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『重点加强六大区域港口建设』今后五年是我国港口和城市发展的重要战略机遇期,为保障沿海港口又快又好地健康发展,国家制定了《长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、渤海湾三区域沿海港口建设规划(2004-2010)》。作为对这个规划的补充和完善,在天津刚刚结束的“首届中国港口城市市长高峰论坛”上,交通部部长李盛霖专门谈到了应重点加强几大区域港口的建设,并做了初  相似文献   

本文系统探讨了LNG船舶通航对港口运营影响问题的研究思路与方法,并探讨基于ANYLOGIC多智能体仿真建模平台建立多随机因素、多变量的港口航行作业系统仿真模型的技术方法。研究采用面向对象的建模方法,基于数据驱动对模型进行初始化,利用智能体消息传递来触发行为的通讯机制,建立了可模拟LNG船舶通航影响问题的港口航行作业系统仿真模型。经实例验证,本方法建立的仿真模型可以有效模拟复杂水域港口运营情况,并具备研究LNG船舶通航对港口运营影响问题所需的功能,模拟结果和分析方法可以为港口规划和LNG接收站项目决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

随着我国沿海一些新港口、新港区的建设以及部分重要运输系统码头布局的优化调整,部分非主要港口在区域经济和综合运输体系中的地位与作用日益突出;同时,近年来国家出台了一批新的区域发展规划和战略,对相关港口的发展和功能定位提出了新的要求。本文回顾了我国沿海主要港口布局规划的历史沿革,分析了主要港口布局方案适时调整的必要性,建立了主要港口指标评价体系,采用了定量分析法、综合分析法等方法对备选港口进行综合论证,并根据指标评价结论,提出了理论上的我国沿海主要港口调整方案。  相似文献   

南沙港区在珠三角港口群中的定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着2001年《广州市总体发展战略规划纲要》的逐步实施,特别是泛珠三角(9 2)区域合作从框架协议向经济联合实体的迈进,勾勒出泛珠三角未来的合作秩序,广州港南沙港区在迎来机遇的同时,也不可避免地遇到了挑战。面对这些机遇和挑战,在珠江三角洲港口群集装箱运输中如何对南沙港区进行定位的问题日益突现出来。定位准确,不仅可以确保南沙港区的健康发展,还可使之与珠三角港口群的其他港口形成优势互补,促进珠三角港口群的整体建设;而定位不恰当,则不仅影响南沙港区进一步的功能拓展,还将造成人力、财力的重复投资和区域竞争的内耗,进而影响到…  相似文献   

港口联合与合并的概念港口联合与合并是整合港口资源的主要两种方式。简单地说,港口的联合是不同城市不同区域的两个或者两个以上的港口联合起来,由有关方共同协商管理港口的规划、投资、建设和经营。港口的合并就是同一城市或同一区域的两个或两个以上的港口合并为一个港口,按一个港口经营方式运作,由一个港口行政管理部门实施管理。综观世界上港口的联合与合并,其起因主要有三种情况:一是城市之间或者区域之间为了自身经济的发展,发生争夺港口岸线和港口管理权的情况,为了平衡城市或者区域间的利益而将有关港口进行合并;二是有一些港湾在其内部分散着几个港口,而每个港口又各自为政,使港湾内的港口  相似文献   

"十三五"时期港口发展的战略选择,要以促进产业转型升级和区域发展为目标导向,要着眼于提高港口体系资源配置的宏观效率和微观效率来展开新的战略实施,引导港口发展从产能规模扩张为主导的粗放式发展向精益生产和提质增效的集约化发展转型,以临港产业集聚为核心,打造港口产业新空间。以港口和产业融合互动发展来推动产业转型升级、城市群协同发展和区域经济协调发展,构建多维并进、互动共生的发展生态,才能最有效地实现从港口能力建设向资源配置平台建设跨越,使港口真正成为具有资源调集和配置管控能力的战略性资源界面。  相似文献   

文章以南宁港总体规划修编为例,基于景观生态学的"3S"技术,对港口规划实施江岸带景观格局进行预测分析。分析表明:港区规划以点状分布在沿江岸带,规划实施后生态格局未发生重大变化。  相似文献   

上海金山港口规划是集港城一体规划、港口和产业规划,以及港口总体规划和港区控制性详细规划于一体的大型综合类港口规划项目,涉及港口总体规划调整、复杂建港条件研究、新港区规划方案论证、港口发展方向分析、港城发展关系研究、港区控制性详细规划等众多核心内容,以及高桥石化搬迁、中电投扩建等重大项目。本文探讨了上海金山港口规划方案的技术方法和创新思路,为港口总体规划调整和控制性详细规划的编制提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>一、引言宁波港是长江三角洲地区的重要港口之一。按照国家规划,长江三角洲区域的港口今后将重点建设集装箱,进口铁矿石、进口原油中转运输系统和煤炭  相似文献   

生态公路的建设是一个系统性工程。通过对公路建设过程生态环境破坏类型的分析,提出了生态公路建设的基本原则,从规划、设计、施工与运营等方面明确了生态公路建设的细则,认为生态公路建设是一个综合多学科、多领域的综合设计规划与实施集成,生态公路的核心在于通过公路生态系统功能的恢复实现生态系统的结构恢复与功能恢复,以实现生态公路稳定可持续发展。  相似文献   

Port devolution and port governance are focal issues in port studies. This paper argues that the previous typology of port devolution and port governance, including port function matrix models, might have to be modified, in particular for Asian port cases, because they have not considered socio, economic, and political systems and historical aspects behind the port devolution continuum. This paper uses the “compound eyes” approach comprising of many similar, closely-packed facets called ommatidia, with a multiple angle view, to revisit and review previous port devolution and governance models. The paper aims to identify the limitations and rectify fallacies in previous port studies by conducting a critical review and taking a couple of Asian container port cases as examples. This paper contributes to the literature of port devolution and governance, illuminating crucial gaps that the previous studies have not addressed.  相似文献   


This paper aims to review the evolution of the port authority’s role and recent changes in port administrative structure worldwide, and to discuss its implication for restructuring Taiwanese port authorities. It is found that the port authority is expected to play a proactive role in strategically managing overall port operations, and aggressively market its ports to port customers with a view to increasing cargo throughput and economic growth in its region. The change in the port authority’s role has driven a change in port administrative management structure worldwide. The proposed restructuring of port authorities in Taiwan is accompanied by some potential pitfalls. These include that the legislative framework of the programme is driven by political rather than professional concerns, and the port authority’s dual role as a regulator and as an operator at ports is against the principles of ‘separation of port administration (regulatory functions) and business management’ recently adopted worldwide. These pitfalls can impede the achievement of the objectives, including directing port authorities towards becoming independent commercially oriented entities. Therefore, this paper recommends that port corporatization approach will be a good alternative for restructuring Taiwanese port authorities.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s and 80s, landlord port has been the dominant port financing model in western large and medium-sized container ports. In China, many prospective port projects have also explored a landlord port financing model. However, some evidence suggests that landlord port financing in China is a variant of the international mainstream landlord port financing model. Based on an explanation of their unique features and practices, this paper analyzes the Chinese quasi-landlord port financing model from a contract theory perspective, in which it can be viewed as a double-level principal–agent relationship and two-layer profit distribution contract with three participants: the state-owned assets administration department, the port investment company and the operators. Furthermore, the results show that in the Chinese quasi-landlord port financing model, whether in the case of both joint venture and port land lease (fixed rent), or in the case of both joint venture and port land transfer, the optimal incentive scheme is the same as in the international landlord port financing model with profit sharing rent or mixed rent.  相似文献   

As a result of the intense changes occurring in port environment over the last decades, new models of competitiveness have been developed, where port authorities try to increase their attractiveness. In this context, one of the most debated issues in this area of research is still the role played by port authorities in defining port competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of port choice literature enabling to identify the main port choice’s criteria in order to define the role played by Port Authorities and to point out future lines of research that should be undertaken to fully incorporate current ports’ environment and performance. The results show that although some studies point out the importance of geographical factors in port choice, a larger number of studies defend the increasing role played by port authorities in determining the competitiveness through investing in port infrastructure, improving port efficiency or hinterland accessibility. Despite the existing models contributing on this topic, there are still some gaps in terms of measuring the port performance, including port strategies and studying the port choice for specific industries.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the quantitative relationship between port ownership structure and port efficiency with mixed results. This study applies a stochastic frontier model proposed by Battese and Coelli [Battese, G.E., Coelli, T.J., 1995. A model for technique inefficiency effects in a stochastic frontier production function for panel data. Empirical Economics 20, 325–332], which incorporates the inefficiency effect, to show whether port privatization is a necessary strategy for ports to gain a competitive advantage. While this stochastic frontier model has been used to a wide number of industries where the technical inefficiency effect is required, this method has rarely been employed to port industry. This study also investigates the determinants of port competitiveness. Both the principal component analysis (PCA) and the linear regression model are used to examine the effects of identified key factors on port competitiveness. Based on a sample of selected container terminals around the world, the results of this study have shown that private sector participation in the port industry to some extent can improve port operation efficiency, which will in turn increase port competitiveness. Another important determinant of port competitiveness is the adaptability to the customers’ demand. All these results provide some policy implications and guidance for port authorities and port operators in formulating effective strategies to improve their competitiveness vis-à-vis rivals.  相似文献   

Assessment of hub status among Asian ports from a network perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a novel network-based hub port assessment (NHPA) model through explicit formulations of connectivity and cooperation indices. Such a model is useful for port operators and policy makers to evaluate the relative influences of various quality characteristics from which carriers base their port choices on and identify port partners. Key insights can be obtained for port authorities to improve their port infrastructures and operations to achieve a competitive and sustainable hub port status. Three comprehensive case studies are conducted to assess the current standings and potentials of major Asian ports within networks of major carriers.  相似文献   

Using a game theory approach, this paper analyses a situation in which the government imposes a certain emission tax on vessels and port operations for emission control in port areas. Two ports are considered: a purely private port and a landlord (partial public) port. These two ports are in Cournot or Bertrand competition or cooperation with differentiated service. Our model outcomes lead to the following conclusions. First, the optimal private level of port 2 under Cournot and Bertrand competitions varies between fully private and highly public concerned port, while government will prefer a highly public concerned or close to highly public concerned port in the cooperation scenario. Second, government will have to make more and stricter efforts to enhance environmental protection in the situation of port cooperation (monopoly) than in the case of inter-port competition, and all the optimal emission tax should be always lower than the marginal emission damage. Third, port privatization has a non-monotonous effect on ports’ environmental damage in the inter-port competition scenarios and a monotonous decreasing effect in the cooperation scenario. Fourth, the total emission tax revenue is always higher than the overall environmental damage in the cooperative scenario, and it may or may not be able to cover the whole environment damage in Cournot and Bertrand competitions. Finally, the government may face a trade-off among environmental protection, maximizing social welfare, satisfying individual motivation, when considering port cooperation (monopoly).  相似文献   

随着湘桂高铁、贵广高铁、南广高铁、云桂高铁的建成,广西逐步进入高铁时代。广西高铁的发展给广西北部湾港口群带来了新的生机,高铁与港口货物联运是未来广西北部湾港口物流发展的新趋势。文章分析了广西港口与高铁联运的有利条件以及高铁运输对港口物流的促进作用,从技术标准缺乏、货物分运混乱、物流成本偏高等方面阐述了港口与高铁联运存在的现实问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   


A number of studies have been carried out on the factors determining port choice, derived from the perspectives of shippers, carriers or both. Recently, some studies using multi-criteria analysis, more specifically Saaty's analytical hierarchy process (AHP), have been undertaken to address port competitiveness and port selection by shipping lines. Based on a review of the literature on port selection, this article proposes a decision support system (DSS) for port selection using AHP methodology. The proposed DSS is web-based and thus it can be accessed by more decision makers and data collection can be carried out faster. Moreover, AHP addresses the issue of how to structure a complex decision problem, identify its criteria, measure the interaction among them and finally synthesise all the information to arrive at priorities, which depict preferences. AHP is able to assist port managers in obtaining a detailed understanding of the criteria and address the port selection problem utilising multi-criteria analysis. This article presents the architecture and the port selection procedure of the web-based DSS, and then illustrates three different cases. It shows how technology advancement can bring positive effects of strategic planning to shipping firms.  相似文献   

本文依据AIS航迹观测和实际调研情况,分析港口供给侧受新冠肺炎疫情影响、港口供给侧保障水平,发现本次疫情对我国全年港口吞吐量存在较小影响,但港口运输进入低速增长期。同时,从码头、通道、服务、政策四方面,提出了提高港口资源利用效率、促进运输结构调整、探索智慧港口发展与建设、优化审批流程等相关建议。  相似文献   

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