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随着长三角经济一体化的发展,区域轨道网络日趋完善,为扩大区域枢纽机场的腹地提供了良好的机遇。为了定量研究轨道交通对区域枢纽机场可达性的影响,以杭州萧山机场为例,利用ArcGIS和改进的交通成本加权平均值法,从市域和区域两个方面,对基于轨道交通的机场可达性进行分析。结果表明,基于轨道交通的机场有效服务范围能够覆盖所在城市大部分地区;加强机场与区域轨道网络的衔接,有利于提升机场的可达性,扩大辐射范围。  相似文献   

多层次轨道交通融合发展成为都市圈一体化发展的重要载体。本文对巴黎、柏林-勃兰登堡、东京、纽约等国际都市圈的轨道交通网络进行系统介绍,总结多层次轨道融合发展经验。基于上述分析,提出对我国都市圈轨道系统在线网层次、枢纽体系、运营组织、技术标准等方面的启示和建议。  相似文献   

赵永刚 《综合运输》2024,(2):24-28+64
京津冀、长三角等区域正在建设多层级轨道交通系统,结合国内外轨道交通引领城市发展经验,展望十四五时期北京轨道交通融合发展目标。从规划、建设、运营各阶段,简述轨道内部四网融合的重要关注点。综合轨道内外关系,从满足通勤需求和引导城市发展两个方面,以网络层面提出轨道融合发展思考,从既有线改造和运营管理提升两个方面,以线路层面提出轨道融合发展思考,从交通枢纽和轨道微中心两个切入点,以站点和区域层面提出轨道融合发展思考。基于北京市十四五时期交通发展建设规划,结合北京市具体建设项目,从点线网各层面思考十四五时期轨道融合发展的经验及预期成效,展望远景2035年的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文从都市圈一体化发展的角度,分析了深圳、东莞、惠州三地道路网发展现状、三市经济一体化和综合运输发展趋势,从完善一体化道路网基础设施、加强交通组织管理、提升综合服务能力、统一公路与城市道路的管理机构、健全道路网一体化法规政策等方面提出了深莞惠都市圈道路网一体化发展对策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的增长,地区间人员和物资往来愈发频繁,对交通的需求日益增加,城镇化步伐在加快,都市圈和城市群逐步形成,轨道交通在区域城市的发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为城市建设的子系统,轨道交通自其诞生以来,就以其大运量、快捷、环保等特点服务并引领着城市的规划发展,推动着区域经济的发展,建立适合区域城市发展相匹配的交通体系日益成为当前城市建设重要的一环。本文从供需角度,分析了区域城市发展对轨道交通的影响因素和不同轨道交通制式、模式特点,提出了区域城市建设与轨道交通规划协调发展的若干观点,并对区域轨道交通的未来做出了展望。  相似文献   

网络系统的连通性是其可靠性、可达性的基本前提。在轨道交通“四网融合”战略背景下,分析了区域轨道交通多制式复合网络连通度影响因素;从系统中观层面,分析了区域轨道交通多制式复合网络连通度的内涵;提出了区域轨道交通多制式复合网络的连通性的计算步骤并给出了计算实例。用连通性对区域轨道交通多制式复合网络的结构和功能进行分析和评价,能够判别路网互联互通的程度,可为网络规划设计及运营管理提供参考。  相似文献   

上海大都市圈是都市圈向城市群发展过程中,由于区域内行政壁垒逐渐破除、区域内城市发展不平衡及轨道交通快速发展等原因催化下的一种新型城市空间形态,具有地域范围更广、圈内城市组团更多、空间结构更复杂等特点。上海大都市圈内部划分为城市中心区、大都市圈外围区和大都市圈扩展区,结合都市圈的出行需求和轨道交通的技术特征,分析得到都市圈层面的轨道交通出行需由城际铁路与市域铁路共同承担。其中,市域铁路是多层次轨道交通融合发展的桥梁,具备与城际铁路跨线运营条件的市域铁路应重点考虑与城际铁路融合。最后,从功能互补、制度配合、服务一体、信息共享4个角度为上海大都市圈内多层次轨道交通的协同发展提出建议。  相似文献   

孙炜 《综合运输》2005,(6):56-57,72
一、世界城市交通发展模式城市交通发展模式与城市空间发展形态有很大的关系,纵观国内外大城市的交通发展,主要有以下几种模式。1、强中心模式这类城市一般历史较为悠久,是一个国家或地区的政治、经济和文化中心,具有较强的经济和产业的积聚和辐射功能,对外交通发达,商业、产业和人口比较集中,城市规模较大,居民生活、工作及学习的范围较大,高度中心化现象严重。伦敦、巴黎、纽约、东京、北京、上海等城市都具有这种特性。目前解决这类强中心城市的交通较为成功的模式是:轨道交通网络 限制型交通,即建立一个容量很大、站距短、车次多、密布…  相似文献   

轨道交通互联互通网络化运营是我国都市圈公共交通发展的必然趋势。我国应充分汲取国外都市圈轨道交通互联互通网络化运营的相关技术和丰富经验,提高未来我国都市圈轨道交通服务水平和运输效益。本文通过简析互联互通网络化运营的理念、目标和基本条件,深入总结东京、伦敦、巴黎等都市圈轨道交通互联互通的线网体系和运营模式方面的特点,提出我国都市圈在合理构建轨道交通线网体系和灵活选择运输组织方式两方面的建议,以促进互联互通技术在我国轨道交通网络化运营方面的良性发展。  相似文献   

随着都市圈的兴起,立体综合的城际交通运输网的建立成为都市圈持续、快速发展的根本保证,然而运输网中,刚起步的轨道交通发展尚不尽如人意。本文用绿色交通的思想分析了优先发展城际轨道交通的重要性,用数据说明了城际轨道交通是一种比其他运输方式优越的城际交通方式,并采用SWOT分析法分析了轨道交通发展的优势、劣势、外部机会以及威胁,在此基础上对如何大力发展轨道交通提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

贝雷钢便桥在高速公路施工中应用广泛,架设型式多样。跨顾圩河便桥中支墩采用钢板基础,依靠通车后荷载使支墩稳定,同时采用非标组装贝雷主桁,上承式结构,安全、经济、合理,是贝雷钢便桥架设的好型式。  相似文献   

Land use and transportation mutually affect each other. Unfortunately, most transportation decision making procedures assume that public agencies cannot shape future land use patterns, and that past land use practices unswervingly determine future conditions. In A Tale of Two Cities, the author surveys the correlations between land use policies and travel behavior in two Oregon cities (Portland and Hillsboro).Building on successes the City of Portland has achieved in reducing reliance on the automobile, the author outlines a recent project by 1000 Friends of Oregon, titled Making the Land Use, Transportation, Air Quality Connection (LUTRAQ). According to the author, the purpose of LUTRAQ is to replicate Portland's approach in a more suburban context. Specifically, LUTRAQ is attempting to develop a realistic land use/transportation/demand management alternative to a proposed new bypass freeway and to accurately measure that alternative for its effects on travel demand, land use, air quality, climate change, and other indices. Although LUTRAQ is a project in progress, the author provides preliminary information that suggests the alternative successfully reduces demand for single occupancy automobile travel.  相似文献   

This study uses an integrated model utilizing a small-world network and choice-based conjoint adoption model to examine the dynamics of consumer choice and diffusion in the hybrid electric vehicles market. It specifically compares the effectiveness of hybrid diffusion through the traditional word of mouth and via social media. The results show that without the advantage of increased gasoline prices, the growth of the hybrid vehicles market is insignificant, and that the Internet has a significant influence on the word of mouth effect in the purchasing process. Hybrid electric vehicles market shares decrease dramatically as a result of negative word of mouth communication via social media. The use of a higher fuel taxes is more effective than providing a subsidy for disposing of old vehicles and purchasing a hybrid.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first research on the distance distribution of human mobility with single vehicle based on the driving data from a taxi company in South China. Different from conventional exponential distribution, we discover the mobility distance with taxi follows power-law distribution. Further, we proposed a model which may explain the mechanism for the power-law distribution: mobility distance is constrained by time and fare. Specifically, the relationship between fare and mobility distance follows piecewise function, and responds to individual sensitivity; the relationship between time and mobility distance follows significant logarithmic relationship. These two factors, especially the logarithmic relationship between time and mobility distance, may contribute to a power-law distribution instead of an exponential one. Finally, with a simulation model, we verify the significant power-law distribution of human mobility behavioral distance with a single vehicle, by supplementing factors of waiting time and fare.  相似文献   

The different approaches to noise impact assessment adopted by the individual countries and the scientific community have led to the development of a certain number of indicators, mainly focused on specific transport modes. However, in practice, technicians and decision-makers alike may fail to identify the most appropriate indicators, if they have no specific expertise on environmental noise. This paper presents a review of the main transport noise indicators, both the general acoustic ones and those used for specific transport modes. A critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of these indicators is provided, as well as a section discussing the framework in which they work, and suggestions for their best use, aimed at assisting decision-makers to ascertain their role in the evaluation process of the transport systems. To this extent, a classification is proposed, supplemented by the DPSIR (driving forces, pressures, states, impacts, responses) approach, in an effort to assess the cause–effect relationship between society and the environment. Decision-makers will also gain insight into the prioritization of the use of the existing indicators in accordance to their own needs, as well as advice on the joint use of socioeconomic variables to fully support their decisions.  相似文献   

Kersting  Moritz  Matthies  Eike  Lahner  Jörg  Schlüter  Jan 《Transportation》2021,48(5):2127-2158
Transportation - Everyday commuting as a mobility phenomenon is well-investigated and has been the topic of many contributions. Nevertheless, the distinct determinants of the commuting...  相似文献   

Lajos Urbán 《运输评论》2013,33(4):305-321

In its introductory part this article discusses the principles of the transport policy approved in 1968, followed by the reasons behind the advances on this policy approved in 1978.

It then goes on to review the Hungarian transport pattern and organization, including the roles played by the railways, the road transport companies, the state‐owned enterprises as well as cooperatives, urban transport, shipping, air transport, pipelines, and private transport.

In discussing the division of labour (or market sharing) in transport it concludes that passenger transport is increasing slowly, while the proportion of private transport is continuing to rise. A moderate increase is expected in goods transport with a decline in the share of the railways and a rise in that of the other transport branches. This division of labour is being influenced by economic, not administrative, means.

The main target of the advanced transport policy is to shape a transport system which corresponds to socioeconomic requirements. This means that goods transport capacities must be put to more efficient use, which involves improving development, organizational and planning operations. In passenger transport priority must go to public transport while the proportion of private transport must be defined in keeping with demand and economic possibilities.

In the development of the infrastructure and investments, the need to improve energy use and protect the environment must be stressed.

The rest of the article presents the detailed reasoning behind the measures already taken and scheduled to be taken to achieve these main targets.  相似文献   

唐开元十九年,公元731年,首次来到长安的李白年过而立,却穷困潦倒不得不选择离开.当年冬天,他醉宿龙门,夜不能寐,写出<行路难>的名篇,"行路难,行路难,多歧路,今安在?"世上行路呵多么艰难,眼前歧路呵纵横交织.诗仙用现实的路暗喻世道险阻,抒写出政治道路的坎坷.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的发展,汽车持有量的增加,交通事故也成为交通事业发展的一个严峻挑战。针对这些情况,车辆驾驶安全技术的研究取得了很大发展。文章从驾驶疲劳的研究现状、驾驶疲劳研究存在的问题等方面对驾驶疲劳监测方法进行了综述性研究,着重对基于机器视觉的驾驶疲劳监测方法进行了研究,为驾驶疲劳的检测技术的开展提供了参考。  相似文献   

The family of macroscopic node models which comply to a set of basic requirements is presented and analysed. Such models are required in macro-, mesoscopic traffic flow models, including dynamic network loading models for dynamic traffic assignment. Based on the behaviour of drivers approaching and passing through intersections, the model family is presented. The headway and the turn delay of vehicles are key variables. Having demand and supply as input creates a natural connection to macroscopic link models. Properties like the invariance principle and the conservation of turning fractions are satisfied. The inherent non-uniqueness is analysed by providing the complete set of feasible solutions. The node models proposed by Tampère et al. (2011), Flötteröd and Rohde (2011) and Gibb (2011) are members of the family. Furthermore, two new models are added to the family. Solution methods for all family members are presented, as well as a qualitative and quantitative comparison. Finally, an outlook for the future development of empirically verified models is given.  相似文献   

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