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为了准确获取分布式驱动电动汽车状态参数信息,满足车辆稳定性控制系统的需求,提出一种基于蚁狮算法的无迹卡尔曼滤波状态参数估计器。针对无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)过程中噪声协方差矩阵的不确定性,采用蚁狮优化算法(ALO)对其进行寻优,并引入奇异值分解(SVD)的方法来维持噪声协方差矩阵的正定性,此外,基于指数加权最小二乘法对车辆侧偏刚度进行辨识并将其作为状态参数估计器输入。基于MATLAB/Simulink和CarSim联合仿真平台,建立分布式驱动电动汽车参数估计模型,分别进行双移线工况和正弦迟滞工况仿真,并基于A&D5435快速原型开发平台进行双移线工况实车试验。仿真与试验结果表明:相比于SVDUKF算法估计结果,双移线仿真工况下,基于ALO-SVDUKF算法估计得到的质心侧偏角和横摆角速度的均方根误差分别降低了55.7%、30.7%,正弦迟滞仿真工况下,均方根误差分别降低了58.1%、85.1%,且在车辆处于极限失稳状态时仍能维持较好的估计效果;双移线试验工况下,横摆角速度的估计值与实际测量值之间的均方根误差仅为0.938 4(°)·s-1;提出的基于ALO-SVDUKF算法的分布式驱动电动汽车状态参数估计器能够有效提高质心侧偏角和横摆角速度的估计精度,可为车辆稳定性控制提供精确的状态信息。  相似文献   

提出了一种融合预瞄特性的智能电动汽车稳定性前馈+反馈控制方法。建立车辆预瞄模型,通过汽车在环境感知时的前视行为,引入道路曲率作为车辆动力学特性的影响因素。基于在前视信息指导下的车辆位姿变化,根据道路附着能力和车速指数模型描述期望纵向车速,建立轮胎侧偏刚度补偿的稳定性前馈控制方法。同时,采用模型预测控制(MPC)设计稳定性反馈控制律,根据车辆的预瞄信息自适应调整预测模型参数和预测时间,消除前馈控制误差及路面扰动等不确定性因素带来的影响。研究结果表明,本文提出的控制策略下汽车质心侧偏角、横摆角速度和侧向加速度小,且跟踪精度更高。仿真试验中,相比于无控制、MPC反馈控制与前馈+定参数MPC反馈控制,本文提出的控制策略在双移线工况1下质心侧偏角峰值分别减小了41.3%、28.9%和10.0%,横摆角速度峰值分别减小了18.0%、6.7%和2.0%,双移线工况2下质心侧偏角峰值分别减小了27.2%、8.7%和8.0%,横摆角速度峰值分别减小了16.9%、12.9%和8.6%;相比于MPC反馈控制与前馈+定参数MPC反馈控制,在蛇行工况1下,质心侧偏角峰值分别减小了49.8%与34.8%,横摆角速...  相似文献   

基于CarSim/Simulink建立分布式电动车的整车动力学模型,同时建立2自由度的参考模型,用于求解车辆行驶时的期望横摆角速度及质心侧偏角以保持车辆行驶稳定性。同时,基于模型预测控制设计控制器,通过改变驱动轮转矩,获得附加横摆力矩,实现对车辆横摆角速度及质心侧偏角的控制。通过仿真试验,在前轮转角阶跃输入及正弦输入两种工况下,验证控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

以四轮转向汽车为研究对象,建立车辆四轮转向动力学模型。基于后轮主动转向控制方法,分别搭建四轮转向汽车前后轮转角成比例的主动转向控制模型以及基于车速和横摆角速度反馈的主动转向控制模型。在高速转向工况下,采用MATLAB/Simulink建立四轮转向汽车主动转向控制仿真模型进行对比仿真。仿真结果表明,该控制方法能够较好地减小车辆质心侧偏角及横摆角速度,保证车辆良好的轨迹跟踪能力,有效地改善了车辆的操纵稳定性。  相似文献   

为了较准确地获取分布式电动汽车的状态信息,满足汽车稳定性控制的要求,文章以三自由度车辆动力学模型为基础,建立了基于无迹卡尔曼滤波的分布式电动汽车状态观测器,对双移线工况下分布式汽车的纵横向车速、横摆角速度、质心侧偏角进行了预测估计。  相似文献   

本文中对四轮独立转向电动汽车的转向控制方法进行研究。首先,基于前轮转向车辆的理想横摆角速度模型,建立四轮独立转向2自由度动力学模型。接着,以四轮侧偏角之和绝对值最小化作为优化目标函数,以质心侧偏角为零和理想横摆角速度作为约束条件,采用线型优化算法求解系统前馈控制器。再以轮胎侧偏角和横摆转矩为输入建立线性控制模型,运用最优区域极点配置方法设计反馈控制器。最后,建立人-车-路闭环仿真系统,分别进行双移线道路仿真实验和对开路面上的行驶仿真实验。结果表明,控制器能根据路面附着情况分配各轮转角,保证车辆跟踪理想状态。实车双移线实验进一步验证了控制器对车辆理想状态良好的跟踪精度。  相似文献   

宋强  王冠峰  商赫  张念忠 《汽车工程》2023,(11):2104-2112+2138
为改善高速低附着路面上的车辆动力学性能,本文针对分布式驱动电动汽车提出一种基于多参数控制的操纵稳定性控制策略,包括上层轨迹跟踪控制和下层转矩分配控制。上层控制器设计基于2自由度车辆模型和驾驶员预瞄偏差模型,提出了MPC轨迹跟踪控制策略,实现对侧向偏差、横摆角偏差、质心侧偏角、横摆角速度的多参数控制。下层控制器以轮胎负荷率最小为优化目标,获得4个车轮电机转矩的最优分配量,借助于7自由度动力学模型,在双移线、蛇行工况下完成了CarSim-Simulink联合仿真。结果表明:提出的控制策略改善了高速、低附着工况下的操纵稳定性和轨迹跟踪精度。  相似文献   

为提高分布式驱动电动汽车的操纵稳定性,提出一种基于相平面法的行驶稳定性控制策略。首先,建立非线性车辆2自由度模型,获得不同路面附着系数下车辆质心侧偏角相平面稳定域边界模型。其次,基于质心侧偏角相平面设计分区域控制器,当车辆处于稳定域内时,采用模糊神经网络控制器来决策横摆力矩,使车辆跟随目标变量;当车辆处于稳定域外时,设计失稳度和模糊神经网络联合控制器决策总横摆力矩,使车辆恢复稳定。最后,基于Simulink和CarSim仿真平台在蛇行绕桩和双移线工况下对稳定性控制方法进行仿真,并进行实车测试验证,结果证明了本文中所提控制策略的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

为了给营运客车横向稳定状态监测提供理论依据,针对极限工况下状态参数的临界值仿真结果,进行了营运客车稳定区域边界条件的研究。基于非线性三自由度车辆模型建立了基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)的状态参数估计器,对营运客车的质心侧偏角和横摆角速度进行实时估计,并利用Trucksim验证估计值具有较好的一致性和状态跟随能力。基于MATLAB/Simulink建立非线性七自由度车辆模型,分析不同行驶状态参数对质心侧偏角-质心侧偏角速度(β-β)相平面稳定区域边界的影响,基于仿真数据确定了以车速、前轮转角和路面附着系数为变量的稳定区域边界条件,结合状态估计模型获得以β-β决定的控制变量。在Trucksim中进行连续正弦方向盘转角输入标准稳定性试验,通过分析营运客车行驶过程中控制变量的曲线变化趋势是否超出稳定区域边界确定车辆的运行状态。结果表明:营运客车以60 km·h-1车速、小方向盘转角行驶在低附着系数(μ=0.3)路面和高附着系数(μ=0.85)路面时,横摆角速度对驾驶人的意图(方形盘转角曲线趋势)有很好的跟随能力,具有较小的延迟响应,车辆处于稳定状态,此时控制变量曲线一直处于稳定区域内;当相同工况下以大方向盘转角输入时,横摆角速度已经不能很好地跟随驾驶人意图,且低附着系数路面下,在3.5 s左右时方向盘转角已经回正,但横摆角速度仍位于最大值,具有较大的延迟,营运客车发生急转侧滑;高附着系数路面下第2.5 s和第6.2 s左右车辆发生严重偏移,车辆处于失稳状态,而对应时刻的控制变量曲线部分超出稳定边界,验证了营运客车横向稳定状态判据的准确性。  相似文献   

为改善分布式驱动电动汽车高速行驶稳定性,避免频繁驱动控制操作对汽车行驶安全性的影响,提出了一种适应不同驾驶工况的参数动态门限值算法,设计了汽车附加横摆力矩滑模控制策略和驱动力矩二次规划优化分配控制策略,并进行了角阶跃输入工况和双正弦输入工况的仿真分析。结果表明,所设计的控制策略能有效控制汽车的质心侧偏角与横摆角速度,在保证汽车行驶稳定性的前提下,使质心侧偏角与理想值偏差减小了3.6%以上,轮胎附着利用率减少19.5%以上,有效地降低了轮胎附着利用率,提高了汽车的行驶安全性。  相似文献   

In this work, the reference model modification strategy for vehicle stability control based on driver's intention recognition under emergent obstacle avoidance situation was proposed. First the conflicts between the driver's emergency alignment (EA) intention and vehicle response characteristics were analyzed in critical emergent obstacle avoidance situation. Second combining steering wheel angle and its speed, the driver's EA intention was recognized. The reference model modification strategy based on steering operation index (SOI) was presented. Then a LQR model following controller with tire cornering stiffness adaption was used to generate direct yaw moment for tracking modified reference yaw rate and reference sideslip angle. Finally based on the four-in-wheel-motor-drive (FIWMD) electric vehicles (EV), double lane change and slalom tests were conducted to compare the results using modified reference model with the results using normal reference model. The experimental tests have proved the effectiveness of the reference model modification strategy based on driver's intention recognition.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a steering control method based on optimal control theory to improve the maneuverability of a six-wheeled vehicle during cornering. The six-wheeled vehicle is believed to have better performance than a four-wheeled vehicle in terms of its capability for crossing obstacles, off-road maneuvering and fail-safe handling when one or two of the tires are punctured. Although many methods to improve the four-wheeled vehicle’s lateral stability have been studied and developed, there have only been a few studies on the six-wheeled vehicle’s lateral stability. Some studies of the six-wheeled vehicle have been reported recently, but they are related to the desired yaw rate of a four-wheeled vehicle to control the six-wheeled vehicle’s maneuvering during corning. In this paper, the sideslip angle and yaw rate are controlled to improve the maneuverability during cornering by independent control of the steering angles of the six wheels. The desired yaw rate that is suitable for a six-wheeled vehicle is proposed as a control target. In addition, a scaled-down vehicle with six drive motors and six steering motors that can be controlled independently is designed. The performance of the proposed control methods is verified using a full model vehicle simulation and scaled-down vehicle experiment.  相似文献   

为了防止车辆偏离车道导致交通事故的发生和避免车道偏离防避系统(Lane Departure Avoidance Systems,LDAS)对驾驶人行为不必要的干预,提出基于中心区操纵特性阈值法和基于D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论的车辆偏离车道驾驶人意图识别准则,并运用CarSim/Simulink联合仿真对比2种识别准则的有效性。建立转向盘角速度为输入的车路模型,设计LDAS滑模转向控制器,基于预瞄点的侧向偏移量和横摆角速度设计LDAS的期望横摆角速度观测器,并与基于道路曲率和预瞄点侧向偏移量的期望横摆角速度的LDAS进行性能对比。运用相平面法确定保证LDAS车辆稳定性的前轮转向角最大值,并基于CarSim/LabVIEW RT硬件在环试验平台验证基于BP神经网络训练获得D-S证据理论的初始概率赋值的驾驶人意图决策算法的有效性。结果表明:所提出的识别准则能够及时识别车辆偏离车道时的驾驶人意图,为LDAS控制器介入赢得了宝贵的时间,所设计的期望横摆角速度观测器具有很好的稳定性,所提出的方法能够有效避免车辆偏离车道。  相似文献   

为实现智能网联车辆在高速公路动态行车环境下的轨迹实时规划,提出一种基于状态空间采样的轨迹动态规划方法。首先,以安全性为原则选取主车当前行驶的理想车道。基于Frenet坐标与笛卡尔坐标的转换关系,建立车辆运动横、纵向解耦的独立积分系统。将高速公路常见的行驶状态分为车道保持与定速巡航、变道以及前车跟随3类,预测主车行驶车道并针对3类行驶状态分别设计轨迹终端的目标配置方法。然后,利用多项式函数生成连接初始配置和目标配置的多条待选轨迹。构建考虑轨迹偏离理想车道程度、始末速度变化、规划周期和轨迹舒适性的综合损失函数,结合速度、加速度、曲率检查来评价各条待选轨迹的成本并进行排序。最后,预测车辆的横、纵向运动轨迹并构建一种胶囊形的车辆虚拟安全边界,通过碰撞检测,确定主车的最优轨迹,设置动态规划触发条件及时更新最优轨迹并避免过度规划浪费资源。研究结果表明:提出的算法能满足高速公路场景的动态规划需求;通过对轨迹规划周期、虚拟安全边界、动态规划时间间隔等关键参数的分析与优化,主车的横摆角速度范围稳定在-0.1~0.15 (°)·s-1,横向加速度范围稳定在-0.16~0.32 m·s-2,跟踪参考轨迹的最大误差不超过0.022 m,提出的算法能规划出具有高安全性、稳定性和舒适性的轨迹。  相似文献   

Optimal Control of Four Wheel Steering Vehicle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper derives a method of controlling four wheel steering using optimal control theory. The purpose of control is to minimize the sideslip angle at the center of gravity. The control method feeds forward the steering wheel angle and feeds back the yaw velocity and the sideslip angle to the front and rear wheel angles. Theoretical studies show that the sideslip angle is reduced to zero even in the transient state, and that the understeer characteristic and frequency response can be changed regardless of the vehicle static margin. This Paper also examines various characteristics of the influence of the side force nonlinearities of tires and crosswinds.  相似文献   


This paper derives a method of controlling four wheel steering using optimal control theory. The purpose of control is to minimize the sideslip angle at the center of gravity. The control method feeds forward the steering wheel angle and feeds back the yaw velocity and the sideslip angle to the front and rear wheel angles. Theoretical studies show that the sideslip angle is reduced to zero even in the transient state, and that the understeer characteristic and frequency response can be changed regardless of the vehicle static margin. This Paper also examines various characteristics of the influence of the side force nonlinearities of tires and crosswinds.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust sideslip angle controller based on the direct yaw moment control (DYC) is proposed for in-wheel motor electric vehicles. Many studies have demonstrated that the DYC is one of the effective methods to improve vehicle maneuverability and stability. Previous approaches to achieve the DYC used differential braking and active steering system. Not only that, the conventional control systems were commonly dependent on the feedback of the yaw rate. In contrast to the traditional control schemes, however, this paper proposes a novel approach based on sideslip angle feedback without controlling the yaw rate. This is mainly because if the vehicle sideslip angle is controlled properly, the intended sideslip angle helps the vehicle to pass through the corner even at high speed. On the other hand, the vehicle may become unstable because of the too large sideslip caused by unexpected yaw disturbances and model uncertainties of time-varying parameters. From this aspect, disturbance observer (DOB) is employed to assure robust performance of the controller. The proposed controller was realized in CarSim model described actual electric vehicle and verified through computer simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel direct yaw control method based on driver operation intention for stability control of a distributed drive electric vehicle is proposed. It was discovered that the vehicle loses its stability easily under an emergency steering alignment (EA) problem. An emergent control algorithm is proposed to improve vehicle stability under such a condition. A driver operation intention recognition module is developed to identify the driving conditions. When the vehicle enters into an EA condition, the module can quickly identify it and transfer the control method from normal direct yaw control to emergency control. Two control algorithms are designed. The emergency control algorithm is applied to an EA condition while the adaptive control algorithm is applied to other conditions except the EA condition. Both simulation results and real vehicle results show that: The driver module can accurately identify driving conditions based on driver operation intention. When the vehicle enters into EA condition, the emergent control algorithm can intervene quickly, and it has proven to outperform normal direct yaw control for better stabilization of vehicles.  相似文献   

基于模糊逻辑的车辆侧偏角估计方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提出了一种基于模糊逻辑的汽车侧偏角估计方法。它利用模糊逻辑和汽车运动学模型,将汽车转向盘转角、车轮转速、汽车加速度和横摆角速度信息相融合,进行车辆侧偏角估计。试验结果显示,该方法的鲁棒性和精确性较好,而且响应频率较高,可以满足ESP的控制需要。  相似文献   

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