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更为严格的排放法规,是对国内外发动机设计与改造的巨大挑战。均质压燃(HCCI)作为一种新型燃烧模式,为低排放发动机提供了发展方向,也为内燃机设计提供了广阔视野。本文通过传统柴油机上的HCCI实验,验证了正庚烷的两阶段放热,并研究了进气温度和过量空气系数对HCCI排放的影响。  相似文献   

均质充气压缩点燃着火HCCI(Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition)作为新一代的内燃机燃烧方式,具有传统火花点火汽油机均质混合气特质,同时具有与传统压燃柴油机相当的高效率,具有实现高效、低排放燃烧的巨大潜力。本文在介绍HCCI燃烧技术的基础上,分析了汽油机实施HCCI的可行性,并介绍了实用化所面临的问题。  相似文献   

均质压燃(HCCI)是一种新的燃烧方式,它是预混混合气在压缩过程中温度升高达到自燃温度以后发生的燃烧现象。本文阐述了"均质压燃、低温燃烧"新一代内燃机燃烧技术的背景、研究现状以及所取得的主要研究进展。  相似文献   

正近两年,随着国家对新能源产业加大了鼓励和扶持,内燃机行业面临了前所未有的市场挑战。2017年,内燃机产量突破8000万台,总功率突破26亿千瓦,产品进出口突破240亿美元,我国已经连续第八年位居世界内燃机生产和消费第一位。然而,在产量快速增长的同时,内燃机产品的可靠性仍旧是行业不容忽视的问题。目前,中国内燃机行业仍然没有形成在国际上引领行业的企业集团,与国际领先的发动机企业相比,我们  相似文献   

对汽车节油技术的检测主要分为发动机性能台架对比试验和整车性能道路对比试验两大类别,文章采用整车性能道路对比试验,使用流量计检测内燃机采用节油技术前后的燃油消耗量,来评定内燃机在运用了节油技术或产品后的节油效果,适用于车辆和柴油发电机组等内燃机的应用产品。  相似文献   

第十届中国国际内燃机及零部件展览会(Engine China 2011)于2011年10月8日-10日在北京国家会议中心举行。展会继续传承"创新发展、节能减排、绿色制造"的主题,围绕内燃机主机、内燃机相关零部件、加工工艺与专用装备和内燃机再制造四大板块进行全方位展出。阵容大、技术强众多创新技术的同台竞技将成为本  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内现阶段燃料电池应用于车用动力装置的现状以及面临的技术性问题,同时阐述了限制其推广应用的主要原因。通过与传统内燃机的对比,分析了其应用现状,并作了未来展望。目前燃料电池由于技术水平、制造成本及燃料制取储备等原因尚未得以广泛应用,在未来的相当一段时间内仍会以内燃机为主占据主流车用动力市场。但是,随着化石能源的日渐枯竭以及相关技术的不断完善,燃料电池必将在车用动力装置中占据一席之地。  相似文献   

内燃机工业是国民经济和国家安全的重要支柱之一,2012年12月10日,中国内燃机工业协会第五次全国会员代表大会在北京中国职工之家召开。会议回顾了过去4年我国内燃机行业的变革和成长,并对下一阶段工作进行的规划和部署。过去四年,面对世界经济诸多复杂不利因素,我国内燃机工业仍然保持了平稳较快增长。2011年,中国内燃机工业总产值突破3700亿元,内燃机产量突破7700万台,总功率突破14亿千瓦。然而内燃机行业整体规模优势不突出,产量大但效益不  相似文献   

内燃机经过多年的发展仍然是汽车和工程机械的主要动力源,有害污染物的排放是其面临的主要问题之一。对于车用内燃机,尾气后处理催化转化技术的应用已经成为各大汽车生产厂家满足各国严格排放标准的主流技术方案。本文在车用尾气催化转化的基本原理的基础上,分析了氧化催化技术和还原催化技术应用现状及前景,并提出未来催化转化技术发展方向。  相似文献   

未来汽油机发展趋势及节能排放控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文围绕汽油机的节能与排放问题介绍了目前汽油机的发展现状,并介绍代表未来汽油机在节能与排放方面发展趋势的缸内直接喷射技术(GDI)和均质混和气压燃技术(HCCI)的研究状况以及未来待解决的问题。  相似文献   

文中对一台双缸四冲程自然吸气直喷柴油机上进行了乙醇的HCCI的试验,试验分析了过量空气系数和进气温度对乙醇均质压燃燃烧特性的影响。研究结果表明:发动机缸压和压力升高率峰值随着进气温度的上升而增加,并且峰值压力也会提前;过量空气系数的增大,缸压和压力升高率减小。与较小的过量空气系数相比,峰值压力的出现明显推迟。过量空气系数对压力升高率的影响较小,但对放热率的影响相当大。  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EV) are often considered a promising technology to decrease external costs of road transport. Therefore, main external cost components are estimated for EV and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV). These include costs of accidents, air pollution, climate change, noise, and congestion. All components are estimated over the product lifetime and, where appropriate, differentiated according to fuel type, vehicle size as well as emission location and time. The advantage of this differentiation is, however, compensated by high uncertainties of most cost estimates. Overall, the external costs of EV and ICEV do not differ significantly. Only for climate change, local air pollutants in congested inner-cities, and noise some advantageous effects can be observed for EV. The advantages depend strongly on the national electricity power plant portfolio and potentially also on the charging strategy. Controlled charging might allow for higher emission reductions than uncontrolled charging of EV.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of vehicle regenerative braking systems as a quick and relatively easy means of achieving higher overall fuel efficiency and lowering carbon emissions. The system involves the installation of an additional electric motor/generator in parallel to the vehicle’s internal combustion engine and is used in conjunction with a DCDC converter and ultracapacitor. The system is used to recapture the energy lost in vehicle braking, significantly reducing a vehicle’s overall energy consumption and lowering vehicle emissions. Experimentally-based evidence is collected and compared for two sample vehicles to deduce the potential fuel and emissions saving.  相似文献   

When operated at low speeds, electric and hybrid vehicles have created pedestrian safety concerns in congested areas of various city centers, because these vehicles have relatively silent engines compared to those of internal combustion engine vehicles, resulting in safety issues for pedestrians and cyclists due to the lack of engine noise to warn them of an oncoming electric or hybrid vehicle. However, the driver behavior characteristics have also been considered in many studies, and the high end-prices of electric vehicles indicate that electric vehicle drivers tend to have a higher prosperity index and are more likely to receive a better education, making them more alert while driving and more likely to obey traffic rules. In this paper, the positive and negative factors associated with electric vehicle adoption and the subsequent effects on pedestrian traffic safety are investigated using an agent-based modeling approach, in which a traffic micro-simulation of a real intersection is simulated in 3D using AnyLogic software. First, the interacting agents and dynamic parameters are defined in the agent-based model. Next, a 3D intersection environment is created to integrate the agent-based model into a visual simulation, where the simulation records the number of near-crashes occurring in certain pedestrian crossings throughout the virtual time duration of a year. A sensitivity analysis is also carried out with 9000 subsequent simulations performed in a supercomputer to account for the variation in dynamic parameters (ambient sound level, vehicle sound level, and ambient illumination). According to the analysis, electric vehicles have a 30% higher pedestrian traffic safety risk than internal combustion engine vehicles under high ambient sound levels. At low ambient sound levels, however, electric vehicles have only a 10% higher safety risk for pedestrians. Low levels of ambient illumination also increase the number of pedestrians involved in near-crashes for both electric vehicles and combustion engine vehicles.  相似文献   

This paper explores the experimental investigation of the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of bio fuels from ceiba pentandra methyl ester (CPME), ceiba pentandra methyl ester-pine oil blends (CPMEP) and pine oil and the results are compared with diesel. In ceiba pentandra seed oil the CPME yield is 92% by using transesterification process with the optimum conditions of 560 rpm, reaction time 58 min, catalyst concentration 13 g and methanol amount 500 ml. The viscosity of CPME is high when compare with diesel. So the low viscosity of pine oil is blended with CPME and it can be directly used in diesel engine without any modification. At different loads the Pine oil, CPME and CPMEP blends were used in direct injection naturally aspirated compression ignition engine. The outcomes exhibited that at full load conditions for CPME and CPMEP blends increased brake specific fuel consumption, and decreased brake thermal efficiency, CO, HC emissions. NOx emissions decreased and smoke emissions are increased on CPME and CPMEP blends, expect B25 blend compared with diesel. The combustion analysis like the heat release rate, peak cylinder pressure, cumulative heat release rate and ignition delay for CPME, CPMEP blends slightly lower and combustion duration higher than diesel and pine oil. At the Same engine operating condition, the engine fuelled with pine oil the values of brake thermal efficiency 4.79%, peak cylinder pressure, heat release rate, cumulative heat release rate and ignition delay are increased. Brake specific fuel consumption, CO, HC, and smoke were 9.46%, 16.66%, 14.89% and 8.33% decreased. However, the NOx emission is 8.29% higher than that of diesel. Experimental fuels up to B50 (50% pine oil and 50% CPME) blends have proved good potential for future energy is needed.  相似文献   

在台架上对不同冷却液温度下发动机性能测试的基础上,分析了温度对发动机基本性能影响。基于转速和负荷,给出最优目标温度Map图并进行整车油耗仿真计算。结果表明,冷却液温度对发动机低速工况下动力性和经济性有较大影响;与装配蜡式节温器的整车相比,整车采用优化后的水温Map将会使综合油耗降低1%左右。  相似文献   

针对难以获取发动机怠速抖动的精确数学模型,文章提出一种基于RBF神经网络的模型逼近算法。该算法利用RBF神经网络良好的模型逼近能力,对造成发动机怠速抖动的几种典型故障原因进行了诊断。实验结果表明该算法具有良好的逼近效率和诊断效果。  相似文献   

相对汽油发动机污染物排放,柴油发动机CO和CH的排放较低,不到汽油机的10%,但NOX排放水平却高于汽油发动机。本文重点讨论柴油发动机排气污染物中NOx的成分及危害,分析了NO的生成机理及影响因素,提出了控制柴油机NO排放的技术和方法。  相似文献   

An experimental study to measure the evaporation rates, engine performance and emission characteristics of cotton seed biodiesel (cotton seed oil methyl ester) and its blends in different volumetric proportions with diesel is presented. The thermo-physical properties of all the fuel blends have been measured and presented. Evaporation rates of neat cotton seed biodiesel, neat diesel and their bends have been measured under slow convective environment of air flowing with a constant temperature. Evaporation constants have been determined by using the droplet regression rate data. The neat fuels and fuel blends have been utilized in a test engine with different load conditions to evaluate the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of the fuels. The specific fuel consumption values of the two blends, viz. B25 and B75 are found to be same. At the highest load, B0 records the lowest CO volume followed by B100. From the observed evaporation, performance and emissions characteristics, it is suggested that a blend of B50 and B75 can be optimally used in standard diesel engine settings.  相似文献   

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