关键的一点是,劳斯伯格的智能化仓储  相似文献   

<正>日前,国务院发布《关于积极推进"互联网+"行动指导意见》,"互联网+"高效物流行动提出,鼓励大数据、云计算在物流领域的应用,建设智能仓储体系,优化物流运作流程,提升物流仓储的自动化、智能化水平和运转效率,降低物流成本。进入7月,福建省很多物流企业负责人将明显感到生意比以前好做了,这要得益于刚刚启动的福建省交通物流交易平台。在这个名副其实的"货运信息超市"上,全省物流企业可通过互联网实现车  相似文献   

10月15日,记者从中国国际贸易促进委员会得到消息,2008中国国际物流会议将于11月19日至20日在南京国际博览中心举行,会议由中国国际贸易促进委员会、中国国际人才交流基金会、美国运输与物流协会联合主办.  相似文献   

1.国务院发布《关于深化流通体制改革加快流通产业发展的意见》,提出大力发展第三方物流,促进企业内部物流社会化。2.财政部、国家税务总局联合发文,对物流企业大宗商品仓储设施用地,减按所属土地等级适用税额标准的50%计征城镇土地使用税。3.在营业税改征增值税试点地区,"交通运输业"税负增加较多。李克强副总  相似文献   

"美国仓储教育研究会(WERC)已经成立了31年,每年一次大会,每次大会都有二、三十个分会场,都会提出很多新的议题,且有一千多人参加.尽管目前美国人均仓库面积已达20平米,每年还在继续增加."中国仓储协会会长沈绍基说.  相似文献   

11月16~18日,由厦门市人民政府、民建福建省委员会、中国国际物流网络联盟、台湾全球运筹发展协会和福建省物流协会联合主办,厦门市发展现代物流产业协调小组办公室和海西物流杂志社共同承办的"2012海峡物流节"在厦门举办。全国人大常委会副委员长、民建中央主席陈昌智专门发来贺信。物流节活动异彩纷呈据悉,这是在连续成功举办五届"海峡物流论坛"、三届"海峡两岸物流与供应链博览会"、两届"全球(厦门)物流与货运峰会暨一对一国际物流货代洽谈会"的基础上,经商务部  相似文献   

This paper considers a vehicle dispatching problem with competition. For Poisson arrival processes, three dispatching policies are considered, (i) a C-policy, consisting in sending a vehicle as soon as it is filled to capacity C, (ii) a T-policy, assuming an infinite capacity and consisting in sending a vehicle every T periods and (iii) a (T, C)-policy consisting in sending a vehicle every T periods or whenever it is filled to capacity C, whichever comes first. Two firm models with cooperating and non-cooperating solution modes are resolved and results summarized in a table. Applications and examples are resolved for demonstration purposes.  相似文献   

The rationale for congestion charges is that by internalising the marginal external congestion cost, they restore efficiency in the transport market. In the canonical model underlying this view, congestion is a static phenomenon, users are taken to be homogenous, there is no travel time risk, and a highly stylised model of congestion is used. The simple analysis also ignores that real pricing schemes are only rough approximations to ideal systems and that inefficiencies in related markets potentially affect the case for congestion charges. The canonical model tends to understate the marginal external congestion cost because it ignores user heterogeneity and trip timing inefficiencies. With respect to the relevance of interactions between congestion and congestion charges and tax distortions and distributional concerns, recent insights point out that there is no general case for modifying charges for such interactions. Therefore the simple Pigouvian rule remains a good first approximation for the design of road charging systems.  相似文献   

Trevor Grigg 《运输评论》2013,33(4):351-362
Urban public transport has had broad political appeal and escalating financial support since the late 1960s. The preference has been for public ownership and operation of services with only limited private sector involvement in the provision of services in a highly regulated environment. The financial standing of public transport coupled with the likelihood of a sustained period of fiscal restraint, perhaps even a decline in available resources, has created an imperative for change. This paper argues that broad‐based acknowledgment of the financial realities, clear definition of quantifiable objectives and increased authority and control for public transport management is required if public transport agencies are to meet the challenge. A new balance between service, ridership and revenue is required. Managing with declining resources will require a financial planning approach, separation of policy and planning from operations, removal of restrictions on user choice and operator competition and increased involvement of the private sector. Substantial changes in internal organization, procedures and structures and a cost‐effectiveness orientation will be necessary.  相似文献   

Waterproofing of tunnels is and has always been a challenge, worldwide: Changing Geology with hardly predictable water inflow, limited space underground and only very little intervention opportunities once the tunnel is completed. This paper elaborates such challenges and focuses on the waterproofing solutions of mined tunnels with membranes. Different standards and approaches for the waterproofing system. In Singapore, a membrane waterproofing system is used for the shafts and adits at Senoko Cable Tunnel. The paper project specific waterproofing challenges and emphasizes on solution for them.  相似文献   

Demand responsive bus operation generally requires some type of manual dispatching. If the volume of traffic is low and few vehicles are in service, the cost of dispatching relative to the total operating costs will be substantial. Consequently, many operators hesitate to introduce a dial-a-ride system.In a joint project between Gothenburg Transport Authority (GS) and Volvo, the latter has designed a device to be fitted to the general telephone system whereby a telephone dial can be used to transmit coded information over the public telephone network to a central recorder. In a dial-a-ride service this device can be used as a robot dispatcher.During a period of 11 weeks in 1976 this device was tested in practical operation in the northeastern part of Gothenburg, the second largest city of Sweden. During the same period a prototype Volvo vehicle for low volume demand was also tested in this dial-a-ride service.During this experiment it appeared that customers easily adjusted to the new procedure of getting their bus. These promising results have led GS to continue the development of this system for large scale operation.At the time of the experiment in Gothenburg, Mr. Elmberg was the director of planning of the Gothenburg Transport Authority.  相似文献   

一般谈到企业,就会说到经营管理.经营、管理似乎是相互渗透水乳交融的,分不清谁是谁,也看不到二者有什么区别.在日本就把管理学称为经营学.但实际上,这两个概念完全不同.经营是经纪、营运,主要与产品和市场关联;管理是管人、理事,主要与人员和事物相关联.经营主外,以业务、市场为导向,经常在变化;管理主内,以人财、事务为对象,相对较稳定.经营解决的是方向、战略、策略、效益问题;管理解决的是秩序、方法、动力、效率问题.经营的任务是抓住当前、图求生存,管理的使命是挑战未来、谋划发展.  相似文献   

按Q值进行围岩分级的工程实践   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
文章介绍了拉平水工隧洞施工中按Q值进行围岩分级和拟定支护措施的方法,可为今后的类似工程提供参考.  相似文献   

In a platoon, vehicles travel one after another with small intervehicle distances; trailing vehicles in a platoon save fuel because they experience less aerodynamic drag. This work presents a coordinated platooning model with multiple speed options that integrates scheduling, routing, speed selection, and platoon formation/dissolution in a mixed-integer linear program that minimizes the total fuel consumed by a set of vehicles while traveling between their respective origins and destinations. The performance of this model is numerically tested on a grid network and the Chicago-area highway network. We find that the fuel-savings factor of a multivehicle system significantly depends on the time each vehicle is allowed to stay in the network; this time affects vehicles’ available speed choices, possible routes, and the amount of time for coordinating platoon formation. For problem instances with a large number of vehicles, we propose and test a heuristic decomposed approach that applies a clustering algorithm to partition the set of vehicles and then routes each group separately. When the set of vehicles is large and the available computational time is small, the decomposed approach finds significantly better solutions than does the full model.  相似文献   

Schedule-based or headway-based control schemes to reduce bus bunching are not resilient because they cannot prevent buses from losing ground to the buses they follow when disruptions increase the gaps separating them beyond a critical value. (Following buses are then overwhelmed with passengers and cannot process their work quick enough to catch up.) This critical gap problem can be avoided, however, if buses at the leading end of such gaps are given information to cooperate with the ones behind by slowing down.This paper builds on this idea. It proposes an adaptive control scheme that adjusts a bus cruising speed in real-time based on both, its front and rear spacings much as if successive bus pairs were connected by springs. The scheme is shown to yield regular headways with faster bus travel than existing control methods. Its simple and decentralized logic automatically compensates for traffic disruptions and inaccurate bus driver actions. Its hardware and data requirements are minimal.  相似文献   

赵志江 《现代隧道技术》2011,48(3):136-139,143
文章介绍了在确保上方高速公路地面交通正常通行的情况下,超宽断面、埋深仅为0.5~2.5m的超浅埋平顶直墙下穿隧道工程采用管棚超前支护,结合小导管注浆加固地层、多导洞施工方案和微台阶开挖法来达到控制地表沉降和保证施工安全的"浅埋暗挖法"施工技术。  相似文献   

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