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Time-dependant reliability is analyzed for the flexural cracking of prestressed concrete bridges under service limit state. The limit state function and random variables are derived from Chinese highway bridge design specifications. For deterioration of structural performances, chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion is emphasized. Through integrating first order reliability method (FORM) and time discretized approach, the time-variant reliability is evaluated. For illustrative propose, the reliability of a typical simply supported prestressed concrete beam is exemplified.  相似文献   

由于盾构隧道管片衬砌结构形式的特殊性,可靠度分析中仅采用截面承载力极限状态方程作为功能函数不够全面,故文中提出管片可靠度分析应采用双功能函数,即增选管片裂缝宽度控制方程作为第二功能函数.考虑到随机变量的非正态分布和功能函数的高度非线性,常规一次二阶矩法精度较低,提出采用映射变换和二次二阶矩相结合的方法进行管片衬砌可靠度分析.实例表明:双功能函数相互补充,可保证结构的安全可靠,映射变换和二次二阶矩结合分析法清晰简便,能较好地解决功能函数高度非线性、随机变量非正态分布等问题.  相似文献   

基于虚拟变量法的结构可靠度参数敏感性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在结构可靠度分析中,功能函数通常是强非线性的,并且随机变量之间往往存在相关性,这给基于一次二阶矩法原理的参数敏感性分析带来了困难。为此,提出了一种基于虚拟变量法的结构可靠度参数敏感性分析方法,推导了相关随机变量的敏感性计算公式,在计算可靠指标时无须求偏导,计算效率高。工程算例分析表明,在功能函数为非线性、变量之间相关的情况下,该计算方法是一种有效的结构可靠度敏感性分析方法。  相似文献   

针对航空燃气轮机压气机数字化建模过程中由于缺少压气机流量系数导致模型精度偏低的问题,基于Kriging插值算法构造了面向压气机流量系数估计的主从式建模方法,分析了高维空间下对应于不同压气机换算转速的流量系数分布特征;基于流量系数的特征提取方法探索了流量系数、换算转速、增压比之间的映射关系,并提出了关于这三类参数的多维样本向量构造方法;基于Kriging算法建立了适用于燃气轮机过渡工况下压气机流量系数主从式插值模型. 研究结果表明:与传统的Kriging插值方法及牛顿插值法相比,基于主从式模型的流量系数计算结果更接近实际值,计算精度提高了近10%;主模型可输出流量系数的估值向量,插值效率相比传统Kriging模型提高了近15%.   相似文献   

An integrated optimization strategy based on Kriging model and multi-objective particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm was constructed.As a new surrogate model technology,Kriging model has better fitting precision for nonlinear problem.The Kriging model was adopted to replace computer aided engineering(CAE) simulation as fitness function of multi-objective PSO algorithm,and the computation cost can be reduced greatly.By introducing multi-objective handling mechanism of crowding distance and mutation oper...  相似文献   

为保证高速列车安全、可靠运行,研究了列车通信网络性能评估方法;综合考虑列车通信网络的实时性、可靠性和服务质量,建立了合理的列车通信网络性能评价指标体系,采用模糊层次分析法确定列车通信网络性能评估指标的权重;考虑列车通信网络评估过程中具有不确定性,构建了基于正态云模型和模糊熵的二维评估模型;建立了基于交换式以太网的大容量和高可靠性列车通信网络仿真平台,获取各指标样本数据,运用二维评估模型计算各指标的隶属度,依据模糊理论最大隶属度法则确定列车通信网络性能等级。研究结果表明:在列车通信网络状态良好时,60%评估样本的网络性能等级为Ⅰ、Ⅱ级,在网络丢包率和误码率较大时,40%评估样本的评估等级为Ⅲ、Ⅳ级,表明二维评估模型能够有效地反映列车通信网络状态;与仅运用模糊综合评价法相比较,两者的评估结果基本一致,反映了二维评估模型的准确性;模糊综合评价法不能消除评估过程中不确定性因素的影响,从而导致评估结果缺乏精确度,因此,提出的方法更适合于列车通信网络性能评估。   相似文献   

针对汽车乘员约束系统高度非线性且难于求解最优值的特点,提出全局敏感性分析结合混合元模型的优化方法,通过蒙特卡罗模拟在整个设计空间内采样,以元模型代替仿真模型来完成设计参数的敏感性分析,并将分析获得的信息用于混合元模型优化(hybrid and adaptive metamodeling method,HAM),将二阶多项式响应面、Kriging模型、径向基函数三种元模型有机结合,自适应选择最佳的元模型进行寻优.搜索过程中元模型不断更新与重建,逐渐提高关键区域的精度,从而快速寻找到全局最优解.对某工程实例的优化结果表明该方法是有效的.  相似文献   

为了预测路口交通信号控制所需的转向交通流量,提出了基于改进BP(back-propagation)神经网络的路口交通流转向比预测模型,给出了相应参数的计算方法;采用自适应学习率和动量梯度下降法以提高神经网络的学习速度和算法的可靠性,并用调查数据对模型进行了检验.研究结果表明,与传统的平均值法相比,用所提出的模型,平均绝对相对误差减小约1%~3%.  相似文献   

Reliability analysis based on equipment’s performance degradation characteristics is one of the significant research areas in reliability research. Nowadays, many researches are carried on multi-sample analysis. But it is limited for a single equipment reliability prediction. Therefore, the method of reliability prediction based on state space model(SSM) is proposed in this research. Feature energy of the monitored signals is extracted with the wavelet packet analysis and the associated frequency band energy with online monitored data. Then,degradation feature is improved by moving average filtering processing taken as input pair model parameter of SSM to be estimated. In the end, state space predicting model of degradation index is established. The probability density distribution of the degradation index is predicted, and the degree of reliability is calculated. A real testing example of bearing is used to demonstrate the rationality and effectiveness of this method. It is a useful method for single sample reliability prediction.  相似文献   

公交信号优先被广泛应用于提高道路通行能力和服务水平等方面,但是,公交信号优先经常会破坏路网,从而导致交叉口可靠性降低.因此,交叉口可靠性是交通信号设计中需考虑的一个重要问题.本研究针对单点交叉口提出了基于可靠性的公交信号优先配时优化模型,将人均延误最小化作为目标函数,将交叉口相位清空可靠度指标作为一个重要约束条件,该模型在优化信号配时的过程中不仅降低了人均延误,并且保证了交叉口的可靠性.本研究将该优化模型应用于单点交叉口,通过分析影响参数得到:仅提高可靠性要求,延误时间会非线性增加;若一味地降低总延误会导致低可靠性.最后,通过案例分析将传统模型与本研究模型进行对比分析,验证了本研究所提出模型的实用性.  相似文献   

It is necessary to determine the degradation path model of products at first when using the method based on degradation path model to evaluate the degradation reliability of products.At present,the degradation path model is mainly determined by scatter plots of degradation data.However,this method has strong subjectivity and is liable to cause the evaluation results to be inconsistent with the actual situation.In this paper,a degradation reliability analysis method based on TOPSIS(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution)model selection is proposed,and its implementation process is given.The optimal degradation path model is selected according to the calculated proximity.With the help of TOPSIS method,various degradation path models can be selected and quantified,and the original degradation path method can be improved to avoid the risk of errors in product reliability evaluation caused by inaccurate subjective hypothesis,so as to ensure the objectivity and accuracy in the process of model determination.The validity and practicability of the proposed method are verified by the degradation analysis of the injector of a certain type of diesel engine.  相似文献   

为了解决分析桥梁结构可靠度时功能函数不存在显式的问题,在现有响应面法的基础上,提出了改进的响应面法;利用有限元软件,对某高墩大跨连续刚构进行了受力分析;选取压应力、拉应力和稳定性失效3类失效模式,在改进的响应面法基础上,利用编程软件MATLAB,实现连续刚构桥梁体系可靠度的计算.算例分析表明,该方法迭代次数少,效率较高,可实现连续刚构桥功能函数重构和体系可靠度计算.  相似文献   

地磁匹配区的选择是影响地磁匹配系统性能的重要因素,而选择准则直接决定了匹配区的适配性以及匹配制导的可靠性和精度.为此,文中从地磁标准差、地磁粗糙度、地磁相关长度、地磁梯度标准差4个参数着手,以某一匹配区中9条不同航迹的仿真匹配试验结果作为研究样本,对比分析了各条航迹的不同地磁特征对匹配算法性能的影响.研究结果表明,各条航迹上的地磁梯度标准差与匹配概率之间存在较为明显的正比关系,可将地磁场梯度标准差作为地磁匹配区的选取准则,对载体航迹进行规划.  相似文献   

采用离散形式的水平集函数代替传统的符号距离函数,提出基于离散水平集方法的Chan-Vese模型。采用变分方法得到水平集函数演化的梯度降方程,对得到的演化方程进行半隐式离散求解和数值算例验证,并与传统的符号距离函数方法进行对比,以验证离散水平集方法在图像分割中的优势。实验结果表明,基于离散水平集方法的Chan-Vese模型分割速度和精度比用符号距离函数实现的Chan-Vese模型有明显提高。  相似文献   

A new algorithm for linear instantaneous independent component analysis is proposed based on max-imizing the log-likelihood contrast function which can be changed into a gradient equation. An iterative method is introduced to solve this equation efficiently. The unknown probability density functions as well as their first and second derivatives in the gradient equation are estimated by kernel density method. Computer simulations on artificially generated signals and gray scale natural scene images confirm the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

为适应未来智能网联环境下精细化交通流预测需求,提出一种基于混合深度学习 (Hybrid Deep Learning, HDL)的车道级交通流速度预测模型. 模型以智能网联系统强大的数据采集和计算能力为基础,采用集成经验模态分解算法将原始速度序列分解为多个固有模态函数分量和残差分量,并将所得分量重构为模型输入;利用双向长短期记忆神经网络和注意力机制,构建深度学习模型框架;为检验模型预测精度和可靠性,选择北京市二环路多个连续车道断面速度数据进行算法验证. 结果表明,HDL模型在不同车道均有理想的预测结果,单步和多步预测精度均显著优于对比模型.  相似文献   

Human reliability analysis(HRA) is an expansion of man-machine engineering. It is also a new multidisciplinary based on behavioral science, cognitive science, information processing, system analysis and probability statistics in order to analyze, predict, reduce and prevent human errors. Firstly, the quantitative analysis model of HRA is proposed based on Markov process theory by using human error probability(HEP) and error correction cycle(ECC) as parameters. And human reliability evaluation criterion is built. Then, the HRA process considering error correction is proposed based on cognitive reliability and error analysis method(CREAM). Finally, according to the characteristics of armored vehicle system, common performance condition(CPC) in CREAM is improved.A reliability impact index is characterized by the overall contexts of tasks. Human reliability evaluation criterion of armored vehicle system is formulated. And the result of HRA is obtained based on the method presented in this paper. In addition, the relative weights are estimated by combining scale of 10/10—18/2 and analytical hierarchy process(AHP), and the triangular fuzzy number considering confidence factor and optimism index is adopted in order to reduce the subjectivity. The analysis results show that the method presented in this paper is reasonable and feasible. Meantime, the method can provide guidance for human reliability analysis of other weapon systems.  相似文献   

Water-fat separation is a particularly important problem for magnetic resonance imaging. Although many methods have been proposed, the reliability is still challenging. In this work, we have presented a method based on the combination of the branch-cut method and multigrid algorithm to get a more robust performance of water-fat separation. First, the branch-cut method is applied to identify residues, which violates the requirement that the interacting phase gradient around a closed path be zero. Residues and branches are marked to be zeros and filled to the weighting factor array. Then, the unwrapped phase array can be given by the multigrid algorithm. Finally, the Dixon method for water-fat separation is applied to the unwrapped phase array. Experiments for brain scanning on the 0.3T low field MRI system demonstrate the successful application of the proposed method.  相似文献   

随机需求道路网络出行时间可靠性评估方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为提高不确定路网可靠性评估的合理性,设需求服从对数正态分布,假定出行者在随机需求作用下能 够达到确定性用户均衡,运用路径算法获得流量,根据BPR(bureauofpublicroads)型路段特性函数以及对数正 态分布的概率特性,给出了路径出行时间的随机分布,以此为基础建立了路径及OD对出行时间可靠性评估模 型.用数值算例验证了评估方法的可行性,分析结果表明该方法能够合理评价需求及其波动程度、路径之间的相 关程度对出行时间可靠性的影响.   相似文献   

路网容量可靠性是评价路网综合性能的重要指标之一,已越来越受到路网规划者和交通管理者的重视,而现有评价方法大多在确定路网最大容量过程中并没有综合考虑服务水平的约束。本文为在路网容量可靠性评价中更好地体现出行者及管理者对服务水平的要求,新建了基于服务水平约束的路网容量可靠性双层规划模型,以行程时间增量系数和饱和度系数为约束构建上层规划,结合用户路径选择行为的特点,选用SUE(随机用户平衡)分配模型作为下层规划。采用遗传算法和Monte Carlo 仿真相结合的方法求解容量可靠性模型。并给出了算例.计算结果表明,该模型能够较好地体现不同服务水平要求下的路网容量可靠性,并为城市路网规划、管理及路网性能的改善提供依据。  相似文献   

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