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文章结合贵港-梧州航道工程的廉政建设实践,介绍了建设廉洁工程的管理措施,总结了贵港至梧州航道工程廉政建设所取得的成效与经验。  相似文献   

<正>梧州航道管理局隶属广西壮族自治区港航管理局,现有职工300余人。行使着西江干线贵港至梧州290.5公里、桂江昭平至梧州150.8公里的航道航标维护、航道行政管理、船闸监督管理、水路运输检查等职责。辖区贵港至梧州Ⅱ级航道,是目前广西内河航道等级最高、科技含量最高、航运最繁忙的航段,承载着广西内河90%的运量。梧州航道管理局坚持"一切为船方服务、全力保航道畅通"理念,紧紧围绕"保畅通、保安全、保运输、保稳定、促发展"中心工作,不断为地方经济发展提供优质服务。  相似文献   

文章以西江航运干线贵港至梧州航道信息化系统为研究对象,通过总结西江航运干线贵港至梧州2 000吨级航道信息化应用系统建设以来所取得的成就,分析了系统在使用过程中出现的软件硬件、维护管理、系统的适用扩展性方面存在的不足之处,为打造国内领先水平的西江航运干线3 000吨级航道信息化系统提供参考。  相似文献   

秋收时节,正是西江航运最繁忙季节。全国交通运输系统先进集体——梧州航道管理局,在黄金水道复兴时期抢抓机遇,勇当“西江航运发展的桥头堡和排头兵”,有效管理广西内河航道网中技术等级最高、科技含量最高、通航密度最大的航道——贵港至梧州Ⅱ级航道,为沿江经济的快速发展提供了有力保障。  相似文献   

内河航运建设打响第一炮2006年3月11日,西江航运干线贵港至梧州航道工程开工典礼在桂平隆重举行。当日上午12时许,广西壮族自治区交通厅副厅长潘巍宣布西江航运干线贵港至梧州航道工程开工,并按下了连接水下爆破第一炮的按钮。伴随着一声巨响,西江江面上巨大的白色水柱冲天  相似文献   

文章结合西江航运干线贵港至梧州Ⅱ级航道开通启用前过渡段航道扫床实践,介绍了一种较适于库区航道扫床的器具和扫测方法,总结了扫床的实践经验,为类似工程施工作业提供参考。  相似文献   

4月27日,广西壮族自治区西江黄金水道建设领导小组办公室、交通运输厅、发改委联合举行《广西西江黄金水道建设规划》新闻发布会暨“西江黄金水道”网站开通仪式。《规划》明确,到2012年,新增内河港口吞吐能力超过7700万吨,总吞吐能力达到1亿吨以上,基本建成贵港至梧州2000吨级航道、右江1000吨级航道、柳黔江500吨级航道、红水河500吨级航道和桂平二线船闸;  相似文献   

目前航标遥控遥测系统的应用正被日益推广,成为河、海交通安全保障体系的重要组成部分,但其应用还不成熟,存在一些问题。文章结合航标遥控遥测系统在广西贵港至梧州Ⅱ级航道工程中的应用实践,对航标遥控遥测系统技术应用存在的问题行进分析,并提出了针对性的改进建议。  相似文献   

南宁航道管理局隶属于广西壮族自治区交通运输厅港航管理局,下辖百色、隆安、横县3个航道分局,16个航道站,以及直属机构2个,共有职工1015人。主要担负百色至贵港671.8公里航道管理和航标维护任务。依法对辖区航道内从事采砂、淘金船舶进行现场管理和现场监督等职能。  相似文献   

贵港市公路、铁路、水路四通八达,324国道和209国道在市区交汇,南宁至梧州二级公路、南宁至广州高速公路以及建设中的南宁至广州高速铁路贯穿全境。承担贵港市路网建设、管理、维护的贵港公路管理局,不断提高公路“三个服务”的能力水平,全面完成了“十一五”各项目标任务。  相似文献   

Zhang P.  Wang L.  Li L.  Yao Y.  Zhang X.  Zheng B.  Liu M. 《现代隧道技术》2022,(2):227-241and251
In recent years, railway tunnels in karst areas have frequently suffered flooding after high-intensity rainfall, which seriously affects the safety of tunnel operation and the order of transportation, and even interrupts the traffic. Based on the water hazard case in the Yuanbaoshan Tunnel on the Zhijin-Bijie Railway Line, this paper explores the causes of lining damage in terms of geology, rainfall, and the design and construction of water hazard sections, and puts forward the treatment technology for tunnel water hazards with the core concept of "making full use of existing structures and employing open drainage methods in key sections". Besides, this paper simulates and analyzes the formation of hazards and the treatment effect through numerical simulation. The results show that the subjective causes for the damage in tunnel linings include an insufficient understanding of the water-bearing formations at the geological investigation stage, the underestimation of water hazard risks posed by high-intensity rainfall during construction, and the unimproved waterproof and drainage system in the design alteration, while the objective reasons include the development of karst near the tunnel section that passes through the stratum, the strong connectivity of water conduits, and the high-intensity rainfall in a certain period of time on the tunnel site. As for the simulation results, they show that the increase of external water pressure caused by the sudden rise in groundwater level after rainstorm significantly increases the internal force of linings, and eventually leads to a much lower safety factor of sidewall linings and large scale damage, which is in consistency with the characteristics of the actual on-site damage. After on-site emergency treatment, the tunnel structure has become stable and even encountering unprecedentedly heavy rainfall twice, the tunnel has still remained in a good condition. Since then, no water hazards and other disasters have occurred, which proves that the treatment plan is valid. © 2022, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

This paper presents a taxonomy and analysis of the content of published research in port economics, policy and management (port studies). The recent increase of these publications suggests a growing interest in the study of ports. However, the research characteristics and directions of this research field are unidentified. This paper provides a systematic analysis of port studies published during the period 1997–2008. A comprehensive cross-citation and analysis of the themes, approaches and findings of all 395 relevant journal papers identifies the extent to which the research field is maturing, and the leading papers. This paper also presents an extensive analysis of the content, based on the classification of all port studies into seven research themes. For each theme, research topics, widely used research questions, concepts and research methods and the most important research findings are discussed. Finally, we identify emerging research challenges and research questions that still need to be answered.  相似文献   

There is an extensive and continually growing body of empirical evidence on the sensitivity of potential and actual users of public transport to fare and service levels. The sources of the evidence are disparate in terms of methods, data collection strategy, data paradigms, trip purpose, location, time period, and attribute definition. In this paper, we draw on a data set we have been compiling since 2003 that contains over 1100 elasticity items associated with prices and services of public transport, and car modes. The focus herein is on direct elasticities associated with public transport choice and demand, and the systematic sources of influence on the variations in the mean estimates for fares, in-vehicle time, and headway obtained from 319 studies. The major influences on variations in mean estimates of public transport elasticities are the time of day (peak, all day vs. off-peak), the data paradigm (especially combined SP/RP vs. revealed preference (RP)), whether an average fare or class of tickets is included, the unit of analysis (trips vs. vkm), specific trip purposes, country, and specific-mode (i.e., bus and train) in contrast to the generic class of public transport.  相似文献   

目前我国隧道大规模快速的发展,而钻爆法以其高效、经济的特点在隧道建设过程中起着至关重要的作用。然而,施工期隧道钻孔、爆破、喷射混凝土、出渣等施工工艺都会扬起大量粉尘颗粒物,严重危害现场人员的身体健康,降低施工现场的能见度影响施工效率和安全,同时大量颗粒物加剧机械设备磨损,在一定程度上影响了设备的使用寿命。结合隧道开挖过程,根据粉尘在隧道内分布规律,粉尘产生因素及运移机理,通过比较隧道减尘、降尘、排尘、除尘、阻尘五种控制措施的特点,提出与现场相适应的粉尘颗粒物综合防治措施,从而减小粉尘的危害,提高现场施工环境质量。  相似文献   

我国交通运输业能源消耗量与污染物排放量日益增多,交通部门的节能减排措施研究迫在眉睫。本论文基于LEAP模型构建了某城市客运交通能耗与污染物排放模型,并预测了基准情景、政策情景、技术情景及综合情景下该城市客运交通2014-2030年之间的能耗及污染物排放情况。研究表明,三种发展情景下该城市能源需求量及污染物排放较基准情景均有减少,其中综合情景效果最佳,综合情景在2030年的能源消耗与CO2排放可分别减少56.98%和54.55%,CO、HC、NOx与PM2.5可分别减排67.39%、67.27%、51.43%与75.38%。因此应大力发展公共交通,尤其是轨道交通,同时限制私家车的无节制发展,并推广节能环保技术以改善终端利用层次能源结构。  相似文献   

This paper deals with developing a methodology for estimating the resilience, friability, and costs of an air transport network affected by a large-scale disruptive event. The network consists of airports and airspace/air routes between them where airlines operate their flights. Resilience is considered as the ability of the network to neutralize the impacts of disruptive event(s). Friability implies reducing the network’s existing resilience due to removing particular nodes/airports and/or links/air routes, and consequently cancelling the affected airline flights. The costs imply additional expenses imposed on airports, airlines, and air passengers as the potentially most affected actors/stakeholders due to mitigating actions such as delaying, cancelling and rerouting particular affected flights. These actions aim at maintaining both the network’s resilience and safety at the acceptable level under given conditions.Large scale disruptive events, which can compromise the resilience and friability of a given air transport network, include bad weather, failures of particular (crucial) network components, the industrial actions of the air transport staff, natural disasters, terrorist threats/attacks and traffic incidents/accidents.The methodology is applied to the selected real-life case under given conditions. In addition, this methodology could be used for pre-selecting the location of airline hub airport(s), assessing the resilience of planned airline schedules and the prospective consequences, and designing mitigating measures before, during, and in the aftermath of a disruptive event. As such, it could, with slight modifications, be applied to transport networks operated by other transport modes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with developing a methodology for estimating the resilience, friability, and costs of an air transport network affected by a large-scale disruptive event. The network consists of airports and airspace/air routes between them where airlines operate their flights. Resilience is considered as the ability of the network to neutralize the impacts of disruptive event(s). Friability implies reducing the network’s existing resilience due to removing particular nodes/airports and/or links/air routes, and consequently cancelling the affected airline flights. The costs imply additional expenses imposed on airports, airlines, and air passengers as the potentially most affected actors/stakeholders due to mitigating actions such as delaying, cancelling and rerouting particular affected flights. These actions aim at maintaining both the network’s resilience and safety at the acceptable level under given conditions.Large scale disruptive events, which can compromise the resilience and friability of a given air transport network, include bad weather, failures of particular (crucial) network components, the industrial actions of the air transport staff, natural disasters, terrorist threats/attacks and traffic incidents/accidents.The methodology is applied to the selected real-life case under given conditions. In addition, this methodology could be used for pre-selecting the location of airline hub airport(s), assessing the resilience of planned airline schedules and the prospective consequences, and designing mitigating measures before, during, and in the aftermath of a disruptive event. As such, it could, with slight modifications, be applied to transport networks operated by other transport modes.  相似文献   

This article uses data from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) to compare travel behavior in rural and urban areas of the U.S. As expected, the car is the overwhelmingly dominant mode of travel. Over 97% of rural households own at least one car vs. 92% of urban households; 91% of trips are made by car in rural areas vs. 86% in urban areas. Regardless of age, income, and race, almost everyone in rural areas relies on the private car for most travel needs. Mobility levels in rural areas are generally higher than in urban areas. That results from the more dispersed residences and activity sites in rural areas, which increase trip distances and force reliance on the car. Somewhat surprisingly, the rural elderly and poor are considerably more mobile than their urban counterparts, and their mobility deficit compared to the rural population average is strikingly less than for the urban elderly and poor compared to the urban average. Data limitations prevented a measurement of accessibility, however, and it seems likely that rural areas, by their very nature, are less accessible than urban areas, especially for the small percentage of car-less poor and elderly households.  相似文献   

随着我国高速公路网基本形成,目前新增高速公路建设项目多位于山区腹地及偏远地区,这些地方往往基本农田资源稀缺、陆域、水域生态、自然保护地分布多、范围广,生态环境保护要求高,因此对于绿色公路理念的贯彻和落实显得尤为重要。本文从集约通道资源、保护土地资源、生态选线、多元化服务区设计等方面详细阐述了绿色公路理念在漳武高速项目勘察设计中的应用情况,实践表明绿色公路设计对于控制资源占用、减少能源消耗、降低污染排放、保护生态环境、拓展公路功能、提升服务水平方面起到了极大的提升作用。  相似文献   

In the beginning of the 1970s, the economies of USA and Japan were growing fast and environmental pollution was increasing to alarming levels. As passenger car emissions were found to be significant and rapidly increasing, their reduction was specially targeted. Following a bill passed by US Congress in 1968, requirements were set in 1970 for the vehicle manufacturers to reduce the emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) with 90% by 1975, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) with 90% by 1976. These requirements were soon adapted to the Japanese regulatory framework, and were known in both countries as the “Muskie Act” or “Muskie Law” after the senator who developed the original bill.The new requirements spurred tremendous research and development efforts. Car manufacturers and research institutions in USA, Japan and Europe investigated and developed alternative solutions, including gas turbine and steam engine vehicles. California, the USA state with the most severe air quality problems and the only state at the time allowed to establish more strict requirements than federal regulation, established requirements implying the use of oxidation catalysts in 1975 and three-way catalysts (TWC’s) in 1977. Japan as a nation adopted similar requirements 1976 and 1978. Export of cars from Japan to USA increased rapidly. The rest of USA adopted emission standards similar to California’s only in 1981, timing USA vehicle sales rebound after the energy crisis and grave economic downturn. Strict requirements were thus established only after more than a decade of civic and legal processes between federal authorities, the car manufacturers and NGO’s.The history of vehicle development is one of cooperation and competition. This paper argues that the international cooperation on different levels of society (government, industry and science) together with commercial competition between the two countries was strong, continuous and instrumental in enabling the development of technology, appropriate regulation and infrastructural changes and thus created a market for cleaner cars and effectively reduced emissions from the growing vehicle fleet. In other words, the introduction of TWCs was reinforced by the simultaneous development of mitigating technology in two car producing countries competing for market space.  相似文献   

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