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在经济学上,价格是一种分配资源的手段。在集装箱班轮市场上,运价作为运输商品的价格,是调节托运人和班轮公司利润的工具。如何合理制定运价,使之在托运人和班轮公司之间合理分配利润.是即将要得到运价制定权的我国航运企业以及托运人共同关心的问题。本就现代集装箱航线广泛采用的CBR费率体系和FAK费率体系的制定作一阐述。 相似文献
20世纪70年代中期。日本邮船、商船三井和川崎汽船开始了中日间的集装箱支线运输,是中日航线集装箱运输的序幕。中远则于1978年开始了中国/澳大利亚航线的集装箱运输。 相似文献
为明确主管部门对中日班轮运输的监管方式,通过对比中日航线与中韩航线集装箱运价指数和市场集中度,探讨中日航线班轮运输市场运价的实际状况,分析交通部公告提出的中日航线存在的问题以及可能采用的对策,认为中日班轮市场运价监管的重点应该是运价构成合理性和暗中回扣问题,并就运价报备制度可能起的作用进行分析。 相似文献
本文从中日集装箱运输市场目前存在的主要问题--运价低迷出发,探讨其产生的原因及在低运价下班轮企业的获利模式,并对如何稳定运价提出政策建议. 相似文献
通过中日航线的集装箱运价指数与中韩航线对比,反映中日航线实际运价状况,以市场集中度测算反映市场结构特点。中日航线的市场结构呈现低集中度特点,这决定了在市场竞争程度较高,在服务产品同质性较高的条件下,价格成为主要的竞争手段,中日航线运价水平整体上处于正常状态。政府主管机关对运价的监管涉及运价水平、稳定性、运价的合理构成以及暗中回扣等问题,运价的合理构成和暗中回扣应是重点规范的领域,有必要考虑运价报备制度的价值。 相似文献
“V”,是半年间中日航线集装箱运价大起大落的走势显象;“V”,象征胜利和成功,记载着沪甬11家中外班轮公司从杀价竞争、难以维计到自律合作、效益回升的阶段性胜利;记录了上海航运交易所协调运价、规范市场的又一次成功。 10月15日举行的中日航线运价自律监督委员会第二次例会向人们展示了这样一张倒推的时间表:近期,杀价竞争得到遏止,运价稳中有升,再次出现“爆舱”现象;9月28日,运价自律协议约定的赔偿保证金全部到位;9月21日,11 相似文献
中华人民共和国交通部 《中国船检》2006,(10):62-63
随着改革开放的深入.我国国际海运事业得到快速发展.为对外贸易发展提供了安全,高效、便利的海上运输服务。但在国际海运市场竞争机制逐步完善的同时.也存在不规范的经营行为。一段时间以来中日集装箱班轮运输市场反复出现不规范的价格竞争行为.甚至出现“零运价”,“负运价”,严重扰乱海运市场秩序.造成了不良影响,引起社会广泛关注。我部对此高度重视.决定以中日班轮航线为重点.全面整顿和规范国际海运市场秩序.严肃查处违规经营行为。 相似文献
2000年对集装箱班轮承运人来讲是个好年景,各主干线货量上升、运价恢复,承运人经营利润都有不同程度的增长.但好景不长,由于受美国经济增长放缓和运力持续增长的影响,2001年上半年集装箱班轮运输市场总体情况并不十分理想,年初市场货量与去年"淡季不淡"的火爆状况相比有相当差距,而年中主干线的运价恢复预期也未成功实现. 相似文献
1 全球经贸基本面良好
2007年7—8月爆发的美国次贷危机对实体经济的滞后影响将在半年甚至1年后逐步显现。由于美国经济基本面尚好,而且美、欧中央银行对宏观经济的调控能力较强,预计次贷危机不会导致美国和全球经济出现大幅度衰退。 相似文献
Container ports provide the primary interface where physical exchange between buyers and sellers of containerised shipping capacity can be consolidated and realised. Consequently, ports that are able to complement and add value to the objectives of shipping lines and shippers will become focal points for containerised cargo flows. To evaluate container port competition, the authors propose a practical and direct approach based on revealed preferences of shipping lines with respect to container shipping service dynamics. The container shipping networks are generated as carriers formulate their service schedules to capitalise on opportunities that are presented by evolving container trade patterns along trade routes and relative changes in the competitive profile of the ports of call. Empirical results showed that this approach offers a deeper understanding on the workings and evolution of competitive dynamics between ports, which may not be obvious from observations of port performance at the aggregated level. Benefits of the approach also include raising awareness that policy makers should be aware of the need to understand the nature, extensity and intensity of competitive relationships between ports as they craft and implement policies to correct for the actual or perceived market failures in the industry. 相似文献
进入8、9月以来,中日航线市场出现了货量节节上升、班轮舱位饱满的旺盛景象.在货量快速增长的强劲推力下,航线运价从8月22日起,由300-350USD/TEU起步,路攀升至600USD//TEU;之后又从9月6日开始,在600USD/TEU的"平台"上,纵身一跃,飙升到了翻了一番的价位.紧接着,由八家船公司协商达成共识,从9月23日开始执行1000USD/TEU的运价.历经此三波,中日航线运价很快创下了历史最高点,拉出了一条急剧上扬的阳线. 相似文献
This article discusses the employment of Kiribati seafarers on German owned and flagged shipping. The authors examine the origins of the German shipping industry sponsored training and recruitment programmes on the Kiribati atolls. The implications of the creation of a manorial ‘internal’ labour market for German container shipping in the South West Pacific is assessed. The impact of labour participation in the international shipping industry on Kiribati's former fisherfolk is also examined. 相似文献
M. G. Graham 《Maritime Policy and Management》1994,21(4):331-337
Return to scale are important in container shipping: service operators are continuing to increase the size of their vessels. Mr Seok-Min Lim's article 'Economies of container ship size' (Maritime pollicy and Management,21(2) pages 149-160, 1994) uses a sample of transPacific voyages to evaluate the effect of vessel scale on revenue and cost.Although the results are inconclusive,his study is of value in drawing attention to the revenue-side problems of large containerships. More data need to be collected before the effects of topping up with low-rated cargo on unit revenue retention can be assessed. Meanwhile the pursuit of scale aggravates over-tonnaging. The required response is further rationalization, through the medium of the conferences and the container consortia. In Europe both are under political attack. Operators need to convince the authorities of the soundness of the soundness of their case for adapting these institutions to the neeeds of times.Otherwise the scramble for scale could spell disaster. 相似文献
The shipping industry was transformed by the expansion of international trade and technological innovation, notably containerization, since the 1960s. Accordingly, this was followed by a significant increase in research addressing different aspects of container shipping. Despite such availability, important questions have remained unanswered: what are the major contributions that the research community has made to the container shipping industry, global and regional economies? Have their contributions been skewed towards particular themes, directions, and geographical areas? What can the shipping research community learn from the evolution and trends of container shipping research so that they can continue to contribute to the well-being of the global and regional economies? To address these questions, the paper undertakes a critical review and analysis on the evolution and trends of research in container shipping in the past four decades, based on a collection of 282 papers investigating different topics in container shipping featuring in major scholarly journals between 1967 and 2012. The study enables the shipping research community to enhance self-understandings and identifies major gaps for further research. 相似文献
案例-- 运价大战愈演愈烈,中日国际轮渡公司班轮"新鉴真"依旧岿然不动 2004年,全球航运业带着一片欢声笑语步入了新年的门槛.但是对经营中日航线的船东来说,却不得不收敛起灿烂的笑容.猴年伊始,中日航线"猴性"大发,运价一路狂泻,上海至日本关东从去年年底80美元向下暴跌,很快出现了"零运价",更让人"惨不忍睹"的是,上海至日本关西的东行运价下滑到了负10~20美元左右. 相似文献
0引言 我国内贸集装箱运输兴起时间不长,但发展速度极快。近年来,我国内贸集装箱运量持续增长,在内河运输方面形成以上海为龙头、以长江干线为主轴的内贸集装箱运输网络。相对于铁路运输而言,水路集装箱运输的优势在于长距离运价,而公路运输的发展则起到完善水路集装箱运输物流网络的作用。随着国内贸易的稳健发展、国内物流需求的不断增长和内贸货物集装箱化的推进,长江干线内贸集装箱运输市场的巨大潜力将得到进一步开发。 相似文献