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制动能量回收技术及其在混合动力摩托车上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着地球环境的变化,世界各国制定了严厉的法规以限制机动车的尾气污染物排放。有限的石油资源和日益提高的环保意识也促使汽车和摩托车必须降低燃油消耗和排放。我国摩托车年产量和保有量年年攀升,节能与环保问题尤其突出。但摩托车受技术、成本及空间等方面的影响,降低油耗和排放的技术不及在汽车上成熟,所以有必要开发出适合我国国情的摩托车新技术,使摩托车行业得以进一步健康发展。一、混合动力摩托车混合动力摩托车指的是由两种或两种以上的动力作为驱动源的摩托车。目前我国摩托车主要是由汽油发动机驱动,受成本的限制,这种发动机是化油器供油,于节油、环保都不利。在我国,电动摩托车得到了一定的发展,技术相对比较成熟,所以以汽油发动机和电动机作为驱动源具有广阔的发展空间。混合动力摩托车可通过下列途径达到节油目的:选择较小功率发动机;取消发动机怠速;控制发动机在高效区工作;发动机断油;适当增大电池SOC(State of Charge)窗口;回收再生制动能量。  相似文献   

贾雨  王青 《摩托车技术》2003,(5):24-24,43
2002年9月20日,欧盟正式发布了97/24/EC的修订指令2002/51/EC,该指令规定了摩托车Euro Ⅱ阶段及两轮摩托车EuroⅢ阶段排放要求和欧洲摩托车排放法规发展计划.  相似文献   

在中国典型城市公交循环工况下,采用车载排放测试技术,以纯柴油模式的怠速排放水平作为比较基准,对某一大型混合动力客车发动机的启动/停止(S/S)对排放特性的影响进行了研究.试验结果表明:从排放总量上看,混合动力汽车的HC、CO、NO_x、CO_2和PM的排放量都比纯柴油模式低;而混合动力模式S/S阶段的HC、CO和NO_x的排放量要比纯柴油模式怠速排放量低;但是PM排放量相反,混合动力发动机在启动和停止时都出现排放峰值;从控制PM排放量来说,该混合动力客车停机时间应长于7s.  相似文献   

国Ⅳ摩托车排放标准是与欧洲摩托车排放第Ⅳ阶段标准相对应的,而现在执行的摩托车排放国家标准是等效采用欧Ⅲ摩托车排放标准的。摩托车国Ⅳ排放新标准囊括了所有关于摩托车排气污染物排放的试验方法及限值要求,适合L3、L4和L5类车,对Ⅰ型试验和Ⅱ型试验的限值进行了加严修订。  相似文献   

今年我国已实施相当于欧Ⅱ的摩托车排放标准,2006年1月1日起欧洲将实施欧Ⅲ摩托车排放标准,2007 年左右我国也将会实施相当于欧Ⅲ的摩托车排放标准。标准法规的加严推动了摩托车排放控制技术的应用和发展, 摩托车电喷技术作为根本解决摩托车排放、动力和节油问题的技术方案,受到越来越多的关注。我们在谈到电喷技术时首先关注的是排放问题,因为政府法规一直在强调排放,而我们却忽略了电喷技术更重要的特点--节油,因为性能提高和节省燃油,才是消费者最最关心的,才是摩托车电喷技术应用最直接的推动力。直接从汽车上移植来的电喷系统并不太适应中国摩托车市场的需求--既要求产品性能好,可靠性高,又要成本低廉,还要求有便捷的售后服务。所以在中国小排量摩托车电喷技术的研发上都是从头开始,除一些国外著名品牌电喷系统供应商外,我们还有一批国内院校和企业所组成的摩托车电喷技术研发团队,他们将是中国摩托车电喷技术产业化的中坚力量。今天我们与浙江飞亚电子有限公司联合开办了这个电喷技术专栏,就是希望对关注摩托车电喷技术的人士有所帮助和参考,也希望电喷技术能够在不久的将来在摩托车上广泛应用--不仅仅是因为排放法规的要求,而是消费者对摩托车性能和节油的需求。  相似文献   

混合动力摩托车管理电路的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国排放法规的不断加严,降低燃油车尾气排放也越来越迫切。混合动力车的研究作为电动车研发所确定的目标已列入863国家重大科技攻关计划。电动车因蓄电池在能量密度、比功率、寿命和续驶里程等方面的不足,已成为推向市场的瓶颈,而混合动力摩托车与电动车和燃油车相比,因具有高性能、低能耗、低污染等特点,极具开发和推广前景。1混合动力摩托车的特点混合动力摩托车是指驱动车的动力源为电动机和发动机2种驱动模式,即纯电动驱动和纯发动机驱动。在纯发动机驱动模式下,利用发电机功率大的特点,给动力电池充电,边走边充,解决了电动车充电难的问题。两种驱动模式能自动切换,在低速0~18km/h时,用电动机驱动,可减少发动机低速运行时  相似文献   

11月10日,在米兰举行第67届国际自行车和摩托车展览上,一辆有着三个轮子的混合动力摩托车与观众见面。它的亮相,展现了标致公司不仅在汽车领域有着先进的技术与独特的设计理念,在摩托车领域依然实力不凡,要将新能源技术的应用不断扩大。作为欧洲第三,法国第一大摩托车制造商,标致Hybird3 evolution的出现将引领着新一代摩托车的发展潮流。  相似文献   

国产摩托车排气污染物排放水平及机内净化措施研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家环保总局于2003年2月28日颁布<摩托车排放污染防治技术政策>,明确规定:2004年新定型的摩托车产品排气污染物的排放,应当达到相当于欧洲第二阶段排放控制水平;2006年前后我国所有新定型的摩托车的排放应达到国际先进水平,排放耐久性里程应达到1万km.  相似文献   

重庆建设雅马哈摩托车有限公司近日称.国内第一款达到欧Ⅲ排放标准的骑式摩托车在重庆建雅下线。这款车将陆续批量出口欧洲市场。这款摩托车是一款排量为125mL的骑式摩托车.其最大的特点是大幅降低了一氧化碳的排放,在环保方面达到欧Ⅲ排放标准。这款摩托车目前不在国内销售,而是批量出口到欧洲市场。2007年.建雅将在国内销售的摩托车上采用相关技术。  相似文献   

本文介绍了世界摩托车法规控制起源及主要项目;美国摩托车排放总量、欧洲摩托车排放分担率;摩托车排放法规的演变进程规律;欧洲、关国加州、中国台湾省等地区摩托车排放控制情况;美国、日本、中国大陆等排放法规制定的最新动向。  相似文献   

欧洲的汽车制造商未能达到其自定的增加新车燃油效率的目标。在90年代后期,汽车制造商同意将欧洲销售新车的二氧化碳排放降低。他们订下的目标是到2008年将二氧化硬排城水平降到140g/km。  相似文献   

This research concerns the design of a powertrain system for a plug-in parallel diesel hybrid electric bus equipped with a continuously variable transmission (CVT) and presents a new design paradigm for the plug-in hybrid electric bus (HEB). The criteria and method for selecting and sizing powertrain components equipped in the plug-in HEB are presented. The plug-in HEB is designed to overcome the vulnerable limitations of driving range and performance of a purely electric vehicle (EV), and it is also designed to improve the fuel economy and exhaust emissions of conventional buses and conventional HEBs. Optimization of the control strategy for the complicated and interconnected propulsion system in the plug-in parallel HEB is one of the most significant factors for achieving higher fuel economy and lower exhaust emissions in the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). In this research, the proposed control strategy was simulated to prove its validity using the ADVISOR (advanced vehicle simulator) analysis simulation tool.  相似文献   

Hydraulic hybrid powertrains are a critical technology used in buses to improve fuel economy and emission performance. New exploration in configuring a parallel hydraulic hybrid bus (PHHB) is developed in this paper with no changes made to the conventional base bus driveline. An integrated model and simulation of the parallel hydraulic hybrid bus is built based on AMESim, which is used to model the hydraulic powertrain and conventional bus driveline, and interlinked with a Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow model of the control unit. Compared to conventional buses, the fuel economy of the PHHB improved by 28% in real road tests at the SMVIC (National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Motor Products Quality (Shanghai)); the approximate improvement of fuel economy was 30% in simulated runs, which validates our model. Then a Non-linear Programming by Quadratic Lagrangian algorithm (NLPQL), is applied to optimize control strategies for improving fuel economy and emissions. Simulations also demonstrate that fuel economy and emission performance can be significantly improved. However, optimum parameters for maximum fuel economy and minimum emissions are not consistent. Simulation results show tradeoffs between fuel economy and emissions in PHHB, and optimal parameters can be selected by balancing design objectives.  相似文献   

对减少CO2排放的急迫呼吁,已使主要的汽车制造商致力于开发新的电动和混合动力驱动交通工具解决方案。为这些应用开发功率半导体模块,需要新的模块集成和封装解决方案。  相似文献   

The plug-in hybrid electric bus (HEB) is designed to overcome the vulnerable driving range and performance limitations of a purely electric vehicle (EV) and have an improved fuel economy and lower exhaust emissions than those of a conventional bus and convention HEBs. The control strategy of the plug-in parallel HEB??s complicated connected propulsion system is one of the most significant factors for achieving a higher fuel economy and lower exhaust emissions than those of the HEV. The proposed powertrain control strategy has flexibility in adapting to the battery??s state of charge (SOC), exhaust emissions, classified driving patterns, driving conditions, and engine temperature. Simulation is required to model hybrid powertrain systems and test and develop powertrain control strategies for the plug-in parallel HEB. This paper describes the simulation analysis tools, powertrain components?? models and modifications, simulation procedure, and simulation results.  相似文献   

This research is the first to develop a design for a powertain system of a plug-in parallel diesel hybrid electric bus equipped with a continuously variable transmission (CVT) and presents a new design paradigm of the plug-in hybrid electric bus (HEB). The criteria and method for selecting and sizing powertrain components equipped in the plug-in HEB are presented. The plug-in HEB is designed to overcome the vulnerable limitations of driving range and performance of a purely electric vehicle (EV) and to improve fuel economy and exhaust emissions of conventional bus and conventional HEBs. The control strategy of the complicated connected propulsion system in the plug-in parallel HEB is one of the most significant factors in achieving higher fuel economy and lower exhaust emissions of the HEV. In this research, a new optimal control strategy concept is proposed against existing rule-based control strategies. The optimal powertrain control strategy is obtained through two steps of optimizations: tradeoff optimization for emission control and energy flow optimization based on the instantaneous optimization technique. The proposed powertrain control strategy has the flexibility to adapt to battery SOC, exhaust emission amount, classified driving pattern, driving condition, and engine temperature. The objective of the optimal control strategy is to optimize the fuel consumption, electricity use, and exhaust emissions proper to the performance targets. The proposed control strategy was simulated to prove its validity by using analysis simulation tool ADVISOR (advanced vehicle simulator).  相似文献   

stop—start在欧洲已经获得成功,中国市场则刚起步。奇瑞已经推出了搭载stop—start技术的混合动力车,更多的中国OEM厂商正在制订相关的产品计划。中国政府新能源汽车政策的出台,对stop—start的发展是一大利好。  相似文献   

美国依靠煤炭产生一半以上的电力,很显然,可再生能源的采用将是一个缓’幔过程。与此同时,科学家们正在研究以较少的排放和较低的价格,从煤炭中获取最大功军电力的方法。他们已经提出了燃料电池/燃气涡轮机的复合。其中第一个已经在美国加利福尼亚大学校园里成功使用了四个多月的时间。  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》2001,22(1):95-103
This paper describes the key technologies that achieve high fuel efficiency in a variety of driving conditions. For the global environment preservation, a vehicle has been developed with the objective of reducing fuel consumption and exhaust CO2 to half that of Honda's typical low-fuel-consumption car Civic. These new technologies have been developed around a new hybrid power train layout. They include improvement in engine thermal efficiency, vehicle weight reduction and reduction of aerodynamic drag, resulting in extremely high fuel economy of 35 km/l at 10–15 mode. Also, the exhaust emissions are as low as half of the 2000 Japanese exhaust emission regulation. Consideration was also given to recycling compatibility, crash safety performance, comfortable running and styling to create a highly sophisticated ultra-low-fuel-consumption hybrid car.  相似文献   

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