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记者:你们如何看待统一滚动发班模式,这是不是海南旅游市场规范和整顿的最好办法? 刘:省旅游中心从酝酿到成功,已经1年多时间了.2002年的时候,我们搞了一次,但是失败了.旅游汽车的滚动发班,我们考虑的时间已经非常长了,成果来之不易.这不仅仅是我们12家运输企业,还包括公安、旅游部门等相关部门,都参与了调研讨论,政府还为此专门召开了多个听证会,才最终形成了这种模式,中心的成立对遏制海南"零负团费"以及恢复海南旅游市场,都会产生积极的作用,是规范和引导海南旅游运输健康发展的最好措施.这是为了拯救旅游汽车行业,更是为了拯救海南旅游产业.  相似文献   

"行业管理者不可能管到每一辆车,而是要管到‘户',也就是一个企业.可是,企业的实力决定了它不能够对所有的挂靠车辆实行有效管理.在承包制下,原本应该由企业承担的经营风险现在完全转到了承包者身上,他愿意么?他当然不愿意.所以才有服务质量不能保证,品牌无从建立的问题……"提起挂靠经营,安徽省公路运输管理局副局长赵猛感慨万分,忧虑深重."  相似文献   

为了解决这种情况,社会上还专门出现了一些类似于"中心"的旅游车中介机构,他们将车统一起来,去跟旅行社交涉和搞好关系,从旅行社拉来团,再分给加入的旅游车,进行滚动调派.很多旅游车主拉不到团,都愿意把车交给中介去统一调动.现在成立了省统一调动中心,是滚动之前我们被逼得没办法,才想出来的自救行为啊!非常不容易,这是我们大家共同努力的结果啊!  相似文献   

"车主"黄先生向《运输经理世界》发来了一篇投稿,名为《实施旅游汽车股份制公司化经营把市场优化改革推向深入》(由于篇幅有限,在此不再刊登),文中提到,海南省统一旅游汽车服务中心自成立以来,运作效果不错,被认为是治理当前旅游汽车管理问题的最佳的权宜举措,下一步何去何从?"车主"们忧心忡忡,希望积极地通过理性的方式汇报实情,寻求有关部门的理解和支持.他们提出:  相似文献   

蒋波 《人民交通》2021,(14):46-47
怎样以"党建+"作为企业发展的助推器,如何实现项目党建工作与生产经营深度融合、同频共振?近年来,中铁上海局郑济铁路(山东段)工程项目部党总支用初心与行动做出了响亮回答. 项目部党总支成立以来,围绕"紧扣中心、服务大局、融入引领、助力发展,为企业高质量发展强'根'铸'魂'"这一主线,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,立足企业生产经营重点工作,全面从严治党向纵深推进,真正实现了党建工作与施工生产双"丰收",为企业加快建成中国中铁先进企业集团贡献了强大合力.  相似文献   

说到公路货运的状况,大家听到最多的可能是"小、散、乱、差"四字.然而翟学魂对此另有一番见解:"小和散确实是目前中国公路货运市场现状,然而'小散'与'乱差'没有必然联系.小和散一样可以有规律、有秩序,一样可以不乱、不差.我认为小和散不但要存在下去,而且在很长时间内是主流,将来最优秀的运输企业也许就在它们当中诞生."  相似文献   

从政策、资金、规划、建设和管理等各个方面,大力支持鼓励公共交通的发展,扭转目前城市公共交通系统发展滞后的局面,确立公共交通的主体地位,是21世纪九江城市交通发展的一条根本性的战略.通过调研具体分析九江市中心城区公共交通系统存在的问题,提出九江市中心城区公共交通发展的对策建议.  相似文献   

2006年6月底,海南春秋、海南民间等10家旅行社共同组建海口市旅游汽车服务中心,该中心成立后,遭到海南省统一旅游汽车服务中心大巴车主的强烈反对,成立不到半月在政府及有关部门的协调下暂时"关门".  相似文献   

1.我想,凡是老旧的调子,一到有一个时候,是都应该唱 完的,凡是有良心、有觉悟的人,到一个时候,自然知道老调子不该再唱,将它抛弃。但是,一般以自己为中心的人们,却决不肯以民众为主体,而专图自己的便利,总是三翻四复的唱不完。于是,自己的老调子固然唱不完,而国家却被唱完了。  相似文献   

<正>"‘互联网+'是以新一代信息技术为代表的一次科技革命,与工业和产业有高度融合,这种融合会引发产业变革,同时也促进整个工业体系发生剧烈变革和提升。""‘互联网+'不是一个简单的互联概念,它应该是人类用信息技术来武装产业、社会经济各方面的平台,可以是一种工具手段,一个知识空间,亦或说是一个智慧的空间。"新一代信息技术的发展,使人类开始用计算机智力机器代替人的脑力,如同大规模的机器和交通代替人的体力一样,从而使人类进入智慧的大生产阶段。  相似文献   

前言 2005年10月8日,也就是"十一"黄金周后的第一天,酝酿1年多的海南省旅游汽车统一调度结算制度正式推行.全省1841辆旅游车被归拢在一起,接受统一调派、统一结算.  相似文献   

绿色交通是生态文明和绿色发展理念在交通运输领域的集中体现。海南省坚持生态立省,绿色交通建设是全面落实"五位一体"总体布局,助推海南国际旅游岛建设,促进全省交通运输全面协调可持续发展的重要组成部分。本文从海南省绿色交通体制机制、运输结构、运输组织、科技创新、政府引导等五方面全面阐述了海南省绿色交通发展现状,提出了绿色交通发展存在的问题,并从强化政策保障、加强科技创新、注重人才培养、培育绿色文化等方面提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

航空运输是进出海南省最重要的交通运输方式之一,对海南经济社会发展起着重要作用。为进一步加快海南自由贸易港建设,需要切实推进航空运输来往自由便利,这对海南多机场体系建设提出了更高要求。目前,海南省多机场体系正在快速成长阶段,但航空运输市场需求与基础设施供给不足的矛盾突出,机场功能定位和管理体制还有待理顺。本文梳理了海南省多机场体系发展特征,分析研究了协同发展面临的问题,最后提出相关发展建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the efficiency and spatial equity impacts of a unique island-looping high-speed rail (HSR) network in Hainan province, China. An integrated network and raster-based model is applied to accurately measure the accessibility indicators. We perform analysis at four different geographical planning levels – island, corridor, spillover, and county level. The HSR with a non-polarized topology can increase the accessibility of the entire island and corridor, but only leads to a slight increase in the spillover areas without HSR stations. HSR construction also leads to spatial cohesion for the entire island and corridor. Although the circular HSR network consists of several HSR stations distributed relatively equally, the results show that counties contribute differently to the cohesion of the entire island due to the varied initial level of accessibility values. Moreover, the county-level analysis reveals that the internal changes of each county are also different with balancing, polarization, and neutral effects appearing. Therefore, the internal equity of counties needs to be combined with their external contributions to global equity. Our framework permits policymakers to make customized HSR transport policies at different planning levels, particularly for an isolated area.  相似文献   

海南省汽车运输总公司与海南高速的重组问题曾经吸引了诸多人的目光,面对国际陆路运输巨头、国内道路客运上市企业、香港九巴等公司抛出的橄榄枝,海南省汽车运输总公司最终有着自己的个性选择.  相似文献   

Levinson  David M. 《Transportation》1999,26(2):141-171

Demographic, socioeconomic, seasonal, and scheduling factors affect the allocation of time to various activities. This paper examines those variables through exploration of the 1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, which has been inverted to track activity duration. Two key issues are considered. First, how much can activity duration and frequency explain travel duration? The analysis shows activity duration has positive and significant effects on travel duration, supporting recent arguments in favor of activity based models. Second, which recent trend is the main culprit in the rise in travel: suburbanization, rising personal incomes, or female labor force participation? This paper examines the share of time within a 24-hour budget allocated to several primary activities: home, work, shop, and other. The data suggest that income and location have modest effects on time allocation compared with the loss of discretionary time due to working.


Santa Clara County, California experienced a sharp growth in demand‐responsive paratransit ridership for individuals with disabilities, as a result of the passage of the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). This paper describes an automated paratransit system for the ADA‐type paratransit operation implemented in Santa Clara County. It automated paratransit reservation, scheduling, and routing functions. The key components of this system were a digital geographic database (DGD) and an automated trip scheduling system (ATSS). Empirical evidence after one year of operation indicates numerous benefits of this automation. There were significant reductions in the paratransit operating costs and an increase in the percent shared rides. The savings in operating costs far exceeded the annualized capital cost of automation. A user survey indicates that these improvements were achieved without degradation to service quality such as vehicle on‐time performance, invehicle travel times, vehicle response to open return, and ride comfort.  相似文献   

The idea of deploying unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, for final-mile delivery in logistics operations has vitalized this new research stream. One conceivable scenario of using a drone in conjunction with a traditional delivery truck to distribute parcels is discussed in earlier literature and termed the parallel drone scheduling traveling salesman problem (PDSTSP). This study extends the problem by considering two different types of drone tasks: drop and pickup. After a drone completes a drop, the drone can either fly back to depot to deliver the next parcels or fly directly to another customer for pickup. Integrated scheduling of multiple depots hosting a fleet of trucks and a fleet of drones is further studied to achieve an operational excellence. A vehicle that travels near the boundary of the coverage area might be more effective to serve customers that belong to the neighboring depot. This problem is uniquely modeled as an unrelated parallel machine scheduling with sequence dependent setup, precedence-relationship, and reentrant, which gives us a framework to effectively consider those operational challenges. A constraint programming approach is proposed and tested with problem instances of m-truck, m-drone, m-depot, and hundred-customer distributed across an 8-mile square region.  相似文献   

Analyses from some of the highway agencies show that up to 50% permanent traffic counts (PTCs) have missing values. It will be difficult to eliminate such a significant portion of data from traffic analysis. Literature review indicates that the limited research uses factor or autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models for predicting missing values. Factor-based models tend to be less accurate. ARIMA models only use the historical data. In this study, genetically designed neural network and regression models, factor models, and ARIMA models were developed. It was found that genetically designed regression models based on data from before and after the failure had the most accurate results. Average errors for refined models were lower than 1% and the 95th percentile errors were below 2% for counts with stable patterns. Even for counts with relatively unstable patterns, average errors were lower than 3% in most cases.  相似文献   

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