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宁波国际航运服务中心建筑方案计划近日已经专家评审确定,不久将动工建设,将于2007年建成。这个中心将成为辐射长三角地区,具有海港通关、航运服务、物流信息等多种核心功能的国际一流航运服务平台。 该中心是宁波市政府重点工程。中心建成后,海关、海事、边检、进出口检验检疫等部门将入驻联合办公,提供“一站式”通关服务。港航、物流、船货代理、金融、保险、法律事务、商务等企业将开设服务窗口.形成航运“大超市”,集中交易或办理业务,借助集聚与辐射效应,促进宁波国际航运服务从“腹地型”向“复合型”转变。宁波电子口岸物流信息有限公司将逐步搭建与国际接轨的区域物流公共信息服务平台,实现多种信息跨部门、跨行业、跨地区交换和共享,为宁波口岸腹地提供便捷的通关、航运交易、金融等网上服务,提高货物集散效率,降低物流成本。  相似文献   

吴颖高 《中国港口》2004,(7):42-43,37
口岸流程和单据的传输是港口服务软环境的重要内容。由于口岸流程产生大量执法类和商业类单据,口岸流程成为对外贸易的最重要物流单据交换环节。口岸流程优化将为口岸单据流转缩短时间,从而降低外贸进出口物流在口岸环节的成本。口岸流程优化是口岸信息整合和优化的基础。2000年8月,  相似文献   

李川  徐静 《中国港口》2001,(12):39-39
2001年7月24日,深圳市物流信息平台EDI(电子数据交换系统)通关项目正式启动.系统与海关实现互联互通,意味着深圳的企业在办公室通过上网,便可以在24小时内申办各类进出口通关手续,这是深圳市物流信息平台为企业提供"一站式"物流信息服务的开始,同时,也为深圳海关关区下一步全面推行"联网监管"作业模式铺平了道路.  相似文献   

7月19日,天津电子口岸与物流信息平台在滨海新区开通。国家有关部委、中央企业和北方12个省市自治区的领导莅临滨海新区,在庆贺天津口岸为区域经济发展的服务功能与服务水平进一步延伸和提高的同时,共商推进区域口岸合作和北方"大通关"建设。  相似文献   

1.问题提出 口岸流程和单据的传输是港口服务软环境的重要内容.由于口岸流程产生大量执法类和商业类单据,口岸流程成为对外贸易的最重要物流单据交换环节.口岸流程优化将为口岸单据流转缩短时间,从而降低外贸进出口物流在口岸环节的成本.  相似文献   

戴卢军  黄海鸥 《中国水运》2007,5(8):127-128
由于物流行业的特点,伴随着物的流动,在物流企业与客户之间、物流企业与企业之间、物流企业与政府部门之间存在着大量的信息流。物流企业也因此对数据交换与信息共享有着特别的需求。建立物流信息平台是实现物流信息资源整合、降低物流成本、保障物流畅通的有效途径,也是物流信息化进一步发展的必然要求。建立物流信息平台需要一系列的技术,EDI是其中最重要最基本的技术。几十年来,EDI技术经历了不断的发展和完善,已经越来越成熟。Internet的普及又进一步促进了EDI技术的发展。建立物流信息平台不仅符合物流业发展的需要,而且已经具备了技术上的基础。  相似文献   

<正>近日,交通运输部和国家质检总局办公厅联合下发《关于共同推进电子口岸建设的通知》(厅水字〔2011〕150号),重点强化口岸部门间信息共享,建立和完善电子闸口管理、监管场地建设等执法联动和便利运输机制,将有力推动口岸信息化和物流迈上新的台阶,有力帮扶运输和物流企业疏导和化解近期油价等成本上涨的影响。  相似文献   

刘建军 《中国港口》2002,(10):28-28
<正> 一、港口EDI技术发展的必要性 1.EDI技术是与国际接轨及全球经济一体化的必然选择 我国加入WTO,对外贸易量必然不断增加,只有发展港口EDI技术,才能满足进出口物流的高效、迅速的要求。 2.EDI技术是推动港口向物流中心发展的必要条件 EDI技术可使港口的计算机系统直接同用户、货主、海关、商检、理货等有关机构的计算机系统进行通讯,可使港口根据用户企业的要求开展多种增值服务(如信息查询、数据维护、数据  相似文献   

7月19日,天津电子口岸与物流信息平台在海南新区开通。国家有关部委,中央企业和北方12个省市自治区的领导莅临滨海新区,在庆贺天津口岸为区域经济发展的服务功能与服务水平进一步延伸和提高的同时,共同推进区域口岸合作和北方“大通关”建设。[第一段]  相似文献   

阐述了电子口岸的基本概念。介绍了于Web Services的架构及其实现的核心技术和基于Web Services的电子口岸框架。提出了基于Web Services的电子口岸体系结构,可以整合口岸环境中各实体的异构系统,使之协同工作,解决口岸实体间信息孤岛问题。  相似文献   

Container ports provide the primary interface where physical exchange between buyers and sellers of containerised shipping capacity can be consolidated and realised. Consequently, ports that are able to complement and add value to the objectives of shipping lines and shippers will become focal points for containerised cargo flows. To evaluate container port competition, the authors propose a practical and direct approach based on revealed preferences of shipping lines with respect to container shipping service dynamics. The container shipping networks are generated as carriers formulate their service schedules to capitalise on opportunities that are presented by evolving container trade patterns along trade routes and relative changes in the competitive profile of the ports of call. Empirical results showed that this approach offers a deeper understanding on the workings and evolution of competitive dynamics between ports, which may not be obvious from observations of port performance at the aggregated level. Benefits of the approach also include raising awareness that policy makers should be aware of the need to understand the nature, extensity and intensity of competitive relationships between ports as they craft and implement policies to correct for the actual or perceived market failures in the industry.  相似文献   

丁超 《中国水运》2007,5(11):128-129
结合辽宁海事局以业务需求为核心的数据交换平台建设,为实现目前业务急需的VTS系统与船舶动态管理系统之间的数据交换及共享,实现船舶动态跟踪管理,本文首先分析了数据交换平台的总体结构,然后从数据交换策略、交换流程启动方式、数据抽取方式和交换数据分类等方面,结合VTS系统与船舶动态管理系统的现状,分析数据交换平台建设方案的可行性,为下一步工程的实施作好了理论上的准备。  相似文献   

美国西海岸港口集装箱运输发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国西海岸港口承担了美国一半以上的集装箱运输量,其中大部分是美国与亚洲国家之间的贸易货物海运量,对我国等亚洲国家与美国间的国际贸易和集装箱海运有极其重要的影响。本文根据相关数据,分析美国西海岸港口集装箱运输的发展状况。  相似文献   

There have been many efforts to develop a logistics information system in the Korean logistics industry. In spite of these efforts, there are many points which need improvement in the Logistics Information System, of which function is the electronic data communication without added value. This paper aims to describe some of the main problems and the successful factors which are being found in the evolution of the present EDI systems for clearing import/export container cargoes, with special reference to Singapore, Korea, and Japan. Following this, leaving legal issues aside, to suggest workable guidelines for designing a new efficient EDI system for container cargo logistics. As a result of the review, the following successful factors are drawn: (a) the planning, requirement analysis and design of EDI are critical, as it provides a framework for its implementation; (b) as the data of customs clearance are an integral part of a logistics EDI system, the inclusion of customs in the system design is essential; (c) the sharing system of cargo data as the framework of the logistics EDI is efficient for data interchange; (d) the EDI software for the user has been developed and provided by an EDI network operating company; and (e) to facilitate communication between trading partners and the transport sector, it is necessary to adopt a global message standard, such as EDIFACT.  相似文献   

There have been many efforts to develop a logistics information system in the Korean logistics industry. In spite of these efforts, there are many points which need improvement in the Logistics Information System, of which function is the electronic data communication without added value. This paper aims to describe some of the main problems and the successful factors which are being found in the evolution of the present EDI systems for clearing import/export container cargoes, with special reference to Singapore, Korea, and Japan. Following this, leaving legal issues aside, to suggest workable guidelines for designing a new efficient EDI system for container cargo logistics. As a result of the review, the following successful factors are drawn: (a) the planning, requirement analysis and design of EDI are critical, as it provides a framework for its implementation; (b) as the data of customs clearance are an integral part of a logistics EDI system, the inclusion of customs in the system design is essential; (c) the sharing system of cargo data as the framework of the logistics EDI is efficient for data interchange; (d) the EDI software for the user has been developed and provided by an EDI network operating company; and (e) to facilitate communication between trading partners and the transport sector, it is necessary to adopt a global message standard, such as EDIFACT.  相似文献   

The concepts of intermodal logistics and distribution networks have made integration of the inland freight distribution system essential for an efficient container seaport system. Inland components, such as dry ports, which exist within the seaport system, have become important in shaping the performance and competitive strategies of container seaports. Owing to the importance of interdependence between dry ports and container seaports, this paper aims to investigate the impact of dry port operations on container seaport competitiveness. It conducted an empirical study in Malaysia through 120 online surveys to key stakeholders of dry ports, including freight forwarders, shippers, seaports, rail operator, shipping lines, and haulers. The data collected were analysed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results from EFA show that Malaysian dry port operations have impacts on seaport competitiveness. These include enhancing seaport performance, increasing service variations for seaports, improving seaport-hinterland proximity, increasing seaport trade volume, and enhancing seaport capacity.  相似文献   

文章提出港口信息化建设主要包括地理信息系统、管理信息系统和电子交换系统三方面的内容,给出了天津中心渔港综合信息服务平台规划框架和前期建设的4个系统的应用目标,以及综合信息服务平台的数据库结构与数据访问关系。从技术角度分析了企业综合信息管理系统、总体规划动态演示系统、综合管网信息管理系统、海籍地籍信息管理系统的功能特色。指出整体规划、分步实施的原则,同时指出数据共享、数据安全保障是港口信息规划建设需要注意的首要问题。  相似文献   

AIS基站控制软件系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前船舶自动识别系统基站网络的发展趋势,提出基站控制软件系统的概念,设计软件系统的信息流程,划分系统模块,并用程序逐一实现,做到了通过Internet对单个基站进行远程管理。本地客户端可以访问远程基站,浏览基站的信息,播发控制信息与服务信息。为以后在基站网络环境下开发管理与控制多个基站的软件系统奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Innovations in information technology, satellite navigation and hydrography are making it technically possible for commercial ships, run by very small crews, to be navigated in the world's seas and oceans with positional accuracies measured in tens of metres. If shipping lines do make the necessary investment in technological hardware, training, operational readjustments and data acquisition, and are also allowed to exploit the full potential of GPS, it will not be surprising if they then expect the ports to provide levels of information that allow the ships to exploit their new capabilities right up to the berth. Ports wishing to hold or improve their perceived service quality in the competitive port league will need to consider whether, and how, they can meet the shipping lines' requirements.

The introduction of strict product liability law adds a new dimension to the assessment of commercial risk in the various technological possibilities available to the ports. The possible costs involved in cases where third party data processors, software producers and electronic chart hardware manufacturers all stand between the port's data output and the user's perception and use of it, in a completely ephemeral form on a screen, need to be considered carefully. Simpler forms of data transmission, such as via traffic advice broadcast or by pilots in person may be seen as the more prudent choice in the five to ten year horizon.  相似文献   

全球海运的发展催生出以转运货物形式服务于周边区域和远洋运输的中转港,它们在全球贸易及运输体系中占据重要地位,形成了明显的特征格局。在中转港形成因素及分类研究的基础上,总结全球范围中转港发展格局和发展特征,探讨不同区域中转港的发展趋势。结果表明,当前全球航运格局重心在亚太地区,国际中转港主要分布在远东-西欧-北美主航线,而扼守关键区位则容易催生出中转大港。同时,未来各区域的中转港发展将随着经济全球化与国际贸易的深入发展而变动,并受船舶大型化、服务软环境等显著影响。  相似文献   

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