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提出将多重对应分析引入到在交通安全宣传的受教对象重点群体的识别中,并以酒后驾驶的这一违法行为为例进行了验证.在搜集某地1 075个酒后驾驶人的人口特征数据基础上,通过多重对应分析发现,在酒后驾驶这一违法行为中,存在(外地、低学历、男性)和(高学历、女性)等2个交通安全宣传的重点群体.研究者建议,应该将这两个群体作为交通安全宣传教育的重点群体,并制定更加具有针对性的宣传策略.最后,探讨了多重对应分析在未来其他交通安全宣传重点群体识别中的应用前景.  相似文献   

搜集北京市2012—2015年的2 040起两车交通事故中4 080名驾驶人的相关数据,将他们分成有责驾驶人和无责驾驶人2组,比较他们在性别、年龄、驾龄、驾驶车辆类型等4个方面的分布差异.并基于相对危险暴露面法,对有责驾驶人的相对驾驶事故风险进行了评估.结果表明:1)相对于女性,男性驾驶人更可能成为事故责任方; 2)有责驾驶人的年龄、驾龄均略小于无责驾驶人,需要注意的是,除了青年驾驶人、老年驾驶人和驾龄小于2年驾驶人外,交通安全管理还应该关注到新购车驾驶人和年龄在47~57岁之间的驾驶人等两个可能存在风险的驾驶人群体; 3)车辆类型对于驾驶人在有责与否上的分布存在差异,提示需要进一步加强对中小型客货运企业的交通安全监管.  相似文献   

分析驾驶心理对交通安全造成的影响,并总结其中的主要因素.通过文献调研,综述了驾驶心理的主要过程和关键特征对交通安全的不同影响,并分析了驾驶心理对交通安全的影响方式.驾驶心理已经成为引发交通事故的重要因素之一,驾驶心理通过影响驾驶员的行为,间接地对交通安全产生影响,其中知觉、注意、态度、驾驶疲劳等是影响交通安全的主要因素.了解驾驶人行为的心理机制,有助于找到改善交通安全的方法,研究发现通过改变驾驶人态度是1种有效的途径.  相似文献   

饮酒后驾驶人的驾驶能力会由于酒精作用而发生变化,从而对交通安全造成影响.将驾驶人的驾驶能力分为感知能力、判断能力和操作能力,并对不同酒精摄入量条件下驾驶人深度知觉和速度知觉等感知能力指标、选择反应时间和注意分配能力等判断能力指标、光反应正确操作次数和动作判断误操作次数等操作能力指标进行测定,建立各种驾驶能力指标与驾驶人体内酒精含量之间的回归模型,并分析酒精作用对驾驶人驾驶能力的影响持续时间,揭示酒精作用下驾驶人驾驶能力的变化规律.   相似文献   

<正>为建全机动车驾驶人培训机制,强化自觉守法和交通安全意识,全面提升首都交通安全宣传水平,根据市委、市政府"首都文明交通行动"部署要求,北京市公安局公安交通管理局联合东方时尚驾驶学校股份有限公司,借鉴国内外交通安全宣传教育基地建设理念和经验,精心设计、建设了北京市交通安全宣传教育基地。教育基地由  相似文献   

雾天环境下不良的视距条件使得驾驶员在驾驶过程中存在安全隐患.利用驾驶模拟器,选取雾天环境作为典型干预因素进行驾驶模拟实验,同时考虑驾驶人职业和性别作为可能的影响因素,实验设计直角弯道和S形连续弯道2种道路线形,从实验数据中抽取平均车速与车辆驶出弯道率作为关键变量,采用多变量方差分析、均值统计等方法分析雾天环境下驾驶人的驾驶速度和驶出弯道率,并建立Logistic回归模型分析各因素对车辆驶出弯道可能性的影响.实验结果表明,驾驶人在弯道雾天行驶时的平均车速要比无雾情况下略高,且职业驾驶人的平均车速较非职业驾驶人明显偏低;随着雾的浓度的增大,驾驶人在直角弯道处和S形连续弯道处驶出弯道的比例均显著增大.  相似文献   

考虑雾天环境下不良视距对驾驶行为的影响,基于驾驶模拟器为实验平台,通过对46名实验人员在不同雾天实验场景下的测试来分析雾天对驾驶人紧急避撞行为的影响.选取一组非平衡重复测量数据,以刹车瞬时速度和刹车反应时间为因变量,将性别、职业作为固定效应,雾天作为重复测量变量建立线形混合效应模型,并采用SPSS求解.结果表明,在无雾、轻雾与浓雾环境下,驾驶人的平均刹车反应时间分别是1.22,1.26,1.56s,而平均刹车瞬时速度分别为68.10,45.53,48.85 km/h.与无雾环境相比,驾驶人在有雾环境下的可视距离受到限制,刹车反应时间分别增加了0.04 s和0.34s,刹车瞬时速度分别减少了22.57 km/h和19.25 km/h.  相似文献   

面向人机共驾车辆的驾驶人风险感知是接管时正确应激反应和操作的前提,是交通安全领域的研究重点.分析了人机共驾车辆驾驶人风险感知概念及其特性;从驾驶人特性、自动驾驶系统、驾驶情景这3个方面分析了人机共驾车辆驾驶人风险感知的影响因素;从驾驶行为表现、接管绩效和主观评价这3个方面对人机共驾车辆驾驶人风险感知衡量方法进行归纳总结...  相似文献   

对536名驾驶人的人口统计学特征(包括年龄、性别、受教育程度、职业和家庭月收入)以及基本的驾驶情况(驾龄、车型、周均驾驶里程、驾驶能力)进行调查.使用多重对应分析的方法对其中报告在驾驶行为中存在驾驶分心的363名驾驶人的年龄、性别、职业、驾龄、周均驾驶里程和驾驶能力等特征进行了分析.结果显示,男性、非固定职业、驾龄在3~5 a在同一方向出现聚集; 18~35岁与驾龄在3 a以内、周均驾驶里程为中途(50~400 km)与固定职业也存在一定的关联性.同时,不同性别、不同驾驶能力认知的驾驶人分布出现差异,相对而言,女性驾驶人可能更多地受到驾驶能力认知的影响.  相似文献   

攻击性驾驶行为选择模型及影响因素敏感度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于行为学理论和非集计方法,以160名驾驶人为研究对象,确定了影响驾驶人攻击性驾驶行为选择的影响因素变量及取值方法,建立了攻击性驾驶行为选择模型(多项Logit模型)。运用弹性值理论进行各变量对攻击性驾驶选择行为的影响程度与过程敏感度分析;最后选取58名驾驶人的驾驶行为数据进行计算,验证模型的有效性。结果表明:驾驶人人格和其他车辆违法情况2个因素对驾驶人攻击性驾驶行为影响较大,起决定性作用;该模型计算值与量表判定值相对误差在10%左右,模型精度可满足实际使用要求。  相似文献   

过高的驾驶负荷是导致驾驶绩效受损和交通事故的重要原因,因此驾驶行为和交通安全研究中需要采用适当的负荷加载形式;通过试验分析不同信息量的交通标志对驾驶人认知负荷的影响规律,验证交通标志信息量对负荷加载的有效性。基于不同信息量的交通标志,对驾驶人的驾驶负荷进行试验验证。招募44名被试在静态控制环境下进行交通标志认知试验,采用信息理论对交通标志信息量进行量化计算,用不同信息量的交通标志进行认知负荷加载,采集被试对每个标志的主观负荷评价及反应时间。试验结果表明:主观驾驶负荷与交通标志信息量有高度相关性,反应时间随着信息等级的增加而增加;而驾驶人性别和驾驶经验对交通标志视认反应时间和主观驾驶负荷量化没有显著影响,这说明在驾驶试验中,交通标志信息量可以用于驾驶试验中的认知负荷的加载,而这种负荷的加载对于驾驶人的性别和驾驶经验是无差别的。该研究更多地考虑了驾驶人的认知特性,研究成果可用于驾驶负荷试验的次任务加载,帮助进行交通安全理论研究。  相似文献   

One of the main pillars for improving road safety in any country is a good understanding of traffic safety culture and the driving behavior of local drivers. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether Egyptian drivers differ in traffic safety attitudes and level of acceptance of risky driving behavior. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the driving cognition of the participants. An exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the number of factors that differentiated the three types of drivers. Then a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to group the drivers with similar patterns of scores on the factors into clusters. Three driver clusters emerged: The drivers in cluster 1 were “drivers who rigidly followed regulations” (51.7%). The drivers in cluster 2 were “drivers who violated safety precautions” (23.3%). The drivers in cluster 3 were “drivers who had a tendency to violate regulations” (25.0%). A similarity between the social norms and personal attitudes of drivers was found. This can be explained by the high social norm of violating traffic laws, which can lead to more drivers accepting violations. The majority of the older drivers and drivers with no violations or traffic accident on their record in the past 2 years were in cluster 1. Cluster 2 had the highest proportion of young drivers who wore their seat belts and used hands-free phones while driving. Cluster 3 drivers accepted very dangerous violations, such as texting while driving, driving while intoxicated, and driving at very high speeds. They reported significantly more traffic accidents, but no more violations than the other two clusters. The results of this study can be used to improve road safety programs for education and enforcement in Egypt.  相似文献   

在分析我国交通安全现状及其特征的基础上,介绍了虚拟现实技术的特征以及驾驶模拟技术背景和应用情况,着重论述了面向交通安全教育驾驶模拟器的施教需求,具体分析了实现的关键技术,对交通安全教育工作具有重要的指导作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

不良天气会对城市交通的运行和安全造成较大影响.事实上,不良天气条件下驾驶员驾驶行为的变化是造成交通拥堵和事故发生的根本原因.针对不良天气下的驾驶行为进行综述,对研究不良天气条件下的交通拥堵及事故具有积极意义.面向国内外不良天气条件下驾驶行为研究的进展,从雨、雪、雾3种常见的不良天气出发,对不良天气条件下环境变化及其对驾驶行为的影响进行分析,并对不良天气条件下驾驶行为的研究方向进行探讨.相关研究发现,不同等级的雨、雪、雾天气下驾驶员选择的车速、车头时距等驾驶行为参数以及反应时间、车辆启动延迟均存在较大差异.   相似文献   

Traffic violations are recognized as one of the main causes of traffic accidents and have been found to be closely associated with driver attitudes toward traffic safety. In this study, a modified theory of planned behavior (TPB) was used to model the effects of driver safety attitudes on traffic violations, based on a questionnaire survey of 1505 drivers in China. In light of the strong correlations between the observed items, the items of the TPB components were grouped into several parcels, using an item-parceling method. Parcel-based structural equation modeling was then used to operationalize the modified TPB. The results indicate that the proposed model can accurately predict the occurrence of traffic violations based on the observed items related to driver traffic safety attitudes. It was found that driver attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control significantly affect traffic violations. For predicting traffic violations, driver attitudes toward traffic safety policies had the greatest influence, followed by driver attitudes toward risky driving behaviors and the attitudes of others toward risky driving behaviors. Finally, suggestions on traffic enforcement and education to reduce traffic violations are proposed based on the results.  相似文献   

为探究不同情景下自动驾驶接管行为的影响特征,面向驾驶人、自动驾驶车辆、交通环境等内容提出自动驾驶测试研究框架。基于驾驶模拟技术开发自动驾驶测试平台,通过案例验证其有效性,为自动驾驶相关技术的测试评估提供有力支撑。研究以接管场景、接管请求时间、驾驶次任务、交通流为要素设计18个高速公路接管情景,邀请被试开展驾驶模拟试验测试。从主观维度探究驾驶人对自动驾驶的适应性差异,从客观维度构建广义线性混合效应模型,研究驾驶人属性因素(性别、年龄、驾龄)和接管情景因素(接管场景、接管请求时间、驾驶次任务)的主效应及其交互作用对接管行为的影响。统计分析结果表明:①性别因素对自动驾驶的信任度和状态感知度有统计学差异,男性对自动驾驶的适应性高于女性;②驾驶人的年龄和驾龄因素对试验前和试验后的技术接受度具有显著影响,对技术信任度和状态感知度具有统计学差异,中年人和老年人、中驾龄和高驾龄人群的适应性相对较高;③不同因素水平对应的接管成功率、正确率和第一操纵行为不同。广义线性混合效应模型结果表明:①接管情景因素及其交互作用对接管行为指标具有显著影响;②模型中引入驾驶人属性因素,发现与接管情景因素存在交互效用。研究基于驾驶模拟技术开发自动驾驶测试平台的方法具有一定的推广性,研究结果可为深度挖掘自动驾驶接管行为影响因素及其作用机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

Road traffic crashes (RTCs) are influenced by a driver's awareness and attitude toward road safety, as well as the socio-economic status, infrastructure development level, traffic status, social system, and traffic safety culture of the area to which the driver belongs. In this study, based on the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in seven countries, the characteristics of each country concerning tolerance for traffic violations, dangerous driving, and acceptance for road safety measures were studied. It was suggested that a high tolerance for traffic violations and dangerous driving might affect traffic violations and RTCs in each country. Additionally, to reduce the tolerance for traffic violations and dangerous driving, the promotion of road safety education, especially among young and male drivers, and stricter regulations and enforcement were suggested.  相似文献   

Aggressive driving has emerged as one of the most studied behaviors in the traffic safety field, due to its association with the odds of motor vehicle crashes and especially fatal crashes. Previous research has investigated the situations which provoke anger while driving, as well as the emotional (anger) and behavioral (aggression) aspects of aggressive driving. However, surprisingly the cognitive aspects of aggressive driving have largely been neglected. This study investigated the psychometric properties of the short-forms of the Driver's Angry Thoughts Questionnaire (DATQ) and the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX) in a sample of professional drivers. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate the mediation effects of aggressive thoughts, as the cognitive aspect of aggressive driving, on the relationship between traffic congestion and driving aggression. To this end, 613 public transport bus drivers completed the DATQ and DAX and were also asked to report the level of traffic congestion they normally faced in their daily driving, using six pictures. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported the four factor DAX and the five factor DATQ, which largely replicated the original factors. The four forms of maladaptive thoughts on the road were positively associated with aggressive driving, while the positive factor (coping self-instruction) was negatively associated with aggressive driving and traffic violations. Moreover, the results indicated that traffic congestion does not contribute directly to anger expression on the road, but rather through aggressive thoughts. This study suggests that cognitive interventions may help to eliminate aggressive driving and its adverse outcomes on traffic safety.  相似文献   

This study investigates Canada's traffic safety culture (TSC) as part of a global research project. The TSC survey data collected by an online survey is used to predict drivers' perception of changes in traffic problems in the past 3 years, driver's support, opposition towards enforcement of additional traffic laws, and drivers' perceived threat towards risky driving behaviors. A two-step procedure is followed to build models. The first step includes feature selection using the chi-square test of independence. The second step comprises building classification models using the Random Forest technique. Results suggest that drivers' personal attributes like the number of accident records, driving frequency, geographic region of nationality, and religion are top predictor variables for drivers' perception towards changes in traffic problems. In addition, compared to others most drivers perceive distracted driving as a major traffic problem today. There is strong disapproval of drivers against the following driving behaviors and strong support to implement laws against it: speeding in school zones, talking on a hand-held cell phone, tying text messages or e-mails, drowsy driving, driving without wearing their seatbelt, drive with passengers not wearing seatbelts, running through red lights, and impaired driving. In contrast, following risky driving behaviors is less of a perceived threat: speeding over limit on a freeway, on a residential street, and in an urban area and talking on a hands-free cell phone while driving. In addition, a driver's accident record is a significant indicator for a perceived threat towards risky driving behaviors followed by age and accumulated demerit points. The results from this study can be used to guide educational campaigns to transform the traffic safety culture of target groups and make more informed policy decisions.  相似文献   

Use of cellular phone while driving is one of the top contributing factors that induce traffic crashes, resulting in significant loss of life and property. A dilemma zone is a circumstance near signalized intersections where drivers hesitate when making decisions related to their driving behaviors. Therefore, the dilemma zone has been identified as an area with high crash potential. This article utilizes a logit-based Bayesian network (BN) hybrid approach to investigate drivers' decision patterns in a dilemma zone with phone use, based on experimental data from driving simulations from the National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS). Using a logit regression model, five variables were found to be significant in predicting drivers' decisions in a dilemma zone with distractive phone tasks: older drivers (50–60 years old), yellow signal length, time to stop line, handheld phone tasks, and driver gender. The identified significant variables were then used to train a BN model to predict drivers' decisions at a dilemma zone and examine probabilistic impacts of these variables on drivers' decisions. The analysis results indicate that the trained BN model was effective in driver decision prediction and variable influence extraction. It was found that older drivers, a short yellow signal, a short time to stop line, nonhandheld phone tasks, and female drivers are factors that tend to result in drivers proceeding through intersections in a dilemma zone with phone use distraction. These research findings provide insight in understanding driver behavior patterns in a dilemma zone with distractive phone tasks.  相似文献   

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