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<正>内河船舶船员适任考试的方式有哪些,适任证书过期,内河船员报考海船船员如何申请……?快来聚焦海事百科。内河船舶适任Q:内河船舶船员适任考试的方式有哪些?各考试科目的及格分为多少?A:(一)内河船舶船员适任理论考试的方式有纸质考试和计算机考试;实操考试的考试方式有多种,有实船操作、模拟器操作、设施设备操作以及问答等。  相似文献   

文章分析了内河船员航线考试方式的优缺点,解析船舶定线制的实施给考试评估工作带来的新要求,提出内河船员航线考试评估的新思路,介绍了数字化评估系统的主要设计和技术实现。  相似文献   

目前,我国内河船员教育培训的质量和效果明显满足不了内河船员队伍不断发展的要求,甚至成为内河船员发展的瓶颈。本文分析了内河船员教育培训的现存问题,并从推行内河船员继续教育、完善船员培训考试相关管理法规、完善内河船员教育培训机构质量管理体系等七个方面提出了对策,以适应不断发展的内河船员人才需求。  相似文献   

<正>日前,交通运输部公布了《中华人民共和国内河船舶船员适任考试和发证规则》,并规定新规则自2016年5月1日起施行。该规则为规范内河船舶船员适任考试和发证管理,提高内河船舶船员素质,保障内河交通安全,根据《中华人民共和国船员条例》和《中华人民共和国内河交通安全管理条例》制定。适用于内河船舶船员的适任考试和《内河船  相似文献   

基于航海模拟器的广东内河船员适任技能评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前内河水域交通事故率居高不下的现实情况,分析内河船员整体素质低、工作责任心不强、安全意识淡薄的特征和广东内河船员实际操作考试工作现状及不足,论述航海操纵模拟器在广东内河船员技能训练和评估中的必要性,提出内河船员初级考试、升职考试、升等考试、延伸航线(航区)考试和再有效审验技能评估的主要思路。  相似文献   

第一条为加强船员计算机终端考试管理,保障船员计算机终端考试安全,规范船员计算机终端考试工作程序,提高船员计算机终端考试工作水平,依据《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试和发证规则》、《中华人民共和国内河船舶船员适任考试和发证规则》、《中华人民共和国海船船员培训合格证书签发管理办法》、《中华人民共和国内河船舶船员特殊培训考试和发证办法》等有关规定,制定本办法。  相似文献   

针对目前基于船舶操纵模拟器的内河船舶驾驶实际操作考试,根据2011年《中华人民共和国内河船舶船员实际操作考试办法》,分析了运用船舶操纵模拟器在内河驾驶实操考试中的考试模块设计的必要性,提出了基于船舶操纵模拟器的内河船员驾驶实操考试模块设计的主要思路。  相似文献   

2011年2月20日,我国内河首台用于船员考试的船舶模拟器在长江船员考试中心正式启用。该模拟器项目是2009年由交通运输部投资建设的国家项目,主要用于内河船员实操考试,用该模拟器进行船员考试,在降低考试成本、提高考试效率的同时,有效提高内河船员考试的质量和水平,为长江干线船员考试工作注入现代化的理念,在考试人数的增大、考试手段的改革创新以及便民利民等方面可起到重要作用。该大型船舶操纵模拟器系统功能完整、技术先进、实用性强,它包括一个主本船及270度的视  相似文献   

2月29日,由芜湖海事局与上海海事大学联手研发的全国首家内河船舶操纵模拟器在芜湖通过交通部验收。 专家们通过评审,认为该系统技术先进,具备内河引航操作、船舶操纵、应急处理等多种功能,特别是方便了船员实际操作考试,提高了考试效率,降低了船员考试成本,满足了内河船舶船员实操考试和训练的需要,填补了我国船舶操纵模拟器运用于内河实际操作考试的空白。  相似文献   

重庆内河船员适任评估示范中心建成以后,内河船员实操考试将由现有的实船评估向模拟器评估逐步转变。通过分析重庆海事局当前内河船员实操考试的现状及存在的问题,结合现实问题,提出了利用电子海图系统(ECS)开展内河船舶引航操作项目实操评估的可行性方案。  相似文献   

文中以嘉兴内河船员现状为例,分析了内河船员队伍目前存在的问题,并提出相应的管理对策。  相似文献   

文中通过分析国外LNG船舶船员培训的现状和当前内河LNG动力船舶常用知识和技能,结合笔者跟船的的实际操作体会,对内河LNG动力船舶船员培训相关内容进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

Commonly, in the shipping industry of the developed Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, national seafarers are progressively being replaced by non-national ones. The present paper aims to provide a model for this tendency. Our analysis is based on the assumption that when shipowners are called to make decisions concerning crew characteristics (such as crew composition and employment levels), they address themselves to two distinct seafarer markets: the domestic (seafarers from OECD countries, henceforth to be referred to as ‘national’) and the non-national (seafarers from other countries). Whilst workers of the first market are better examples in the field of ‘on-the-job-performance’ (in terms of efficiency and loyalty) than workers of the second, shipowners set their domestic employment rule with the view to maximize their profits facing wages and ‘on-the-job-performance’ from national and non-national seafarers alike. Thus, national seafarers are chiefly recruited as officers and the employment level of non-national seafarers are residual, formed thereafter. Our findings point out that the employment rule concerning nationals is negatively affected by the former's wages, and positively by the wage increases of non-national seafarers and by eventual increases of the differential between the ‘on the job performance’ of nationals and that of non-national seafarers of corresponding specialisation.  相似文献   

The research is aimed to identify factors in the maritime education and training (MET) system and its relationship on maritime labour employers’ (MLEs) trust based on current practice in Malaysia. A questionnaire survey was used, and the respondents were the participants of a related conference in Malaysia. The structural equation modelling technique was used to explain the relationships in the stipulated research model. The test of structural model confirms that the model is adequate in explaining the MLEs’ trust. The results reveal that the perceived MET institutions’ efficiency has significant direct effects on the MLEs’ trust and the perceived seafarers’ competency. In addition, the perceived implementation of International Convention was found to significantly affect the seafarers’ competency. However, the perceived seafarers’ competency was not found to directly affect the MLEs’ trust. This study suggests that the MLEs’ trust is an important indicator and feedback on it can be used to further enhance the current MET system and its policies. Thus, one of the strategies is to develop a policy in order to achieve an effective maritime education and training. This is to support the maritime communities in progressing towards a more sustainable development in the MET in the context of enhancing the maritime safety.  相似文献   

海员是我国从海洋大国向海洋强国转变的中流砥柱,他们为发展国民经济、保证航运安全和扩大对外开放做出了巨大的贡献。但是从当前形势来分析,我国对海员的教育培训力度和关怀力度却远远跟不上海洋经济的发展。文中主要指出我国海员目前所面临的发展现状,结合国外海员的发展模式及可吸取的经验,对我国海员的可持续发展做出较为全面的策略探讨。  相似文献   

The high frequency of maritime accidents and incidents occurring at sea has been a major challenge for the maritime industry in the last decades. The majority of these accidents are attributed to seafarers’ poor performance. This, despite the fact that the international maritime domain continues to adopt and update conventions regulating maritime safety to mitigate these accidents from occurring. In this paper, utilising a qualitative research approach, we show through a socio-cultural contextual perspective that time constraints as a major influencing factor in causing task deviations at sea which leads to dangerous situations. We analyse how some of the present barriers in place to prevent accidents at sea are in effect prompt seafarers who are working under time pressure to deviate from their task. Moreover, the paper discusses the social constituents such as job insecurity and the seafarers’ viewpoint towards the ship operators’ commitment to safe ship operations are crucial in motivating seafarers’ deviating from the task at hand when faced with time pressure.  相似文献   

The employment of women on cargo ships, particularly at officer’s level, is paid more attention in order to supplement the shortage of qualified officers. However, seafaring jobs are still overwhelmingly dominated by men, and there seems to be gender-related challenges for women in such work environment. Women seafarers in this research are those who work in the ship operational sections on cargo ships as deck officers, engineers or radio officers. A total of 36 female and 8 male seafarers from eight different countries participated in the project and shared their experiences of working on board ships. The research revealed that the occupational culture of seafaring often reflects masculine norms and values which could affect women seafarers’ behaviour and attitudes. This paper further explores how women manage such situations on board by utilising various strategies in order to avoid gender-related problems. This study identifies a typical pattern of women seafarers’ identity management and creates a model of women’s strategic shifting patterns over time.  相似文献   

Past analysis of accident investigations suggest an absence of or inadequate practices of risk assessment and management on board vessels. Although the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) requires that the risk management process must not only be correctly formulated and implemented but also be periodically evaluated in order to verify that these objectives are attained, the correct and effective implementation and application of the process cannot be achieved without active involvement of competent seafarers on board. Due to the limited investigation of seafarers’ competencies in risk management, the reasons for the inadequacies in the process that are leading to accidents were not evident. Hence, using a survey, this paper conducted a pilot study investigating seafarers’ perceptions of competency in the various components of the risk management process conducted on board vessels. The findings of this paper suggest an overall satisfaction with the risk assessment process. However, there is certainly room for improvement as far as seafarers’ performance is concerned. The findings of this paper provided valuable insights into the current training regimes in the area of risk assessment and management paving the way towards enhanced safety procedures on board vessels.  相似文献   

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