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2005年10月起销售的新型商用车需满足的新长期排放法规规定,车辆总质量3.5t以上柴油车的排放量的上限是:PM为0.027g/(kW·h)、N Ox为2.0g/(kW·h)。这比现行的新短期法规规定的PM为0.18g/(kW·h)、NOx为3.38g/(kW·h)分别减少了15%和59.1%,是世界上最严格的法规。减少NOx和PM的方法有三种:其一是冷却EGR+D PF的方法。冷却EGR是指降低排放再循环气体温度以减少NOx。为使大量的排放气体与进气混合,应冷却排放气体,提高其密度。但是采用此种办法会产生更多的PM,所以使用D PF(柴油微粒过滤器)收集、储存增加的PM,使之高混合比燃烧…  相似文献   

柴油车已经成为大气颗粒物(PM)和氮氧化物(NOx)主要的排放源之一。为了提高环境空气质量并降低柴油车的污染物排放,可以通过安装尾气后处理装置来减少PM和NOx的排放。如何使后处理技术与车辆降低PM和NOx排放的需求相匹配,以实现稳定的减排效果,是一个值得进一步研究的问题。柴油车尾气中PM,以及NO和NO2等关键参数,对于设计尾气后处理装置(如DPF和Urea-SCR)以及设定DPF再生和Urea-SCR喷氨策略具有重要意义。因此,本文以柴油车为研究对象,分析了其PM的浓度、粒径分布、化学成分和形态特征,以及NOx(NO+NO2)和部分PM前体物的排放特性。同时,分析了车辆行驶状况对尾气PM浓度和粒径分布的影响,为在用柴油车加装尾气后处理装置以降低尾气污染物排放提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

<正>随着公路运输业的不断发展,重型货车的产销规模和保有量不断扩大,所带来的汽车尾气污染问题也日益严峻,控制汽车尾气排放对于改善大气环境质量意义重大。根据汽车保有量数据,重型货车保有量占比小,但NO_x和PM排放量却占全部汽车排放量的一半以上,成为治理的重中之重。根据国家生态环境部发布的《机动车环境管理年报》中对于重型货车、柴油车主要排放污染物历年的统计可以看出:重型货车保有量仅占全部汽车保有量的5%以下并且占比在逐年下降,但NO_x和  相似文献   

在城市建设中,离不开推土机、压路机、挖掘机;在农业生产中,少不了拖拉机、联合收割机、池塘挖掘机……这些非道路车辆和机械,虽然在数量上无法与道路上行驶的众多机动车相比,但其污染物的排放也不容忽视。一组美国各种移动污染源对NOx排放贡献数据显示,道路用轻型车占49%、道路用重型柴油车占22%;非道路用柴油机占16%、非道路用汽油机占1.0%、火车占8.7%、船舶占1.9%、飞机占1.4%。  相似文献   

美国2007排放法规要求的PM排放和NOx排放将大幅减少,重型发动机将不得不应用各种排气后处理装置。虽然从2007年2010年NOx排放和非甲烷碳氢化合物排放限值是逐渐变得更严格的,但PM排放限值(0.01g/bhp.hr)从2007年开始全面实施。  相似文献   

1先进的柴油机技术 当前汽车依然是城市大气污染的主要原因。商用汽车广泛使用的柴油机与汽油机相比,热效率高20%~30%,但另一方面,NOx、黑烟及颗粒(PM)的排放量却大很多,对大气污染的影响远远超过汽油机。因此,日本、美国等国大幅度强化了柴油车的排放法规,  相似文献   

1999年我国原油产量1.6亿t,汽油产量3741.3万t,85.5%的汽油为汽车所用;柴油产量6302.7万t,随着部分中、轻型汽车柴油化的发展,特别是解放、东风柴油车以及五十铃N系列柴油车比例的增大,汽车柴油消耗量逐年增加,1999年柴油车产量占汽车总产量的比例上升到29.6%,柴油货车产量为汽油货车产量的1.58倍。1999年汽车柴油消耗量为1285.7万t,占柴油产量的20.4%。  相似文献   

基于交通量预测数据和车辆单车排放因子,定量估算了音江公路运营近期、中期和远期的车辆尾气所排放的NOx和CO量,并分析了上述污染物在公路两侧的浓度扩散过程.音江公路运营近期每天的CO和NOx排放量分别为6.486 t和2.187 t,中期排放量为9.881 t和3.33t,远期排放量为14.053 t和4.736 t.在D类大气稳定度和最不利风向条件下,距离公路中心线20 m处的近期、中期和远期CO浓度分别为0.053 9 mg/m3、0.082 1 mg/m3和0.116 8mg/m3,NOx浓度分别为0.018 2mg/m3、0.027 7mg/m3和0.039 3 mg/m3,随着距离的增大,污染物浓度逐渐降低,50 m处的污染物浓度不到20 m处的80%,100m处的污染物浓度降至20 m处的47%左右,200m处的污染物浓度仅有20 m处的26%.与沿线背景浓度叠加后,音江公路线路两侧的近期、中期和远期NOx日均总浓度均低于国家环境空气质量标准中的浓度限值,表明公路运营期间车辆排放的大气污染物对沿线环境空气质量影响很小.  相似文献   

正从2011至2015年,全国机动车氮氧化物排放占比由26%上升到31%,其中柴油货车的排放分担率过半。以2016年为例,全国柴油车(其中货车约占85%)总数为1?878万辆,仅占机动车保有量的6.4%,但其氮氧化物排放量为367.3万吨,占比高达63.6%,柴油车排放的颗粒物更是占到机动车排放的99%以上。按照相关部委要求,自2018年1月1日起,所有制造、进口、销售和注册登记的轻型柴油车,须符合国五排放标准。此前,重型柴油车已于2017年7月1日完成切换,这就意味着自今年开始,全国范围内所有销售的柴油车均为国五排放标准,"蓝天保卫战"全面展  相似文献   

博世最新柴油喷射系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
忻文 《汽车与配件》1998,(27):17-18
汽车发动机对环境污染日趋严重,降低其污染物的排放越来越受到重视。柴油机特别是直喷式柴油机因其燃油经济好、CO_2排放量低而日益得到广泛应用。但是,柴油机的NOx排放较高,尤其是具有很大潜在危害的微粒(PM)排放也很高。 欧盟计划在10年内将使用柴油发动机的车辆的NOx的排放减少90%,PM的排放减少70%。柴油发动机的商用车辆的PM和NOx排放量要求10年内降低  相似文献   

为了使用户在数据资源匮乏的情况下,能够快速针对模型关键参数进行数据收集,文中在对MOVES模型进行参数本土化修正的基础上,引用经济学常用的敏感度系数(SAF)评价指标概念,通过定义的 SA F等级,进行了MOVES中速度、气象等参数对深圳市常见车型排放因子的影响程度分析。研究表明,当速度小于20 km/h时,各种污染物的 SA F在1~6之间变化,属于敏感参数;车龄为0~3年的新车其污染物的 SA F>1,各车型劣化较快;硫含量对各车型SO2排放因子的 SA F≥1,属于敏感参数,雷氏蒸汽压只对私家车的CO排放有影响;温度对柴油车型的T HC ,CO和PM2.5的 SA F≤0.1,属于不敏感参数,湿度对于中重型车、社会中大巴、公交车的 THC ,CO ,PM2.5排放因子的SA F≤0.1,属于不敏感参数。各参数针对不同车型的不同污染物,表现出不同的敏感性。   相似文献   

新能源车辆引入城市客运交通,是解决环境污染的有效方法之一.从二氧化碳排放量角度出发,通过扩展二氧化碳排放"自下而上"的研究思路和计算方法,以哈尔滨为案例计算了城市客运交通的总能耗及二氧化碳总排放量.通过分析《省级温室气体清单编制指南(试行)》计算城市客运交通二氧化碳排放的局限性,从交通使用者角度出发,即根据分车型运距、油耗、电耗、气耗等数据,计算城市客运交通的总能耗,乘以相应的排放因子,计算二氧化碳的排放量.以汽油和柴油燃料汽车作为纯电动汽车(BEV)的替代对象,考虑完全替代的极限情况,计算城市客运交通引入BEV车辆二氧化碳的减排量,并对单位能耗、单位电耗、电力二氧化碳排放因子等影响因素进行分析.通过计算可知, 2015年哈尔滨市城市客运交通排放二氧化碳总量为290.1万t,其中,汽油和柴油燃料车辆排放二氧化碳为153.9万t.考虑采用BEV车辆代替全部汽油和柴油车辆,可实现41.3万t/年的二氧化碳减排量.   相似文献   

In recent years, particle number emissions rather than particulate mass emissions in automotive engines have become the subject with controversial discussions. Recent results from studies of health effects imply that it is possible that particulate mass does not properly correlate with the variety of health effects attributed to engine exhaust. The concern is now focusing on nano-sized particles emitted from I. C. engines. In this study, particulate mass and particle number concentration emitted from light-duty vehicles were investigated for a better understanding of the characteristics of the engine PM from different types of fuels, such as gasoline and diesel fuel. Engine nano-particle mass and size distributions of four test vehicles were measured by a condensation particle counter system, which is recommended by the particle measurement program in Europe (PMP), at the end of a dilution tunnel along a NEDC test mode on a chassis dynamometer. We found that particle number concentrations of diesel passenger vehicles with DPF system are lower than gasoline passenger vehicles, but PM mass has some similar values. However, in diesel vehicles with DPF system, PM mass and particle number concentrations were greatly influenced by PM regeneration. Particle emissions in light-duty vehicles emitted about 90% at the ECE15 cycle in NEDC test mode, regardless of vehicle fuel type. Particle emissions at the early cold condition of engine were highly emitted in the test mode.  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们对环境保护的日趋重视,世界各国对内燃机废气排放的要求变得越来越严格,轻型柴油车开始实施国Iv标准。目前由于机内排放控制并不能完全起到净化效果,因此对已排出燃烧室但尚未排到大气中的废气进行处理,采取机外控制技术显得很有必要。PM和NOx是柴油机主要排放污染物,如何同时降低这两种尾气组成,达到国Ⅳ排放水平,是当今世界柴油机技术的难点和研究热点。本文介绍目前国内满足柴油机国IV排放标准的SCR和EGRDPF/DOC两种主流技术路线。通过对比分析两种系统的原理和优缺点得出适合国内发展的路线,并浅谈未来柴油机排放控制的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着我国对排放要求的不断提高和符合能源的合理配置要求,LNG汽车在大型客车和重型货车上已开始得到广泛应用。从LNG汽车供气系统的结构出发,介绍了LNG汽车供气系统的构成,各主要部件的作用及保养要求,并列举了LNG汽车的特性和使用要求,为LNG汽车的正确使用和保养提供指引。  相似文献   

Environmental problems have become a major issue for diesel engine development. Although emission aftertreatment systems such as DPFs (diesel particulate filters), LNTs (lean NOx traps) and SCR (selective catalytic reduction) have been used in diesel vehicles, the manufacturing cost increase caused by this equipment can be hard to be control. Thus, it is better for engine emissions to be reduced by improving the combustion system. A dual-fuel combustion concept is a recommended method to improve a combustion system and effectively reduce emissions. Low reactivity fuel including gasoline and natural gas, which was supplied to the intake port by the FPI (port fuel injector), improved the premixed air-fuel mixture conditions before ignition. Additionally, a small amount of high reactivity fuel, in this case diesel, was injected into the cylinder directly as an ignition source. This dual-fuel combustion promises lower levels of NOx (nitrogen oxide) and PM (particulate matter) emissions due to the elimination of local rich regions in the cylinder. However, it is challenging to control the dual-fuel combustion because the combustion stability and efficiency deteriorate due to the lack of ignition source and reactivity. Thus, it is important to establish an appropriate dual-fuel operating strategy to achieve stable, high efficiency and low emission operation. As a result of this research, a detailed operating method of dual-fuel PCI (premixed compression ignition) was introduced in detail at a low speed and low load condition by using a single cylinder diesel engine. Engine operating parameters including the gasoline ratio, a diesel injection strategy consisting of multiple injectors and timing, the EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) rate and the intake pressure were controlled to satisfy the low ISNOx (indicated specific NOx) and PM emissions levels (0.21 g/kWh and 0.1 FSN, 0.040 g/kWh, respectively) as per the EURO-6 regulation without any after-treatment systems. The results emphasized that a well-constructed dual-fuel PCI operating strategy showed low NOx and PM emissions and high GIE (gross indicated fuel conversion efficiency) with excellent combustion stability.  相似文献   

柴油机排气后处理技术   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
伴随着柴油机排放标准的日益严格 ,柴油机排气后处理愈来愈受到重视。介绍了柴油机排气PM和NOx 控制技术的进展情况及存在问题 ,并提出了今后的努力方向  相似文献   

试验室使用的稳态工况和车辆在城区道路行驶时的瞬态工况有很大差异,测试结果不能真正反映车辆的瞬态排放工况,文章主要介绍了CO,HC及NOx的生成机理,阐述了瞬态工况对汽油车和柴油车各个污染物排放的影响,提出车载排放测试技术可以不受这些因素影响,可以在实际道路运行条件下对车辆排放进行实时测量,真实反映车辆实际道路行驶的排放情况,反映外界环境条件的变化对车辆排放的影响。  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper the authors use data from measurement campaigns to demonstrate that automobile air conditioning significantly increases fuel consumption and emissions of regulated pollutants. Thus, under urban conditions, the average increase in consumption for both petrol and diesel vehicles is 3.1l/100km. Although the effects as regards pollutants vary from one model of vehicle to another, the increase in urban cycles is always very marked, in particular as regards NOx (+48%) and particulates (+64%) in the case of diesel vehicles. The paper then presents the results of test rig measurements of the mechanical and electrical energy consumption of air conditioning systems under different vehicle operating conditions (cycles) and for different thermal regimes of the air conditioning unit (depending on external temperature, the temperature set for inside the passenger compartment, etc.). The authors then present the results of pollutant emission and fuel consumption calculations for a passenger car with a 1.4 litre petrol engine fitted with a catalytic converter. These calculations were based on instantaneous data collected on the test rig. The conclusion is firstly that research and development is required to restric the power consumption of air conditioning which tends to increase urban pollution in particular during periods when high temperatures increase the likelihood of ozone peaks. The authors also draw the attention of the government to the need to consider air conditioning systems and other accessories in official emission and consumption measurements.  相似文献   

Exhaust nanoparticle emissions from internal combustion engines: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper reviews the particle emissions formed during the combustion process in spark ignition and diesel engine. Proposed legislation in Europe and California will impose a particle number requirement for GDI (gasoline direct injection) vehicles and will introduce the Euro 6 and LEV-III emission standards. More careful optimization for reducing particulate emission on engine hardware, fuel system, and control strategy to reduce particulate emissions will be required during cold start and warm-up phases. Because The diesel combustion inherently produces significant amounts of PM as a result of incomplete combustion around individual fuel droplets in the combustion zone, much attention has been paid to reducing particle emissions through electronic engine control, high pressure injection systems, combustion chamber design, and exhaust after-treatment technologies. In this paper, recent research and development trends to reduce the particle emissions from internal combustion engines are summarized, with a focus on PMP activity in EU, CARB and SAE papers and including both state-of-the-art light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty engines.  相似文献   

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