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<正>《舰船科学技术》以面向广大舰船科技工作者.反映舰船领域最新科技研究成果为宗旨.积极促进舰船领域的学术与科技交流.推动舰船科学技术的发展。本刊选题范围广泛.包括舰船理论研究.舰船高新技术.舰船总体研究.动力设备.武器装备.电子与光学设备.导航设备.自动化设备.机电设备.通信技术.计算机技术.舰船材料.  相似文献   

船舶动力系统S.S.S离合器运动特性仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中继式S.S.S.离合器主要应用在燃气轮机驱动的动力系统,其运动规律对动力系统的传动/切换性能具有重大影响.阐述中继式S.S.S.离合器的结构运动,并建立其虚拟样机.在不同约束条件下,对中继式S.S.S.离合器运动过程进行动态仿真研究,得到中继式S.S.S.离合器的运动特性及的阻尼特性.  相似文献   

1.北冰洋资源争夺愈演愈烈。2.全球造船续演激情岁月。3.BDI突破万点大关。4.北冰洋新航线初露端倪。5.“河北精神”溢油震惊全球。6.欧盟谋求海事业复兴。7.BIMCO标准造船合同曲高和寡。8.船舶气体减排箭在弦上。9.绿色拆船之风日盛。10.索马里海盗有恃无恐。  相似文献   

2011中国-东盟海事技术学术(越南)展览会2011年10月19日到10月23日越南河内展示内容:1.船级社、港务局和码头作业公司;2.计算机系统、网络和软件;3.疏浚设备、环境保护装备和设施;4.起重和升降设备;5.轮机工程和船用设备;6.补给和物流;7.海事出版;8.导航和通讯系统;9.油漆和涂料;10.港口和码头设备;11.港口和水路工程;12.港口建设及设施;13.推进系统、冷冻系统;14.安全、救援和保护设备;15.船舶设计和建造;16.船舶营运和管理、船舶登记和检验;17.船坞和修船厂;18.贸易协会和出口委员会、仓库和配货系统等。  相似文献   

1.新接造船订单雄居全球第一。2.港口集装箱吞吐量突破1亿TEU。3.水运地位获科学诠释。4.船舶工业全面实施战略转型。5.“特案免税登记政策”迎接中资船回家。6.船员维权与管理走上法制轨道。7.太湖水遭遇蓝藻污染。8.九江大桥遭撞击倒塌。9.航运造船业闪亮资本市场。10. 800年沉船“南海一号”破海而出。  相似文献   

亲爱的读者 1979年克劳斯.布兰卡姆珀(Dr.Ing.Klaus Brankamp)教授,当时顾问委员会主席给了我一个咨询指令.在那时DeutscheGeratebau由焦西姆.詹(Joachim Zahn)教授,Mercedes主席,和Pavcl领事,Rheinnadel.集团的业主所拥有.指令要求对5个部门和营销中心进行分析.  相似文献   

本文利适合涌浪计算的二维非恒定流数学模型.对电站机组紧急关闭产主的涌浪运动进行的数值模拟.从数值成果看出.电站紧急关闭产生的涌浪的水面升降激烈.波陡大.具有一定的破坏性.在文章的未尾.给出了这种涌浪的计算公式.供有关部门参考.  相似文献   

第三届广州国际物流装备与信息化展览会2012年6月10日至6月12日广州·中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆C区展示内容:1.仓储与车间物流设备;2.搬运设备及配件;3.物流信息化;4.包装与订单拣选设备;5.物流配套设施;6.物流运输设备:物流车辆、立体停车库、交通管理系统;7.物流服务;8.其他。  相似文献   

长江中下游张家洲河段属分汊河床,由“张家洲”江心洲将河床分为南港与北港。在枯水期南港与北港的诸浅滩水深不足3.8m,严重影响航运。本文根据地理调查,近100年来历史航道图的比较,航道水深的测量值,以及河床水力几何形态关系的分析,着重研究了张家洲浅水航道的河床演变与南北两港及其浅滩的河床水力几何形态,探讨的成果可作为张家洲浅水航道的整治以及长江中下游航道的开发规划与建设的参考。  相似文献   

以深圳到中山预投标的钢壳混凝土沉管隧道工程为例,针对钢壳混凝土沉管的组成形式,借鉴已有的钢-混凝土组合结构在收缩和徐变作用下的变形研究成果,对钢壳混凝土结构在长期作用下的受力和变形情况进行研究,采用一种简捷的计算方法对沉管横向结构在长期作用下的受力和变形情况进行计算.结果表明:由于徐变和收缩的影响,混凝土最终将近退去一半的应力值;钢壳的受力随着徐变和收缩的发展趋于均匀;随着收缩徐变的发生钢壳所承担的弯矩逐渐减小;由于徐变和收缩导致挠度增量的影响并不大.  相似文献   

基于滨海核电厂取排水工程设计实践,分析了工艺要求、阐述了设计逻辑并明确关键技术。取排水工程关键技术包括温排水扩散试验研究、波浪对构筑物的作用、泥沙冲淤试验研究、结构形式与地基的适应性、海洋生物或异物防治等方面。归纳总结了明渠、管涵、明渠管涵组合等3种取水形式和明渠、管涵两种排水形式的应用,介绍核电厂关于泥沙淤积和取水口堵塞的运营反馈,分析核电厂取排水工程面临的新形势,展望设计优化创新的方向。  相似文献   

This contribution concentrates on the legal aspects of piracy and tries to explain some of the practical problems which modern navies experience in their fight against piracy and maritime violence off Somalia. The UN Law of the Sea Convention of 1982 provides a traditional though largely deficient set of rules for control and counter measures. Modern legal instruments such as the SUA Convention of 1988 as amended, recent resolutions of the UN Security Council and regional treaties try to fill the loopholes. Against this background the paper discusses e. g. the law of boarding and investigation of suspicious vessels, the arrest and penal prosecution of criminals and the right of self-defence in case of an imminent attack. The international mandates and the national rules of engagement in which the navies operate reflect these ambiguities that result in a loss of momentum. After all piracy is not an act of war, but a crime. In conclusion apolitical solution on land is indispensable as the navies and coast guards can only fight the symptoms and not the causes of crime and unrest in a failed State.  相似文献   

目前设计规范未对人字门启闭力计算公式中的闸门前后水压差Z值选取做出明确规定,在计算人字门启闭力时通常会取大值,从而导致工程浪费。对大藤峡船闸人字门水动力与启闭特性进行数值模拟和物理模型试验研究,定量分析启闭力影响因素的效果,以便更科学合理地选取Z值。结果表明,适当增大门底间隙、门龛深度和采用变速启闭运行方式有利于闸门前后水体流动顺畅,在闸门启闭过程中形成的Z值则较小,相应的人字门启闭力也变小。综合考虑人字门启闭运行水动力特性的影响因素,合理选取Z值,可得到比较准确的计算结果,优化启闭机容量。  相似文献   

Marine food web dynamics are determined by interactions within and between species and between species and their environment. Global change directly affects abiotic conditions and living organisms, impinging on all trophic levels in food webs. Different groups of marine researchers traditionally study different aspects of these changes. However, over medium to long time scales perturbations affecting food webs need to be considered across the full range from nutrients to top predators. Studies of end-to-end marine food webs not only span organism sizes and trophic levels, but should also help align multidisciplinary research to common goals and perspectives. Topics are described that bridge disciplinary gaps and are needed to develop new understanding of the reciprocal impacts of global change on marine food webs and ocean biogeochemistry. These include (1) the effects of nutrients on biomass and production, (2) the effects of varying element ratios on food web structure and food quality, (3) bulk flows of energy and material in food webs and their efficiencies of transfer, (4) the ecological effects of species richness and the roles of microbial organisms, (5) the role of feeding behaviour in food web dynamics and trophic controls, (6) the spatial dynamics of communities and links between different food webs, (7) the combined effects of body size and behaviour in determining dynamics of food webs, and (8) the extent to which the ability of marine organisms (and communities) to adapt will influence food web dynamics. An overriding issue that influences all topics concerns the time and space scales of ecosystem variability. Threads link different nodes of information among various topics, emphasizing the importance of tackling food web studies with a variety of modelling approaches and through a combination of field and experimental studies with a strong comparative approach.  相似文献   


This article reviews the conflicts that led to the establishment of a special Congressional Committee on offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production and the attempted resolution of various issues by that Committee and the Congress in the 1978 Amendments to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953. A short review is provided of the history of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) development, of the conflict between the federal government and other interested entities and persons, and of the Congressional mechanism to respond to these conflicts. A more detailed analysis is provided of the most significant OCS issues. The article describes the various risks and benefits of offshore activity and the various benefits and risks of proposed changes in the law concerning such development. A review of the Congressional mechanism to assess these risks and benefits and balance them is included in a discussion of the various issues and legislated solutions. Finally, the article notes the need for continuing oversight and review of the benefits and risks and how effective the 1978 Amendments are in balancing them.  相似文献   

水下通信定位导航技术在海洋勘测、资源开发、海洋环境保护以及海洋军事行动等各种作业任务中都发挥着重要作用。本文通过对近年来水下通信技术和水下定位导航技术的文献进行收集整理,从而对以上技术进行分析,并且着重分析水下定位导航技术中的几种不同的方向。最后对水下通信定位导航一体化设计中所需要解决的关键技术进行分析及展望,对形成水下通信定位导航一体化组网、进一步提高水下通信的距离与可靠性以及提升定位导航的精确度提供研究基础。  相似文献   

镇压层对软土地基上海堤稳定性提升具有重要作用,但其宽度、厚度的选择大多凭经验公式以及极限平衡法进行选择和计算。基于强度折减法,利用ABAQUS有限元软件对镇压层的宽度、厚度与海堤安全系数之间关系进行研究。首先介绍强度折减法的基本原理,之后建立相关海堤模型。将镇压层宽度及厚度以线荷载宽度及大小的形式添加到模型中,以数值计算收敛与否作为评价标准计算得到安全系数以及潜在滑动面。从滑动面角度分析安全系数与镇压层宽度变化的原因。结果表明:海堤稳定性与镇压层宽厚及厚度成正比关系,且宽度超过一定值后,安全系数以及滑动面均不再发生改变。  相似文献   

船舶轮机送审图纸计算机辅助设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合船舶轮机送审设计的内容,研究了利用数据库及Word、AutoCAD的VBA技术以实现轮机送审图纸设计的计算机辅助方案及解决途径,利用编写的规范设计程序并自动地输出了轮机设备计算书和原理图图纸。该程序既省去了人工查找目录的繁琐和不便,也极大地提高了船舶轮机送审图纸设计的速度和效率。  相似文献   

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