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Canada's federal government is responsible for ports. Despite this, an integrated national ports system has not been established. The Canadian system includes: the Canada Ports Corporation; Harbour Commissions; and Transport Canada's Public Harbours. These are historic divisions. Following a failed 1970s attempt to place all ports within Transport Canada, in 1983 parliament opted for a Crown corporation model in establishing the Canada Ports Corporation for Canada's major ports. This paper addresses the question of whether, in today's increasingly competitive environment, a more integrated and businesslike national system of ports is required. Alternative systems range from centralization to regionalization and enhanced 'commercialization' of local ports to privatization. A suggested alternative for Canada includes incorporating all commercial ports within the Canada Ports Corporation, using a regional system for planning, and augmenting local autonomy of financially self-sufficient ports by making them crown corporations. Eventual privatization of the expanded Canada Port Corporation is also considered.  相似文献   

<正>改革开放以来,现代港口建设取得长足进步,做出了历史性贡献,但与我国现代化和综合交通运输业战略发展要求相比,无须讳言,尚有相当的差距,特别是要建设有中国特色社会主义现代化,在加速“两个根本转变”中,当前港口内外面临着诸多深层次矛盾,困难和问题差距,其中包括: 1.货源不足 管理粗放 其直接原因:一是传统陆上腹地经济结构调整优化和国企改革到位,尚待时日,至少还需二、三年时间;二是港口对临港货源基地建设自觉性不高,货源自组、自协调供给能力不足;三是陆上货源不足,又缺少吸引海外中转货源政策支持力度;四是港口群体缺少功能互补,  相似文献   

There is much contraversy regarding this issue. On the one hand there are the 'islanders' Which are generally the countries of Anglo-Saxon culture or influence in Which ports are often considered as mere commercial enterprises, and on the other hand the continentals where ports are instruments of national or local policy. The French belong by tradition to the latter. But a further examination of the subject would be useful; this article presents this reappraisal.

I would like first of all to examine what lies behind the notion of government subsidy for ports, and then to draw conclusions regarding 20 years of French law which have steadily reformed the status of French Ports.  相似文献   

Ports are marine gateways to economic activities. Ports’ ability to perform services depends on their facilities, harbor conditions, and other factors. Generally, ports have control over their facilities but must compete for funding to improve them. As for waterways, in the U.S., a Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund was established to fund dredging, which levies a 0.125% cargo value tax on most shippers using U.S. coastal and Great Lakes harbors. Yet, commonly, a gross tonnage metric is used to allocate the fund’s resources, resulting in under-maintenance of some harbors. This, reportedly, deters additional port funding and hinders valuable commerce. Supplemental economic metrics, such as value of commerce or cargo, can improve port financing decisions, but such data is not readily available. Container ports collect cargo value data in nominal terms, but bulk ports do not. When making economic decisions, however, real values must be used. Further, when allocating resources, decision-makers must be able to assess ports over time and relative to each other. Conforming to these criteria, this paper develops three port financing indicators based on a real value of cargo and illustrates their calculations using the U.S. Port of Duluth-Superior as a case study.  相似文献   

《港口科技》杂志创刊于1979年,上海市国资委主管、上海国际港务集团有限公司和上海港务工程公司主办,面向国内外公开发行,是一本立足港口、面向全国港航系统的应用科技杂志。国内统一刊号:CN31-1986/U,国际标准刊号:ISSN1673—6862。  相似文献   

港口的区域垄断和竞争:圆周模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
港口具有一定的地理垄断性,同时港口竞争也日益加剧,交叉腹地日益扩大。区域垄断和竞争成为港口共同的发展特征,协调两者之间的关系对于港口产业发展具有重要意义。圆周模型对于分析港口产业经济特性非常恰当。通过运用圆周模型来理解港口的区域垄断和竞争特性,可以为实现港口产业规模型竞争的公共政策制定提供基础性的理论依据。具体的政策建议包括港口业务的垂直分解及构建地主港模式、加快港口民营化进程、在放松规制的同时重建规制及推动形成区域内邻近港口间的协同竞争关系。  相似文献   

<正>我国是世界上海岸线最长的国家之一,特殊的自然地理条件和经济发展历史,客观地形成了国内沿海和内河两大港口体系。而在众多沿海港口中,则从南到北历史地形成了广州、上海、青岛、天津、大连五个中心枢纽港口,其泊位总数占全国沿海港口总泊位数的38%左右,其中万吨级以上深水泊位数、完成货物吞吐量和国际集装箱运量均占总量的55%以上,是我国发展国际贸易的基本支柱,并在世界上具有比较广泛的联系和重要的政治经济影响。由于我国当前的港口密度及其规模与能力等都远远落后于众多发达国家和地区,而国家对港口建设的投入不足,又致使这一状况很难在较短时期内得到根本性扭转。从我国基本国情和现有经济实力出发,全面发展港口建设的时机尚不成熟,一哄而起则只会造成严重的内耗和相互的制约。因此,从国民经济宏观调控的角度,认真研究我国沿海港口现状和中心枢纽港口的布局与分工,从而合理确定基础设施和资金的重点投入,优化资源配置,促进我国交通运输市场体系的建立、健全与健康发展,具有重要的现实意义和深远的战略影响。 本文旨在说明此项研究的一般原则的基础上,重点论述关于天津港的地位及其发展方向上的几个问题,并以此与同行们共商。 一、研究中心港口布局和分工应考虑的基本点 1、港口功能的?  相似文献   

Over recent years, the role of the private sector in seaports has been greatly expanded. Yet, in practice, the extent of privatization in ports can vary significantly, in part due to the different methods employed to bring about private sector participation. This paper identifies and analyses, through a survey of ports, recent trends in regard to privatization at the world's top-100 container ports. The survey has benefitted from, and seeks to extend, a previous survey undertaken by the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH). Findings suggest that, although the influence of private sector actors in ports is growing, the role of public sector agencies also remains significant.  相似文献   

The ‘Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road’ (One Belt One Road, OBOR) strategy initiated by the Chinese government has a significant impact on the business and logistics modes which involves Asia, Europe, Africa, and their adjacent seas. Many countries and ports are developing new strategies that are suitable for this economic environment. Compared with many ports in the world, the ports in Zhejiang province of China have a novel property. In addition to Ningbo-Zhoushan port, there are several other sea ports and river ports in that province. In this paper, we propose a concept of port service network that consists of a huge hub and multiple ports. Ports of small and medium sizes can share their capacities of different types of port service with the hub when the service capacities are integrated into the network. We develop a mixed integer nonlinear programming model to determine the optimal decisions in such a network with constraints on the budget to conduct integration. An optimization algorithm incorporated with a genetic algorithm is developed to solve large size problems. We provide managerial insights on the policies of government, including expanding port capacity, reducing fixed integration cost, and providing better financial condition.  相似文献   

介绍了我国港口资源的整合现状,指出港口整合可以提升港口的形象和地位,也为区域经济和城市的发展注入强大的动力。最后指出在港口资源整合中要避免的几个问题。  相似文献   

Over recent years, the role of the private sector in seaports has been greatly expanded. Yet, in practice, the extent of privatization in ports can vary significantly, in part due to the different methods employed to bring about private sector participation. This paper identifies and analyses, through a survey of ports, recent trends in regard to privatization at the world's top-100 container ports. The survey has benefitted from, and seeks to extend, a previous survey undertaken by the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH). Findings suggest that, although the influence of private sector actors in ports is growing, the role of public sector agencies also remains significant.  相似文献   

Ports are drivers of regional and of countries’ economic development. Most ports are built close to coastlines, where waters are shallower and tend to suffer from deposit sedimentation processes, which reduce depths in operational areas. In presence of shallow waters and sedimentation, ports must decide whether to dredge or not, where both decisions have significant impacts on ports’ annual incomes. Nevertheless, there are seabeds, namely muddy bottoms, in which vessels can navigate with a safety degree. This paper aims at investigating the extent to which the theoretical knowledge of vessel’s control in muddy waters is valid at a certain nautical bottom, as defined by the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (since 2009 the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure but the acronym stays PIANC) and its impact on port economics. To achieve the proposed objective, an email survey was sent to worldwide pilots that manoeuvre ships in muddy waters. The survey validated the theoretical knowledge, showed that navigation in muddy waters is possible, that it can contribute to reduce ports’ operational costs, and that the subject can be rather controversial.  相似文献   

Recent technological developments in maritime transport, particularly in container shipping and larger vessels, are having major repercussions at ports the world over. The latest wave of innovations has increased the level of competition in maritime transport, in particular in port activities. Shippers have many more alternatives available, something that tends to increase the hinterland of each port, precisely by reducing captive hinterlands. Ports are now generally moving towards formulas in which private initiative has a bigger role to play. Increases in competition combined with growth in private initiatives highlight the usefulness of marketing tools in two ways. Externally, because they help to achieve throughputs from remote points of origin and destination, and internally, by aiding the proper coordination of business and organizational activity at a commercial port. The present paper is a transversal study of the current situation of marketing and quality tools at major ports, including the opinions of a range of port commercial and marketing managers. We have also tried to describe the differentiated groups to be found at ports, as a useful methodology for identifying the nearest competition or ports with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Recent technological developments in maritime transport, particularly in container shipping and larger vessels, are having major repercussions at ports the world over. The latest wave of innovations has increased the level of competition in maritime transport, in particular in port activities. Shippers have many more alternatives available, something that tends to increase the hinterland of each port, precisely by reducing captive hinterlands. Ports are now generally moving towards formulas in which private initiative has a bigger role to play. Increases in competition combined with growth in private initiatives highlight the usefulness of marketing tools in two ways. Externally, because they help to achieve throughputs from remote points of origin and destination, and internally, by aiding the proper coordination of business and organizational activity at a commercial port. The present paper is a transversal study of the current situation of marketing and quality tools at major ports, including the opinions of a range of port commercial and marketing managers. We have also tried to describe the differentiated groups to be found at ports, as a useful methodology for identifying the nearest competition or ports with similar characteristics.  相似文献   


Ports are an important driving force for world economic growth, but they consume considerable energy. The marine sector has proposed the development of green ports to achieve low-carbon sustainable development. This paper presents a green project scheduling model of port construction to optimize comprehensive economic and environmental efficiency. Various realistic constraints are considered, including investment scale, energy savings, emissions reduction, and project priority. Comprehensive efficiency involves cost reduction, energy savings, emissions reduction, and other efficiency goals. The problem is formulated as an integer program and is solved using CPLEX in a general algebraic modeling system (GAMS). We use a representative port in China as a case port in solving its green project scheduling. The results show that the port can save 6,527 tons of standard coal, reduce 40,875 tons of CO2, and save 49 million yuan per year in the five-year implementation period. The payback in investing in these green projects is less than six years. From an economic and environmental perspective, the comprehensive efficiency achieved is significant.  相似文献   

<正>一、上海港专用码头概况 专用码头是指由国有企业、事业单位以及部队单位等投资兴建、经营的自有码头。 上海港目前有专用码头单位243家,泊位880个,其中万吨级泊位71个,最大泊位可靠泊10万吨级船舶,最小的仅可靠泊几十吨的小船。码头总延长48996米,分属于28个局(企业集团),18个市属公司,5个中央在沪单位,另有驻沪部队所用的专用码头。880个泊位中,用于装卸作业的有442个;对社会开放营业的有135个;装卸货种涉及石油、化工、木材、煤炭、钢材、砂石建材和普通件杂货等。码头多、岸线长、货种不一,经营情况比较复杂,给管理带来较大的难度。尤其是近年来,随着社会主义市  相似文献   

The administration, management and development of ports in Canada is a Federal government responsibility. This centralist control of ports has been the subject of criticism by many for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that it is not responsive enough to the affairs of the local level. This problem, along with others, has resulted in the introduction in the Canadian Parliament of proposed legislation over the past five years to alter port administration and development in Canada. The proposals culminated in the recent passage of the Canada Ports Corporation Act which, among other things, will see the abolition of the National Harbours Board. A review of the administrative structure the new Act replaces, along with a review and assessment of the Act itself and the proposed legislation which predated it, forms the basis of this paper. It will be seen that because of the new Act the centralist approach to port administration is maintained, but greater local autonomy and financial self-sufficiency will also be available to ports. However, the central administration will still have the problem of co-ordinating the development of Canadian ports, since ports will continue to be constituted under at least four different pieces of legislation.  相似文献   

Although containerization in Third World Asian ports may not conform to the ‘usual’ model of containerization in developed countries the region represents a significant generator of container tonnage. Moreover, despite considerable intra-regional differences in throughput productivities, some of the ports are achieving efficiencies and productivities markedly higher than those in well established ports in Western countries. The region has been characterized, too, by strong patterns of mainline/feeder interdependencies. This paper reviews the status of containerization in Third World Asia and suggests that major changes, reflecting a variety of factors, are likely by 1990.  相似文献   

Although containerization in Third World Asian ports may not conform to the 'usual' model of containerization in developed countries the region represents a significant generator of container tonnage. Moreover, despite considerable intra-regional differences in throughput productivities, some of the ports are achieving efficiencies and productivities markedly higher than those in well established ports in Western countries. The region has been characterized, too, by strong patterns of mainline/feeder interdependencies. This paper reviews the status of containerization in Third World Asia and suggests that major changes, reflecting a variety of factors, are likely by 1990.  相似文献   

The administration, management and development of ports in Canada is a Federal government responsibility. This centralist control of ports has been the subject of criticism by many for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that it is not responsive enough to the affairs of the local level. This problem, along with others, has resulted in the introduction in the Canadian Parliament of proposed legislation over the past five years to alter port administration and development in Canada. The proposals culminated in the recent passage of the Canada Ports Corporation Act which, among other things, will see the abolition of the National Harbours Board. A review of the administrative structure the new Act replaces, along with a review and assessment of the Act itself and the proposed legislation which predated it, forms the basis of this paper. It will be seen that because of the new Act the centralist approach to port administration is maintained, but greater local autonomy and financial self-sufficiency will also be available to ports. However, the central administration will still have the problem of co-ordinating the development of Canadian ports, since ports will continue to be constituted under at least four different pieces of legislation.  相似文献   

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