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Most of current wireless packet scheduling algorithms aim at resource allocation as fairly as possible or maximizing throughput. This paper proposed a new packet scheduling algorithm that aims at satisfying delay requirement and is the improvement of earliest due first (EDF) algorithm in wired networks. The main idea is to classify the packets based on their delay bound, scheduling the most "urgent" class of user and the users that have the best channel condition with higher priority. This algorithm can easily integrate with common buffer management algorithms, when buffer management algorithm cannot accept new arrival packets, try to modify scheduling policy. Packet scheduling algorithms in multiple bottleneck wireless networks were also discussed. A new variable multi-hop factor was defined to estimate the congestion situation (including channel condition) of future hops. Multi-hop factor can be integrated into packet scheduling algorithms as assistant and supplement to improve its performance in multi-bottleneck wireless networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two novel efficient scheduling schemes with network coding in multi-relay wireless network to maximize the transmission efficiency. The first one uses adaptive forwarding with network coding (AF-NC), in which each relay adaptively calculates the number of packets having innovative information according to the feedback from the sink. With AF-NC, duplicate packets are not sent, and the total number of time slots needed to complete transmission can be significantly reduced. The second scheme, named adaptive forwarding with network coding and retransmission (AFR-NC), combines AF-NC with automatic repeat request (ARQ) to guarantee reliable end-to-end communication with limited resource occupation. Numerical results show that compared with simple forwarding with network coding (F-NC), AF-NC has close successful delivery rate with dramatically less time slots, while AFR-NC achieves strict reliability with limited resource cost.  相似文献   

IntroductionWDM passive optical network (PON) is an at-tractive solution for future broadband access net-work in that it offers the potential of large capaci-ty, network security and data transparency[1]WDM PON connects the optical line terminal( OLT ) with multiple optical network units(ONU) through a splitter. The OLT has an arrayof m fixed-tuned transceivers, each tuned to a dif-ferent wavelength. Each ONU is equipped withone fixed transmitter (control channel) and onetunable trans…  相似文献   

基于时分多址(TDD)的无线mesh网络是实现无线多跳网络和宽带无线接入的一种关键技术.为用户提供一种可以保障稳定通信的有效的分布式算法是影响基于TDD的无线mesh网络性能的关键因素.本文针对TDD的无线mesh网络提出一种随机自学习分布式调度算法,这种算法是一种基于信息学习的随机选择算法.在网络中,任一节点都要根据其邻居节点控制消息中所携带的数据,学习邻居节点的调度信息,从而判断可用时隙.若上次信息传输成功,则节点仍然沿用上次的传输时隙;反之,节点在可用时隙中随机选择一个时隙发送控制消息.仿真结果表明,与IEEE802.16标准中定义的算法相比,提出的随机自学习分布式调度算法能实现更高的吞吐量.  相似文献   

从蜂窝无线接入技术、非蜂窝无线接入技术、异构智融车载网络接入技术三方面,分析了国内外轨道交通车载网络的研究现状;针对非蜂窝无线接入技术和蜂窝无线接入技术的问题,阐述了协同利用轨道交通周边异构无线资源进行网络融合、协同通信的优越性;从网络模型、网络架构两方面论述了异构智融车载网络的融合方案;结合智能轨道交通业务需求,从可靠性和资源利用率两方面对现有的异构智融车载网络研究进行了系统性的归类梳理;从人工智能、安全性和云边结合三方面提出未来异构智融车载网络的发展趋势。研究结果表明:异构智融车载网络可靠性分为网络架构的可靠性和数据传输的可靠性,其中在网络架构可靠性方面,主要研究了通过冗余网络架构、车云传输架构、软件定义网络构架和智慧协同网络架构4种方式提升可靠性,在数据传输可靠性方面,主要研究了通过多路径传输、网络编码和切换算法降低传输过程中的丢包率;异构智融车载网络资源利用率分为无线接入的资源利用率和链路调度的资源利用率,其中在无线接入资源利用率方面,主要通过信道状态预测、频谱划分、频移补偿3种方式增加网络吞吐量,提高资源利用率,在链路调度的资源利用率方面,主要通过调度算法、接收缓存算法和拥塞控制算法来减少异构链路对数据传输的影响,降低数据重传次数,提高网络资源利用率。   相似文献   

跨层设计是提高无线传感器网络整体性能的一种有效方法.文中在综合考虑MAC层调度、物理层功率控制、网络层路由三方面因素的基础上,结合UWB技术超带宽、低信号功率的特点,以实现网络最大数据传输速率为目标,构建了UWB传感器网络跨层优化模型.仿真实验结果表明,根据模型最优解进行网络配置可充分利用网络资源、显著提高网络的数据传输速率,以构建、求解优化模型的方式解决网络跨层问题是切实可行的.  相似文献   

基于实时网络分布式控制系统的性能不仅取决于控制算法,而且取决于网络信息调度的特点,以具有确定时间性与可靠性的TDMA(时分多路访问)网络作为控制网络,对网络中的控制信息进行调度,建立了分布控制系统的任务调度模型。并采用遗传算法求解网络调度问题,以提高控制系统性能和网络利用率,寻求最优的通信时序.仿真结果表明,经过优化调度后,控制回路的任务周期最短;与常规非优化状态下的系统性能相比,控制系统的总体性能指标减小,网络利用率提高.  相似文献   

Objective Network emulation system constructs a virtual network environment which has the characteristics of controllable and repeatable network conditions. This makes it possible to predict the availability and performance of new protocols and algorithms before deploying to Internet. Methods PARNEM, a parallel discrete event network emulation system described in this paper has the following characteristics: ① BREEN - a BSP based realtime event scheduling engine; ② application transparent flexible interactive mechanism; ③legacy network model reuse. Conclusion PARNEM allows detailed and accurate study of application behavior. Comprehensive case studies covering bottleneck bandwidth measurement and distributed cooperative web caching system demonstrate that network emulation technology opens a wide range of new opportunities for examining the behavior of applications.  相似文献   

Scheduling algorithm always plays an important role in the spatial architecture for the contradiction between the finite network bandwidth and the abundant execution resources. This article provides a simple method to solve the contention for network resource in one of the spatial architecture, i.e. the tera-op, reliable, intelligently adaptive processing system (TRIPS) processor. The method improves the performance of network by increasing the bypass bandwidth which can transmit the data in the internal of every execution unit, and converting the proportion of remote communication by the deep scheduling algorithm. The deeply optimized algorithm is realized to verify the validity of the method, and the performance increase 9% for floating point spec2000 benchmark is got.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel polling algorithm to decrease the number of idle slots and collission slots during the polling cycle by evaluating the bandwidth request of the subscribe stations (SSs) in the next polling cycle for broadband wireless access (BWA) systems. We firstly analyze the feature of silent time intervals and deduce the Hurst index which symbolizes the degree of self-similarity and long-relative nature. Then we represent the inactive OFF time intervals by the Pareto model and estimate the shape parameter α by the group measured data. Finally we can evaluate the transmission probability of a silent SS before the next polling cycle. By this algorithm, we can find the optimal transmission opportunities for the base station (BS) to achieve the least collision or void timeslots in order to achieve the largest bandwidth efficiency. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this polling algorithm can improve the performance for BWA system.  相似文献   

随着城市交通信号控制需求的不断提高,各种新智能交通信号控制算法不断被提出和改进。然而受到现有设备固有控制方式和不同类型信号机无法协同的局限,智能控制算法多停留在理论研究和仿真试验阶段。为实现不同交通信号控制算法的统一模式,提出一种基于事件调度的交通信号控制模型(ED-Model)。该模型将控制算法拆分为状态检测与请求调度两大功能模块,通过扩展后状态检测的抽象概念事件统一了系统输入,通过交通信号控制请求调度系统实现系统输入的响应模式,从而实现各类交通信号控制算法的统一实现架构。分析表明,ED-Model可以有效地实现当前各类常规控制需求,并对其他各类智能算法的移植实现具有较好的可扩展性。  相似文献   

移动Ad Hoe网络是由一组无线移动主机组成的一个没有任何基础设施或集中管理设备的临时网络.针对网络拓扑易变以及带宽、能源有限等移动Ad Hoe网络的主要特点.在介绍一种能量消耗模型的基础上,提出了一种路由算法,由于该算法是一个NP完全同题,因此给出了一个解决该问题的近似算法,在经典的路由协议AODV基础上进行了仿真实验.实验结果表明新的协议EA-AODV在总能量消耗和网络生存时间方面表现出了很好的性能.  相似文献   

部署在铁路路基监测区域内的无线传感器网络(WSN),由于节点能量和带宽等资源的限制,要求数据的采集、处理、传输满足低能耗、高效率和高可靠性. 本文提出面向智能监测的无线传感器网络分簇部署策略,在感兴趣的区域内部署尽量多的节点,并根据数量类型、环境特征等因素将网络以簇为单位进行划分. 以簇为单位,采用自适应加权数据融合处理技术,将采集的地温数据按照精度分别乘以权重值再进行平均值处理,有利于降低数据冗余度,提高数据准确度和采集效率. 仿真性能分析表明,该方法可以显著提高数据传输效率,降低网络能耗,延长网络生命周期.  相似文献   

基于交换式以太网的列车通信网络的交换机排队时延分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统列车通信网络的带宽难以满足现代列车数据传输的要求.本文提出了一种基于交换式以太网的列车通信网络解决方案,为了降低列车实时数据的传输时延,为交换机设计了具有优先级的队列调度策略,并采用G/D/1排队论分析了列车实时数据和非实时数据的排队时延,计算证实了该策略可以将实时数据在交换机的平均排队时延降低到70 μs以下.最后,通过网络仿真研究证实了实时周期数据的平均排队时延从无优先级时的91 μs降低到了有优先级时的61 μs.  相似文献   

Various flexible mechanisms related to quality of service (QoS) provisioning have been specified for uplink traffic at the medium access control (MAC) layer in the IEEE 802.16 standards. Among the mechanisms, contention based bandwidth request scheme can be used to indicate bandwidth demands to the base station for the non-real-time polling and best-effort services. These two services are used for most applications with unknown traffic characteristics. Due to the diverse QoS requirements of those applications, service differentiation (SD) is anticipated over the contention based bandwidth request scheme. In this paper we investigate the SD with the bandwidth request scheme by means of assigning different channel access parameters and bandwidth allocation priorities at different packets arrival probability. The effectiveness of the differentiation schemes is evaluated by simulations. It is observed that the initial backoff window can be efficient in SD, and if combined with the bandwidth allocation priority, the SD performances will be better. Foundation item: the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No. 2005C13321804)  相似文献   

Distributed architectures support increased load on popular web sites by dispatching client requests transparently among multiple servers in a cluster. Packet Single-Rewriting technology and client address hashing algorithm in ONE-IP technology which can ensure application-session-keep have been analyzed, an improved request dispatching algorithm which is simple, effective and supports dynamic load balance has been proposed. In this algorithm, dispatcher evaluates which server node will process request by applying a hash function to the client IP address and comparing the result with its assigned identifier subset; it adjusts the size of the subset according to the performance and current load of each server, so as to utilize all servers' resource effectively. Simulation shows that the improved algorithm has better performance than the original one.  相似文献   

设计了网格资源发现过程和网格资源经济调度过程以实现网格的资源管理.网格资源发现过程提供了一种基本的机制,它可使网格请求Agent能够发现所需要的网格资源.网格资源经济调度过程主要用于管理网格任务Agent通过竞标向网格资源Agent购买资源,以完成计算任务.文中对网格资源发现过程和网格资源经济调度过程进行了形式描述,并描述了所使用的主要数据结构.  相似文献   

针对多回路的网络控制系统,本文同时考虑系统误差和误差变化率,设计了一种基于神经网络的模糊动态调度算法.该算法根据系统中各回路的误差和误差变化率,利用神经网络模糊控制的方法实时调整各回路的优先级,从而实现对网络控制系统的调度.最后,利用TrueTime工具箱建立了包含模糊动态调度器的网络控制系统仿真模型,并将其与RM和EDF调度算法进行对比.仿真结果表明,在相同的网络带宽占用条件下,本文所设计的模糊动态调度算法相比于RM和EDF调度算法,产生的网络诱导时延更小,且具有较好的控制性能.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a channel allocation scheme for multimedia wireless networks, in which a twolayer macro-cell or micro-cell architecture is considered. Macro-cells are used to access high-mobility services; while micro-cells, which are overlaid by the macro-cells, are used to cater low-mobility services. To analyze the scheme, a multidimensional Markov traffic model is firstly developed, in which traffic characteristic of two special periods of time is considered. And then, a pre-emptive channel-borrowing scheme combined with trafficoverflowing strategy for multimedia (voice, video or data) networks is proposed, in which handoff requests can not only borrow channels from adjacent homogenous cells, but also be overflowed to heterogeneous cells. Priority strategies are also dedicated to high-mobility services for they can pre-empt channels being used by low-mobility services in macro-cells. To meet the high quality of service (QoS) requirements of video services and increase the channel utilization ratio, video services can be transformed between real-time services and non-real-time services as necessary. Simulation results show that our schemes can decrease the blocking probabilities and improve the channel utilization.  相似文献   

用于云存储数据服务器的I/O请求调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在云存储系统的体系架构中,当前对数据服务器守护进程的I/O请求调度采用先来先服务(first in first out)策略,这种调度策略没有考虑不同类型I/O请求的时效性要求,容易造成时效性要求高的I/O请求因被阻塞而无法得到及时处理,从而降低整个系统的服务质量.为解决该问题,本文提出一种用于云存储数据服务器的I/O请求调度算法.该算法首先对来自客户端的I/O请求进行分类,并赋予不同的优先级;然后以合适的时长作为周期、以分时间片的方式对不同优先级的I/O请求进行周期性的调度.分布式文件系统仿真实验结果表明,该算法在重负载情况下对实时请求的响应速度提高了20%,同时也兼顾了低优先级请求的响应性能.   相似文献   

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