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以青岛港自动化集装箱码头智能闸口项目为例,针对自动化集装箱码头业务流程、逻辑校验、信息备案以及口岸单位监管的需求,提出集装箱、集装箱卡车、集装箱卡车司机等信息确保准确性、实时性和完整性的要求。青岛港自动化集装箱码头从智能闸口的平面布局、业务流程和信息采集等方面进行研究和设计,采用当前成熟的硬件设备和信息处理系统,形成智能闸口信息采集系统的解决方案,设计高效、准确的智能化集装箱闸口系统,为自动化集装箱码头智能闸口的设计和建设提供了理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

自动化集装箱码头与传统人工集装箱码头有本质区别,表面看是自动化的设备取代了人工驾驶设备,实质是业务流程的自动化和生产调度的自动化。山东港口集团青岛港自动化码头在效率提升方面进行了积极的探索和深入的研究,并取得了一定的效果自动化集装箱码头与传统人工集装箱码头有本质区别,表面看是自动化的设备取代了人工驾驶设备,实质是业务流程的自动化和生产调度的自动化。  相似文献   

自动化集装箱码头辅助工艺流程具有自动化程度低、安全风险高的特点,是自动化集装箱码头生产作业的薄弱环节,合理设计辅助工艺流程对提高作业效率和安全生产具有重要意义。结合广州南沙四期自动化集装箱码头和钦州大榄坪自动化集装箱码头建设案例,对比两者辅助工艺的异同,并针对重点环节进行论述。工程建设实践表明,自动化集装箱码头辅助工艺须结合总体布局、工艺设备和配套基础设施等进行设计。  相似文献   

舒开连  李彬 《水运工程》2022,(10):59-62
针对现有高程设计方法因码头和陆域高程设计标准偏低、堆场高程设计的抗涝能力偏低而无法适应设备价值高、堆存货物价值高的自动化集装箱码头的问题,通过分析自动化水平运输设备和集装箱货物的特点,总结现有高程设计方法考虑的因素和应用在自动化集装箱码头时需要优化的方向,提出适用于自动化集装箱码头的高程系统优化设计方法,经实际案例验证可有效提高码头和陆域防洪标准及堆场抗涝能力,同时可减少疏浚土外抛、节省工程投资。  相似文献   

自动化集装箱码头堆场规划设计的目的是通过堆场的总体规划,使自动化码头堆场作业能力、作业效率满足自动化码头整体作业能力、作业效率的要求;通过堆场的设计,实现自动化堆场的各种功能,满足堆场安全高效作业的要求。对自动化集装箱码头堆场能力、功能区域、场区数量、场区长度、场区宽度、堆码层高等规划设计要素进行研究,并以青岛港自动化码头堆场规划设计为例,阐述自动化集装箱码头堆场的规划设计方法。  相似文献   

自动化集装箱码头平面布局设计是码头土建施工设计的依据,总平面布局设计的科学性影响码头建成后运营的作业效率和经济效应。国内自动化集装箱码头平面布局设计研究尚处于空白状态、没有系统分析和深入研究,针对这一现状,对自动化码头总平面布局进行研究。使用指数平滑预测算法预估码头运营后的吞吐量,依据码头吞吐量计算各功能区域相匹配的生产能力。各功能区域的设计须满足各功能区域生产能力的需求;根据业务流程中物理流的流向与衔接,确定功能区域的布局。首次采取了维修区前移、分离异步式闸口等独特设计。对国内其他自动化码头的建设和人工码头的自动化升级改造提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在科学技术快速发展的背景下,集装箱码头经营管理者为提升码头作业效率,不断优化业务流程,逐渐提高码头自动化水平。例如,鹿特丹港、釜山港、汉堡港等港口成功实现集装箱码头堆场全自动化作业。在全自动化集装箱码头的实际应用中,复杂的监控技术必然带来较多的故障点,为此,选择便捷、可靠的自动化堆场机械以及制定优化的堆场作业流程成为全自动化集装箱码头应用的关键。  相似文献   

针对超大型自动化集装箱码头的实际运营情况,开发了一套超大型自动化集装箱码头作业运营仿真系统。该系统具有码头智能计划与调度仿真、业务流程优化验证、作业预测等功能。实践表明,该系统对超大型自动化集装箱码头整体作业运营优化具有实用性与有效性。  相似文献   

上海国际航运中心洋山深水港四期工程是国内首个全自动化集装箱码头,以此为依托,针对BIM技术在集装箱码头工程设计中应用的问题进行总图、水工、机械等相关专业BIM技术应用的研究,将BIM技术与传统二维设计模式相融合,采用欧特克BIM系列软件以及探索者BIM协同平台,得出全自动化集装箱码头BIM总体设计技术路线,重点对BIM协同设计平台的应用流程以及设计相关专业的BIM应用方法进行探讨,为全自动化集装箱码头从传统二维设计向基于BIM技术全生命周期设计应用的转变提供参考。  相似文献   

全自动化集装箱码头的装卸工艺和使用要求与一般的码头不同,对码头面层结构有特殊的要求。从全自动化集装箱码头面层结构的特点出发,对码头面层结构的受力要求、坡度要求、磁钉周围无金属要求进行了详细的分析,从码头面板的跨度、顶层FRP筋的运用、孔洞盖板和伸缩缝的处理等多方面提出了设计应对措施,满足了全自动化集装箱码头的使用要求。  相似文献   

陈培  武彬  张煜  唐欣 《港口装卸》2022,(1):62-65
综合考虑码头在规划、建设及运维等多方面的要求,开展自动化集装箱码头堆场布局设计.以天津港北疆港区C段智能化集装箱码头工程建设为例,在码头整体设计要求相同的情况下,提出堆场垂直布置和平行布置2种方案,从堆场通过能力、设备配置数量、装卸作业人员数量、智能化程度、可靠性、碳排放量、创新性等7个方面对比研究2种布置方案与自动化...  相似文献   

The major characteristics of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are an enterprise-wide system that covers all the business functions and information resources, integrated database, built-in best industry practice, packaged software and open architecture. ERP enables reduction of system development time, flexibility, standardization of workflow and effective business planning capability. ERP is mainly for the manufacturing industry. However, the principles of ERP can also be applied to container terminal operating systems. This paper presents an ERP system approach for a container terminal. It has clustered the workflow of a container terminal and analysed the business process to generate the best workflows. The integrated database is designed to eliminate redundancy and keep integration. The core of ERP for container terminal is the planning facility such as berth planning and yard planning. The planning capability is very tightly coupled with data flow from client entities such as shipping companies. The ERP can handle the existing problems of container terminal operation that are mainly caused by lack of integration of a whole information resource in a container terminal, ad-hoc and poor planning capability, disconnected and incorrect data from client companies. The ERP approach can not only resolve the problems of container terminals but also promote adoption of information systems for container terminals in the world that have not yet implemented terminal operating systems.  相似文献   

The major characteristics of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are an enterprise-wide system that covers all the business functions and information resources, integrated database, built-in best industry practice, packaged software and open architecture. ERP enables reduction of system development time, flexibility, standardization of workflow and effective business planning capability. ERP is mainly for the manufacturing industry. However, the principles of ERP can also be applied to container terminal operating systems. This paper presents an ERP system approach for a container terminal. It has clustered the workflow of a container terminal and analysed the business process to generate the best workflows. The integrated database is designed to eliminate redundancy and keep integration. The core of ERP for container terminal is the planning facility such as berth planning and yard planning. The planning capability is very tightly coupled with data flow from client entities such as shipping companies. The ERP can handle the existing problems of container terminal operation that are mainly caused by lack of integration of a whole information resource in a container terminal, ad-hoc and poor planning capability, disconnected and incorrect data from client companies. The ERP approach can not only resolve the problems of container terminals but also promote adoption of information systems for container terminals in the world that have not yet implemented terminal operating systems.  相似文献   

Container shipping and its related service sectors help accelerate globalization of the world economy. This industry has been experiencing rapid growth, prompting container terminal operators to increase their handling capacity in response. Providing container terminal services requires substantial capital investment in physical assets such as cargo handling facilities and information systems. On the other hand, operating container terminals is a long-term investment that typically spans several business cycles. Hence prudent asset management using appropriate tools is critical for container terminal operators to sustain their businesses. Generally, due to risk-adverseness, investors are unwilling to take more risk in their investment unless they can reap a higher return. Contrary to this argument, this study finds no direct influence of better firm performance as a proxy of higher return on business risk-taking by container terminal operators. Instead, scale of operations is positively associated with business risk-taking, suggesting that container terminal operators with a larger scale of operations are willing to take more business risk.  相似文献   

全自动化集装箱码头具有高效、绿色、安全等突出优势。采用与自动化工艺系统相适应的交通组织尤为重要,以达到充分挖掘道路潜力、有效减少交通参与者的时间延误、提高路网通行能力的目的。结合洋山四期全自动化集装箱码头建设案例,采用高速公路立交设计方法,引进城市道路单向交通理念,对港外、港内道路进行路线方案设计并分配交通量,采用VISSIM仿真软件进行交通仿真模拟。研究结论如下:港区进出港闸口分开布设,港内主干道采用单向交通,港外道路节点立交并布设港外辅道。  相似文献   

唐洲  葛斌  张超 《水运工程》2020,(5):105-110
阿布扎比哈里发港集装箱码头二期项目是“一带一路”重要节点工程。根据集装箱自动化码头建设要求,研究了自动化模式选择、平面和工艺布置方案。通过对自动化程度、交通组织、堆场能力、人员投入、建设工期、工程投资等多方面比选,确定选用堆场平行码头布置的自动化码头(ARMG+集卡)模式。通过集约布置辅助设施、单悬臂ARMG背靠背布置模式等扩大堆场能力。方案技术可靠、先进、可拓展性强,建设周期短,工程投资低。  相似文献   

针对集装箱码头传统冷藏箱钢结构电源插座支架易腐蚀、维护工作量大的特点,采用防腐性能优异的连续纤维增强树脂基复合材料代替传统钢结构制作冷藏箱支架。对复合材料冷藏箱电源插座支架的设计、计算、制造、安装进行研究,研究表明复合材料冷藏箱电源插座支架在整个生命周期维护需求小、综合成本低,对自动化集装箱堆场作业干扰小,适合自动化集装箱码头作业特点。  相似文献   

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