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现代的汽车设计中,舒适性越来越被重视。对汽车平顺性的要求也越来越高。特别是对客车和货车的舒适性要求逐渐提高,单级扭杆弹簧悬架已很难满足人们对舒适性的要求。这里介绍扭杆弹簧的一种新结构,这种弹簧分为两级,其刚度为变刚度,能有效地提高弹簧的性能。这里还给出了两级扭杆弹簧的设计方法和实例计算。  相似文献   

用于车辆悬挂的弹性元件,有钢板弹簧、螺旋弹簧,扭杆弹簧、空气弹簧以及油汽悬挂等。钢板弹簧的应用,已有近二百年的历史。近几十年来,汽车的行驶速度及其他性能虽都有了很大的提高,但钢板弹簧仍能满足现代化汽车的要求。这是由于它的结构  相似文献   

阐述了应用于汽车悬架上的钢板弹簧、螺旋弹簧、扭杆弹簧、气体弹簧的功用特性、结构特点及应用实例,指出弹性元件在悬架装置中起传递垂直支承力、缓和不平路面经轮胎传给车架的冲击振动幅值和降低频率的作用,保持车辆行驶的稳定性,满足乘坐舒适陛的要求。  相似文献   

王毅 《北京汽车》2002,(3):35-36
轮胎是汽车的重要部件之一,它直接与路面接触,和汽车悬挂共同来缓和汽车行驶时所受到的冲击,保证汽车有良好的乘座舒适性和行驶平顺性;保证车轮和路面有良好的附着性,提高汽车的牵引性、制动性和通过性;承受着汽车的重量,轮胎在汽车上所起的重要作用越来越受到人们的重视.  相似文献   

空气弹簧座椅是一个全新概念的座椅系统,它取消了座椅支撑板和汽车地板之间传统的弹簧悬挂,通过空气弹簧以及辅助系统缓解来自路面的激励。它改变了传统的座椅悬挂系统,可以提高汽车驾驶人员的乘坐舒适性,减轻疲劳,提高行驶安全性,降低行车事故的发生。本文介绍了空气弹簧座椅的物理和力学模型,阐述了空气弹簧座椅系统的关键技术,主要问题及解决方法,并展望了空气弹簧座椅系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   

由多片钢板弹簧组成的汽车悬挂,一般约占汽车自重的5~10%,为了节省能源与减少燃油消耗,促使悬挂系统轻量化和提高乘坐舒适性,国外采用少片断面弹簧,即锥形弹簧的已越来越普遍。例如从1974~1978年的四年间,美国四家汽车公司的大型汽车上采用的少片变断面弹簧从12~58%英国钢铁公司从1967年为福特汽车制造第一套变断面弹簧起,到1976年时已生产了一百多万套。八十年代初另两家弹簧厂也已分别  相似文献   

为提升轻型客车驾驶室的乘坐舒适性,提出了某轻型客车前悬架扭杆弹簧基于遗传算法的优化设计。在优化设计扭杆弹簧最大通用化基础上,建立了扭杆弹簧优化设计的数学模型。应用遗传算法优化相关参数,通过有限元分析对扭杆弹簧模型进行应力校核,最后进行样件试验。试验与仿真结果表明优化扭杆弹簧刚度特性符合设计要求。  相似文献   

通常在汽车上用来连接车身与车轮,或是车架与车桥的所有连接装置和传力装置被统称为悬挂系统。悬挂系统的作用是缓和汽车在不平路面上行驶时产生的冲击,同时吸收车轮跳跃产生的振动以及提供良好的行驶稳定性。悬挂系统的设计最终要达到的目的是良好的驾驶操纵性、稳定性和舒适性,  相似文献   

正为了缓和与衰减摩托车在行驶过程中因道路凹凸不平受到的冲击和振动,保证行车的平顺性与舒适性,有利于提高摩托车的使用寿命和操纵的稳定性,摩托车上均设置有悬挂和减震器装置。减震器作为摩托车的关键部件,由悬架弹簧和阻尼器组成。减震器与整车行驶要求匹配的好坏对整车的驾驶平顺性,操纵稳定性和舒适性等有重要  相似文献   

一直以来,汽车的行驶操控性和舒适性与底盘结构中的悬挂系统息息相关,而悬挂结构的简单与复杂也直接决定着汽车制造成本的高低。麦弗逊式独立悬架是众多悬挂系统中的一种,它以结构简单、成本低廉、舒适性尚可的优点赢得了广泛的市场应用。  相似文献   

扭杆工作角度的确定,对扭杆的使用寿命有很大的影响。通过对驾驶室扭杆翻转机构的运动分析,导出了扭杆的附加扭转角△ψ,通过对△ψ的控制中以调节驾驶室翻起落下的轻便性及扭杆的最大扭转角度,以LZ1101M车的驾驶室扭杆翻转机构为例,阐述了附加扭转角在设计中的实际应用。  相似文献   

基于悬架扭杆弹簧,设计了双联偏置扭杆弹簧助力机构,解决了特种车辆大型渡板的翻转助力问题.在选择机构参数过程中,运用了优化设计方法,编写了优化计算程序.计算和实车试验结果均表明,在助力机构的作用下,单人可完成翻转大型渡板的工作.  相似文献   

李根 《上海汽车》2021,(2):55-59
以汽车变截面悬架稳定杆为研究对象,基于卡氏定理推导了该类型悬架稳定杆扭转刚度计算公式,并与CAE仿真分析结果进行对比,结果表明两者吻合良好.基于文中推导的扭转刚度计算方法,以某型实际车辆稳定杆为例,分析并研究了空间安装角、过渡区圆角半径、中间部位杆径及长度对扭转刚度的影响规律.最后结合实际底盘调试工作,提出了一种可快速...  相似文献   

针对某车型扭杆式双横臂独立悬架前轮距加宽的要求,提出了改型设计的几种方案,并根据轮距和定位参数随轮跳变化的曲线趋势确定了最优方案.建立了扭杆式双横臂独立悬架虚拟样机模型,通过对比静态平衡位置时定位参数的理论值与仿真值,验证了模型的准确性.通过分析5种运动特性曲线变化趋势可知,前束角变化最为灵敏,从而可确定上下摆臂各加长40mm、转向器长度不变、转向拉杆每侧加长40mm的方案为最优.  相似文献   

Interaction of vehicle and steering system regarding on-centre handling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For the on-centre handling behaviour of vehicles the steering system is absolutely important. To investigate the interaction of the vehicle and steering system a validated, especially tailored simulation model was developed. Some meaningful vehicle and steering system parameters are altered to show the influence on steering wheel torque, steering feel and understeer. The results underline the importance of an accurate steering system model. Identified measures to improve the centre feel and steering response were a stiffer torsion bar, a higher cornering stiffness or a lower overall steering ratio. The steering response, however, suffers when the centre feel is improved by a higher trail. The steering rack friction reduces mainly the steering response while the steering column friction decreases the centre feel whereas a stiffer torsion bar lessens the understeer tendency.  相似文献   

For the on-centre handling behaviour of vehicles the steering system is absolutely important. To investigate the interaction of the vehicle and steering system a validated, especially tailored simulation model was developed. Some meaningful vehicle and steering system parameters are altered to show the influence on steering wheel torque, steering feel and understeer. The results underline the importance of an accurate steering system model. Identified measures to improve the centre feel and steering response were a stiffer torsion bar, a higher cornering stiffness or a lower overall steering ratio. The steering response, however, suffers when the centre feel is improved by a higher trail. The steering rack friction reduces mainly the steering response while the steering column friction decreases the centre feel whereas a stiffer torsion bar lessens the understeer tendency.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of sport utility/light-duty vehicles has prompted the investigation of active roll management systems to reduce vehicle body roll. To minimize vehicle body roll and improve passenger comfort, one emerging solution is an active torsion bar control system. The validation of automotive safety systems requires analytical evaluation and laboratory testing prior to implementation on an actual vehicle. In this article, a computer simulation tool and accompanying hardware-in-the-loop test environment are presented for active torsion bar systems to study component configurations and performance limits. The numerical simulation illustrates that the hydraulic cylinder extension limits the active torsion system's ability to provide body roll angle reduction under various driving conditions. To compare the control system's time constant and body roll minimization capabilities for different hydraulic valve assemblies and equivalent hose lengths, an experimental test stand was created. For a typical hydraulic pressure and hose diameter, the equivalent hose length was not a key design variable that impacted the system response time. However, the servo-valve offered a quicker transient response and smoother steady-state behavior than the solenoid poppet actuators that may increase occupant safety and comfort.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of sport utility/light-duty vehicles has prompted the investigation of active roll management systems to reduce vehicle body roll. To minimize vehicle body roll and improve passenger comfort, one emerging solution is an active torsion bar control system. The validation of automotive safety systems requires analytical evaluation and laboratory testing prior to implementation on an actual vehicle. In this article, a computer simulation tool and accompanying hardware-in-the-loop test environment are presented for active torsion bar systems to study component configurations and performance limits. The numerical simulation illustrates that the hydraulic cylinder extension limits the active torsion system’s ability to provide body roll angle reduction under various driving conditions. To compare the control system’s time constant and body roll minimization capabilities for different hydraulic valve assemblies and equivalent hose lengths, an experimental test stand was created. For a typical hydraulic pressure and hose diameter, the equivalent hose length was not a key design variable that impacted the system response time. However, the servo-valve offered a quicker transient response and smoother steady-state behavior than the solenoid poppet actuators that may increase occupant safety and comfort.  相似文献   

史春艳 《天津汽车》2010,(12):45-48
文章从阐述扭杆弹簧的安装及受力状态开始,分析扭杆弹簧在行李箱关闭、开启位置及开启过程等工作状态下的受力.总结扭杆计算过程中用到的公式,利用excel文件中强大的数据处理及公式编辑功能实现了行李箱盖扭杆弹簧的受力分析.经过大量对现有行李箱盖及扭杆弹簧的实际测试,得出测量数据与计算数据基本符合,表明excel文件可以应用于行李箱盖弹簧的设计计算.  相似文献   

对某SUV车建立了刚柔耦合整车系统虚拟样机模型,进行了稳态转向特性仿真分析,发现该车具有先不足转向后过多转向的问题,并且中性转向点的侧向加速度值an偏小.通过对悬架刚度、稳定杆刚度的优化设计,解决了该车的过多转向问题,使之具有了适度的不足转向特性,并且使an达到了设计要求.最后对改进前后的方案进行了对比分析及试验验证,说明优化的效果是非常明显的.  相似文献   

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