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于挺 《驾驶园》2012,(6):90-91
节能减排是我们公交企业的永恒主题,车辆节油主要和人有直接关系,即"车人合一"。作为驾驶员,只有对驾驶技术和车辆的操作方法加以关注和学习,才是节油的真谛;只有熟知车辆和正  相似文献   

汽车即使在精心维护与保养之下,技术状况符合节油要求,若驾驶操作不当,也不能收到良好的节油效果。因此,驾驶员应根据道路和交通情况,采取不同的操作方法,以达到节约燃油的目的。一位优秀的驾驶员,会根据道路和交通情况,及时调整好人、车、路三者关系,针对所驾驶的车辆,所处的道路和交通环境条件的变化,经过分析判断对车辆进行正确的驾驶。如:预热发动机和保持其正常的  相似文献   

汽车经济性驾驶是道路交通节能减排的重要方向。该技术以驾驶人与车辆/道路/交通流的优化与协调为核心,通过重塑驾驶员习惯、辅助驾驶员操作以及车辆自动化控制等手段,满足出行需求的同时降低行驶过程的油耗。该文综述了汽车经济性驾驶技术的发展历史、技术现状与理论难点;介绍了节油驾驶策略的实验型和理论型辨识方法。其应用可分为3类:易于实施、适合政府层面推动的驾驶员教育;最具产品化前景、值得业界关注的节油驾驶辅助;将是经济性驾驶技术的理想载体的自动驾驶。  相似文献   

田丽英 《驾驶园》2013,(6):84-85
石家庄公交三分公司22路驾驶员邢亚洲在驾驶操作习惯、车辆保养等方面都做到细处,练就过硬的驾驶节油技能,成为大家公认的"节油王"。其他驾驶员开起来月月都超油的车辆,在他手里准节油。几年来,他无论跑什么样  相似文献   

5月28日,北京2012年沃尔沃卡车"全国驾驶员高效节油大赛"西区半决赛顺利完赛,来自宁夏能星物流有限公司的王少程最终凭借优异的笔试成绩、正确的驾驶行为和高超的节油技术获得西区  相似文献   

驾驶员的驾驶操作技巧对汽车煤油消耗有很大影响,文中概括了柴油车节油驾驶操作技术要点及使用经验,以发挥柴油车的节油优势。  相似文献   

降低汽车燃油消耗量的途径有许多.提高驾驶员的技术水平是重要途径之一。据测定。驾驶技术高的驾驶员比一般水平的驾驶员平均节油8%~10%。如果你是个初级驾驶员,以下方法将有助于你节油。  相似文献   

<正>常州公路运输集团有限公司乔森工作室的负责人乔森,从一名普通的长途客车驾驶员成了推动节油减排事业的领潮人和在节能减排事业上不停逐梦的"草根"节油专家。刻苦钻研,推广普及节油操作法"70"后的乔森1994年就进入了常州公路运输集团有限公司,当了一名普普通通的客运驾驶员,每天开着大客车往返于城市之间。为了确保旅客安全,他苦练驾驶技术,熟悉各类路况特点,掌握各类车辆性能,凭借过硬的驾驶技术及丰富的安全行车  相似文献   

随着汽车产业的不断发展及能源危机的不断加重,人们越来越关注汽车节油技术,对汽车节油技术的研究成为节约能源的重要方向之一。1影响车辆燃油消耗量的因素影响车辆燃油消耗量的因素主要有:车辆本身的质量,车辆的风阻系数,发动机的技术水平和驾驶人的驾驶习惯与驾驶技能。  相似文献   

金工 《汽车与配件》2002,(31):31-31
冰箱、彩电接上电尽可享用了。而汽车则不同,它要消耗燃料、油料、轮胎、气和水。每一使用环节几乎都与节油有关。 △驾驶与节油 汽车是否节油与驾驶操作有密切关系,实验证明一位驾驶员只需在原有的操作基础上改进不合理的操作方法,就可节约10%左右的燃料。 1、驾驶员在熟悉的路线与不熟悉的路线行驶在平均车速相同的情况下前者比后者可节油20%;2、发动机起动后,习惯性地空轰油门,一次少则耗油15mL,多则60mL;3、起步时油门与离合器配合不当,车辆不能迅速平稳起步,这时油耗是正常油耗  相似文献   

It is known that differences in driving styles have a significant impact on fuel efficiency and driving styles are affected by various factors such as driver characteristics, street environment, traffic situation, vehicle performance, and weather conditions. However, existing knowledge about the relationship between driving style and fuel consumption is limited. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship beteen driving style and fuel consumption. The analysis presented in this paper used data from three on-road experiments were conducted independently in two different countries, i.e. South Korea and the United Kingdom. In this study, 91 participants, consisting 44 UK drivers and 47 Korean drivers, were asked to drive approximately 28 km of UK road and 21 km of Korean road, respectively. Driving data, including real-time fuel consumption, vehicle speed, and acceleration pedal usage were collected. The results suggested that driving styles including average vehicle speed and average throttle position were highly correlated with the real-world fuel consumption, and the cultural factors, e.g. road environment, traffic design, and driver’s characteristics affected the driving styles and, consequently, fuel efficiency.  相似文献   

司机是一个比较特殊的工作,通常在驾驶汽车时,司机要确保整个驾驶过程的安全,这就要求司机要具备较高的驾驶素质。如果驾驶员自身的安全意识不高,对车辆驾驶工作没有太深的安全意识,就会给行车工作带来很大的安全隐患。如果司机对驾驶工作安全性意识较高,则行车就会更加安全,司机也会提高自己的综合素质和驾驶技术来保证车辆行驶的安全,避免在行驶中出现一系列安全隐患。因此,在驾驶汽车时,要重点突出安全隐患的预防,并制定一系列的对策,才可能减少车辆的安全事故产生。  相似文献   

金柏正  杨承明 《商用汽车》2012,(19):123-124
任何一个机电产品要发挥其最大功效,正确使用是关健,尤其是运营的大客车,驾驶员的操作习惯直接关系行车安全、使用寿命和运行成本等方方面面.一些在我们看来似乎很平常、理所当然的动作和习惯,往往存在着很大的隐患,这些隐患轻则造成车辆机械损伤,重则会引发交通事故.以下7大误区务必请驾驶员搞清其所以然,从而养成良好的驾驶习惯.  相似文献   

In this paper, evolving Takagi-Sugeno (eTS) fuzzy driver model is proposed for simultaneous lateral and longitudinal control of a vehicle in a test track closed to traffic. The developed eTS fuzzy driver model can capture human operator’s driving expertise for generating desired steering angle, throttle angle and brake pedal command values by processing only information which can be supplied by the vehicle’s on-board control systems in real time. Apart from other fuzzy rule based (FRB) models requiring human expert knowledge or off-line clustering, the developed eTS driver model can adapt itself automatically, even ‘from scratch’, by an on-line learning process using eTS algorithm while human driver is supervising the vehicle. Proposed eTS fuzzy driver model’s on-line human driver identification capability and autonomous vehicle driving performance were evaluated on real road profiles created by digitizing two different intercity express ways of Turkey in IPG© CarMaker® software. The training and validation simulation results demonstrated that eTS fuzzy driver model can be used in product development phase to speed up different tests via realistic simulations. Furthermore eTS fuzzy driver model has an application potential in the field of autonomous driving.  相似文献   

The forward collision warning system, which warns danger to the driver after sensing possibility of crash in advance, has been actively studied recently. Such systems developed until now give a warning, regardless of driver’s driving propensity. However, it’s not reasonable to give a warning to every driver at the same time because drivers are different in driving propensity. In this study, to give a warning to each driver differently, three metrics classifying driver’s driving propensity were developed by using the driving data on a testing ground. These three metrics are the predicted time headway, required deceleration divided by the deceleration of the leading vehicle, and the resultant acceleration divided by the deceleration of the leading vehicle. Driving propensity was divided into 3 groups by using these metrics for braking and steering cases. In addition, these metrics were verified by making sure that braking propensity could be classified on public roads as well.  相似文献   

Conventional vehicle stability control (VSC) systems are designed for average drivers. For a driver with a good driving skill, the VSC systems may be redundant; for a driver with a poor driving skill, the VSC intervention may be inadequate. To increase safety of sport utility vehicles (SUVs), this paper proposes a novel driver-adaptive VSC (DAVSC) strategy based on scaling the target yaw rate commanded by the driver. The DAVSC system is adaptive to drivers’ driving skills. More control effort would be exerted for drivers with poor driving skills, and vice versa. A sliding mode control (SMC)-based differential braking (DB) controller is designed using a three degrees of freedom (DOF) yaw-plane model. An eight DOF nonlinear yaw-roll model is used to simulate the SUV dynamics. Two driver models, namely longitudinal and lateral, are used to ‘drive’ the virtual SUV. By integrating the virtual SUV, the DB controller, and the driver models, the performance of the DAVSC system is investigated. The simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the DAVSC strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a proposed car-following driver model taking into account some features of both the compensatory and anticipatory model representing the human pedal operation has been verified by driving simulator experiments with several real drivers. The comparison between computer simulations performed by determined model parameters with the experimental results confirm the correctness of this mathematical driver model and identified model parameters. Then the driver model is joined to a hybrid vehicle dynamics model and the moderate car following maneuver simulations with various driver parameters are conducted to investigate influences of driver parameters on vehicle dynamics response and fuel economy. Finally, major driver parameters involved in the longitudinal control of drivers are clarified.  相似文献   

Current vehicle dynamic control systems from simple yaw control to high-end active steering support systems are designed to primarily actuate on the vehicle itself, rather than stimulate the driver to adapt his/her inputs for better vehicle control. The driver though dictates the vehicle’s motion, and centralizing him/her in the control loop is hypothesized to promote safety and driving pleasure. Exploring the above statement, the goal of this study is to develop and evaluate a haptic steering support when driving near the vehicle’s handling limits (Haptic Support Near the Limits; HSNL). The support aims to promote the driver’s perception of the vehicle’s behaviour and handling capacity (the vehicle’s internal model) by providing haptic (torque) cues on the steering wheel. The HSNL has been evaluated in (a) driving simulator tests and (b) tests with a vehicle (Opel Astra G/B) equipped with a variable steering feedback torque system. Drivers attempted to achieve maximum velocity while trying to retain control in a circular skid-pad. In the simulator (a) 25 subjects drove a vehicle model parameterised as the Astra on a dry skid-pad while in (b) 17 subjects drove the real Astra on a wet skid-pad. Both the driving simulator and the real vehicle tests led to the conclusion that the HSNL assisted subjects to drive closer to the designated path while achieving effectively the same speed. With the HSNL the drivers operated the tires in smaller slip angles and hence avoided saturation of the front wheels’ lateral forces and excessive understeer. Finally, the HSNL reduced their mental and physical demand.  相似文献   

轻型车排放测试影响因素试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对某款国Ⅳ轻型汽油车进行了不同测试条件下的排放对比试验,分析了测试条件对试验结果的影响.试验结果表明,随着预置环境温度升高,车辆HC和CO排放量有所下降;随着驱动轮胎压力的降低,车辆的排放量及油耗会逐渐增高;固定链条与水平方向形成一定倾角向下固定车辆时的排放量和油耗大于水平拉紧车辆的情况;驾驶员驾驶经验和对车辆状况的熟悉程度会影响排放试验结果.提出了减小各因素对排放测试结果影响的建议.  相似文献   

Recently, telematics services and in-vehicle display devices such as the CNS (Car Navigation System) have become new causes of traffic accidents. These accidents are caused by ‘Inattention’ from the increase of the driver’s mental workload while he/she is driving. The driver of a vehicle (except for emergency or police vehicles) must not use a hand-held mobile phone while the vehicle is moving. To address this problem, Australia, England, Italy, Brazil and some states in the US have banned the use of hand-held mobile devices during driving. However, there are no restrictions on the use of in-vehicle displays or on the display’s positions. The position of a navigation system in a vehicle should be assessed objectively, and the effect of the position on the driver’s attention should be studied. Some existing research reports that in-vehicle distraction not only leads to reduced speeds and more frequent lane switching, but also more gazing by the driver to the centre of the road. In this study, to develop an assessment method and to propose the proper position of a CNS, an experiment is carried out in a driving simulator environment. Different methods to track the gaze and physical parameters of the driver are used for HMI (Human-Machine Interface) assessment. The experiment is carried out in a driving simulator to observe the glancing distribution during driving according to the position of the navigation system. Fourteen subjects participated in this experiment. Changes in subjects’ physiological signals and glancing distribution rates were collected.  相似文献   

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