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针对国内深厚软土地区盾构下穿改扩建堤坝变形安全控制问题,文章依托上海某典型软土盾构隧道下穿待改扩建堤坝工程,通过对比不同加固方式确定了真空联合堆载预压加固法,现场实测了真空联合堆载预压加固堤坝期间地层变形和孔压变化规律以及盾构下穿期间改扩建堤坝表层变形和隧道自身变形。结果表明:采用真空联合堆载预压加固方法可较好地控制盾构下穿改扩建堤坝的施工风险,真空联合堆载预压法对常规埋深盾构隧道下方约2倍盾构直径范围内的软土有加固效果,双曲线经验法能较好预测软土地区老旧大堤预压加固作用下的地基沉降,盾构穿越预压加固的大堤引发的固结变形沉降较小。  相似文献   

随着城市轨道交通网络的不断加密,新建地铁隧道近距离穿越既有隧道的现象越来越多。盾构近距离上跨施工对既有线隧道的影响问题,比常规地铁隧道施工更为复杂。文章针对深圳地铁新建9号线双线盾构隧道近距离上跨既有1号线隧道,形成双层隧道四线叠交的特殊工况,采用有限元数值模拟和现场自动化监测结合的方法,研究了盾构隧道上跨施工引起的既有线水平和竖向的变形规律,并分析了土压力对既有线变形的影响。研究结果表明:现场自动化监测结果和数值模拟结果基本一致;上跨施工时,先行隧道开挖对既有线的影响大于后行隧道;既有线竖向整体呈现上浮状态,最大累积上浮量为2.2 mm;既有线的水平偏移与盾构推进方向一致,最大水平偏移量约为1.4 mm;土压力对既有左右两线水平位移的影响大致相同,水平位移随土压力的增大而增大;土压力对既有左右两线的竖向位移影响不同,随着土压力的增加,既有线左线的上浮量逐渐减小,而既有线右线的上浮量不断增大。研究成果可为同类型地层条件下盾构隧道近距离穿越既有结构的设计与工程施工控制提供依据,具有一定的理论意义与应用价值。  相似文献   

上海地铁7号线浦江站—耀华站中间风道基坑工程位于地铁区间隧道的上方,坑底距隧道顶的最小距离为9 m。基坑开挖对该地铁区间隧道上浮影响的分析与计算成为该工程的关键,为此建立了该基坑工程的数值分析模型,对实际施工工况进行模拟,动态地分析了施工过程中开挖卸荷对地铁区间隧道上浮的影响,并对不同级别和不同施工步加载处理下隧道上浮进行了研究。计算结果表明,堆载大小与地铁区间隧道上浮成线性关系,最佳堆载大小为120~160 kN/m~2,施做两道支撑之间堆载整体上浮最小,故为最佳堆载时机。  相似文献   

杭州地铁盾构隧道掘进对建筑物影响的实测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章基于杭州地铁1号线某区间盾构隧道下穿建筑物工程实例,对双线盾构隧道施工过程中引起的建筑物和地表沉降进行了现场监测,并结合盾构掘进系统的数据,对建筑物和地表的实测沉降数据进行了分析,研究了双线盾构隧道掘进施工引起不同位置、不同结构建筑物的沉降规律。结果表明:盾构施工过程中通过控制注浆量和排土量,能有效地控制建筑物的沉降;建筑物基础底面积越大,监测点的沉降曲线越复杂,越需要严格控制施工进程;建筑物离隧道轴线的水平距离越近,监测点的沉降规律和轴线上方地表的沉降规律也越接近。  相似文献   

文章以南京市纬三路过江通道大直径双线盾构(φ14.5 m)工程为背景,结合现场监测数据,对超大直径泥水式盾构在砂、砂卵石地层中掘进引起的地表变形过程和分布规律进行分析。研究结果表明:盾构隧道地表纵向变形分为四个不同阶段,分别为隆起、快速沉降、缓慢沉降和最后稳定阶段;单线隧道施工地表变形可用Peck公式描述,拟合得到Vl值平均为1.856%,K值平均为0.423,整体呈现单峰状;双线隧道施工地表变形呈不对称双峰状,这是因为后建隧道的施工增加了地表最大沉降值以及沉降槽宽度,进而改变了沉降槽的形状;双线隧道施工地表变形可用双Peck公式进行描述,K值与隧道数量、施工历史情况无明显关联,Vl值与施工方法、质量控制及双线隧道施工顺序有关。研究结果可为类似工程提供指导及参考。  相似文献   

盾构掘进参数对地表沉降的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盾构法作为地铁隧道施工的一种主要施工方法已在我国得到广泛的应用,由施工引起的地层移动和地表沉降是盾构隧道设计和施工中备受关注的问题.文章以深圳地铁5号线洪浪-兴东盾构区间下穿广深高速公路立交桥隧道施工为工程依托,通过数值模拟和现场监测,对影响地表沉降的掘进参数进行了模拟分析.计算结果表明,地表下沉与盾构掘进参数密切相关,适当加大注浆压力能有效控制地表沉降;同时,土舱压力与土体原始侧向压力接近时地表沉降量最少.实测地表沉降与掘进参数的关系表明,当注浆量一定时,地面沉降随土舱压力的增加而减小;地表沉降随着注浆量及注浆压力的增大而减小.  相似文献   

昆明地铁首次在含有泥炭质土软弱地层中采用盾构法施工,难度极大。文章依托昆明地铁首期工程实践,考虑含有泥炭质土软弱地层条件下先行隧道施工对后行隧道施工的影响,建立修正的Peck公式对地表沉降进行计算,在此基础上采用数值方法进一步分析该软弱地层条件下地铁盾构掘进引起地层沉降变形规律,并与地层沉降预测经验公式对比。研究表明:本文方法与数值模拟结果以及现场监测数据吻合较好,可以较好地分析含泥炭质土软弱地层中盾构掘进引起的地层变形规律;先施工隧道的外侧地表沉降变化率较大,后施工的隧道外侧地表沉降变化率较小,但横向沉降范围较大;最大沉降量位于两隧道轴线的中线和先施工隧道的轴线之间,主要由先施工的隧道引起。最后,结合盾构施工监测数据,提出了含泥炭质土软弱地层条件下地铁盾构施工地层变形控制技术措施。  相似文献   

两条以上隧道近距离施工时,将导致既有隧道与新建隧道结构的受力变化,带来工法、工序与施工对策优化等问题。文章以长沙轨道交通3号线盾构隧道近接大断面矿山法隧道施工为工程依托,针对泥质粉砂岩地层,采用数值模拟和模型试验的手段,研究盾构隧道近接矿山法隧道施工的影响规律,并基于地表沉降准则提出影响分区。研究表明:盾构法隧道施工中,盾构开挖距离研究断面1倍洞径至研究断面完成管片拼装这一过程,是引起对应地表沉降增加及既有矿山法结构附加位移增长的主要阶段;对矿山法隧道结构的影响以竖向附加变形为主,具体表现为矿山法隧道整体上浮,越靠近盾构隧道的结构受影响越大;内力影响表现为矿山法隧道结构内力不均匀变化,靠近盾构隧道一侧结构受压加强,远离盾构隧道一侧结构易发生受拉破坏。  相似文献   

文章以下穿黄河某盾构隧道区间为研究背景,结合现场实际施工情况,揭示了强透水砂卵石地层力学特性及失稳机理,同时根据现场监控量测数据,深入分析了强透水砂卵石地层受盾构施工荷载扰动后的地层沉降规律,并提出了相应的安全控制措施。研究结果表明:下穿黄河段典型断面地表横向沉降值分布呈现明显的离散性,与Peck经验公式预测模型拟合度较低;通过对盾构掘进参数进行合理优化,适当提高盾构推力设定值,严格控制盾构掘进姿态和切口泥水压力波动范围,可有效控制地表沉降变形。  相似文献   

盾构法施工中不可避免地会对周围地层产生扰动影响,故加强盾构施工变形控制显得尤为重要。文章以某城市地铁盾构隧道工程为研究背景,采用理论分析和数值模拟方法,研究了双孔平行隧道施工地表沉降分布规律及影响因素,提出了改进的双线隧道地表沉降预测方法,并与现场实测数据进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:隧道间距越大,形成"W"形沉降曲线特征越明显;隧道埋深越小,沉降曲线由"V"形向"W"形转变所需的隧道间距L越小;土质条件越好,地层扰动影响范围越小,"W"形沉降槽特征也越显著;采用C=L/2i来描述双线平行隧道地表沉降分布特征是可行的,随C值增大地表沉降曲线分布由"V"形—"锅底"形—"W"形发展,"W"形非对称性分布特征与隧道相对间距有关;由本文提出的双线盾构施工引起的地表沉降计算公式计算出的地表沉降预测值与实测沉降曲线吻合较好,可用于双线隧道施工地表沉降变形预测,对盾构隧道研究具有重要理论指导和实践意义。  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed in this paper to improve the accessibility of a bus service. To formulate the optimization model, a segment of a bus route is given, on which a number of demand entry points are distributed realistically. The objective total cost function (i.e. the sum of supplier and user costs) is minimized by optimizing the number and locations of stops, subject to non‐additive users' value of time. A numerical example is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method thus developed to optimize the bus stop location problem. The sensitivity of the total cost to various parameters (e.g. value of users' time, access speed, and demand density) and the effect of the parameters on the optimal stop locations are analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

The established ownership mix of urban bus operations in Australia provides a unique opportunity to investigate the productivity differences between public and private bus service supply. Using duality theory in economics which links economic indices of factor productivity to the cost structure of a firm, we develop empirical measures of total and partial productivity of inputs, and adjust the differences for the effects of ownership status and operating environment. The evidence supports the notion that private supply of public passenger transport in general has performed more efficiently in the past than public supply, although the differences in productivity need not continue in the future.  相似文献   


The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the technological risks associated with them. We then explore strategies that can be adopted to address these risks, and explore emerging responses by governments for addressing AV risks. Our analyses reveal that, thus far, governments have in most instances avoided stringent measures in order to promote AV developments and the majority of responses are non-binding and focus on creating councils or working groups to better explore AV implications. The US has been active in introducing legislations to address issues related to privacy and cybersecurity. The UK and Germany, in particular, have enacted laws to address liability issues; other countries mostly acknowledge these issues, but have yet to implement specific strategies. To address privacy and cybersecurity risks strategies ranging from introduction or amendment of non-AV specific legislation to creating working groups have been adopted. Much less attention has been paid to issues such as environmental and employment risks, although a few governments have begun programmes to retrain workers who might be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Human fatigue continues to threaten safe transport. There are claims that employers of operators should do more to mitigate the risks, and several regulators are promoting fatigue-risk management in the context of safety management systems (SMS). The current paper reviews fatigue-related risk and exposure factors and control measures for operators of land- and sea-based transport forms. Our review identifies 13 types of measures for the monitoring or control of fatigue risks: optimal staffing; optimal schedule design; optimisation of breaks/naps; monitoring of actual hours worked; optimisation of work content; monitoring and feedback of actual sleep; health screening and treatment; promotion of recovery from work; fitness-for-duty testing; monitoring of fatigue symptoms while operating; control of fatigue while operating; performance monitoring and assistance; and fatigue-proofing. We also identify two systemic measures needed to anchor risk mitigation in SMS: organisational learning and training/other. By structuring monitoring and control measures along Dawson and McCulloch’s [Managing fatigue: It’s about sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 9(5), 365–380] fatigue-risk trajectory, a framework is obtained that acts as a guide for fatigue-risk management by transport employers. To inform transport managers further, evaluations are needed of the effectiveness of individual control measures as well as whole fatigue-risk management interventions.  相似文献   

文章结合贺州交通物流发展状况,分析当前制约贺州市物流产业发展的因素,提出了利用循环经济理念。倡导通过节约资源,实施差异化发展等途径,推动贺州市区域性交通物流沿着循环经济发展需要采取的措施,探讨了贺州物流今后十年的阶段性发展思路。  相似文献   

为了准确掌握海底管道在运行阶段面临的各种单项高风险因素,通过采用相应模型计算和OLGA模拟等方法,以某管道为例,得到了对管道安全影响较大的单项高风险因素为海底管道埋深、海床变化、析蜡可能性、水合物堵塞可能性、结垢、沥青质沉积、抛锚与拖网干扰等、腐蚀、悬跨影响等。文中给出了相应的风险减缓措施,为解决生产实践中海底管道存在的安全隐患提供了依据,预防海底管道事故的发生。  相似文献   


Often called paratransit because of their flexible stops, schedules and routes, minibuses make up the bulk of public transport in African cities. Despite their ubiquity and importance, these systems are poorly understood by transportation planners who tend to focus on large-scale urban infrastructure projects such as highways, commuter rail or bus rapid transit systems. The assumption within much of this planning is that these minibus systems are barriers to change and will become at most secondary “feeder” buses within large-scale projects, but structured plans detailing this vision are lacking. This paper argues that frequent failure to collect data and value important paratransit systems as a critical part of transportation in their own right is deeply problematic from the point of view of equity, access and inclusive and effective planning. We ask whether the growing number of bottom up mapping projects of minibus systems can disrupt this status quo. By comparing two mapping projects, Digital Matatus in Nairobi and the Mapa Dos Chapas in Maputo, we find that inclusive, collaborative mapping can help render these minibuses more visible in planning and provoke more grounded and inclusive “planning conversations” on multi-modal integration, passenger information and minibus upgrading, all key but relatively marginalised aspects of creating accessible, low emission, high quality and safe public transport in African cities.  相似文献   

对8m预制板进行静力荷载试验,测量预制板在试验荷载作用下控制截面的应力和挠度是否满足设计要求,通过对试验检测数据和试验现象进行综合分析,对试验板做出总体评价。  相似文献   

ObjectiveBicycle use for commuting is being encouraged not only to address physical inactivity, but also vehicular congestion, air pollution and climate change. The current study aimed to ascertain the urban environmental correlates and determinants of bicycle use for commuting (bicycle commuting) among the working or studying population in Barcelona, Spain.MethodsAdults (n = 769; 52% females) recruited whilst commuting within Barcelona (Spain) responded to a comprehensive telephone survey concerning their travel behaviour. Based upon responses collected from June 2011 to May 2012, participants were categorised into four groups: frequent bicyclists, infrequent bicyclists, willing non-bicyclists, and unwilling non-bicyclists. The determinants of frequency and willingness (propensity) to commute by bicycle were assessed by multinomial logistic regression models adjusted for potential confounders and covariates.ResultsThe number of public bicycle stations surrounding the home address and amount of greenness surrounding the work/study address were significant positive determinants of bicycle commuting propensity. On the other hand, the number of public transport stations surrounding the home address and elevation of the work/study address were significant negative determinants of bicycle commuting propensity. Individual age, education level, gender, nationality, physical activity level and commute distance significantly affected this propensity.ConclusionGreater availability of public bicycle stations and higher levels of urban greenness may increase bicycle use by adults commuting within a city such as Barcelona, Spain. Electrically-assisted public bicycles may address the challenge of elevation, making this system a more competitive mode against traditional motorised public transport.  相似文献   

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