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航运业作为国内市场经济发展的重要支撑点之一,在进行社会贸易的同时,有效地促进社会经济的提升。为了逐步完善航运业的发展模式,从主机构造问题、辅助系统检测问题、管道系统检查问题、自动化问题及主机结构检测对策、轮机辅助系统检查方法、安全系统检测对策、管道系统检测措施、注意使用先进技术设备等方面详细阐释船舶轮机工程中船舶发动机在检测中的常见问题及对策,以此为推动航运业的发展添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

沥青混合料碳排放减排措施是降低碳排放的有效手段,而对减排措施的选择将直接影响工程的质量和经济效益。本文运用价值工程理论的基本原理与方法,论述价值工程在减排措施选择中的应用方法和步骤,并结合工程实例,对减排措施方案的选择进行研究。结果表明,运用价值工程理论的方法可以择优确定沥青混合料碳排放减排措施。  相似文献   

道路交通是造成气候变化的主要碳排放来源之一。目前针对道路交通碳排放量测量和减排效果的定量评估方面仍然存在较大挑战。综述了道路交通碳排放测量方法,将道路交通碳减排措施分为经济、技术和行政三类,根据角色定位总结了影响交通碳排放的需求、供应和环境三方面的主要因素。发现不同测量方法得出的碳排放量差异较大,且各种方法的准确性和适用范围也存在较大差异。目前的碳减排措施目标针对性不够强,且缺乏对政策效果的定量研究。亟需在未来研究中规范道路交通碳排放量的统计口径和误差标准,明确各交通主体的减排责任,将更多研究工作集中在减排措施效果的量化上。  相似文献   

我国交通运输业碳排放及其减排潜力分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
丁金学 《综合运输》2012,(12):20-26
本文基于交通运输碳排放因素分解模型,定量分析了1991~2010年间交通能源效率、交通运输结构和交通发展水平等因素的变化对交通运输碳排放的影响。在此基础上,识别各种减排途径,并设定不同的减排情景,分析了未来10年我国交通运输部门的减排潜力。  相似文献   

碳中和是人类应对环境挑战的重要举措。作为全球第二大碳排放源,交通运输行业是各国碳中和行动的焦点,也对我国碳达峰目标与碳中和愿景的实现有重要影响。根据国际能源署世界能源模型2020,交通部门的碳排放需要在2020年左右达到峰值,最迟不能超过2030年,才能将全球温度升高控制在《巴黎协定》的目标范围。在世界主要经济体中,我国碳中和整体规划时间较晚,时间短、减排任务重,亟需制定长期的指导政策,采取高效措施。本文旨在分析各交通方式能耗和碳排放基本情况,总结全球范围内交通运输行业碳中和政策措施,通过对比总结了我国交通运输行业碳中和政策和行动的优势和欠缺之处,为我国交通运输行业未来碳中和技术发展方向提供参考。  相似文献   

减少碳排放应对全球气候变化符合全人类的利益,我国进入工业化后期,“碳达峰、碳中和”目标与生态文明理念相契合。“碳达峰、碳中和”战略意义深远,能源转型势在必行,氢能源电池在船舶产业上的应用,是航运业、造船业加速碳减排、实现低碳转型的路径之一。本文结合现场建造检验的氢燃料电池动力船(“三峡氢舟1”),简述氢燃料电池在船舶上的应用,并着重从氢燃料电池系统叙述建造质量控制要点。  相似文献   

祁昆源 《西部交通科技》2010,(10):90-92,102
文章针对航运业温室气体排放的现状,结合航运业的低碳管理要求,从船型、主机、替代燃料、营运措施、码头、市场方法等方面探讨了实现船舶低碳化的可行性措施,同时提出了加强海事部门低碳管理的建议。  相似文献   

邵婧 《综合运输》2011,(3):69-72
本文指出现今上海基本航运业的一些不足之处,并针对这些问题提出了改善不合理的仓储布局等措施,为基本航运业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

2015年我国交通部门的碳排放量占我国总的碳排放量的9.3%,是我国碳排放最大的部门之一。为制定符合中国交通部门自身发展需求和特点的整体减排路线,以TIMES模型为分析工具,构建我国交通部门2010年至2050年的能源系统模型。通过累加碳税的方法构建我国2030年的边际减排成本曲线。研究结果显示,城市间客运部门具有减排的成本优势,且具有最大的减排潜力(约占交通部门总的碳减排量的45.4%)。此外,货运部门也是交通部门碳减排的主要贡献者,其主要在减排后期起重要作用。在技术层面,我国大型公共交通的减排潜力明显大于新能源汽车的减排潜力,也更具成本优势。  相似文献   

为了响应四川省交通运输行业节能减排工作的深入推进,基于对数平均迪氏分解法(LMDI),构建四川省交通运输业碳排放驱动因子分解模型,定量测算了四川省2000—2015年交通运输行业碳排放变化的主要影响因素及各因素贡献率。结果表明:目前,四川省交通运输业碳排放量对运输结构变化最为敏感,其中由于公路运输承担周转量比例最大,单位周转量耗能水平高,成为行业碳排放的主要来源;交通运输业经济发展水平和人口规模对碳排放总量的影响程度较强;能耗效率的提高对碳排放表现为抑制作用。未来,综合运输系统结构的完善和新能源交通的普及,将有利于进一步挖掘四川省交通运输行业的节能减排潜力。  相似文献   

Various market-based measures have been proposed to reduce CO2 emissions from international shipping. One promising mechanism under consideration is the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). This study analyzes and benchmarks the economic implications of two alternative ETS mechanisms, namely, an open ETS compared to a Maritime only ETS (METS). The analytical solutions and model calibration results allow us to quantify the impacts of alternative ETS schemes on the container shipping sector and the dry bulk shipping sector. It is found that an ETS, whether open or maritime only, will decrease shipping speed, carrier outputs and fuel consumption for both the container and dry bulk sectors, even in the presence of a “wind-fall” profit to shipping companies. Under an open ETS, the dry bulk sector will suffer from a higher proportional reduction in output than the container sector, and will thus sell more emission permits or purchase fewer permits. Under an METS, container carriers will buy emission permits from the dry bulk side. In addition, under an METS the degree of competition within one sector will have spill-over effects on the other sector. Specifically, when the sector that sells (buys) permits is more collusive (competitive), the equilibrium permit price will rise. This study provides a framework for identifying the moderating effects of market structure and competition between firms on emission reduction schemes, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the differential impacts of ETS schemes on individual sectors within an industry when considering alternative policies.  相似文献   

This paper assesses cost as a function of abatement options in maritime emission control areas (ECA). The first regulation of air pollutions from ships which came into effect in the late 1990s was not strict and could easily be met. However the present requirement (2015) for reduction of Sulfur content for all vessels, in combination with the required reduction of nitrogen and carbon emissions for new-built vessels, is an economic and technical challenge for the shipping industry. Additional complexity is added by the fact that the strictest nitrogen regulations are applicable only for new-built vessels from 2016 onwards which shall enter US or Canadian waters. This study indicates that there is no single answer to what is the best abatement option, but rather that the best option will be a function of engine size, annual fuel consumption in the ECA and the foreseen future fuel prices. However a low oil price, favors the options with the lowest capex, i.e. Marine Gas Oil (MGO) or Light Fuel Oil (LFO), while a high oil price makes the solutions which requires higher capex (investments) more attractive.  相似文献   

This paper examines carbon dioxide emissions of truck-only transportation using activity-based emission modelling and compares those with intermodal coastal shipping and truck movements. The results reveal that replacing long-haul truck transport with the intermodal can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emission significantly because of the efficiency of maritime fuel.  相似文献   

The Arctic route has huge potential for shipping between Europe and Northeast Asia with significant savings in transit time and distance. However, GHG emissions from shipping would harm the environment of Arctic area. Potential Market Based Measures of GHG emission reduction (such as carbon tax) are under consideration but they may affect the economic viability of Northern Sea Route (NSR) for containerships. This paper investigates the economic viability of NSR against Suez Canal Route (SCR) under 2 proposed carbon tax schemes (fixed vs. progressive). Three different fuel oil types (Heavy Fuel Oil, Light Fuel Oil, Liquified Natural Gas) are used as main bunker fuel for the calculation of economic feasibility. Our result reveals that when there is no carbon tax on NSR nor SCR, or both routes are under a carbon tax scheme, no matter fixed or progressive, NSR is more economically viable, regardless of fuel type choice. When only NSR is under a carbon tax scheme, the viability depends on specific carbon tax scheme and fuel choice, but for the majority of containership sizes, NSR has lower unit cost. The result also suggests that for a given route, a progressive scheme in preferable than a fixed one and LNG would be an appealing fuel with lower unit cost.  相似文献   

Currently, the shipping industry is facing a great challenge of reducing emissions. Reducing ship speeds will reduce the emissions in the immediate future with no additional infrastructure. However, a detailed investigation is required to verify the claim that a 10% speed reduction would lead to 19% fuel savings (Faber et al., 2012).This paper investigates fuel savings due to speed reduction using detailed modeling of ship performance. Three container ships, two bulk carriers, and one tanker, representative of the shipping fleet, have been designed. Voyages have been simulated by modeling calm water resistance, wave resistance, propulsion efficiency, and engine limits. Six ships have been simulated in various weather conditions at different speeds. Potential fuel savings have been estimated for a range of speed reductions in realistic weather.It is concluded that the common assumption of cubic speed-power relation can cause a significant error in the estimation of bunker consumption. Simulations in different seasons have revealed that fuel savings due to speed reduction are highly weather dependent. Therefore, a simple way to include the effect of weather in shipping transport models has been proposed.Speed reduction can lead to an increase in the number of ships to fulfill the transport demand. Therefore, the emission reduction potential of speed reduction strategy, after accounting for the additional ships, has been studied. Surprisingly, when the speed is reduced by 30%, fuel savings vary from 2% to 45% depending on ship type, size and weather conditions. Fuel savings further reduce when the auxiliary engines are considered.  相似文献   

在我国交通运输行业节能减排的背景下,本文以交通运输行业能耗特点与统计监测方法为基础,建立涵盖了公路客运、公路货运、城市公交、城市出租、水路运输、港口生产等行业的能耗碳排统计监测系统,分析了省级交通运输能耗与排放特点,明确了能耗数据统计对象与内容,并对能耗数据采集的方法进行了研究,建立了省级交通运输能耗统计监测系统,并以辽宁省交通运输为依托,对全省交通运输行业能耗统计监测系统进行了验证与应用,同时也为交通运输行业的节能减排提供了决策支撑和数据支持。  相似文献   

随着节能减排工作的深化和细化,公路基础设施建设的节能减排越来越受到重视。基于全国公路工程造价管理系统和中国生命周期核心数据库,可以快速实现改扩建公路生命周期能耗和碳排放的规范化核算,从而筛选出节能减排效益较优的设计方案。文章通过海南省某省道改扩建项目的实证研究,为设计方案节能减排核算及效益评价提供范例,为优化公路建设行业节能减排管理提供思路。  相似文献   

In this paper, the maritime fleet renewal problem (MFRP) is extended to include regional limitations in the form of emission control areas. The motivation for including this aspect is that strengthening of emission regulations in such areas is expected to be challenging for deep sea shipping in the years to come. In the proposed model, various means to cope with these stricter emission regulations are evaluated for new vessels, and the possibility of upgrading existing vessels with new emission reduction technology is introduced. We consider future fuel prices to be important for the problem, and have chosen to treat them as uncertain, and thus, a stochastic programming model is chosen. A fleet renewal problem faced by the liner shipping operator Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, concerning whether to use low sulphur fuel or have an exhaust gas scrubber system installed to comply with sulphur regulation in emission control areas from 2015, is used as a case study. Furthermore, tests show that the savings from including the aspect of emission control areas in the MFRP are substantial.  相似文献   

文章从广西航运发展现状和广西与东盟目前航运合作交流概况出发,分析当前中国东盟航运合作存在的问题,提出中国东盟交通合作战略近期航运规划的建议.  相似文献   

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