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从地方海事核心价值观的定义、核心价值观与地方海事精神的关系、地方海事核心价值观的基本功能、地方海事核心价值观的表述形式等四个方面进行了探讨。地方海事的核心价值是海事领域意识形态的本质体现,是全体地方海事人员团结奋斗的共同思想基础,坚持地方海事的核心价值,要求地方海事全体海事人员认真贯彻执行党的思想和路线,用中国特  相似文献   

明天 《中国海事》2010,(1):71-72
海事核心价值观大讨论是针对不断变化的水运交通形势,对海事监管的系统性和全面性进行内部梳理的一次有益尝试。在广泛征集海事核心价值观理念的同时,也要注重核心价值观的科学性、有效性,只有经过仔细的论证、广泛地汲取建议,才能设立出符合当前形势并具有高度指导作用的核心价值观,才能更好地解决内外矛盾,实现和谐统一发展。  相似文献   

正海事精神是海事机构和人员存在的根基和灵魂,是在长期的工作积淀中形成的精粹思想,是海事生命力、创造力和凝聚力的集中体现,是海事事业不断向前发展的核心和灵魂。新时期的广东海事精神是广东海事人传承海洋文化、践行社会主义核心价值观的重要表现形式,它承载了广东海事人的职责使命和共同愿景。立足于改革开放  相似文献   

华志波  马金勇  李永攀 《中国海事》2009,(12):F0003-F0003
为深入推进海事核心价值观建设工作,部海事局决定在全国海事系统范围内开展海事核心价值观大讨论活动。《中国海事》杂志拟从2010年第1期起开辟“海事核心价值观”大讨论专栏,以搭建海事核心价值观大讨论活动的交流平台,供广大海事干部职工就海事核心价值观展开深入探讨,并推介海事核心价值观大讨论活动中涌现出的先进成果。  相似文献   

目前,海事事业正处于发展的关键时期,需要树立核心价值观,指引我们在对海事事业目标达成一致的基础上,共同肩负起崇高使命,认真履行好职责,不断促进海事事业和谐发展。作为一名普通的海事工作者,伴随海事一同走过了十年风雨历程,我对海事核心价值观的的理解可以用“忠诚、尊重、务实、奉献”来概括。  相似文献   

中国海事核心价值观是海事部门必须坚持、信奉的信条,是海事各项工作的;隹则和行为规范,是海事赖以存在和发展的共同思想基础。笔者认为其可以表述为:热爱祖国,忠于人民,恪守职责,卓越服务,献身海事。  相似文献   

海事文化建设是一项综合性、全方位的系统工程,其内容包括观念文化、和谐文化、形象文化、安全文化、素质文化等方面。因此,建设具有海事特色的文化,必须要以文化引导为手段,以形象塑造为突破口,坚持以人为本,注重机制创新与有效管理相结合,内强素质,外塑形象,层次推进,逐步升华。只有这样,海事文化建设才能沿着健康的轨道发展,发挥其综合效应。提炼海事精神,加强海事观念文化建设海事价值观是海事文化的核心,是海事人共同行为的准则和行为规范,直接影响海事的根本信念和发展方向。要  相似文献   

王方 《中国海事》2010,(3):71-71
构建海事核心价值观,在海事队伍中形成共同的价值取向和行为准则,在价值取向由单一逐渐发展到多元的大环境下,对于统一海事队伍内部思想、形成积极向上的价值取向具有重大意义。  相似文献   

正新时期广东海事精神是广东海事自觉践行社会主义核心价值观的重要载体,是中国海事核心价值体系的广东篇章,是广东海事文化体系的核心要义,是广东海事监管服务意识形态的凝练升华,是7500多名干部职工共同的内心态度、思想境界和理想追求。在这样的理解上,我们要挖掘广东海事传统精神的富矿,立足广东海事新时期发展的实际,从我局"精敬"文化激发干  相似文献   

结合我国海事管理机构的职责和行业特点,参照社会、军队和国内外著名企业以及国外一些海事机构的核心价值观,我国海事核心价值观可表述为:忠诚、责任、廉洁、高效、创新、追求卓越。  相似文献   

FOB、CIF、CFR与FCA、CIP、CPT价格术语应用与案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李燕 《集装箱化》2002,(9):X016-X017,X006
FOB、CIF、CFR与FCA、CIP、CPT价格术语在运输方式、风险转移点、提单签发人、时间、地点、性质及运费计收、保险区段、运输合同订立等方面存在差异,国际商会自上世纪20年代起即不断对有关价格术语进行研究和解释.但由于国际贸易、运输的发展,人们对新、老价格术语中买卖双方的风险转移、责任、费用的划分时常难以理解.本文中作者试通过案例分析说明之.  相似文献   


Marine and coastal zone policy represents a collaboration of people managing and people managed. This paper takes a holistic stance in suggesting that marine communities are viewed properly as networks of focused interest groups, policymakers, professionals, and publics. The interplay between culture and marine and coastal policy is appropriately one topic of applied social research. Seven ethnographic studies in this domain are introduced in this theme issue and help us to understand sociocultural processes and institutions bearing on marine affairs.  相似文献   

Congress has not been able to pass comprehensive oceans policy legislation in recent years. Nonetheless, significant individual oceans policy measures have been enacted. These are reviewed in the article. A Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress has been established to recommend reforms in how Congress conducts its business, including proposals for committee restructuring. These proposals could affect how Congress examines oceans policy issues, but it is unlikely that these reforms will make it easier to pass comprehensive oceans policy legislation. For this to happen, well‐organized constituencies have to demonstrate support for this legislation, which has not happened to date.  相似文献   

王孟霞 《中国船检》2006,(10):26-29
工业界的压力主要来自政治记者:当今,政府对环境保护的要求越来越高,有所谓“零容忍度”的环境要求之说。在此情形之下,油轮承受的压力最大。ICS一项重要的工作是制订综合性的政策。在政策制订方面,ICS将作何考虑?Horrocks:我们面临的挑战是“灾难”。1978年的英国溢油事件,199  相似文献   

崔连德 《中国船检》2006,(11):20-25
在世界经济加速全球化的背景下,港口如何应对船舶日益大型化发展态势?吞吐量日益攀升,如何保持港区道路畅通有序?面对恐怖主义威胁,作为物流前沿阵地的港口在保安问题上有何良策?在环保日益受到重视的今天,港口又将担当何种角色?2006年10月25日,一年一度的“大厦组织”会议开幕。来自美国长滩港、纽约/新泽西港、荷兰鹿特丹港、新加坡港以及中国上海港等世界五大港的港务局局长、总裁或首席执行官齐聚上海,就当今世界港口发展最前沿的问题展开对话。  相似文献   

Containerization, inter-port competition, and port selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the criteria shippers employ in the port selection process. By focusing on the containerized traffic between the North American Mid-West and Western Europe, the factors considered by exporters and freight forwarders are examined. The findings suggest that decision-makers are influenced more by price and service considerations of land and ocean carriers than by perceived differences in the ports of entry and exit. Port infrastructures do not appear to play an important role in the routeing decisions made by an important group of independent businesses involved in the North Atlantic container trade.  相似文献   

This paper starts with a discussion on typical vehicles. The concepts and the usual practice for rail wagon design, both freight and passengers are presented. A discussion on rail and the environment comes next followed by Truck-Trains. Accident theories, metaphors and investigation methods are widely discussed; Hazard – Barrier – Target Model, Swiss Cheese Model, Bow-Tie Model, Fault Tree Analysis and Event Tree Analysis are explained. This paper concludes with a technical discussion on safety and security of rail vehicles, standards for safety and measures against terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

Surface seawater samples were taken in the framework of the GEOTRACES program on “POLARSTERN” expedition ANT XXIII/1 in the Eastern Atlantic in 2005 to study the distribution of the trace elements Hg (mercury), Pb (lead), Cd (cadmium), Cu (copper), Ni (nickel), Zn (zinc), Co (cobalt), Mn (manganese), Fe (iron), and Al (aluminium). With the exception of Hg, results were compared to earlier datasets from 1989 to 1990. The particulate fraction averaged over the transect was calculated to be 49% for Cd, 23% for Mn and 50% for Fe indicating a release of these TEI's (trace elements and their isotopes) from a leachable SPM fraction in the stored and acidified samples.Total Pb concentrations ranged between 5 and 20 pmol kg? 1 in 2005 with highest values in the ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone). In 1989 Pb concentrations were twice as high in the region of the ITCZ, while by a factor of 10–15 higher values were obtained in the North Atlantic.Total Cd and Co are dominated, by different seasonal upwelling regimes (Equatorial upwelling, Guinea Dome, Angola Dome).Total Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and Al show nearly identical concentrations in 1990 and 2005. For total manganese and aluminium strong maxima (3–4 nmol kg? 1 and 55 nmol kg? 1 respectively) are observed between 23°N and 0°, while the Fe maximum (6–9 nmol kg? 1) is located at 7°N. Total Hg concentrations ranged between 0.5 and 4.5 pmol kg? 1.  相似文献   

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