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刘博 《船舶工程》2023,(1):39-46
为避免桩靴贯入过程中邻近三桶导管架基础发生倾覆破坏,利用耦合的欧拉-拉格朗日(CEL)方法,将桩靴在真实风电场地质条件下安装过程中周围土体的流动划分为浅层贯入、邻近桶中部-桶底深度及完全穿越桶底等3个阶段,明确在各阶段“桩靴-周围土体-邻近桶”的传力机制,模拟三桶导管架基础系统的水平、竖向和转角位移响应,结果表明,随着净间距的增加以及场地分层土强度分布的增加,三桶导管架基础将产生更大的附加倾覆量。  相似文献   

为更好地分析船舶应急抛锚贯入深度,结合实际河床的工程地质资料,开展模型试验研究。试验共进行22组,分别考虑霍尔锚、斯贝克锚在黏土中的贯入深度,并分析土体强度、抛锚速度、水平速度等影响因素。试验结果表明:锚的贯入深度随贯入速度的增加而增加、随土体强度的增大而减小;在相同贯入速度和土体强度条件下,霍尔锚的贯入深度大于斯贝克锚的贯入深度;抛锚初始水平速度会使锚在水平方向上移动一定的距离,但对锚的竖直贯入深度影响较小。根据试验结果拟合了可用于本工程条件下霍尔锚和斯贝克锚贯入深度与锚的总能量间的经验公式。通过对比,计算结果与试验结果吻合度较好。  相似文献   

在某工程现场微型贯入试验成果的基础上,将数值模拟方法应用到微型贯入试验中,并将数值模拟结果与现场微型贯入试验和室内试验的结果进行对比分析,从含水率、湿重度、微型贯入仪与土体间摩擦及其对贯入阻力的影响出发,验证现场微型贯入试验对淤泥质粘土试样的合理性,可供现场试验参考.  相似文献   

挖泥船施工效率预估是保障工程效益的重要基础。针对绞吸船产量预测困难的问题,基于切削比能理论模型,建立绞吸船挖掘砂土生产率预测模型,确定挖掘砂土主要影响因素,并结合工程实例进行验证。结果表明:标准贯入击数是影响砂土切削理论比能的关键因素。通过实际工程建立的砂土标准贯入击数与挖掘生产率数学模型,能够较好地对砂土挖掘生产率进行预测。研究成果对绞吸船挖掘砂土理论研究或现场施工具有一定指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

利用模型试验研究砂土中静压桩在贯入过程中的承载机理。分析模型桩贯入4种不同深度时的桩周应力变化规律,对桩顶轴力、桩顶位移、桩身环向应变和桩身纵向应变进行全程测量。利用一种半数值半解析的方法,通过测量模型桩壁的环向应变与径向应变,推导出桩周的围压和摩阻力。结果表明:在贯入初期,桩体上部会出现负摩阻,随着贯入深度的增加,上部负摩阻的范围和数值都在减小直至消失;在沉桩阻力中摩阻力所占比例较小,但其比例随着贯入深度的增加不断增大。整个贯入过程中桩周围压随贯入深度的增加在不断增大。在同一土体深度处的围压也随桩体贯入而增大。随贯入深度的增加,摩阻力和围压的变化趋势呈现了较好的一致性,摩阻力与围压的比值在0.41~0.53波动。  相似文献   

徐立新 《水运工程》2012,(4):180-185
在桩基工程锤击沉桩施工中,打桩锤的大小、桩基结构的可打性等均与沉桩贯入度有关。为确保锤击沉桩的质量,需要对沉桩贯入度控制进行研究与应用。通过新加坡樟宜海军基地四期码头等工程实例,对锤击沉桩中的贯入度计算方法、现场控制方法及验证与改进措施等进行了探讨。并通过分析证明:无论是国内还是国外,在桩基工程施工时,贯入度的动力计算为合理选择打桩锤、合理控制沉桩贯入度提供了直接有效的方法。  相似文献   

筒式基础结构在贯入过程中和正常工作状态下都会与周边软土地基产生相对滑动,软土的抗剪强度或混凝土与软土间的摩擦系数是确定筒体下沉贯入力和筒式结构在工作状态下承载力的重要参数.通过对采自连云港港徐圩港区现场的2种淤泥土样与混凝土板间的滑动试验发现,在混凝土板滑动摩擦力的作用下淤泥内部发生剪切破坏,测得该状态下淤泥的抗剪强度,可为相关工程设计提供依据.  相似文献   

郭生昌  张政生 《水运工程》2017,(11):213-216
从动能守恒和动量守恒出发,基于一定的假设条件,分析锤击沉桩过程中施工参数间的相关性,如桩锤质量和桩基质量、锤击能量和桩基贯入度、桩锤质量和贯入度、锤击应力和桩基贯入度等。结果表明:通过计算得出的锤击力和锤击应力,选择合适的锤型和锤击能量可保证顺利沉桩;预判桩基在一定岩(土)层条件下可能产生的贯入度,为锤击沉桩过程中的贯入度控制标准提供依据;结合贯入度控制标准,计算出在锤击沉桩过程中的能量消耗,为选锤标准提供依据;根据确定的桩型和桩锤来选择合理的桩垫材料,使其在锤击沉桩过程中发挥最好的效能。  相似文献   

标准贯入试验的应用及贯入击数的影响因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述标准贯入试验的应用,并分析贯入击数的各种影响因素及修正系数。  相似文献   

左大伟  肖忠 《水运工程》2022,(11):56-61
为了开发能够更好地适应软土地基和恶劣波浪条件的离岸深水码头,结合吸力桶和圆沉箱的优点,提出了吸力桶与圆沉箱整体预制式新型离岸深水码头。阐述其结构组成、平面布置和施工工艺,分析了其承载特性。该结构靠岸侧可布置泊位、靠海侧可兼做防波堤,抗浪能力强,具有承载性能好、结构刚度大、耐久性好、费用省和对环境影响小的优点,应用前景广泛。相比无隔舱的吸力桶,此新型结构通过设置内圆桶和内隔板,抗滑和抗倾覆能力大幅提高。贯入损伤对基础安装就位时的承载力有比较明显的降低作用,建议在设计中考虑。  相似文献   

The cost of foundations for offshore wind turbines constitutes approximately 35% of the total cost of an offshore wind farm. The bucket foundations show significant potential due to their superior transportation and installation efficiencies compared to pile foundations, leading to potential cost savings for the foundation of up to 30%. For a bucket foundation to be installed successfully, the penetration resistance must be predicted. However, there is currently a lack of clarity on how to select a suitable calculation method for penetration resistance based on known geological parameters to guide construction. In order to evaluate the current methods of calculation for bucket foundation penetration resistance, this study combines theoretical calculation methods with two sets of practical measurement data from the field. The calculation methods of penetration resistance for bucket foundation are first reviewed and categorized. The applicability range of each method and the parameters needed for calculation are given. Next, according to the measured data in the process of penetration of bucket foundation on site, the evolution of compartment pressure, tilt angle, resistance and required suction in the process of penetration are analyzed. Finally, the reviewed methods are compared to the results of two practical projects in order to analyze the differences between them and make recommendations for the calculation technique. The findings can be used as a guide for calculating the bucket foundation's penetration resistance in complex geological conditions.  相似文献   

Suction bucket foundations for offshore wind turbines (OWT) have considerable advantages compared to conventional foundation types: Due to the installation process with dead weight and applied negative pressure, noise from pile driving can be completely avoided. In addition, the installation process of the whole substructure, consisting of the buckets connected to the jacket, can be carried out in one work step, which increases efficiency. A prototype of the suction bucket jacket was installed in the wind park ‘Borkum Riffgrund 1’ (North Sea) in August 2014. Due to the pre-installed and comprehensive measuring system, it was possible to monitor all installation and operating phases. The data analysis of a storm event show an amplitude and frequency-dependent behaviour of the soil stiffness and the suction bucket foundation without wind turbine. In the frequency range of the first and second eigenfrequency (0.2 Hz < f < 5 Hz), the system behaves linearly. Here, the Frequency Domain Decomposition is used for identification and monitoring. For the lower frequency band (0.05 Hz < f < 0.2 Hz) where higher forces and displacements occur, a non-linear multilayer perceptron is chosen to model the non-linear relations between measurements. By applying two mathematical models for the relevant frequency ranges, all the information from the measurement data can be used for system identification and novelty detection under varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

吸力式桶形基础作为一种新型的海上风机基础,正逐渐以单桶或者多桶组合形式被应用于海上风机支撑基础设计中。然而目前对应用于海上风机基础的桶形基础的极限承载力的研究仍存在研究不全面和结果不统一的问题。本文以宽浅型单桶基础为例,采用有限元软件Abaqus对海上风机吸力式桶形基础在饱和黏土地基中的竖向承载特性进行三维有限元分析。考虑桶土接触面分离条件对极限承载力和土体破坏模式的影响,并且对桶形基础长径比、土体的有效重度以及土体不排水抗剪强度分布对桶形基础竖向极限承载特性的影响进行分析。研究成果可以为海上风机吸力式桶形基础设计提供参考。  相似文献   

筒型基础负压沉贯后筒内水膜现象的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筒型基础负压沉贯过程中将产生土塞现象,松散的土塞回落后会在筒内上部形成一层水膜。在筒型基础的使用阶段,水膜高度将在荷载作用下发生变化,造成筒基竖向位移,严重时将影响上部结构的正常使用。试验通过向沉贯后的筒基内灌入不同配合比的泥浆来解决水膜现象。试验选取了三种典型土体(砂土、粉土和粉质粘土),通过观测和数据分析,砂土情况的灌浆效果最为明显,其次是粉质粘土和粉土。  相似文献   

桶形基础平台是一种新型的海洋结构,由于目前对该结构的研究集中在桶基失效及承载力方面,其抗冰振性能还很模糊。文章基于对渤海单立柱式桶基平台的多年现场监测,发现其冰振加速度响应显著,明显高于导管架平台结构。利用谱分析方法对一实际桶基平台进行了冰振疲劳寿命分析,计算结果表明,关键点疲劳寿命符合规范要求。最后,提出此类结构冰振抑制策略,为其结构抗冰设计提供依据。  相似文献   

As a novel type of foundation in beach and shallow sea,the bucket structure is especially suitable for complex conditionssuch as soft clay ground and the worse types of sea environments.In this paper, the bearing capacity of a multi-bucket structure isstudied by experiments with a single bucket and four-bucketfoundation in a saturated sand layer. Based on the experimentaldata and numerical analysis results, the bearing capacity behaviorand the bucket group effect are compared and analyzed.Furthermore, some influential factors, such as the soil type, theratio of length to diameter L/D, the ratio of the bucket spacing tothe bucket diameter S/D, and the bucket number are introduced andtheir effects on the multi-bucket structural capacity are investigatedThe vertical static capacity adjustment factor is introduced toevaluate the bucket group effects of the multi-bucket foundation.  相似文献   

Dynamic impedances of foundations include dynamic stiffness and damping which have important effect on the internal forces in the structure. In some cases, such as offshore wind turbines, the influence of the foundation impedances on the system's natural frequency and overall damping could potentially have a significant effect on the fatigue life of the structure. The vertical, horizontal and rocking impedances of a skirted foundation (also termed bucket foundation in offshore wind industry) embedded in a fully saturated poroelastic seabed are addressed in this paper. The vertical impedance is most relevant for jacket foundations supported on three or four bucket foundations, while horizontal and rocking impedances are applicable for mono-bucket foundations. The dynamic vibration problems are solved semi-analytically with the help of dual integral equations and Green's functions. Numerical results for dynamic impedances are obtained; damping ratio are also obtained to show the importance of radiation damping for bucket foundations, even at very small excitation frequencies. The influence of length-to-radius ratio, Poisson's ratio, permeability of soil, excitation frequency and thickness-to-radius ratio on the impedances are also studied. Besides, the dynamic load sharing among the top plate, bucket shaft and bucket tip is obtained for vertical load, horizontal load and moment to shed light on the carrying mechanism of bucket foundation at dynamic working loads. It is found that for a rigid bucket foundation, even when the length-to-radius ratio is small (e.g. l/a = 1.0), most of the loads are carried by the shaft, while the top plate and tip of the bucket take only a small portion of the loads. The results of this study will be helpful for understanding the load-carrying mechanism of offshore bucket foundations for normal operation conditions.  相似文献   

The composite bucket foundation (CBF) is a new and environmentally-friendly foundation for offshore wind turbines. This foundation can be prefabricated in batches onshore followed by integrated transport and installation at sea. The structure itself has a subdivision air cushion structure that enables the foundation to float stably on the water surface and realize long-distance towing of the foundation. The mechanism of this air-liquid-solid coupling towing process is complicated, and the influence of the bulkheads on the towing resistance is not clear. In this paper, the influence of the subdivision structure on the towing resistance of the CBF is compared with the tow test in hydrostatic water. The structural motion characteristics and the change of the cushion pressure are also analysed. Experiments are used to verify numerical calculation results. The flow field difference between the CBF with bulkheads, the CBF without bulkheads and the real floating structure was analysed. The dynamic pressure coefficient was used to analyze the force at surfaces of different CBF's. For the tow test and numerical calculation of multiple CBFs, the optimal multi-CBF tow distance and towage number are obtained through the calculation of energy consumption rate.  相似文献   

针对钢桩大直径、超深入泥且方向变化,施工中会发生溜桩、拒锤等现象,利用GREWEAP软件进行钢桩可打入性分析,根据波动理论对开口桩进行打桩分析,对沉桩中贯入深度与锤击数进行理论和实际对比,结合工程实例,验证分析的准确性,提出施工建议。  相似文献   

详细介绍了黄骅港扩容完善工程6 000 t/h斗轮悬臂取料机的安装调试技术。根据现场条件和设备到货的实际情况,确定安装工艺流程,计算吊装性能参数,合理选择吊装起重机和索具,制定合理有效的质量控制措施,保证了安装调试的质量和安全,提高了施工效率,达到了预期的施工效果。  相似文献   

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