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为了快速评估含船冰碰撞凹陷损伤下加筋板在轴向压缩载荷作用下的极限强度,本文采用非线性有限元法对低温凹陷损伤加筋板的极限强度进行研究。根据EH36钢在低温下的材料力学性能试验,通过折减因子评估法,基于完整加筋板在轴向压缩下极限强度的经验公式,提出以加筋板柔度和加筋板壳板柔度为变化参数,采用最小二乘法拟合折减系数,得到低温含凹陷损伤加筋板剩余极限强度的经验公式。结果表明,相比于凹陷长度和凹陷深度,凹陷宽度对加筋板极限强度的影响较大;对比分析凹陷损伤加筋板极限强度的经验公式和有限元法的计算结果,误差较小,验证了船冰碰撞凹陷损伤下加筋板的极限强度快速评估方法的准确性。 相似文献
散货船碰撞损伤后的剪切极限强度 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
船体梁受到碰撞损伤后,必须有足够的剩余强度用以抵抗最大外弯矩,同时还需能够承受最大剪力.在众多类型的船舶中,散货船是一种抗剪能力较差的船型.对于其碰撞损伤后纵向剩余极限弯矩的研究已有较多的文献[2-7],而对于碰撞损伤后的剪切极限强度的研究目前还比较少.针对这一现状,本文的主要目的在于分析讨论散货船受到碰撞损伤后的极限承剪能力;分析结构几何尺寸,碰撞损伤形状以及边界条件等各种因素对碰撞破损船体抗剪能力的影响.为了方便起见,文中也给出了相应的回归经验公式.本文同时还推导了一个船体梁碰撞损伤后的初始屈服剪力计算公式.最后,本文以一艘散货船为例,计算分析其碰撞损伤后的抗剪能力,从中得出一些有益的结论. 相似文献
基于Derradji-Aouat海冰本构模型的船冰碰撞数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海冰与结构物发生碰撞的过程中,其力学行为变化多样,基于实验数据建立的Derradji-Aouat海冰本构模型在一定程度上考虑了海冰的拉压强度不同、静水压力项、横观各向异性以及应变率效应等因素的影响,比传统的材料屈服理论有较好的适用性。采用非线性有限元法对船冰碰撞过程进行了数值模拟,并且对破冰船局部强度和总纵强度进行了校核。 相似文献
由于对物理模型做了大量假设,经验公式在计算船冰碰撞过程中的冰力时存在很多缺点,而且因为没有考虑船舶自身的非线性现象,导致计算结果与真实值存在较大误差。随着有限元技术的发展,使得利用有限元技术模拟海冰与船舶碰撞问题成为可能。海冰本构模型是影响船冰碰撞过程中计算精度的最重要因素,利用MSC.DYTRAN强大的非线性计算功能对海冰的弹塑性模型、弹脆性模型以及Derradji-Aouat多重失效面模型进行模拟,并且对计算结果和相关本构模型进行分析,认为基于应变率和温度并且考虑了静水压力对海冰失效的影响的多重失效面准则更加适合计算高应变率作用下的船冰碰撞问题。 相似文献
加筋板格的屈曲强度和极限强度分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
加筋板格是船体结构的主要构件,因此,它的屈曲强度和极限强度是设计人员十分关心的。在过去的几十年时,有关这方面的研究已经开展了很多。 相似文献
《Marine Structures》2003,16(6):437-468
This paper presents the results of an extensive sensitivity analysis carried out by the Committee III.1 “Ultimate Strength” of ISSC’2003 in the framework of a benchmark on the ultimate strength of aluminium stiffened panels.Previously, different benchmarks were presented by ISSC committees on ultimate strength. The goal has typically been to give guidance to the designer on how to predict the ultimate strength and to indicate what level of accuracy would be expected.This time, the target of this benchmark is to present reliable finite element models to study the behaviour of axially compressed stiffened aluminium panels (including extruded profiles). Main objectives are to compare codes/models and to perform quantitative sensitivity analysis of the ultimate strength of a welded aluminium panel on various parameters (typically the heat-affected zone).Two phases were planned. In Phase A, all members analysed the same structure with a defined set of parameters and using different codes. It was expected that all the codes/models predict the same results. In Phase B, to boost the scope of the analysis, the different members (using their own model) performed FE analyses for a range of variation of different parameters (sensitivity analysis). 相似文献
A series of collapse analyses is performed applying nonlinear FEM on stiffened panels subjected to longitudinal thrust. MSC.Marc is used. Numbers, types and sizes of stiffeners are varied and so slenderness ratio as well as aspect ratio of local panels partitioned by stiffeners keeping the spacing between adjacent longitudinal stiffeners the same. Initial deflection of a thin-horse mode is imposed on local panels and that of flexural buckling and tripping modes on stiffeners to represent actual initial deflection in stiffened panels in ship structures. On the basis of the calculated results, buckling/plastic collapse behaviour of stiffened panels under longitudinal thrust is investigated. The calculated ultimate strength are compared with those obtained by applying several existing methods such as CSR for bulk carriers and PULS. Simple formulas for stiffened panels, of which collapse is dominated fundamentally by the collapse of local panels between longitudinal stiffeners, are also examined if they accurately estimate the ultimate strength. Through comparison of the estimated results with the FEM results, it has been concluded that PULS and modified FYH formulas fundamentally give good estimation of the ultimate strength of stiffened panels under longitudinal thrust. 相似文献
Five specimens of wide stiffened panel with four stiffeners under axial compression until collapse are studied with a nonlinear finite element analysis and Common Structural Rules to compare with the experimental results. The stiffened panel models have two longitudinal bays to produce reasonable boundary condition at the end of edges. Tension tests have been conducted to obtain the material properties of the steel that are used in the finite element analysis. Three boundary condition configurations are adopted to investigate their influence on the collapse behaviour of the stiffened panels. A displacement transducer was used to measure the initial geometrical imperfections of the stiffened plates. The collapse behaviour of the stiffened panels is analysed in finite element analysis with the measured initial imperfections and with nominal imperfections. An equivalent initial imperfection is validated for the ultimate strength of stiffened panel under compressive load until collapse for the panels under consideration. With the same imperfection amplitude, the shape of the column-type initial deflection of stiffeners affects significantly the collapse shape, but only slightly the ultimate strength and the mode of collapse of the stiffened panels. The 1/2 + 1 + 1/2 bays model with restrained boundary condition BC3 gives an adequate FE modelling and is possible to be fabricated in experiment. 相似文献
采用非线性有限元软件模拟船底板单面点腐蚀,通过对边缘载荷系数比、蚀坑分布、直径、深度的改变,经过一系列的数值计算分析,结果表明横向载荷和侧压对板的极限强度影响不可忽略,计算板的极限承载能力时需要考虑计及侧压与横向载荷。在复杂受力状态下,就单考虑蚀坑深度时,板表面的蚀坑深度在0~0.5t区间变化时,极限强度相应的折减率比大于1/2板厚时更大,极限强度对蚀坑深度更加敏感。腐蚀面积不能有效表征腐蚀程度,当DOP系数相同时,点蚀后板的最小横截面决定了极限强度的大小。 相似文献
为了评估舰船结构损伤后的剩余强度,对船体加筋板出现初始几何变形后,参与总纵强度的有效宽度和加筋板剩余极限强度进行研究。将加筋板受到垂直于平面压力后的变形,作为其初始几何变形,改变变形的方向和大小,利用有限元软件Ansys对加筋板结构进行线性和非线性分析。定义了板有效宽度计算方法,对不同变形方向和变形幅值时板的有效宽度和加筋板的极限强度进行对比分析,并拟合得到了计算板有效宽度和加筋板极限强度的经验公式。结果表明,初始几何变形会削弱加筋板结构的强度。在对损伤后船体结构强度进行分析和校核时,提出的经验公式可以直接用来计算板的有效宽度和加筋板的极限强度。 相似文献
在老龄化引起的船舶结构安全性问题中,裂纹损伤是结构强度衰减的一个重要因素。文章采用逐步加载法对含裂纹损伤的加筋板压缩剩余极限强度进行试验研究。设计六种典型的穿透裂纹损伤加筋板,对损伤试件进行轴向压缩试验。通过改变裂纹尺寸、位置及倾角参数并根据试验观测结果,探讨了不同裂纹参数下加筋板的屈曲破坏特点和对剩余极限强度影响。试验结果表明,不同的裂纹长度以及裂纹位置改变加筋板结构承载力的分布,影响结构应力应变场,进而改变其失效崩溃模式;倾角为45°的裂纹相对于垂直于加筋的裂纹对加筋板结构的剩余极限强度影响较小,此外初始缺陷对结构的剩余极限强度的影响也不容忽视。 相似文献
研究铝合金加筋板结构的极限强度,有利于充分发挥铝合金材料的强度潜力和结构的后屈曲承载能力。本文将广义切线模量理论应用于铝合金加筋板结构的轴压极限强度计算,并推导了适用于加筋板的协调参数、极限弯矩系数及结构系数等相关参数的解析算式,建立了铝合金加筋板结构的强度利用率函数,从而得到结构的极限强度,进一步完善了广义切线模量理论在加筋板结构极限强度研究领域的应用。通过将广义切线模量法计算结果与经验公式、有限元计算结果进行比较,验证了其适用性与可靠性,可用于工程分析计算。 相似文献