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Intersection safety continues to be a crucial issue throughout the United States. In 2016, 27% of the 37,461 traffic fatalities on U.S. roadways occurred at or near intersections. Nearly 70% of intersection-related fatalities occurred at unsignalized intersections. At such intersections, vehicles stopping or slowing to turn create speed differentials between vehicles traveling in the same direction. This is particularly problematic on two-lane highways. Research was performed to analyze safety performance for intersections on rural, two-lane roadways, with stop control on the minor roadway. Roadway, traffic, and crash data were collected from 4148 stop-controlled intersections of all 64 Parishes (counties) statewide in Louisiana, for the period of 2013 to 2017. Four count approaches, Poisson, Negative Binomial (NB), Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) were used to model the number of intersection crashes for different severity levels. The results indicate that ZIP models provide a better fit than all other models. In addition to traffic volume, larger curve radii of major and minor roads and wider lane widths of major roads led to significantly smaller crash occurrences. However, higher speed limits of major roads led to significantly greater crash occurrences. Four-leg stop-controlled intersections have 35% greater total crashes, 49% greater fatal and injury crashes, and 25% greater property damage only (PDO) crashes, relative to three-leg intersections.  相似文献   

在无信号灯控制路口处,按照可接受间隙理论,分析主路不同流量下对次路通行能力的影响,并对不同主路车流进行比较,找到对次路造成阻碍作用的主路车流之间的定量关系,分析当次路对向车流量变化时,这种定量关系变化趋势,从而为设置信号灯提供依据.  相似文献   

该文利用VISSIM微观仿真系统对采用连续交通组织方式的城市主干道交叉口进行了仿真分析,研究了道口车辆路段行程时间随交织段长度、车流量的变化规律,得出了综合效益最佳的交织段长度,并对道路设计和管理给出了建议。  相似文献   

针对车路协同环境下的冲突问题,建立了以系统反应时间代替驾驶员反应时间的自动驾驶车辆制动距离模型,以此作为安全距离改进了矩形冲突检测模型,并根据轨迹优化的研究思路,提出了以矩形冲突检测模型为基础的冲突消解算法,对非通行优先权车辆进行速度引导,避免车辆冲突。在车联网开源框架 Veins 的基础上,将交通仿真器 SUMO和网络仿真器 OMNeT++双向耦合,并对冲突检测模型与消解模型进行验证。仿真结果显示,该冲突检测及消解模型具有可行性,与传统无信号交叉口四路停车让行规则相比,模型中的速度引导方案能减少合流冲突车辆 8.6%的平均行驶时间,减少交叉冲突车辆 8.3%的平均行驶时间;合流冲突和交叉冲突中车辆的平均速度分别提高了61.4%和105.0%。在实际应用中,冲突消解模型可以为不同速度范围内的自动驾驶车辆提供速度参考,降低无信号交叉口车辆发生碰撞的概率,提高无信号交叉口的通行效率。  相似文献   

因交织区的强制换道存在紧迫性, 车辆换道行为在交织区后半段会出现因换道意愿强烈而产生的激进换道行为, 这种微观的换道行为将给交通流带来一定影响; 在人机混驾情形下, 不同类型换道切换控制模型同样可能影响交织区通行能力。在分析人机混驾交通流交织区换道行为特性的基础上, 将换道类型分为保守型换道和激进型换道; 在可接受安全间隙模型的基础上结合自动驾驶车辆间的协同行为, 构建自动驾驶车辆在保守状态下的协同换道模型; 以及在激进型状态下考虑目标车道后车类型影响下, 构建激进型换道模型。通过分析津保立交桥实地调研轨迹数据和NGSIM中US-101交织路段轨迹数据, 分别拟合了保守型、激进型换道模型切换点分布函数; 考虑不同车辆驾驶行为特性及其相互作用, 提出人机混驾条件下换道模型切换控制逻辑决策。以SUMO仿真软件搭建实验平台, 考虑人工驾驶车辆换道模型切换点分布特性, 以优化最大流率、交织区整体车辆运行速度、换道车辆速度等为目标, 确定不同自动驾驶车辆渗透率下自动驾驶车辆的最佳保守型-激进型换道模型切换点。仿真结果显示: 在交织区长度为250 m, 自动驾驶渗透率分别为0.2, 0.5, 0.8时, 自动驾驶换道模型切换点分别在180, 80, 50 m处达到最佳, 即随着自动驾驶渗透率的提高, 换道切换点最佳位置将向交织区入口处逐渐移动, 且在自动驾驶渗透率较低时这种换道切换点的变化较为明显; 在较高渗透率下, 由于协同换道出现频率增高, 自动驾驶强制性换道行为比例降低, 换道模型切换点对交织区通行能力的影响逐渐变小。本项研究对人机混驾条件下高速公路交织区自动驾驶车辆的换道控制提供决策依据   相似文献   

分析了快速路互通立交主线总交通量、交织流量比和主线外侧第二车道大型车比例等3种因素对合流区端部主线最外侧车道交通量的影响,得出上述3种因素与合流区端部主线最外侧车道交通量具有非线性关系.在实际调查数据的基础上,采用广义神经网络对合流区主线最外侧车道的交通量进行了预测,并与实际调查数据对比,对比结果证明预测效果良好.  相似文献   

无信号交叉口的许多交通冲突与左转车流有关.左转车流与对面方向直行车流存在冲突,也和与之相交道路的直行和左转车流相冲突.在无信号交叉口处适当地设置左转专用道,能有效地减少冲突,减少因左转车干扰而产生的延误,运用交通流理论、概率论和排队论知识,研究了在无信号交叉口处是否应设置左转专用道,设置左转专用道时的服务水平,左转专用道的设置与所考虑的相关因素之间的关系等,并建立了相关的模型.  相似文献   

随着我国城镇化进程的推进,周边公路逐渐被纳入城区范围,亟需对城郊公路进行市政化改造以满足市政功能和交通需求,而横断面设计是改造工程的重点和难点.以公路与城市道路的功能差异性分析为基础,将城郊公路市政化改造路段分成市政功能为主和公路功能为主两类,结合改造横断面设计原则和决策因素,研究提出了以市政功能为主的改造横断面形式,...  相似文献   

无信号T型交叉口次要道路通行能力分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以可接受间隙理论为基础,利用概率分析法,对由大型车、中型车和小型车组成的混合车流进行分析,并考虑了主路和支路冲突车流的相互影响。在无信号T型交叉口主路车流车头时距服从改进后的M3分布的条件下,建立了支路3种车型混合车流的通行能力模型。并通过计算机模拟,分析了主路交通量、主路左转车比例以及可接受间隙对支路通行能力的影响。  相似文献   

为了使自动驾驶汽车在人机混驾环境下能安全、高效地左转通过无信号交叉口,在借鉴人类驾驶人左转时会对周围车辆驾驶意图进行提前预判的基础上,提出了一种基于周围车辆驾驶意图预测的自动驾驶汽车左转运动规划模型。首先将无信号交叉口处周围车辆的驾驶意图分为左转、右转、直行3种类型,利用相关向量机预测周围车辆驾驶意图,以概率形式输出意图预测结果并实时更新,进一步界定自动驾驶汽车与周围车辆的潜在冲突区域并判断是否存在时空冲突;接着,在充分考虑他车速度、航向及车辆到达冲突区域边界距离的基础上建立基于部分可观测马尔可夫决策过程的自动驾驶汽车左转运动规划模型,生成一系列期望加速度;最后,基于Prescan-Simulink联合仿真平台搭建无信号交叉口仿真场景,对所提左转运动规划方法进行仿真验证,将基于博弈论的运动规划方法、基于人工势场理论的运动规划方法与所提出的方法进行比较,并选取行进比例达到1所用的时间和碰撞次数作为评价指标。研究结果表明:基于相关向量机的驾驶意图预测方法可在自动驾驶汽车到达交叉口之前准确预测出他车驾驶意图;基于部分可观测马尔可夫决策过程的左转运动规划方法能够通过速度调整策略实现人机混驾环境下自动驾驶汽车与周围车辆在无信号交叉口处的交互;不同算法对比效果表明,所提左转运动规划方法在自动驾驶汽车与不同数量周围车辆交互的仿真场景下均可有效避免碰撞事故发生并提高自动驾驶汽车左转通过无信号交叉口的效率。  相似文献   

为提升城市道路设施管理水平、推进城市精细化交通管理进程,对近年来北京市复杂条件下路口交通标线渠化方案进行整理,选取典型的、具有显著工程效果的方案进行分析与研究,针对三支路畸形交叉、城市干道主辅路交织、交叉口公交组织、大面积交叉口机非混行等大城市常见复杂条件下实施的道路渠化方法进行探讨,提出渠化原则和方法.从理论及实践2个层次提出面向复杂条件下路口交通标线渠化的具体策略.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the impact of the existence of the volunteer (VO) in managing traffic at unsignalized intersections. VO is a person who manages traffic at unsignalized intersection without the legality of operations but in exchange for financial compensation from the road users. VO is a unique phenomenon that only occurs in Indonesia's cities. The location of this research was qualified at unsignalized intersections in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which had a high traffic volume and had VO managing the traffic. The selected data were those during peak traffic conditions, each of which was one day at the same time with and without VO. Traffic volume, speed, waiting time, and vehicle conflict were the data collected and analyzed in this research. The results indicated that although the existence of VO was needed psychologically to lessen the chaotic traffic situation at unsignalized intersection, it did not have a significant impact on reducing the waiting time for vehicles from the minor road to cross and merge to the major road. The difference in waiting time was only around an average of two seconds as a result of the existence of VO compared to non-VO. According to the findings, this research proposes to prohibit the untrained VO since the benefits derived in controlling the chaotic traffic is not proportional to the potential risk of getting hit or lawsuits from drivers who are disturbed by their existence.  相似文献   

关于高架快速路车道宽度设置的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于高架快速路在设计速度、车辆组成和服务功能等方面都与高速公路和一般的城市道路有很大的不同,因此其车道宽度的设置也应有别于其他的道路。通过分析在上海高架路上采集的大量实测数据,应用数理统计的方法建立了速度和流量之间的关系模型,进而得到了不同车道宽度对应的通行能力值。在保证车辆安全行驶和不降低通行能力的前提下,推荐出高架快速路的最小车道宽度值,以节约土地资源,降低工程造价。  相似文献   

武汉市城市道路机动车车道宽度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
横断面宽度是道路全局性参数,机动车道是横断面最主要的组成部分。该文对武汉市城市道路机动车道宽度进行了研究,选择合理的机动车车道宽度,具有十分重要的经济和社会意义。  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a real-time implementation of a general merging algorithm for automated highway systems. A merging control problem is proposed first. A real-time algorithm is then presented, which is used to calculate a smooth reference speed trajectory for the merging vehicle based on the speed of the main lane vehicle. This algorithm can also be applied even when the main lane vehicles change speed. To make the algorithm adapt to different road layouts and to increase safety, a concept of virtual platooning is proposed. It effectively shifts the time of platoon formation forward prior to the start of real merging. Aspects closely related to real-time implementation are discussed, such as the controller adopted, the use of magnetometer based distance measurement and information passing by communication from main lane vehicles. Test results are presented and briefly analyzed.  相似文献   

针对路侧停车带来的进出停车位排队延误、低速巡游降低通行效率、过量停车加剧交通负荷等问题,研究了路侧停车对路段动态交通流的影响分析方法。基于视频识别算法,提取路侧停车车辆在驶入车位过程中的运行轨迹和速度波动数据,解析路侧停车过程中的驶入行为特性,并按照行为差异将停车车辆停车全过程细分为进入路段、寻找车位、找到车位、驶入车位、静止停放、驶离车位、汇入路段和错失车位8类状态;分别依据停车车辆和通行车辆的实际驾驶行为,从跟驰特征、速度矫正、换道规则和位置更新等方面对路侧停车元胞自动机模型进行了改进;在选择目标车位时综合考虑了步行至目的地时间和驶入车位耗时2个要素。与常规通行车辆相比,深入分析了停车车辆提前换道和停车完后汇入路段行为对后车的影响。基于实际交通流数据对仿真模型进行参数标定,经验证,模型拟合度为77.6%;仿真分析了在差异化的停车需求强度下,巡游速度对道路通行能力和延误时间的影响规律。结果表明:固定的巡游速度和停车需求强度下,道路延误时间随道路交通量先增加后减少;在低停车需求强度下,巡游速度对道路通行能力影响微弱,在高停车需求强度下,当巡游速度从30 km/h降低至20 km/h,外侧车道饱和流量降低500 veh/h,最高延误时间增加105 s。   相似文献   

考虑驾驶员在作业区上游过渡车道上行驶的过程中,车辆可汇入相邻车道的临界间隙的变化情况,减少作业区警告区末端由于汇入产生的冲突,提出设置汇入提示标志。利用M3分布模型与间隙接受理论,通过微分方法得到次车道上车辆的汇入概率模型。利用该概率模型,得到了在不同交通流状态下的汇入提示标志设置距离,同时对影响汇入概率的交通流参数进行了分析。计算结果表明:当自由流比例及车速均相同时,设置距离随交通流量增大而增大;而当车速与交通流量均相同时,设置距离随自由流比例增大而减小;当自由流比例与交通流量均相同时,设置距离随车速增大而增大。因此应结合作业区的限速值进行汇入提示标志的设置。  相似文献   

通过对城市道路无信号控制交叉口行人穿越特性的分析,总结出反映行人穿越效率的3个主要效率指标。对现有行人临界穿越间隙的计算公式进行合理、全面的修正,得出将总的行人平均延误30 s作为行人控制信号的1个设置标准。同时,采用行人可穿越机会数(CO)和当量行人流量(EAU)指标来建立模型,作出基于行人特性的信号设置依据图形,作为行人控制信号的另一个设置标准。最后对按钮式行人信号灯的基本原理和适用条件作了简要分析。  相似文献   

This study aims to determine risk factors contributing to traffic crashes in 9,176 fatal cases involving motorcycle in Malaysia between 2010 and 2012. For this purpose, both multinomial and mixed models of motorcycle fatal crash outcome based on the number of vehicle involved are estimated. The corresponding model predicts the probability of three fatal crash outcomes: motorcycle single-vehicle fatal crash, motorcycle fatal crash involving another vehicle and motorcycle fatal crash involving two or more vehicles. Several road characteristic and environmental factors are considered including type of road in the hierarchy, location, road geometry, posted speed limit, road marking type, lighting, time of day and weather conditions during the fatal crash. The estimation results suggest that curve road sections, no road marking, smooth, rut and corrugation of road surface and wee hours, i.e. between 00.00 am to 6 am, increase the probability of motorcycle single-vehicle fatal crashes. As for the motorcycle fatal crashes involving multiple vehicles, factors such as expressway, primary and secondary roads, speed limit more than 70 km/h, roads with non-permissible marking, i.e. double lane line and daylight condition are found to cause an increase the probability of their occurrence. The estimation results also suggest that time of day (between 7 pm to 12 pm) has an increasing impact on the probability of motorcycle single-vehicle fatal crashes and motorcycle fatal crashes involving two or more vehicles. Whilst the multinomial logit model was found as more parsimonious, the mixed logit model is likely to capture the unobserved heterogeneity in fatal motorcycle crashes based on the number of vehicles involved due to the underreporting data with two random effect parameters including 70 km/h speed limit and double lane line road marking.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on evaluating the safety effectiveness of restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersections in rural and suburban areas based on prior control type. Both, unsignalized and signalized RCUT intersections were evaluated using the Empirical Bayes (EB) before-after evaluation method. The 42 RCUT intersections selected for this research were converted from a two-way stop-controlled (TWSC) intersection or signalized intersection in the rural and suburban areas. The results show a 70.63% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 76.10% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes at unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections in the rural area. Also, an 89.25% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 94.42% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at offset three-legged unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections converted from four-legged TWSC intersections in rural areas. In the suburban areas, a 64.86% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 73.39% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections. Further, a 10.15% and a 31.08% reduction in the total number of crashes, and an 84.26% and 41.31% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at a signalized RCUT intersection in the rural and suburban areas, respectively. The safety effectiveness of unsignalized RCUT intersections in the rural areas with a larger sample size was found to be higher than was observed by researchers in the past. While unsignalized RCUT intersections in the suburban areas are effective, there is not enough evidence to support the installation of signalized RCUT intersections. These findings help researchers and practitioners in making informed decisions and installing RCUT intersections from a safety perspective.  相似文献   

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