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挂靠经营是运输企业利益与风险的博弈,是把"双刃剑",被挂靠企业往往以有限的利益换取了巨大的风险.  相似文献   

车辆挂靠往往出于取得市场准入、获得营运资质、解决车辆购买资金的目的,挂靠车辆实质上没有脱离单车单放的状态,已经成为道路运输业发展的一条"软肋". 当务之急是运输安全 据统计,我国交通运输企业半数以上属民营,其中私营、个体的运营方式在公路运输中又占了很大的比重.运输企业对挂靠车辆、车主和驾驶人缺乏有效监督和管理.受利益驱动,驾驶人超载、超速和疲劳驾驶基本是家常便饭,高速公路上许多重大事故都是由这样的"流动炸弹"引爆的.  相似文献   

运输企业在管理挂靠经营方面最大的问题是:对挂靠车辆的控制力不足。这有很多方面的原因,比如企业自愿放弃其管理的权力,只收管理费用,而不承担任何实质上的管理职责;受企业实力所限,无力承担旗下生产单位可能造成的恶性后果;受所有权与经营权机制限制,无法对经营者实行全方位的管控。所有这些因素最终形成了“强挂靠,弱企业”的局面,在这种局面下,挂靠车若不服从企业管理,企业就对挂靠车无可奈何。  相似文献   

什么样的历史条件就会有什么样的矛盾,市场的不同发展阶段会出现不同的组织模式和经营模式.挂靠解决了特定历史条件下,企业资金流的问题、车辆更新的问题,但是没有解决好服务问题,服务问题则主要来源于财产管理问题.很多企业不知道为什么挂,为什么靠,怎样让业户挂得舒心、靠得有力.如果业户挂得不舒心、靠得没有力,肯定就要来"歪"的,就会宰客、倒客、超载、超员.  相似文献   

作为一种经营方式,挂靠经营不仅在道路运输企业而且在旅游、建筑、房地产、药品销售、餐饮、外贸等领域也普遍存在.交通行管部门一再要求运输企业对挂靠车辆进行清理整顿,对他人出资购车、企业不具备真实产权的挂靠车辆全部清理脱钩,由企业出资收购挂靠车辆或将车辆作价入股.然而,从运输企业的经营现状与国有企业的改革发展情况来说,此举将使企业面临两难境地.  相似文献   

与业务脱节带来的质量管理失效 我国的挂靠经营方式在很大程度上脱离了经营管理,特别是质量管理体系的.制约,存在许多弊端.一些货运企业虽然通过了ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,但挂靠车辆实际运作过程和被挂靠企业管理工作之间脱节,导致质量管理体系认证效率低下甚至名不副实,货运服务质量得不到保障.  相似文献   

当前危货运输管理存在的问题 1.危货运输企业管理措施不到位 对危险化学品运输企业实行资质管理后,一些有运输要求而没有运输资质的企业纷纷挂靠有资质企业,有资质企业则往往只是对挂靠企业收取管理费,却疏于监管,坐收渔利:部分企业未严格按照国家法律法规的规定,落实管理的主体责任,找不到管理方向.如从事危险化学品运输的车辆不停放在专用停车场内,造成很多安全隐患.  相似文献   

2005年4月23日,江西省人民政府办公厅转发省交通厅<关于清理整顿道路客运车辆挂靠经营工作方案(试行)>指出,2005年8月底前,各运输企业对他人全额出资购车、企业不具有真实产权的挂靠客车全部清理脱钩.年底前,各运输企业对旅客运输普遍实行公司化经营.清理范围是在江西省内注册的所有从事班车客运、旅游客运的企业和营运客车.  相似文献   

"道路客运企业的经营结构,决定着运输组织的发展程度和管理水平,事关安全生产管理的基础是否牢固。"5月16日的2012中国交通发展论坛之城乡交通运输新技术应用分论坛上,中国道路运输协会常务副会长孔卫国分享了他的独特见解。"事事承包,一包就灵"时代已过去"现在动不动就说‘挂靠’、‘清  相似文献   

"挂靠车队"挂靠成风2001年,海南省政府为了规范全省汽车运营市场,组建了(?)车公司,要求全省所有旅游(?)挂靠到这12家公司,并在此基础上成立海南省汽车协会,该协会主管部门为海南省交通厅。这个松散型的管理体制仅负责受理服务质量投诉,不负责处理,处理的权限转交给这12家旅游车公司。但是由于旅游车公司处理总是不及时,经常发生扯皮现象,旅行社对此总是怨声载道。  相似文献   

从我国国情出发,道路客运与旅游包车属于"道路运输"范畴,而公交与出租则位于"城市公交"之列."道路运输"属于"交通运输业",体制上归属于交通系统管理,而"城市公交"则又属于"社会服务业",归建设系统管理……如此叠加性质的区分说明,估计足以让许多外行人士云里雾里.所以,时至今日,仍然有许多人在发问:城乡客运到底属于哪个行业?  相似文献   

David Metz 《运输评论》2013,33(2):134-145

There is an implication in the notion of 'transport policy' that substantial improvements could be made to the transport system given sufficient ingenuity, investment and good will. This paper argues that such policy aspirations cannot cope with the desire for ever-increasing mobility, a deep and powerful force in modern society. In densely populated countries there is no possibility of meeting the demand for unconstrained movement through construction of additional transport infrastructure, since new and longer journeys would quickly fill the extra capacity until the congestion equilibrium is re-established. What limits mobility in practice is the time individuals have available for travel, time which is equitably distributed. Transport plans need to acknowledge this time constraint as fundamental, and accordingly be realistically modest about what is achievable. It is an illusion that the transport system could be substantially more efficient whilst remaining equitable.  相似文献   

二十世纪八十年代以来,发达国家已逐渐从主要依靠修建公路、扩大路网规模来满足不断增长的交通需求,转移到用高新技术来改良公路运输系统及管理体系,从而达到大幅度提高路网通行能力和服务质量的目的.为了解决交通问题,日本、美国和西欧等发达国家都投入大量资金和人力,研究开发并应用了ITS(智能运输系统),即综合运用先进的电子技术、信息技术、传感器技术和系统工程技术,建立起全方位、实时准确、高效的运输系统.  相似文献   


无论是城市公共客运、城市出租客运、旅游客运,它都具备了道路旅客运输的基本特点、基本属性,人为地将这一市场割裂,说明现行政策离"群众满意"这个根本出发点还有一定的距离.  相似文献   


Foreign consultants still provide much of the analytical expertise for transport planning studies conducted in the Gulf States and other rapidly developing countries. Most of the systems analysis techniques used are adaptations of those developed for western urban areas. The populations of the Gulf States are unique in that they contain very large populations of foreign workers who have very different social and economic characteristics from the national populations. This paper describes these differences and shows how they have influenced the spatial evolution of the Kuwait metropolitan area and the associated transport demands. The paper also describes the analytical tools that are most appropriate for capturing the transport behaviour of residents of the Kuwait metropolitan area.  相似文献   

The present study uses meta-regression in order to explain the wide variation in elasticity estimates obtained in previous demand studies, and provide summaries of several bus demand elasticities.One important finding as to the price elasticity is that the often cited rule of thumb of −0.3 holds good if quality of service represented by vehicle-kilometres is treated as an exogenous variable, but not when it is treated as endogenous.Based on the results it is recommended that demand models should include car ownership, price of petrol, own price, income and some measure of service among the explanatory variables and that the service variable should be treated as endogenous.In previous meta-studies in this field focus has been on own price elasticity only while this study also includes elasticities with respect to, level of service, income, price of petrol and car ownership. The short run for the US are found to be −0.59, 1.05, −0.62, 0.4 and −1.48 respectively.  相似文献   

客运站社会化的"走调"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1月29日,年关将至,本刊记者在走访了"中华第一站"以后,乘坐一趟三点半从济南发往北京的客运班车,车出站后,连同两位记者在内,整辆客车上只有三名乘客,客车一路在高速公路上奔驰,直到进入北京,车上依旧是三名乘客.  相似文献   


The paper considers in detail strategic changes occurring in the organizational context of intermodal transportation and discusses the application of economic approaches (primarily transaction-cost economics) for assessing the effectiveness of the appropriate governance structure in organizing the intermodal transport economic system. The paper reviews the developments in intermodal transportation, particularly in the context of logistics and supply chain management, and recognizes the trend for the formation of one-stop shopping megacarriers spurred by deregulation and market requirements. This culminates in the need to consider how companies should organize the economic governance of the intermodal transport system. The main governance structures include market (subcontracting) or hierarchy (internal organization). The transaction-cost economics approach is reviewed and applied at a conceptual level to provide the core basis upon which the assessment of the optimal governance structure in intermodal transport can be based. The review of the core economic principles indicates that the governance structure in intermodal transport is dependent on transaction costs, production costs and strategic considerations that a particular structure might entail and the policy implications thereof. The potential for empirical research in the application of the transaction-cost economics approach to intermodal transport is discussed and detailed direction for further empirical research is provided as well as discussion of policy implications particularly with respect to competition and antitrust.  相似文献   

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