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为认真贯彻落实《国务院关于城市优先发展公共交通的指导意见》(国发〔2012〕64号),提高城市公共交通服务水平,促进优质产品和新技术的推广使用,提升公交运营车辆整车质量,为人民群众提供更加优质安全高效的出行服务,中国道路运输协会城市客运分会(以下简称城市客运分会)决定自2013年1月-2013年8月举办2013年度中国城市客运企业信用产品评选活动(以下简称“评选活动”)。  相似文献   

当前公共交通的发展更多的是靠优化线路投放运力来实现,与"硬环境"相比,公交文化建设等"软环境"建设严重滞后,这就需要城市公共交通必须不断深化服务内涵,扩展服务外延,全方位提升服务品质。文章首先概要介绍了中国城市客运发展总体情况,其次从基础设施、运输装备、出行结构等方面,结合城市客运内外部环境,分析了中国城市客运近年来发展变化的特点,并就当前城市客运发展存在的问题提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

中国城市的巴士快速交通项目不可能直接进口装配先进技术的专用车型,但中国巴土制造商完全具有能力创造类似的车辆造型。设计生产中国城市公共交通用得起的先进巴士,不仅是推进巴士快速交通项目的一个关键问题,而且也是客车制造业亟待攻克的技术难题。  相似文献   

由中国科学技术协会、中国道路运输协会城市客运分会主办,盛世交博承办的主题为"绿色、智能、亲近"的2013中国(深圳)国际公共交通科技博览会将于2013年8月15-17日在深圳会展中心召开。城市公共交通是城市经济发展的"动脉",是联系社会生产、流通和人民生活的纽带,是城市功能正常运转的基础支撑和提升城市综合竞争力的关键。城市公共交通发展水平体现了一个城市的发展质量和文明程度,从一个侧面也反映了一个城市政府的执政能力和居民幸福指数。目前,公交优先发展战略  相似文献   

正"于2013年启动公交都市创建工程的上海,在全国率先通过验收,成为首批获得"国家公交都市示范城市"称号的两座城市之一。"手机APP实时查询公交运行和到站信息,智慧站牌实时发布下一趟公交车几点到、车上是否拥挤等公交乘车舒适度预告,乘客可直接扫码支付乘车,公交起讫站调度发车屏自动推送营运车辆发车时刻,大数据灵活调度公共交通车辆……随着互联网新技术与传统交通业的深度融合,上海正在不断提升公共交  相似文献   

对轨道交通车辆基地及周边土地进行综合开发利用,是提高城市土地资源集约利用水平、实现绿色低碳发展的客观需要,也是提高城市公共交通运行效率、缓解公共交通基础设施建设投融资压力的有效途径。通过对上海轨道交通17号线徐泾车辆段综合开发利用及建筑消防重难点的介绍与分析,为后续国内轨道交通车辆基地综合开发利用及其建筑消防设计提供相应的策略支撑和模式参考。  相似文献   

3月19日,2011中国(天津)国际客车及零部件展览会在天津盛大开幕。本次展会由中国城市公共交通协会、住房和城乡建设部科学技术委员会城市车辆专家委员会、天津市公共交通集团(控股)有限公司等9家单位联合主办。  相似文献   

2009年,贵州省都匀市大胆对市区内个体公交客运车辆的管理方式进行改革,实行拴捆式经营,公司化管理。通过一年的运营,取得了较好的效果,实现了城市个体公共交通车辆公司化管理的目标,大大提高了城市公共交通的运营服务水平。  相似文献   

投入不足、机制不活、服务不佳、市民不满,是我国城市公用事业发展中普遍存在的问题。改制前的马鞍山公交也不同程度地存在着上述问题。马鞍山市公共交通总公司创建于1958年,主要从事城市公共交通客运服务,改制前拥有营运车辆343台、营运线路35条、线路总长  相似文献   

北宣 《人民交通》2011,(8):16-16
为贯彻落实北京公共交通控股(集团)有限公司"十二五规划",推进职工素质建设工程,提升广大驾驶员操作技能水平,按照中国土木工程学会城市公共交通学会,《驾驶园》杂志,中国公交信息网主办,国内31个城市33家公交公司协办的"2011年全国城市公交客车节油技能大赛"相关技能竞赛文件要求,(集团)公司工会于2011年6月30日在...  相似文献   

Pedestrians as compared to vehicular traffic enjoy a high degree freedom of movement even in heavily congested areas. Consequently, there are more alternative links available to pedestrians between a given origin‐destination (O‐D) pair. This paper describes a study done by the University of Calgary to evaluate the factors affecting the choice of route on intra‐CBD trips or trips within the Central Business District (CBD).

An origin destination survey conducted in downtown Calgary, Alberta enabled the identification of the most significant factors influencing the choice. These factors were analyzed in relation to the physical characteristics of the location, personal characteristics of the trip maker and the type of the trip.

It appears that most people chose the shortest link and factors such as the level of congestion, safety or visual attractions were only secondary. This suggests that the length should be made a major consideration when planning and designing pedestrian links.  相似文献   

天然气自动计量系统有多种组态软件,由于软件的不相通性,造成了计量系统数据采集的通用性差、数据传输与入库的时效性差、数据利用的可靠性低.结合各组态软件的实际情况,从设计上充分利用Oracle大数据处理能力以及Partition(分区表)的特性,实现历史数据的存储,应用WebService与COM+数据访问组件提供多层数据访问架构,采用OPC与DDE工业数据交换协议,实现了各站场计量数据的实时上传,为连续数据采集和实时监控提供了可能,节约了改造成本.  相似文献   

注汽管道承压能力评估和实物试验验证   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于失效评估图技术对某注汽管道进行了承压能力评价,给出了管线在不同腐蚀壁厚情况下的极限承压能力和极限裂纹尺寸。并利用实物爆破试验验证了评价方法的安全性和有效性,通过对爆破断口进行宏观和微观分析,发现管段的开裂属于脆性开裂。  相似文献   

波纹管应力分析研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评述了波纹管应力理论研究方法的进展情况,围绕解析法、工程近似法和数值法,对波纹管理论研究中的一些主要成果作了较详细的回顾和总结,对各种研究方法作出了评价,展望了亟待解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the efficiencies and productivity changes of 12 international airports in the Asia-Pacific region based on data from 1998 to 2006. We apply stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) to compute efficiency estimates and use the Malmquist productivity index (MPI) to analyze productivity changes. We use the SFA model with a translog-type production function after testing the statistical hypotheses. According to the results of the SFA hypothesis tests, airports have experienced a technological regression; the deviations from the efficiency frontier are caused more by technical inefficiency than random noise. However, the inefficiency was found to decrease. The MPI reveals a declining trend resulting more from technological change than from efficiency change, with a decrease in inefficiency. Taken together, both the hypothesis tests and the MPI not only provide consistent conclusions, but also suggest that airports should concentrate on technological progress.  相似文献   

In India pedestrians usually cross the road at mid-block crosswalks due to ease of access to their destination or the development of adjacent land use types such as shopping, business areas, school and residential areas. The behaviour of pedestrian will change with respect to different land use type and this change in behaviour of pedestrian further reflects change in perceived level of service (LOS). So, it is important to evaluate the quality of service of such crossing facilities with respect to different land-use type under mixed traffic conditions. In this framework, pedestrian perceived LOS were collected with respect to different land-use type such as shopping, residential and business areas. The ordered probit (OP) model was developed by using NLOGIT software package, with number of vehicles encountered, road crossing difficulty as well as safety considered as primary factors along with pedestrian individual factors (gender and age), land-use type and roadway geometry. From the model results, it has been concluded that perceived safety, crossing difficulty, land-use condition, number of vehicles encountered, median width and number of lanes have significant effect on pedestrian perceived LOS at unprotected (un-signalized) mid-block crosswalks in mixed traffic scenario. The inferences of these results highlights the importance of land use planning in designing a new set of pedestrian access facilities for unprotected mid-block crosswalks under mixed traffic conditions. Also the study results would be useful for evaluating pedestrian accessibility taking into account different land-use type and planning required degree of segregation with vehicular movement at unprotected mid-block crosswalk locations.  相似文献   

Reliability of travel modes was found to be the most important characteristic of transportation systems in several attitudinal investigations of individual travel behavior. This paper represents the first part of a research effort aimed at gaining a better understanding of the characteristics of reliability of transportation modes in urban travel. In this research, reliability characteristics are identified; their importance relative to each other is assessed, and an insight into possible structure of an objective reliability index is discussed. The research is based on perceived values of reliability, which were identified through a large attitudinal survey conducted in the Chicago metropolitan area.  相似文献   

盾构隧道管片接头抗剪力学性能研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对南京长江盾构隧道环向管片接头进行的三组原型抗剪(无螺栓剪切、有螺栓逆剪和有螺栓顺剪)加载试验,分析研究了管片接头在剪力作用下的受力、变形和破坏特征,给出了管片接头混凝土接触面的静摩擦系数,得到了接头剪力主要由混凝土接触面承担、破坏形式为连接斜螺栓剪切延性破坏的结论。通过对管片结构的有限元数值模拟计算得出:接头处的剪力与轴力比小于接缝面的摩擦系数,管片不会发生相互错动,结构是稳定的。  相似文献   

明确埋地管道防腐保温层的技术评价标准,对埋地钢质管道的安全运行,延长管道使用寿命具有重要意义。为了对埋地管道防腐保温层做出有效评价,从间接检测与开挖检测2个方面,结合现场检测数据,提出了基于防腐保温层的电流衰减率、绝缘电阻率、质量状况与厚度的分级评价标准及基于4种评价指标的综合评判方法。工程实践表明,该评价标准对防腐保温层是否存在失效能做出有效判断。  相似文献   

原油乳状液的流变性是原油开采后在管道中输送的重要研究方面,为了更好地研究这一性质,采用电动搅拌机、偏光显微镜以及流变仪等仪器来测定不同含水率的原油乳状液在不同条件下的黏度,观测不同含水率的原油乳状液在偏光显微镜下的形态。并且分别对原油乳状液的黏度与含水率之间的关系以及与剪切速率之间的关系进行研究,初步确定了所测区块原油乳状液的转相点以及该区块原油乳状液的流变特性,为生产中的油气集输提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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