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在城市轨道交通近期建设规划工作中,需要对重点枢纽或片区近期所需的轨道交通线路和车站数量开展研究并决策线路是否纳入近期建设,为此有必要对城市轨道交通车站客流的合理承载力进行研究。本文首先研究全国已运营的客流量排名靠前的换乘枢纽车站以及已经达到饱和状态而采取限流措施的非换乘车站的实际客流数据,给出各类车站实际运营的承载能力,分析乘客进站各个步骤的理论通行能力以及限制车站客流承载力的瓶颈点。据此提出非换乘站和换乘车站合理的客流承载力的建议值,并提出提升车站客流承载力的建议措施。  相似文献   

沙坪坝综合交通枢纽是基于"站城融合"理念打造的新一代综合交通枢纽,其规划建设既要创造高效便捷的集疏运条件,又要避免城市功能吸引产生的大量客流加剧交通拥堵。本文着重从枢纽内部交通场站规模与换乘客流的匹配角度出发,分析了枢纽内城市道路交通场站的规模,并根据枢纽周边交通环境设计了接送客交通流线,以保证与枢纽配套的集疏运体系高效、便捷、顺畅。  相似文献   

李霖 《运输经理世界》2023,(35):160-162
广深高铁新通道是粤港澳大湾区内联外通的重要高速铁路通道,其兼顾路网中长途客流和城际客流的服务功能。在分析东莞枢纽现状以及规划铁路与总体布局之间存在问题的基础上,结合城市空间规划、轨道交通规划和枢纽客运量特点,从吸引客流、联络线设置、综合开发、工程投资等方面,研究广深高铁新通道引入东莞枢纽新客站的选址方案,通过对便捷出行和综合开发优越性等方面进行分析,最终推荐在水濂山设站。东莞中心站站址的合理确定,对于便利居民出行、打造高效换乘的综合交通枢纽、稳定枢纽轨道交通布局具有参考意义。  相似文献   

随着全国各大城市轨道交通加速成网,快速增长的客流带来了换乘车站换乘通道内客流疏散不及时、行人换乘效率和安全性降低以及车站服务水平下降等问题。通过分析列车运输能力、车站运营设施通过能力,建立列车输送与车站运营设施(站台、通道)的能力匹配关系。基于客流需求,研究城市轨道交通换乘站"人—车—站"的动态平衡条件。以重庆市轨道交通两路口站为例,依据列车开行方案、上下行楼扶梯设置、站台设置、以及相关客流数据等调研资料,通过计算、比较分析提出基于远期客流需求下,两路口站站台层换乘设施及站台的合理优化建议,为车站运营服务水平的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

综合客运枢纽是指交通运输网络上两种(或两种以上)运输方式衔接换乘的大型客运枢纽,它是城市内外客流集散中心和要素汇集中心,对城市空间结构布局和经济社会发展均具有重要影响。综合客运枢纽的主要功能包括集散、换乘、停车、引导和直通等,其服务质量可通过乘客的满意程度来衡量。随着经济社会发展,乘客对综合客运枢纽服务水平的要求日益提高,评价标准也将随之变化。因此,本研究通过对综合客运枢纽服务功能评价的研究现状进行系统性梳理,总结现有量化指标体系并分析其存在的问题,进而对广东省综合客运枢纽的发展提出了针对性建议。  相似文献   

上海轨道交通人民广场换乘枢纽研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过上海轨道交通人民广场换乘枢纽的总体规划布局与空间关系等方面的研究与设计,分析换乘枢纽的换乘形式与规模,提出合理、便捷、通畅的交通换乘方案,从而体现了轨道交通换乘枢纽前期规划与项目实施性研究的重要性。  相似文献   

刘善维  张杨 《综合运输》2021,(1):82-86,109
本文以"节点+同台+站厅"为换乘方式的"F"型三线换乘站、以"节点+通道+站厅"为换乘方式的"H"型三线换乘站、以"站厅+通道"为换乘方式的"H"型三线换乘站为研究对象,应用AnyLogic软件进行动态仿真,以空间服务水平、平均换乘距离、平均换乘时间等指标,分析不同站型、不同换乘方式的三线换乘效果。结果表明,"F"型空间服务水平优于"H"型车站,但后者的平均换乘时间、平均换乘距离普遍优于前者。对于"H"型车站,以"节点+通道+站厅"的组合,乘客的换乘时间、换乘距离均优于"站厅+通道"的组合。但因后者客流较为分散,中部站厅用于换乘的楼扶梯端部或换乘通道出入口不易发生拥堵,空间服务水平优于前者。  相似文献   

为了找出影响高铁枢纽换乘效率关键因素,科学合理高铁枢纽布局,提出一种基于AHPDEMATEL组合评价方法。以高铁枢纽为评价对象,通过构建具有层次结构的评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)确定指标初始权重,决策与试验评价实验室法(DEMATEL)求得各评价指标影响度、被影响度、中心度,从而确定各指标综合影响度。研究结果表明:其他交通衔接性、通道便捷性、设施供给度、枢纽组织有序度、停车场供需比、平均换乘时间、平均换乘距离、单位时间换乘量、绕行系数是影响高铁枢纽换乘效率的关键因素。  相似文献   

目前,上海地铁使用的是“6车厢”列车。在客流高峰时段,虽然增加发车频率,仍然满足不了乘客出行需求,特别是在客流量高的车站和多线换乘枢纽,运能不足的矛盾日趋突出。  相似文献   

为了对城市客运换乘枢纽服务水平进行有效的评价,找出其在运行过程中存在的问题并予以解决,建立了城市客运枢纽换乘服务水平评价体系,并利用数据包络分析(DEA)方法进行了有效分析;选取西安市地铁2号线北大街、小寨、钟楼等三个典型枢纽进行了实例分析。结果表明:DEA方法可以有效地应用于城市客运枢纽换乘服务水平评价中,并且为提升换乘枢纽服务水平提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Auxiliary lanes connecting freeway entrance and exit ramps provide additional space for entering and exiting vehicles to change lanes. The method of dropping auxiliary lanes is critical in the design of freeway auxiliary lanes. This study investigates the performance of different methods of dropping auxiliary lanes. Case studies were conducted at two selected freeway segments with successive entrance or exit ramps in the City of Houston. Traffic simulation analysis results of these two case studies show that additional operational benefits can be achieved by extending an auxiliary lane beyond the freeway weaving segment. The study also found that if the weaving segment is followed by an entrance/exit ramp and this ramp has high traffic volume, it can be less operationally favorable to extend and terminate the auxiliary lane at this entrance/exit ramp location. Instead, dropping the auxiliary lane before this entrance/exit ramp represents a more operationally effective option.  相似文献   

The model developed in this paper generalizes (in the context of multiple exit states from a duration spell) extant competing risk methods which tie the exit state of duration very tightly with the length of duration. In the current formulation, the exit state is modeled explicitly and jointly with duration models for each potential exit state. The model developed here, however, is much broader in its applicability than only to the competing risk situation; it is applicable to multiple durations arising from multiple entrance states, multiple exit states, or a combination of entrance and exit states. Multiple entrance states occur frequently in many situations, but have received little attention in the literature. Explicit consideration of the entrance state is important, even in single or multiple competing risk models in order to accommodate the sample selection in duration based on the no-entry/entry (to the duration spell) outcome. The generalized multiple durations model developed in the paper is applied to an empirical analysis of activity behavior during the return home from work.  相似文献   

Previous research has combined automated fare-collection (AFC) and automated vehicle-location (AVL) data to infer the times and locations of passenger origins, interchanges (transfers), and destinations on multimodal transit networks. The resultant origin–interchange–destination flows (and the origin–destination (OD) matrices that comprise those flows), however, represent only a sample of total ridership, as they contain only those journeys made using the AFC payment method that have been successfully recorded or inferred. This paper presents a method for scaling passenger-journey flows (i.e., linked-trip flows) using additional information from passenger counts at each station gate and bus farebox, thereby estimating the flows of non-AFC passengers and of AFC passengers whose journeys were not successfully inferred.The proposed method is applied to a hypothetical test network and to AFC and AVL data from London’s multimodal public transit network. Because London requires AFC transactions upon both entry and exit for rail trips, a rail-only OD matrix is extracted from the estimated multimodal linked-trip flows, and is compared to a rail OD matrix generated using the iterative proportional fitting method.  相似文献   

多路互通式立体交叉的产生有其必然条件,文章在总结三路和四路立交形式的基础上,提出了五路和六路立体交叉的几种可能形式,并重点讨论了多路互通式立交布设时如何选择主线跨越方式、立交出口形式和左转匝道的类型。  相似文献   

Transit oriented development (TOD) has been an important topic for urban transportation planning research and practice. This paper is aimed at empirically examining the effect of rail transit station-based TOD on daily station passenger volume. Using integrated circuit (IC) card data on metro passenger volumes and cellular signaling data on the spatial distribution of human activities in Shanghai, the research identifies variations in ridership among rail transit stations. Then, regression analysis is performed using passenger volume in each station as the dependent variable. Explanatory variables include station area employment and population, residents’ commuting distances, metro network accessibility, status as interchange station, and coupling with commercial activity centers. The main findings are: (1) Passenger volume is positively associated with employment density and residents’ commuting distance around station; (2) stations with earlier opening dates and serving as transfer nodes tend to have positive association with passenger volumes; (3) metro stations better integrated with nearby commercial development tend to have larger passenger volumes. Several implications are drawn for TOD planning: (1) TOD planning should be integrated with rail transit network planning; (2) location of metro stations should be coupled with commercial development; (3) high employment densities should be especially encouraged as a key TOD feature; and (4) interchange stations should be more strategically positioned in the planning for rail transit network.  相似文献   

上海数百个地铁车站出入口对方便乘客进出站及城市景观和谐产生了不容忽视的影响。通过对上海地铁车站独立出入口形式变化的分析与思考,寻找出其演变的规律,并提出一种能够兼顾有盖式与开敞式优点的敞篷式出入口方案,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

高速公路监控系统主要用于实时监控收费站各收费车道、收费亭、出入口广场的收费情况。文章分析了当前高速公路集中监控系统设备运行维护存在的主要问题,提出了针对性的解决措施及建议,为进一步完善高速公路监控系统维护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Cross‐border passengers from Hong Kong to Shenzhen by the east Kowloon‐Canton Railway (KCR) through the Lo Wu customs exceed nearly 200 thousand on a special day such as a day during the Chinese Spring Festival. Such heavy passenger demand often exceeds the processing and holding capacity of the Lo Wu customs for many hours a day. Thus, passengers must be metered off at all entrance stations along the KCR line through ticket rationing to restrain the number of passengers waiting at Lo Wu within its safe holding capacity. This paper proposes an optimal control strategy and model to deal with this passenger crowding and control problem. Because the maximum passenger checkout rate at Lo Wu is fixed, total passenger waiting time is not affected by the control strategy for given time‐dependent arriving rates at each station. An equity‐based control strategy is thus proposed to equalize the waiting times of passengers arriving at all stations at the same time. This equity is achieved through optimal allocation of the total quota of tickets to all entrance stations for each train service. The total ticket quota for each train service is determined such that the capacity constraint of the passenger queue at Lo Wu is satisfied. The control problem is formulated as a successive linear programming problem and demonstrated for the KCR system with partially simulated data.  相似文献   

A nonlinear model for unidirectional flow of heavy traffic on a two-lane highway is considered. Features such as entrance, exit and lane transfer with time-dependent parameters are incorporated into the model, with the result that a number of previous models employed in the study of traffic flow become special cases of ours. Using the method of system-size expansion, an asymptotic analysis of the problem, including the time evolution of both deterministic and stochastic aspects of the traffic system, is carried out. In addition, a scheme for obtaining the moments of the probability distribution for systems of finite size is developed and a comparison is made with the exact results appropriate to a particular model. The agreement between the two sets of results turns out to be remarkably good.  相似文献   

Capturing the dynamics in passenger flow and system utilization over time and space is extremely important for railway operators. Previous studies usually estimated passenger flow using automatic fare collection data, and their applications are limited to a single stopping pattern and/or a single type of ticket. However, the conventional railway in Taiwan provides four types of ticket and five types of train service with a number of stopping patterns. This study develops a comprehensive framework and corresponding algorithms to map passenger flow and evaluate system utilization. A multinomial logit model is constructed and incorporated in the algorithms to estimate passenger train selection behavior. Results from the empirical studies demonstrate that the developed framework and algorithms can successfully match passengers with train services. With this tool, operators can efficiently examine passenger flow and service utilization, thereby quickly adjusting their service strategies accordingly to improve system performance.  相似文献   

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