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膜生物反应器(MBR)处理船舶含油废水在工程中得到了广泛的应用,为了研究膜生物反应器运行参数对处理船舶含油餐饮废水的影响,通过生产油脂产生的废水模拟船舶含油废水的水质特性,搭建小型膜生物反应器陆上试验系统,用光谱仪等仪器测量化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD)及氨氮等参数。研究膜生物反应器的水力停留时间(HRT)、COD和BOD及氨氮、膜压力、污泥浓度等指标之间的关系。系统稳定运行了70天。研究结果表明:膜生物反应器对油脂废水中COD、油、总碳(TOC)和BOD的去除率达80%以上,对氨氮的去除率达50%以上;油对膜的污染有较大影响。  相似文献   

港口化学品废水中含有大量难降解有机物,具有污染浓度高、处理难度大的特点,是当今港口环境保护亟需解决的问题。本文结合国内外近期研究成果,对含高浓度有机物的港口化学品废水的控制对策进行了分析。通过制备一系列铜(铁)与铈(镧)复合氧化物负载型催化剂并应用于微波强化催化湿式过氧化氢氧化技术(CWPO)中,实现对港口化学品废水中难降解有机物的高效处理,为研制出高效处理港口化学品废水的工艺系统探索了技术可行性。  相似文献   

高含盐石化废水生化处理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏世斌 《中国水运》2006,6(7):93-94
简述了石化有机废水生化处理过程中高浓度含盐量对微生物的抑制作用以及嗜盐菌的特性,分析了国内外含盐石化废水生化处理的主要工艺如活性污泥法(ASP)、生物膜法(BF)、序批式生物反应器(SBR)、生物接触氧化法以及膜生物反应器(MBR)等工艺的研究进展,表明好氧膜生物反应器(MBR)工艺可为解决高含盐石化废水的治理提供一条经济有效的新途径。  相似文献   

李国一 《水道港口》2007,28(4):282-285
对港口化学品废水处理技术路线、港口化学品废水接收系统、预处理系统、生化处理系统以及深度处理系统常用工艺进行了综述。简介了国内港口化学品废水的来源、特点以及国内主要港口已建成的含油废水处理系统的处理工艺、运行效果,对现有处理系统的缺陷进行了深入的分析,提出了相应的改进措施并展望了未来发展方向。  相似文献   

采用混凝沉淀-厌氧/好氧组合工艺处理港口含油废水。选用聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)作为混凝剂;通过响应面法选择了最优工艺参数:pH 8.0, PAFC投加量100 mg/L沉降时间40 min;出水进入厌氧/好氧生化处理系统(A/O)。港口含油污水经过A池后,BOD/COD平均值由初始的0.17升高至0.55,可生化性增加明显。试验结果表明有机容积负荷是A/O反应器运行过程中的重要控制参数;其对A池冲击大,很容易使A池产生酸化现象,甚至导致反应器的崩溃。A池处理试验用港口含油废水的最佳有机负荷应为1.0~2.0 kgCOD/(m~3·d)。当进水水质变化时,可通过调节水力停留时间及回流比等达到反应器有效调控的目的。  相似文献   

罗春艳 《中国海事》2009,(10):76-76
目前,广东海事局会同有关科研院校,开发的适合我国港口、码头处理化学品废水的新工艺“好氧+厌氧生物处理和臭氧氧化+曝气生物滤池深度处理工艺”,已在广州粤海小虎岛石化码头、珠海恒基达鑫化工码头等化工废水处理工程项目中成功运用。该工艺使企业处理有毒有害物质废水成本大大降低,每吨废水只需要5~10元,仅为目前处理方式成本的1/200。  相似文献   

针对船舶厨房灰水的水量及水质特性,采用生化技术和膜分离技术相结合的MBR工艺,设计、研制了膜生物反应器。通过处理船舶厨房产生的灰水,出水水质能够达到MEPC.159(55)规定的排放指标。  相似文献   

港口化学品废水处理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在化学工业生产中,液体化学品的生产约占60%以上,液体化学品的运输方式以船运散装为主,港口化学品废水来源于液货船装卸作业过程中产生的压载水和洗舱水,水中污染物使卸货扫舱后的残余物,如不有效处理,将对港口水域环境产生极大危害。  相似文献   

王俊  苗青 《水道港口》2023,(5):828-836
近年来长江干线建设了多座化学品洗舱站,洗舱产生的洗舱废水成分复杂,COD浓度高,水量波动大,处理难度高,选择合适的处理工艺处理洗舱水,并使其达标排放,对实现绿色港口具有重要意义。文章以长江中下游某洗舱站为例,根据化学品的有机物COD当量、化学品残留量、洗舱水量计算不同化学品洗舱水的COD浓度,并根据化学品的物理化学性质对洗舱水合理分类,选取隔油气浮、芬顿氧化、汽提等预处理工艺对各类洗舱水分别预处理后再混合进入后续的生化处理单元,最终出水达到园区污水处理厂的接管标准。  相似文献   

以白洋淀污染鱼塘水体为研究对象,开展了磁混凝-磁分离+生态塘、磁混凝-磁分离+芦苇湿地、生物超深净化处理系统、磁混凝-磁分离+生物超深净化处理系统+芦苇湿地4种异位水质提升工艺的工程化试验研究。结果表明,磁混凝-磁分离工艺对污染塘水的COD、TP去除率分别为42.7%、88.66%;生物超深净化处理系统对污染塘水的COD、TP去除率分别为60.50%、95.59%,处理后水质主要指标均可达到地表水环境质量Ⅲ类水质标准;磁混凝-磁分离+生物超深净化处理系统对污染塘水的COD、TP去除率分别为62.96%、94.07%,与生物超深净化系统单独运行相比,生物深度净化系统可进一步降解磁混凝-磁分离工艺出水中污染物,但最终出水与生物系统单独运行相比不具优势;芦苇湿地对设备出水水质具有一定改善作用,对整套处理系统出水的COD、TP的去除率分别约为16.08%和33.1%。  相似文献   

邵晓华  陈清 《船舶工程》2019,41(4):125-127
从MBR膜的微观结构特点、膜过滤的形式、船舶污水处理的环境条件及操作工况等方面对MBR膜开展研究。针对这些特点和膜在船舶生活污水处理中的应用,研究了膜污染控制和恢复的应对措施,为MBR在船舶生活污水处理中的应用,指明了重点研究方向。  相似文献   

蔡军  黄荣富  陈勇 《船海工程》2007,36(6):110-112
结合船舶生活污水及现行处理工艺状况,介绍膜生物技术处理船舶生活污水的应用,分析膜生物技术处理船舶生活污水的效果、特点及其改进措施。  相似文献   

废水排放监测系统开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施废水排放自动监测,可以实现对排放点水质的实时连续监测和远程监控,及时掌握主要排放点的水质状况、预警预报水质超标情况。废水排放在线自动监测运用现代传感器技术、自动测量技术、自动控制技术、先进的在线自动分析仪器、计算机应用技术以及专用软件和通信网络组成一个综合性的系统。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effectiveness of apatite mineral in removing different contaminants from low quality water in the industrial city of abha,Asir region,southwestern of Saudi Arabia two phosphatic clay dominated by apatite mineral were selected.In situ remediation experiment proved that apatite mineral has the highest affinity for Pb and removed more than 94% from initial Pb concentration.The rest of contaminants followed the descending order of:Zn>Mn>Cu>Co>Ni.The sorption of Pb,Zn and Mn onto apatite mineral was well characterized by the Langmuir model.Ternary-metal addition induced competitive sorption among the three metals,with the interfering effect of Pb>Zn>Mn.During metal retention by apatite mineral calcium and phosphate were determined in equilibrium solution.Calcium increased and phosphate decreased with increasing metal disappearance.The greatest increase of calcium and the largest phosphate reduction were found with Pb+2 sorption. This is suggested that Pb+2 retention by apatite was through the dissolution of apatite which mean release of Ca and P into solution and formation of pyromorphite(lead phosphate)as consuming of P.Obtained results suggested that there are two general mechanisms for the ability of apatite mineral to take up Pb2+,Zn+2 and Mn+2.The first is (ion-ion exchange mechanism)concerned with adsorption of ions on the solid surface followed by their diffusion into apatite mineral and the release of cations originally contained within apatite.The second is (dissolution- precipitation mechanism)concerned to the dissolution of apatite in the aqueous solution containing Pb2+,Zn+2 and Mn+2 followed by the precipitation or coprecipitation.Pb+2 desorption responding to solution pH may indicate that not all the Pb+2 was chemisorbed and fraction of Pb+2 was weakly adsorbed or complexed on the surface of apatite mineral.  相似文献   

Two major environmental problems currently affecting the Louisiana coastal zone are a high rate of wetland loss and high levels of surface water pollution. The application of secondarily treated wastewater to wetlands can be a means of dealing with both of these problems. The benefits of wetland wastewater treatment include improved surface water quality, increased accretion rates to balance a high relative water level rise due mainly to subsidence, improved plant productivity and habitat quality, and decreased capital outlays for conventional engineering treatment systems. Wetland treatment systems can, therefore, be designed and operated to restore deteriorating wetlands. Hydrologically altered wetlands, which are common in the Louisiana coastal zone, are appropriate for receiving municipal and some types of industrial effluent. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined wetland wastewater treatment is effective in treating municipal effluent, it has discouraged the use of natural wetlands for this purpose. At the same time, funds are being used for the construction of artificial wetlands to treat municipal effluent. In the Louisiana coastal zone, however, wetlands are deteriorating and disappearing due to hydrological alteration and a high rate of relative sea level rise. If no action is taken, these trends will continue. Effluent discharge to existing wetlands should be incorporated into a comprehensive management plan designed to increase sediment and nutrient input into subsiding wetlands in the Louisiana coastal zone, improve water quality, and result in more economical waste‐water treatment. The authors believe that the Louisiana example serves as a model for other coastal areas especially in light of projections of accelerated sea level rise.  相似文献   

Recently, Morabito (2010) has studied the water spray phenomena in planing hulls and presented new analytical equations. However, these equations have not been used for detailed parametric studies of water spray around planing hulls. In this paper, a straight forward analysis is conducted to apply these analytical equations for finding the spray geometry profile by developing a computer program based on presented computational process. The obtained results of the developed computer program are compared against existing data in the literature and favorable accuracy is achieved. Parametric studies have been conducted for different physical parameters. Positions of spray apex are computed and three dimensional profiles of spray are examined. It is concluded that spray height increases by an increase in the speed coefficient or the deadrise angle. Ultimately, a computational process is added to Savitsky's method and variations of spray apex are computed for different velocities. It is shown that vertical, lateral, and longitudinal positions of spray increase as the craft speed increases. On the other hand, two new angles are defined in top view and it is concluded that they have direct relation with the trim angle. However, they show inverse relation with the deadrise angle.  相似文献   

构建资源节约型、环境友好型的现代化港口,是我国沿海港口在新时期重要发展理念。以优化广州港水生态环境为指向,通过对广州港污水处理设施现状分析,以及未来港口产生的船舶污水量的预测,提出适宜广州港的船舶污水收集及处理方案。  相似文献   

王震  李刚 《水道港口》2011,32(6):440-444
针对高浓度洗煤废水的水质特征,对各类常用絮凝剂进行了筛选,优化了絮凝反应处理条件.最终确定Al2(SO4)3和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为最佳絮凝剂组合,投加量分别控制在50 g/m3和0.5 g/m3条件下,SS去除率可达到99.43%,出水SS浓度为30.3 mg/L,可以满足洗煤工艺回用水水质要求(SS浓度≤300 m...  相似文献   

海运、河运增长迅速,船舶污水处理日益受到广泛关注。本文以海洋船舶为主要研究对象,综述了海洋船舶污水的类型、水质特征、处理技术研究和应用进展,并展望了海洋船舶污水处理的膜生物反应器研究与应用方向。海洋船舶污水主要指压舱水以外的船舶污水,主要包括船舶生活污水和含油污水。海洋船舶生活污水的水质、水量随乘员变化较大,呈现污染物浓度高、变化大等特征,其中黑水污染物浓度BOD5991~5840 mg/L,SS 1180~4980 mg/L;含油污水成分复杂,乳化程度高,舱底水中含油量可达50000 mg/L。虽然海洋船舶污水排放标准随海域变化较大,但日益严格,这导致船舶污水处理对空间、运行维护的要求高,因此,膜生物反应器成为海洋船舶生活污水处理研究与应用的主流技术。  相似文献   

文章以船坞排放废水的处理装置为研究对象,针对传统废水处理装置能耗较大,以及废水中排放的废气可能会造成二次污染等问题.从船坞废水处理要求的设计指标出发,基于现有科学技术的处理方法和优化资源成本等要求,利用Microsoft Visio设计出一种结构性能好,技术要求低,操作简单且成本低的船坞废水处理装置,结果表明,这种装置...  相似文献   

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