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隋一 《汽车导购》2006,(2):72-73
平静不意味着平淡,看似平凡的外表下,也会有暗潮涌动,蓄势待发,在积聚满能量的那一刻,猛然间激荡出澎湃的热情,每时每刻,我们在生活着,感受着,而下一秒,下一分钟,明天,明年,又会发生什么,谁也无法预知,波澜不惊,正是为了即将展开的波澜壮阔。  相似文献   

刘远 《轿车情报》2010,(10):62-67
旅行的目的,不是终点,而是过程。选择一款车,帮你背上行囊,载上家人,逃离城市,远离喧嚣。从出发的那一刻起,一切的烦恼与忧愁,都被留在原地,心情,已经随着大众旅行轿车Variant,一起飞扬。  相似文献   

何洁霞 《经济导报》2010,(33):43-44
以前被喻为会生金蛋的教科书业,近年也要面临衰落的命运。1997回归后,香港教育政策经历多次改革,教科书经常改版,令出版成本上升,再加上香港出生率低,杀校缩班,教科书更加难做,有67年历史的龄记,是行内的表表者,其教科书陪伴一代又一代港人成长,然而这个肩负教育使命的老字号,面对教科书业低潮,也要出招应战。  相似文献   

走进四月,忍不住想起林徽因的《人间四月天》:“你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间呢喃,你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天!”四月,是生长的季节,是绽放的季节,是出发的季节。2012年4月5日,在明媚的春光里,在和煦的春风里,奇瑞瑞虎全能体验营第2季“快意之旅”车队由安徽芜湖出发,  相似文献   

初冬,北京的军都山山脉,寒风刺骨,四束气势夺人的寒光在山顶若隐若现,随着人们目光的凝集,光芒开始缓缓向我们推进,我意识到那一定是两个带轮子的疯狂家伙。竖立在眼前的八达岭滑雪坡道,落差130m,倾角40°,Jeep指挥官和大切诺基顺着雪道直冲而下,我的心跳开始加速,血液向头顶涌动,一切症状表明,一场极限的朝圣大会开始了。  相似文献   

刘奕宏 《车时代》2012,(9):48-53
选择比努力更重要,人生就是选择,或彼或此,我们无时不在选择。正是因为有不同的选择,所以才会有干差万别的结局,才会有干姿百态的人生。选择,是摇摆于多种可能性之间的最后的决断。由于结局是未知的,不可预见的,所以才让人举棋不定、左右为难。不过,我并没有患有选择性障碍的病症,所以,在我们同时提到两厢与三厢东风雪铁龙新世嘉的那一刻,我果断的选择了,两厢车型,原因很简单,只因偏爱。  相似文献   

刘军 《汽车运用》2008,(3):52-52
脸蛋要“标致”的,不可以有麻子大(“马自达”)的,腰要像“眼镜蛇”的,名字要“吉利”的,讲话要有“风度”的,声音要像“铃木”的,家产要有“丰田”的,脾气要“大众”的,不可以太“奇瑞”的,美腿要能“奔驰”的,小手像“莲花”的,整理家务要保持洁(“保时捷”)的,以后能帮我“大发”的。观念要“解放”的,品位要“现代”的,但是从来不会在外面“卡迪拉客”的,也绝对不能是“通用”的,  相似文献   

任雅迪  林聪 《车时代》2009,(2):258-265
又是一年情人节,特别的日子里找来几个时尚车主,刘晨曦,韩菲,贾佳,他们谈爱车,谈爱情,最浪漫的事,让我们一起分享。  相似文献   

卓言 《汽车导购》2005,(10):41-45
RV是英文Recreational Vehicles的缩写,意为休闲汽车,其涵盖的内容也颇为广泛。从旅行轿车,MPV,到SUV,都可以罗列其中。不过对于多数准备买车的中国家庭来说,轿车仍是当仁不让的正宗首选。多功能与休闲兼于一身的RV虽然有诱惑力,但真正能落实在消费行动上的并不算多,叫好不叫座的原因多种多样,除了厂家,专家所言的消费观念之外,价格恐怕也是一个因素,而这次我们介绍两款RV车却没有那么高的价格门槛,而且无论耗油,车身尺寸,还是驾驶感受,都不难被家庭接受。  相似文献   

一位专职司机告诉我:“开车千万不要太疲劳!初冬的一个下午,我开车外出,在此之前我已经连续开了3个小时了,再加上头天晚上没睡好,第二天凌晨就起床办事,感觉很累,也很困,我一路开车,眼皮直打架,快到郊区的时候,碰到一个大弯,我眼皮往下一搭,车就冲了过去,幸亏我下意识地打了一下轮,  相似文献   

This study compares the optimum designs of center pillar assembly with advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) to that of conventional steel for crashworthiness and weight reduction in side impacts. A simplified side impact analysis method was used to simulate the crash behavior of the center pillar assembly with efficient computing time. Thickness optimization aims to perform an S-shaped deformation of the center pillar toward the cabin to reduce the injury level of a driver in a crash test. Center pillar members were regarded as an assembly of parts that are fabricated with tailor-welded blanks, and the thickness of each part was selected as a design variable. The thickness variables of parts that have significant effects on the deformation mechanism were extracted as the main design variables for thickness optimization based on the results of a sensitivity analysis with design of experiments. The optimization condition was constructed to induce an S-shaped deformation mode and reduce the weight of the center pillar assembly. An optimum design was obtained after several iterations with response surface methodology (RSM). Optimization was first performed with conventional steel and then with AHSS with the same procedure to optimize the crashworthiness of the center pillar assembly. After thickness optimization, optimum designs were applied to the full vehicle analysis to evaluate the validity of the optimization scheme with the simplified side impact analysis method. Then, the crashworthiness of optimum designs with conventional steel and AHSS were compared using the full vehicle analysis. This comparison demonstrates that AHSS can be more effectively utilized than conventional steel to obtain a lightweight design of an auto-body with enhanced crashworthiness.  相似文献   

为了研究充填节理对不同频率应力波透射性的影响,根据充填节理特性设计了不同厚度和强度的节理模型,并对不同频率应力波正入射岩体节理的问题开展模拟,研究应力波在不同强度和宽度的充填节理条件下的反射和透射规律。结果表明:对于不同强度和厚度的充填节理,随着应力波频率的增加,其透射系数均逐渐减小,充填节理起到过滤高频波的“滤波”作用;随着频率的增加,透射系数逐渐减小,衰减速率先快后慢,并逐渐趋于稳定,且充填节理强度越低、宽度越大,该现象就越明显。  相似文献   

从项目跟踪评价理论和方法的研究分析入手,结合高速公路建设项目的特点和实施情况,提出高速公路建设项目跟踪评价的概念,参考层次分析法建立递阶层次结构的思路,建立高速公路建设项目的跟踪评价指标体系;采用集值迭代法确定指标权重并用G1法进行验算;然后应用线性模型对高速公路建设实施情况做出综合评价和分析;这种评价使得对项目过程控制建立一种及时的反馈机制成为可能。  相似文献   

SBS因存在与沥青相容性的问题,并不能对所有沥青起到很好的改性效果.而构建SBS与沥青反应渠道,增加反应界面,从而改善与沥青相容性,是提高SBS改性沥青性能的有效手段.天然高分子材料杜仲胶具有与SBS相类似的橡塑二重性,与SBS能很好地相容.同时采用溶剂接枝的方法,在杜仲胶上接枝能与沥青氮基反应的官能团马来酸酐,从而形成了符合SBS增容剂要求的接枝杜仲胶.通过对两种品质不同的沥青进行高低温和流变性能试验,进一步验证了接枝杜仲胶是一种性能良好的SBS改性沥青增容剂.  相似文献   

针对有限单元法模拟实际为半无限土体时有限边界分析模型会引起较大误差的缺点,引入黏弹性人工边界结合有限元数值模型以便准确地描述循环动荷载作用下地基的响应问题。分别采用固定边界、黏性边界及黏弹性边界有限元3种方法计算了交通荷载作用下的地基响应。通过与Lamb问题解析解对比分析表明,黏弹性边界有限元数值模型的计算结果与解析解非常吻合,而固定边界、黏性边界数值模型的计算结果存在不合理现象。算例表明研究交通荷载作用下地基响应时,尤其是分析重复交通荷载作用下的残余变形,宜采用黏弹性边界有限元模型。  相似文献   

A vehicle system dynamics model is presented that captures the essential braking and handling behavior of a passenger car and runs faster than real-time on a 1998 Pentium 233 MHz laptop computer. The simulation code was generated with the AutoSim multibody code generator and linked with C functions that communicate with braking hardware to create a real-time simulation (RTS) with hardware in the loop (HITL). Techniques are described that were used to allow the simulation program to work with HITL. The model (without controller) was also integrated with the Simulink environment to provide a design tool for control engineers.  相似文献   

A thorough investigation of wheel-rail impact due to wheel flats is presented, together with a quantitative characterization of the main mechanisms and parameters. A criterion for the speed with respect to contact loss between wheel and rail is derived. In the subcritical speed regime, the magnitude of the impact force is shown to be directly related to the geometry of the flat, whereas in the transcritical speed regime a fictitious or effective flat depth exists, which decreases with the second order of the speed. In this domain, the position of impact shifts towards the end of the flat with increasing speed. The impact force increases with the second order of the speed in the subcritical speed regime and approximately the first order of the speed in the transcritical speed regime. The magnitude of the impact force is inversely proportional to the minimum circumferential curvature of the wheel tread defect in the subcritical speed regime, and to the effective minimum curvature in the transcritical case. The variation with the flat depth is less; the impact varies with the square root of the flat depth. The presented theory is in accordance with measurements reported in the literature and explains characteristic features in them.  相似文献   

Development and deployment of steering based collision avoidance systems are made difficult due to the complexity of dealing with oncoming vehicles during the evasive manoeuvre. A method to mitigate the collision risk with oncoming vehicles during such manoeuvres is presented in this work. A point mass analysis of such a scenario is first done to determine the importance of speed for mitigating the collision risk with the oncoming vehicle. A characteristic parameter was identified, which correlates well with the need to increase or decrease speed, in order to reduce the collision risk. This finding was then verified in experiments using a Volvo XC90 test vehicle. A closed-loop longitudinal acceleration controller for collision mitigation with oncoming vehicles is then presented. The longitudinal control is combined with yaw stability control using control allocation to form an integrated controller. Simulations in CarMaker using a validated XC90 vehicle model and the proposed controller showed consistent reductions in the collision risk with the oncoming vehicle.  相似文献   

该文针对四肢格构桁式截面钢管混凝土拱肋,考虑影响钢管混凝土桁式拱肋抗弯刚度的多种因素,采用SAP2000程序,通过大量的结构模拟计算,给出各影响因素与挠度的关系,应用拟合的方法得出各影响因素与挠度的关系式,再由挠度与刚度的关系,推导出刚度与各影响因素的拟合关系式,并通过与传统计算理论的分析比较,验证计算钢管混凝土桁式拱肋抗弯刚度计算公式。  相似文献   

半主动悬架的滑模变结构控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对带有电流变液智能阻尼器的半主动汽车悬架模型,运用滑模变结构方法设计了半主动悬架滑模控制器。根据滑模运动方程稳定的Hurwitz判据选择滑模面系数,用指数趋近率改善滑模运动段的动态品质并进一步确定了半主动悬架的实时控制阻尼力。对多种激励信号下隔振质量的响应及半主动悬架系统在系统参数摄动下的鲁棒特性进行了仿真分析。结果表明:变结构控制下半主动悬架系统的隔振效果要远好于最优被动系统,而且对外界扰动有一定的适应性,对系统参数摄动也具有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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