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编者按:西部地区地形地质条件复杂,生态环境敏感脆弱,交通建设必然会遇到许多技术难题。西部项目“天山公路工程地质病害研究”,提出了天山公路建设中的灾害防治措施和环境保护对策及技术建议,不但保障了天山公路改造工程的顺利实施,而且对于新疆乃至全国山区公路泥石流等公路病害防治具有科学指导和经验借鉴作用。本篇对西部项目天山公路工程地质病害研究成果进行介绍,以期推广使用。  相似文献   

近年来,为融入"一带一路"倡议、西部大开发、兰西城市群等重大发展战略,公路建设推动经济社会高质量发展。由于青海省平均海拔在3000m以上,地形多样,分带性显著,昆仑山、唐古拉山脉横亘北、中、南部。随着路网不断向西延伸,受限于地形条件,高寒高海拔特长公路隧道不断涌现。但恶劣的施工环境,复杂的地质条件,脆弱的生态环境等都对高原高海拔公路隧道的建造、养护及运维提出了严峻考验。为此,基于青海省公路隧道发展现状,针对建设、养护及运维中亟待解决的技术难题,提出未来青海省公路隧道建造、养护及运维的创新与发展相关建议,以期为青海省公路交通的高质量发展提供有益参考。  相似文献   

红粘土地区公路修筑关键技术研究成果国际领先 日前,交通运输部西部交通建设科技项目管理中心在长沙组织召开了由湖南省交通科学研究院等单位联合承担的交通运输部西部交通建设科技项目“红粘土地区公路修筑关键技术研究”成果鉴定验收会。  相似文献   

西部项目“沪蓉西龙潭隧道特殊地质条件下的关键技术研究”破解特殊地质隧道建设难题 日前,历时6年的西部项目“沪蓉国道主干线龙潭特长隧道特殊地质条件下的关键技术研究”通过鉴定。鉴定专家认为,该项目研究成果总体达到国际领先水平。  相似文献   

本文介绍了武广电化三线改造工程上的江村南、北桥钻孔桩的施工情况,根据岩溶地区的地质情况,结合钻孔数量大,工期短的特点,详细叙述了钻孔工艺,并对坍孔、塌方等技术难题进行了原因分析,本文对类似地质的桥梁基础施工具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

近年来随着西部大开发战略的实施,西部地区的公路建设规模越来越大,为西部经济的发展做出了重要的贡献。而由于西部特殊的气候条件和地质条件,再加上西部公路使用频率很高,如果不注意公路的维护和保养,很容易导致各种病害的产生。本文分析了青海高寒地区公路存在的病害问题并提出了相应的保养维护对策。  相似文献   

"十五"以来,针对新疆特殊的地质条件和恶劣的气候环境,交通运输部集中安排了31个交通科研项目,投入6260万元用于新疆交通建设科技攻关。截至目前,沙漠地区公路修筑成套技术研究已取得40余项成果,在沙漠公路自然区划、线性指标、阻沙性能指数、可调控防沙等7个方面取得  相似文献   

通过对公路沥青路面破损成因分析,探讨了从路面设计、材料的选择到具体施工、养护管理等方面,结合不同地区的气候、地质、环境等实际情况,按照质量管理的要求,对道路工程进行全方位的质量控制,从根本上减少沥青路面破损现象的发生.  相似文献   

国家十三五规划中提出要完善现代综合交通运输体系,随着国家战略布局开展和青藏铁路建成运营,青藏高原地区的公路交通建设需求逐年递增。青藏高原地区分布众多野生动植物、许多具有高原特色的自然地貌和特殊的地形地质条件。但由于公路建设规模的不断扩大,公路维修与养护逐渐开展,公路沿线原有的生态系统遭到了破坏,对高原生态环境造成重大影响。因此,运用生态理念,科学进行公路交通建设、合理进行公路养护以及正确的政策导向,对于自然生态环境保护,促进交通事业持续发展意义重大。  相似文献   

文章分析了阿拉善左旗公路管理养护现状及存在的问题,提出了建立阿拉善地区农村公路养护管理长效机制的思路,为该地区加强农村公路养护管理,实现交通事业可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以中国一带一路重点项目西藏自治区国道109线那曲至拉萨公路改建工程为依托,研究了高原冻土地区公路施工中的环境保护与水土保持技术。根据设计资料、施工现场调查和主要施工方法,总结出10项环境保护与水土保持的重要因素;在可持续发展理念和绿色生态理念的公路施工背景下,针对高原冻土地区的植被保护与恢复问题,在施工场地及临建、取土场、弃土场以及路基边坡采用了原有植被草皮表土回填法;针对泥浆、污水、噪声、扬尘排放等引起的水环境、声环境及空气环境保护问题,制定了有效的防护措施,并取得显著效果。  相似文献   

To measure soil loss from these road construction spoils, 30 rainfall simulations involving five rainfall intensities were conducted to study runoff and soil erosion processes on a road in China. Twenty-five of the rainfall simulations were carried out on loose materials five different slopes. Another five rainfall simulations were conducted on compacted road materials with a slope of 30.6%. The results show that soil bulk density has a positive effect on runoff rate, and the effect of slope on runoff rate changes with rainfall intensity. Higher soil bulk density increases soil loss under low rainfall intensity, but decreases soil loss when rainfall intensity is high. Soil loss is positively related to slope, but the relationship differs from that in prior studied of croplands and disturbed lands. Equations for predicting soil erosion from loose materials and compacted road are developed.  相似文献   

The roads are one of the most obvious expressions of modern society, being considered vital for economical growth. Nevertheless, roads have a very strong negative impact upon environment, manifested, among others, by road mortality. In Romania numerous minor roads are currently upgraded and asphalted. In the year 2016, on a road of this kind, in a wooded mountain area, we recorded 1628 road killed animals belonging to 48 taxons. The majority were forest and wet areas animals (earthworms, snails, amphibians, etc), characteristic for the road’s vicinity. Flying or dry areas animals were fewer. The road crosses the forest and the wet areas animals’ habitats. Now, they are certain victims on the road, because its recent upgrade had increased the cars’ speed. Road mortality differed between periods and according to the road surroundings aspect. The highest road mortality intensity was registered at the end of the spring. It has dropped in the summer and then rose again in the autumn, but just moderately. The animals were affected according to their life cycle and ecological demands. On this minor road surrounded by relatively uniform wooded habitats, the road mortality differences were determined in the first place by the demandings and life cycle of the victims, which were affected by meteorological conditions. This studied road is a proof of how forest native animals are exposed once their habitat is crossed by a road.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of rainfall and slope length on water erosion on road side-slopes, runoff and soil loss are measured from natural runoff plots along the Qinghai-Tibet highway near Tuotuo River. Rainfall erosivity used in the revised universal soil loss equation is a good predictor for runoff and soil loss from road side-slopes. Runoff depth, sediment concentration and soil loss decreases as slope length increases.  相似文献   

路网公路建设中,路线常会经过水田、跨河沟等路段,这些路段浅层粘性软土层承载力往往达不到结构物的设计要求,必须采用合理、经济的方法对软基进行加固处理。文章结合工程实例,介绍了利用打木桩法加固地基的机理及施工方法。  相似文献   

SWII是定量评价、分析开发建设项目水土保持损益的结论性指标。文章在介绍公路建设项目水土保持损益分析方法的基础上,结合近几年南宁市城市道路建设具体情况,计算分析了城市道路工程建设对水土流失的影响程度。  相似文献   

文章从可持续发展的角度出发,将生态学的基本观点运用到公路基础设施建设领域,介绍了生态公路的内涵,分析了山区公路建设对自然生态环境的影响,探索贯穿公路工程项目整个寿命期内各阶段的,能体现可持续发展战略且适合国情的山区生态公路建设思路。  相似文献   


Based on a review of available data from a database on large‐scale transport infrastructure projects, this paper investigates the hypothesis that traffic forecasts for road links in Europe are geographically biased with underestimated traffic volumes in metropolitan areas and overestimated traffic volumes in remote regions. The present data do not support this hypothesis. Since previous studies have shown a strong tendency to overestimated forecasts of the number of passengers on new rail projects, it could be speculated that road planners are more skilful and/or honest than rail planners. However, during the period when the investigated projects were planned (up to the late 1980s), there were hardly any strong incentives for road planners to make biased forecasts in order to place their projects in a more flattering light. Future research might uncover whether the change from the ‘predict and provide’ paradigm to ‘predict and prevent’ occurring in some European countries in the 1990s has influenced the accuracy of road traffic forecasts in metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

文章从贺州市交通建设实际出发,分析了农村公路建设工程的重要性,介绍了贺州市在实施农村公路建设工程进程中所采取的有效措施和取得的主要成绩。  相似文献   

Using panel data from 85 urban areas over a 20-year period and applying a system panel data approach, this paper examines the relationship between travel demand in terms of per-capita VMT and urban spatial characteristics. Regression results show that road density and urban spatial size have positive and statistically significant effects on travel demand in the US urban areas. Urban population density and urban congestion have negative and statistically significant effects on travel demand.  相似文献   

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