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A number of South African cities are planning integrated public transport networks that rely on the introduction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), in line with similar trends to expand or upgrade public transport services in emerging and industrialised urban transport markets around the globe. In addition, BRT in South Africa is being used as a mechanism to drive reform in the dominant yet highly fragmented paratransit sector, inspired by similar processes particularly in Latin American cities such as Bogotá, Mexico City, and Santiago de Chile. Thousands of paratransit operators would have to formalise their businesses, or merge into new or existing operator entities in order to participate in the new systems. There is, however, an absence of accessible business plans and regulatory regime proposals around which paratransit can be engaged to convince it to alter its current modus operandi. A large number of national, regional and local paratransit groupings have furthermore indicated their resistance to the planned networks on the grounds of insufficient consultation, an unclear future role in the system and employee redundancies. Should this deadlock not be resolved, it seems unlikely that the planned networks will be realised in the proposed timeframes, if indeed at all. This paper investigates the South African passenger transport policy framework that has contributed to the current deadlock, and explores appropriate approaches to engaging paratransit operators on a system of contracting, competition and ownership that recognises the sector’s aspirations and fragmented nature, yet contributes towards improved passenger transport services. It is the authors’ view that paratransit reform is a highly context-specific process, even at the sub-city level, and that this could prevent transferring paratransit regulatory and integration approaches across countries, and even cities in the same country, without adaptation to local conditions.  相似文献   

Dams and other stream blockages prevent anadromous fish from accessing large areas of key habitat. The NOAA Community-Based Restoration Program (CRP) supports habitat restoration projects, including 53 dam removal and fish passage projects from 1996 to 2002. This article provides a preliminary review of the biological benefits provided by the first 18 CRP dam removal and fish passage projects supported between 1996 and 1999. These 18 projects improved access to over 160 km of river habitat for many anadromous fish species, especially river herring (Alosa spp.) on the east coast and salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) on the west coast. While fish ladders provide targeted fish species access to key habitat areas, dam removal can improve the health of entire stream ecosystems and provide fish passage to fish species unable to utilize ladders. The CRP complements existing federal regulatory programs by providing a cooperative process at the local level that can restore habitats efficiently and effectively while encouraging long-term stewardship.  相似文献   

回首风云激荡的岁月,十一届三中全会的召开,国家全方位的改革开放,使"改革早、开放早、走出去早、与国际接轨早、竞争起点高"的中国船级社(CCS)如虎添翼.在党的改革开放路线指引下,不断解放思想,坚持"安全、质量、改革、发展"八字方针,走以科技为先导的发展道路,服务于国家相关行业发展大局,驰骋在世界海事疆场,实现了跨越式发展,成长为国际海事界有重要影响力的船级社,开创了建设创新型国际一流船级社的新时代.  相似文献   

秦萍 《中国船检》2008,(10):60-61
改革开放30年,中国船级社(CCS)在“加强基础、健全体系、适应发展、面向全国、走向世界”发展战略指导下,由弱到强,取得了辉煌成就。特别是进入21世纪以来,坚持“技术立社、诚信为本、与众不同、国际一流”的建社方针,努力建设创新型国际一流船级社,成为我国航运、造船、能源开发、金融保险等相关行业发展不可或缺的重要支持保障力量。  相似文献   

秦萍 《中国船检》2008,(9):50-51
●我国的年造船能力、年产量、手持订单均居于世界前列.标志着中国已经跨入了世界造船大国的行列。 ●2007年.中国船舶工业创下了造船完工量世界第三,手持订单量世界第二.新接订单量世界第一的骄人业绩。 ●2007年,中国造船完工量占世界市场份额的23%,首次突破全球造船量的1/5。2008年1~6.PJ份.中国造船完工量1024万载重吨.占世界市场份额进一步提高到26%。  相似文献   

This article reviews key measures of public opinion on sea-level rise (SLR): beliefs, attitudes, issue prioritization, and policy support. To do so, we first assess the influence of SLR beliefs and attitudes on issue prioritization and policy support using state-level data. Then, we compare the state findings to other surveys conducted in a hot spot of rising coastal waters, the U.S. Mid-Atlantic, to better understand the landscape of public opinion. Our findings indicate that, as in studies of climate change public opinion, belief certainty that SLR is happening and attitudes about its consequences significantly influence issue prioritization and policy support. Compared to climate change, SLR demonstrates less salience, but is similarly a low public priority. Nevertheless, the public supports governmental policies that address the issue, preferring strategies that discourage new construction in high risk areas and employ “soft” protection through natural barriers. Among the least popular approaches are those that implement hard barriers to defend against encroaching seas. Communication programs and public consultation by governments can benefit from the use of survey data to support evidence-based decision-making.  相似文献   


A territorial sea comprising 6.7 million acres of offshore lands extending three geographic miles into the Atlantic Ocean three marine leagues (nine geographic miles) into the Gulf of Mexico makes Florida the second largest “oceanowning”; state in the contiguous United States. Florida's history, climate, economic development, and worldwide reputation have evolved from the state's relationship with the sea. The state is now becoming aware that aggressive management of its ocean resources is necessary to preserve the future of that relationship. The purpose of this article is to present some of Florida's recent legal and policy initiatives that have been directed toward better understanding and management of ocean resources and uses.  相似文献   

辛华 《中国海事》2010,(9):33-35
文中指出了《中华人民共和国船员培训管理规则》(交通运输部2009年10号令)为我国船员培训体制的改革奠定了基础,分析了我国目前船员培训、监管和考评体系改革的必要性,并通过对英国的职业教育模式和美国、菲律宾的船员考试监管模式的分析,提出了我国船员培训体制改革的新构想和船员考试、评估模式改革的新思路。  相似文献   

刘陈 《中国水运》2007,5(11):226-227
大学生就业问题主要包括结构性失业和个人选择性失业。本文针对大学生就业结构性矛盾,探讨高等教育自身所存在的突出问题,并对进一步改革高等教育进行了思考。  相似文献   

The South African government in 2006 initiated an urban public transport reform programme reliant on the introduction of new bus rapid transit (BRT) systems. Affected paratransit operators can opt to be incorporated in these systems by forming new operating companies, but must withdraw their existing services from proposed routes. Cape Town's first phase of BRT operations came online in 2011, and operator engagement has focussed on this phase. The attitudes within this city's paratransit sector in relation to future phases, and to the broader reform policy, remain largely untested. In view of this sector's past resistance to government-led proposals, and the current phase avoiding areas with the highest concentrations of operators, the current engagement process's outcomes may not be adequate indicators of future prospects.  相似文献   

During the last forty years, Santiago has experienced a series of drastic changes in public transport policies. These changes have ranged widely, from total deregulation to processes that concentrated the management of public transport within the hands of the public sector.  相似文献   

This paper continues to debate the importance of understanding in the NSW Bus reform process of the relationship between central agencies, service providers, the academic community, key consultants and contractors within the setting of the transport service organisation framework. Sydney is a modern city with heavy rail, light-rail, monorail and an extensive Harbour, with bus services owned by Government as well as private interests. The paper addresses the case for reforms, the approach taken, competition policy, the subsequent development of partnerships, performance of the regulator, passenger benefits, growth and the differences between Metropolitan/Outer Metropolitan and Regional and Rural bus services.  相似文献   

李娟  胡伶俐 《中国水运》2007,5(8):219-220
微机原理与接口技术是一门实践性、应用性很强的课程,本文针对目前《微机原理与接口技术》实践教学中存在的问题,结合作者的教学实践,重点对如何将本课程的实践教学与学生所学的专业相结合进行了探讨。  相似文献   

汪龙生 《世界海运》2006,29(5):41-43
建立一支高素质的海员队伍是世界海运业快速健康发展的战略要求,培养一支高素质的海员队伍不仅是行业问题,也是国际范围内的社会问题,只有全方位努力,才能实现这个战略目标。  相似文献   

改革开放30年,仿佛一幅波澜壮阔、跌宕起伏的历史画卷深深地印在了人们的脑海里。30年的沧桑巨变,30年的光辉历程,铸就了一个民族近百年的梦想,谱写了可歌可泣的壮美篇章。回望走过的岁月,感慨、激动、困惑、期待一样都不少。30年的发展林林总总,难以悉数呈现,我们只能从不同的侧面去接近那些难忘的岁月。  相似文献   

The surge of road pricing projects in the U.S. and around the globe over the past 15 years has been enabled by a variety of new communication and transportation technologies. While all of these technologies increase the efficiency of roadway tolling vis-à-vis manual collection, no “best” configuration has emerged. Rather, optimal configurations depend on the objectives of the tolling effort, such as facility type, geographic scope, desire to price externalities, integration with other operations, and so on. While such policy objectives for road pricing have been examined extensively, little has been written on the explicit links between tolling technology configurations and policy objectives. This paper addresses this gap in the literature through an examination of eight road pricing programs. For each program we evaluate the conduct of the three technical tasks via the nine technology sets in light of six principal policy objectives of road pricing.  相似文献   

我国港口在经过大规模建设期后,存在大量的老旧高桩码头。文章结合实际工程,研究老旧高桩码头升级改造技术,并对依托工程进行升级改造方案设计。通过对改造方案进行数值分析可知,改造后码头能够满足安全性要求,且改造方案可以使新老结构协调工作,保证码头结构的受力合理和变形协调。  相似文献   


Threats to the survival of West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) vary throughout their range so that protection of this endangered species requires careful planning on a regional and local basis. The importance and vulnerability of various components of manatee habitats in the Crystal River area of northwestern Florida were assessed, using an ordinal‐combination mapping technique similar to procedures practiced in urban and regional planning. Habitat components were mapped and evaluated in juxtaposition with relevant characteristics of human use of the area, to identify areas of existing and potential manatee/human conflicts in need of reconciliation. Areas evaluated as the most important manatee habitats within this region include Crystal Bay and River, Homosassa River, and the Suwannee River estuary. Existing overlap of human activities with important manatee habitats is most critical near the urban communities of Crystal River and, to a lesser degree, Homosassa Springs. The need for integration of this ecological information into coastal land‐use planning is discussed.  相似文献   

This study estimates and analyzes the transaction costs (TC) associated with the implementation of a multilevel and multistakeholder program such as a community-based coastal resource management program. Results show that TC accounted for 37% of the total project cost (TPC). The instability of financial support resulted in high TC, which was estimated to be 86% of the TPC during the implementation phase of the coastal resource management projects. The share of the total TC was highest among the people's organizations (POs) that were the beneficiaries of the program. The number of people involved in the transactions, the number of activities undertaken, and the success index of the POs were among the factors significantly affecting the TC. Analysis also shows that while higher TC led to higher success index of the POs at the initial stage of the project implementation, an increasing level of TC eventually slowed down their performance.  相似文献   


Based on an analysis of 253 related papers drawn from the Web of Science database, this study examines holistic sustainability research in liner shipping management literature using a citation network analysis (CNA) approach followed by a qualitative analysis of findings. We identify four major research domains, namely shipping performance, port selection and management, shipping markets, and environment, as well as related sub-domains of shipping performance. We discuss the current research trends and focal issues in these domains with a focus on their implications for policy development. Our results indicate that while the sustainability discourse in the literature has developed and matured significantly over the last decade, generating valuable insights for practitioners and regulators alike, it still struggles with blurry terminology and a lack of holistic frameworks jointly addressing the different aspects of sustainability: Economic considerations of liner shipping are still the main concern, while environmental and social issues are less regarded in the academic discourse. Furthermore, we identify a dearth of studies rooted in managerial or economic theory. In this regard, our study provides insights on the scope of the holistic sustainability discourse in liner shipping management, its contributions to theory and practice, and its implications for the further development of policies addressing sustainability in liner shipping management. We advocate further construct development for sustainability in liner shipping, as well as empirical tests of the antecedents of sustainability practice adoption in the industry for future research.  相似文献   

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