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文章针对桂林市传统道路货运企业和桂林市现代物流业发现现状,分析现代物流企业与桂林市传统道路货运企业存在差距的原因,提出了桂林市传统道路货运企业向现代物流企业转型的相关对策。  相似文献   

正1李小鹏:为2100多万道路货运从业人员办好事办实事!9月19日,交通运输部会同国家发展改革委等14个部门和单位共同召开促进道路货运行业健康稳定发展电视电话会,安排部署《促进道路货运行业健康稳定发展行动计划(2017-2020年)》工作任务。交通运输部部长李小鹏出席会议并指出,道路货运是综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分,是国家物流系统主要的依托载体,也是经济社会重要的基础性服务业,我国道路货运行业从业人员高达2100多万人,  相似文献   

我国道路货运发展至今,虽然已有一定的市场规模,但大多数道路货运企业的统筹策划和精细化组织与管理能力都明显不足. 道路货运是一个为经济和社会发展提供重要公共产品和服务的行业,同时也是一个竞争十分激烈的行业.如何在多变的环境中求得长期生存和发展,已经成为道路货运企业面临的重大课题.  相似文献   

当下,我国道路货运行业正进入新时代,面临着新机遇和新挑战。如何打造高效、协同、绿色、安全、诚信的道路货运生态圈,推动行业健康高质量发展,成为每个物流人需要深刻思考的问题。在2018年物流与货运行业发展论坛上,中国物流与采购联合会副会长贺登才针对行业发展现状,提出20个最紧迫的重点问题。"实际上,我们这个行业存在的问题远不止这20个。因为道路货运不仅是一个关系国计民生的重要行业,也是一个民营经济为主的行业。尽管存在很多问题,但也拥有无穷潜力。"贺登才表示。  相似文献   

随着交通运输现代化的推进和人民群众对“零死亡”愿景的期盼,道路货运安全问题倍受关注。如何破解道路货运车辆事故占比高、危害大等行业难题,降低负外部性对社会经济的负面效应,是统筹发展与安全需要关注的重要环节。通过梳理道路货运行业发展现状和存在问题,从企业组织、运输装备和人员素质三个方面,对道路货运安全隐患进行溯源分析,据此提出道路货运安全水平提升的管理路径,为相关部门构建全面系统的现代化安全管理体系提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

正"2018年过半,道路运输市场出现需求疲软,"车多货少"成为货运行业一切问题的根源。此时的道路货运业该往哪儿走?又将如何找到可持续增长发展的新引擎?这场大会整合了全国货运领域思维的头脑风暴,或将为行业发展带来新思路和新生机。"今年六月,由中国物流与采购联合会(以下简称"中物联")公布的我国公路货运效率指数显示,整体水平呈下降趋势,表明公路运力的有效利用率下滑,整个道路货运  相似文献   

正"卡车司机与驾驶、车辆管理紧密相关,是实现中国道路运输行业绿色发展的关键环节。"——中国道路运输协会会长王丽梅近年来,我国的经济持续发展,道路货运行业也在其中发挥了不可替代的作用。但另一方面,我国道路货运行业"多、小、散、乱、弱"的特点突出,油耗水平居高不下。不仅制约了中  相似文献   

正"道路货运市场积重难返的问题怎样解决?如何改变行业格局、破茧重生?《行动计划》的诞生,为进一步规范行业健康稳定发展和维护货车司机合法权益,无疑是一个好的开始。"1400万货车、3000万司机、100万小微物流企业,这是我国道路货运行业在经历快速发展后形成的现有基本格局。而伴随我国经济的快速发展,以及经济结构调整的步伐加快,2017年的道路货运业面临着变革,也面临着艰巨挑战,转型升级迎来关键时期。道路货运行业的健康稳定发展不仅直接关系到货车司机群体,更关系到  相似文献   

改革使我国道路货运迅猛发展,安全、方便、快捷的道路货运正在形成,完全放开的道路货运市场让行业管理部门真正体会到市场经济“看不见的手”的魅力。然而在道路货运发展过程中经历了有货无车运、有货必有车、有车没货运三个阶段后,出现了许多新的矛盾和困难,与建立和谐社会有差距,与建立公平、竞争、有序的道路运输市场有差距。这就要求我们以科学发展观去审视这差距,认真破解发展中遇到的难点,以促进道路货运业沿着正确方向快速健康发展。  相似文献   

<正>"2019年的货运物流市场增速趋缓,需求结构加速调整,企业应该如何面对压力和挑战?"2019年是道路货运业转型爬坡的一年:上半年,国务院办公厅转发交通运输部等部门《关于加快道路货运行业转型升级促进高质量发展的意见》,引导行业推进新旧动能接续转换;下半年,中共中央、国务院印发《交通强国建设纲要》,规划货运物流美好蓝图,货运物流行业政策红利频发,  相似文献   

In the beginning of the 1970s, the economies of USA and Japan were growing fast and environmental pollution was increasing to alarming levels. As passenger car emissions were found to be significant and rapidly increasing, their reduction was specially targeted. Following a bill passed by US Congress in 1968, requirements were set in 1970 for the vehicle manufacturers to reduce the emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) with 90% by 1975, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) with 90% by 1976. These requirements were soon adapted to the Japanese regulatory framework, and were known in both countries as the “Muskie Act” or “Muskie Law” after the senator who developed the original bill.The new requirements spurred tremendous research and development efforts. Car manufacturers and research institutions in USA, Japan and Europe investigated and developed alternative solutions, including gas turbine and steam engine vehicles. California, the USA state with the most severe air quality problems and the only state at the time allowed to establish more strict requirements than federal regulation, established requirements implying the use of oxidation catalysts in 1975 and three-way catalysts (TWC’s) in 1977. Japan as a nation adopted similar requirements 1976 and 1978. Export of cars from Japan to USA increased rapidly. The rest of USA adopted emission standards similar to California’s only in 1981, timing USA vehicle sales rebound after the energy crisis and grave economic downturn. Strict requirements were thus established only after more than a decade of civic and legal processes between federal authorities, the car manufacturers and NGO’s.The history of vehicle development is one of cooperation and competition. This paper argues that the international cooperation on different levels of society (government, industry and science) together with commercial competition between the two countries was strong, continuous and instrumental in enabling the development of technology, appropriate regulation and infrastructural changes and thus created a market for cleaner cars and effectively reduced emissions from the growing vehicle fleet. In other words, the introduction of TWCs was reinforced by the simultaneous development of mitigating technology in two car producing countries competing for market space.  相似文献   

Current trends in requirements for parking related information and in the availability of data are reviewed. Important influences include the increased need for data to assist in the efficient operation and management of parking stock and to assess the impact of parking on the local network and economy. New sources of data are described, particular attention being given to the availability of data as a byproduct of parking management systems and computerised enforcement systems. The use and performance of audio, video and data loggers in parking surveys is discussed as is the role of computers in questionnaire surveys. New methods of analysis involving spreadsheets, graphics and analysis software, links with databases and simulation models are outlined.  相似文献   

The delay costs of traffic disruptions and congestion and the value of travel time reliability are typically evaluated using single trip scheduling models, which treat the trip in isolation of previous and subsequent trips and activities. In practice, however, when activity scheduling to some extent is flexible, the impact of delay on one trip will depend on the actual and predicted travel time on itself as well as other trips, which is important to consider for long-lasting disturbances and when assessing the value of travel information. In this paper we extend the single trip approach into a two trips chain and activity scheduling model. Preferences are represented as marginal activity utility functions that take scheduling flexibility into account. We analytically derive trip timing optimality conditions, the value of travel time and schedule adjustments in response to travel time increases. We show how the single trip models are special cases of the present model and can be generalized to a setting with trip chains and flexible scheduling. We investigate numerically how the delay cost depends on the delay duration and its distribution on different trips during the day, the accuracy of delay prediction and travel information, and the scheduling flexibility of work hours. The extension of the model framework to more complex schedules is discussed.  相似文献   

由于高深路堑开挖施工地质复杂,现场机械及人员较多,而有效的监控量测对于调控施工进度,判断边坡的稳定状态以及指导现场施工等发挥着重要作用。为更好的了解边坡动态,更为准确、详细可靠的分析边坡情况,确保施工安全,本文以某公路边坡为工程背景,以现场监控量测为手段,对不同时间、机械开挖不同位置以及降雨前后的边坡进行动态观测。结果表明,位移量随着时间的增长而逐渐减少,反弯点出现后边坡逐渐趋于稳定状态;边坡累计沉降量随开挖深度的增加而不断上升,最后趋于稳定状态。  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展,受社会车辆保有量剧增以及交通环境日益复杂等诸多因素影响,重大交通事故等突发公共事件屡见不鲜。文章针对互联网时代自媒体的特点,分析了网络自媒体时代下交通公共危机管理与突发事件处治所面临的问题,提出在当前社会结构转型条件下,处理好自媒体时代互联网上众多网民良莠不齐的信息,给予公众公开透明的信息以正视听,消除虚假信息和谣言的蛊惑,是交通管理部门必须应对、不可回避并需尽量趋利避害的重大课题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a taxonomy and analysis of the content of published research in port economics, policy and management (port studies). The recent increase of these publications suggests a growing interest in the study of ports. However, the research characteristics and directions of this research field are unidentified. This paper provides a systematic analysis of port studies published during the period 1997–2008. A comprehensive cross-citation and analysis of the themes, approaches and findings of all 395 relevant journal papers identifies the extent to which the research field is maturing, and the leading papers. This paper also presents an extensive analysis of the content, based on the classification of all port studies into seven research themes. For each theme, research topics, widely used research questions, concepts and research methods and the most important research findings are discussed. Finally, we identify emerging research challenges and research questions that still need to be answered.  相似文献   

Zhang P.  Wang L.  Li L.  Yao Y.  Zhang X.  Zheng B.  Liu M. 《现代隧道技术》2022,(2):227-241and251
In recent years, railway tunnels in karst areas have frequently suffered flooding after high-intensity rainfall, which seriously affects the safety of tunnel operation and the order of transportation, and even interrupts the traffic. Based on the water hazard case in the Yuanbaoshan Tunnel on the Zhijin-Bijie Railway Line, this paper explores the causes of lining damage in terms of geology, rainfall, and the design and construction of water hazard sections, and puts forward the treatment technology for tunnel water hazards with the core concept of "making full use of existing structures and employing open drainage methods in key sections". Besides, this paper simulates and analyzes the formation of hazards and the treatment effect through numerical simulation. The results show that the subjective causes for the damage in tunnel linings include an insufficient understanding of the water-bearing formations at the geological investigation stage, the underestimation of water hazard risks posed by high-intensity rainfall during construction, and the unimproved waterproof and drainage system in the design alteration, while the objective reasons include the development of karst near the tunnel section that passes through the stratum, the strong connectivity of water conduits, and the high-intensity rainfall in a certain period of time on the tunnel site. As for the simulation results, they show that the increase of external water pressure caused by the sudden rise in groundwater level after rainstorm significantly increases the internal force of linings, and eventually leads to a much lower safety factor of sidewall linings and large scale damage, which is in consistency with the characteristics of the actual on-site damage. After on-site emergency treatment, the tunnel structure has become stable and even encountering unprecedentedly heavy rainfall twice, the tunnel has still remained in a good condition. Since then, no water hazards and other disasters have occurred, which proves that the treatment plan is valid. © 2022, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

隧道施工废水对水环境的影响分析及应对措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章根据不同隧道施工废水的来源、水量及水质的特性,分别从理化、生态、景观等方面详细分析了隧道施工废水对水环境的影响,确定了主要污染物质为油类和悬浮物(SS),其对水环境的物理化学性质方面的影响较大;并提出了加强施工机械车辆管理以减少排污量、在隧道进出口处设置沉淀池、必要时采取隔油沉淀气浮处理等相应对策。  相似文献   

为了在清管施工中实时跟踪清管器,设计一种基于GPS系统和GSM通信系统的智能清管器跟踪系统,系统包括发射机、中继器和监控系统。发射机搭载在清管器上持续发射电磁信号和静磁信号,中继器预先埋设在设定的跟踪点接收和转发通过信息;清管器通过跟踪点时,中继器接收发射机发出的信号,精确识别出清管器并将通过时间和跟踪点GPS位置信息通过GSM网络发送至监控系统;监控系统接收到信息后,在监控界面地图上实时显示通过位置和通过时间。清管器卡堵时,系统可及时在地图上指示卡堵区间和到达卡堵现场路径。现场应用表明:该系统实现了清管器智能跟踪,通过时间和通过位置记录精确,降低清管施工中安全风险,节约成本。  相似文献   

Operating and capital costs for a high speed conveyor are estimated from cost data for low speed conveyors and from estimates for high speed designs. Unit costs are developed with reference to theoretical and practical conveyor capacities, and to the effect of traffic peaking on average utilization. User benefits are modelled as the change in consumers surplus arising from the introduction of a conveyor on a linear street as an alternative to walking. Cost and benefits vary widely depending on system design and location and on characteristics of travellers. Benefit measurements should reflect the effects on travel demand of a proposed installation, changes in value of time with changes in mode, and the effects of benefit “dilution” associated with limitations on access to the conveyor.  相似文献   

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