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针对南渡江穿越水平定向钻施工,采用了大口径、长距离、复杂地质条件下的水平定向钻施工技术,讨论了路由选择和曲线设计原则,并对此条件下的导向孔钻进、扩孔、回拖、泥浆配制等技术进行了分析,有效地解决了抱钻等常见问题。  相似文献   

文中结合南海某登陆管道项目,对陆对海水平定向钻穿越技术开展研究,通过穿越段曲线设计,计算管道最大回拖力,并设计穿越段管道保护方案.通过钻导向孔、预扩孔、管道回拖等施工流程,完成陆对海水平定向钻穿越的施工方案设计.研究结果表明:陆对海水平定向钻穿越方式相比于大开挖铺管上岸方式具有控向精准、施工高效、适应性强、环境影响小等...  相似文献   

定向钻穿越技术日趋成熟,但是复杂卵石层长距离穿越夯套管仍然是国内工程建设的难点,与其配套的钻杆中心定位、管道与光缆同孔回拖和对穿等关键技术仍需要研究。这些技术在锦州-郑州成品油管道工程六股河穿越实践中得到成功验证,节省工程投资450万元,工期提前2个月。文中从定向钻施工工艺角度对上述关键技术进行论述分析,为管道长距离穿越卵石层设计和施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文中分析了非开挖技术工作原理及其现场应用,对其施工管径、铺设长度、适应地层、作业优势和不足进行分析总结。分析表明,大直径长距离管道建设中合理搭配非开挖施工方法将有效缩短施工周期、降低施工成本,在地质条件稳定的前提下优先采用水平定向钻穿越,地质条件复杂、施工技术满足作业环境的情况下从穿越距离出发依次考虑顶管、直接铺管法和盾构。建议在直接铺管法的基础上结合智能制造,优化设备间歇式作业的不足。  相似文献   

文中以渤海某上岸管道项目为例,对海对海的定向钻穿越技术进行了研究。文中介绍了穿越工程的概况,论述了穿越设计原则,研究穿越设计方案和施工方案,包括钻机选型、施工平台布置以及海上施工流程等。研究结果表明:海对海定向钻穿越技术合理可行,相对于常规的开挖铺管方式而言,不仅可以加大海管埋深,最大限度地保护管道,节省施工工期和费用,还减小了对环境和航道交通的影响。研究成果为穿越航道或其他障碍物的海管设计与施工提供了参考。  相似文献   

1月16日,朱河干渠定向钻穿越回拖出土。至此,忠武工程48条定向钻全部完工。忠武工程“一干三支”共有48处定向钻穿越,总长25.421km.在500km的平原水网地段,平均每10多公里就有一处穿越,密度之大为国内长输管线建设中罕见。  相似文献   

隧道穿越是长输管道施工中的关键工程。以西气东输管道工程为例,介绍了黄河穿越隧道内管道的施工方法、施工步骤、安全环保措施及施工体会,供施工者参考。  相似文献   

长输管道沿途穿越戈壁、沙漠、沼泽、高山、冲沟、峡谷、河流等多种复杂地形 ,其中山区陡坡 (坡度大于 15°)地段由于纵横坡度大、易受滑坡、塌方、泥石流等地质灾害的威胁 ,因而成为施工过程中的关键控制难点之一。本文通过归纳国内外长输油气管道山地陡坡施工经验 ,结合陡坡地理特点 ,介绍了陡坡地带管道施工的主要流程 ,详细说明了施工便道及作业带修筑、防腐管运输与摆布、管沟开挖、管道组焊、防腐补口补伤等关键工序的主要施工方法以及施工中的安全保障措施。  相似文献   

近年来,国内管道的河流穿越技术得到了快速发展,而穿越方式的合理选择是管道敷设设计中的难点问题,也是工程设计的重要关注点。文中通过对各种河流穿越技术进行对比分析,总结不同穿越方法的优缺点,适用范围、适用条件及其可能产生的环境影响,结合工程实例介绍具体穿越方案的选择,为长输管道河流穿越方案的合理选择提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对外钓岛-册子岛海底原油管道水平定向钻穿越工程,介绍了在复杂地形地质条件下进行长距离穿越工程所遇到的难题,为解决这些难题所采用的施工工艺,以及在技术上实现的突破,其经验可为其他管道穿越工程提供借鉴.  相似文献   

智能系统的广泛使用,带来了移动支付的普及。公交支付在传统IC卡和现金支付的基础上,加入了云闪付和二维码支付。为探究移动支付对公交支付效率的影响,基于杭州市公交发展现状,制定了公交支付情况的调查方案。通过对所选10、93、97公交线路的早、晚高峰和平峰的三天实地调查,采集视频数据并使用SPSS进行定量统计分析,发现公交乘客刷卡占62%、二维码占27%、云闪付占6%、现金占5%。当乘客提前做好准备时,刷卡支付时间为1.29 s,低于云闪付的1.42 s和二维码的1.65 s,而未准备好时用时分别为6.74 s、10.94 s、8.54 s。通过相关性和多元线性回归分析得出"提前拿卡"、"上车掏卡"、"提前开二维码"和"上车开二维码"四种支付方式对公交停留时间延长的影响最大。  相似文献   

盾构机姿态参数的测量及计算方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据三点决定一个平面的原理,通过在盾构机中体上布置测量控制点,对其三维坐标进行测量;根据空间解析几何原理,推导出盾构机刀盘中心三维坐标以及俯仰角、横摆角、扭转角的计算方法.文章利用计算机的伪随机函数对盾构机姿态参数的测量精度进行了模拟评价,探讨了提高测量精度的方法.结果表明,盾构姿态参数的测量误差均服从正态分析;采用精度为3 mm的激光经纬仪测量控制点坐标,得到的盾构姿态参数的误差范围比规范要求小得多.  相似文献   


Transport appraisals in European countries increasingly address three dimensions of sustainability—economic, ecological and social. However, social impacts of transport have been underexposed in (ex‐ante) transport project appraisal, at least in the Netherlands. Firstly, this article presents a theoretical framework describing the relationships between determinants of social impacts of transport; it also provides a definition and categorization of those impacts. Secondly, the article reviews the state of the practice of national transport project appraisal in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The article shows that social impacts of transport investments can take on many forms and their levels of importance may vary widely, in project appraisal. The UK transport appraisal guidance includes a spectrum of social impacts through quantitative and qualitative assessments that is broader than the Dutch appraisal guidance. However, it does not cover the full range as identified in the literature. This holds, in particular, for the temporary impacts of transport investments, health impacts, social cohesion, the distribution and accumulation of impacts across population groups and social justice. All in all, it can be concluded that there is a long way to go before social impacts of transport projects are completely included in appraisals, in a way that allows us to compare them to economic and ecological effects.  相似文献   

There is a world-wide consensus that climate change policy has to be intensified to achieve reduction goals set for 2020 and 2050. But it is heavily debated which contribution should be expected from the transport sector. It is often argued that in the transportation sector CO2 marginal mitigation costs are higher such that – together with high growth of transport activities – the reduction targets for this sector should be relaxed. Green transport policy is contrasting this view and underlines that considerable reductions of climate gases in the transport sector are possible without risking economic prosperity. The aviation industry is in the focus of this discussion and first attempts are being made in the European Union to integrate aviation in an emission trading system. It will be shown that the impact of this policy will be very low in the medium term and that additional measures are necessary to create enough incentives for the aviation industry to exploit their reduction potential.  相似文献   

文章以目前地铁建设中常用的土压平衡盾构为背景,介绍了盾构故障诊断及保养系统的总体结构方案、知识库知识的获取建立、推理机的设计及系统的主要工作流程等,旨在通过系统的研制与开发,提高盾构掘进机的施工效率.  相似文献   

漏磁式智能检测在管道中的运用及管道腐蚀分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天然气输送管道在生产运行中,在内部不可避免的受到输送介质的腐蚀,在外部由于施工建设质量、绝缘层的缺陷、阴极保护不足等诸多因素的影响,同样存在腐蚀,并且随生产年限延长而逐年加重,安全隐患增大。因此,对管道内外腐蚀检测是监测、评价管道的重要项目之一。西南油气田分公司在国内首次引进国外漏磁式智能检测技术。文章分析了该项技术的检测参数、置信度、经济效果评价和存在的缺陷,论述了管道内、外腐蚀的原因,提出了减缓腐蚀的各项建议。  相似文献   

An examination of current population statistics shows that in the U.S. more than half of the population is without immediate access to a car, and in the U.K. more than three-fifths of the population is without access to a car. This phenomenon has been accentuated by national investment in both countries in major highway programs. The term carless refers to more than just households that own no cars. It extends, in households with cars to those without licenses (old and young), the handicapped, and even the licensed drivers who have no access to the family car when it is in use elsewhere (e.g. at work). The most severely effected are those in urban areas and especially the urban poor. Transportation expenses are limited for the poor when other family expenditures (food, shelter) take a high priority. Once the work trip has been satisfied, money for other trips, for the poor, is not always available. One solution to cost-free travel is pedestrianism (walking), but this too is difficult in urban areas where the pedestrian has been overlooked in favor of the car. Solutions to problems of the carless include dial-a-ride, better public transit, and better design of urban form.  相似文献   

道路交通事故分析及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道路交通事故的预防是一个系统工程,通过对全国和新疆道路交通安全现状与道路交通事故原因的对比分析,分别从影响道路交通安全的人、车、路及环境四个方面提出了降低和预防道路交通事故的发生,确保行车安全的相应措施和建议。  相似文献   

Many highway agencies are evaluating the impacts of long combination vehicles on two-lane freeway operations. A critical element of this evaluation is the impact of the large trucks on the passing sight distances required for safe overtakes. This paper reviews recent analyses of the passing maneuver and highlights a number of inconsistencies in these approaches. The paper then introduces a modified model that better reflects the characteristics of the passing maneuver and illustrates the effects of different assumptions about acceleration, deceleration, and vehicle clearances on passing sight distance requirements. The paper concludes with some passing sight distance recommendations for different design speeds and overtaken vehicle lengths. The introduction of long combination vehicles on two-lane roads would increase passing sight distances for design and marking by substantial amounts.  相似文献   

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