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中型溢油应急回收船在海事系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈军民 《江苏船舶》2010,27(3):37-39
随着我国海洋经济的迅猛发展,海上船舶活动密度迅速增加。船舶发生污染事故的风险也随之增加。文中通过对我国目前的船舶溢油状况以及溢油应急回收力量的分析,就海事系统建造中型溢油应急回收船进行了探讨。  相似文献   

船舶数量的增多和船舶大型化,使海上因船舶交通事故引发的船舶溢油风险概率大增。一直以来。由于我国对船舶溢油应急处置能力建设的滞后,有效应对海上溢油尤其是突发性重大溢油事故的能力还很弱,因此,尽快提高溢油应急处置能力具有重大的现实意义。文中从提高对船舶溢油应急处置能力重要性的认识出发。科学分析了造成应急处置能力低的根源,并从落实科学发展观的角度,具体提出了有效提高海上溢油应急处置能力的方法和途径。  相似文献   

油船一旦发生海损事故,容易引发海上溢油事故,后果严重.为提高油船运输的安全性,以渤海海域为研究背景,建立了开阔海域油船溢油的仿真计算模型;根据国家行业标准及挪威船级社的风险评估软件Neptune计算了溢油扩展情况,预测了溢油后火灾的点燃概率及损害范围,得出船舶溢油程度与火灾后果的关系.  相似文献   

正近年来,随着航运经济迅速发展,全国各港口散装油类和危险品运输吞吐量日益增长,发生重大突发性污染事故的风险加剧。加强水上污染事故应急能力建设,已经成为海事系统一项十分紧迫的任务。与时俱进应急体系日趋完善没有规矩,不成方圆。为加强船舶溢油事故应急管理,增强应急反应和救援能力,建立海上船舶溢油应急反应体系势在必行。2000年4月1日,原交通部和国家环保局共同颁布了《中国海上船舶溢油应急计划》和北方海  相似文献   

为找出海上溢油事故的主要原因,采用鱼骨图分析法从船舶碰撞事故、船舶非法排放含油污水、海上石油设施事故、海上石油作业事故、海上原油运输事故、海况异常等6方面分析海上溢油事故发生的原因,得出人为因素是导致事故发生的主要原因的结论,提出预防事故发生的对策:完善海洋环境管理体制;从控制污染源着手,减少溢油事故的发生;加强溢油应急设施设备的研发;健全港口环境监视系统;加强海洋环保宣传教育工作。  相似文献   

随着海上船舶溢油事故危害越来越严重,基于数字化的海上溢油应急反应决策方法越来越受到人们的重视。但是,目前的研究局限性较大,缺少对应急计划及应急资源调运的研究。本文将运用GIS技术和红外技术,以应急资源调运为研究对象,充分研究一种海上船舶溢油应急决策支持系统,旨在减少溢油事故产生的损失。  相似文献   

张博洋  赵旭 《中国航海》2023,(3):118-125
针对远海海域发生的重大溢油事故,应急船舶多次往返供需点会造成大量时间浪费,故引入海上临时物资供应站的概念。通过较大规模的运输船,在海上建立可供应急船舶调取物资的点位来节省整体处理时间。建立双层规划模型,上层基于溢油量和溢油位置,通过K-Means聚类方法动态选取临时物资供应站位置,下层使用遗传算法解决多物资调度问题。结果表明,在面对远海超大型溢油事故时,引入临时物资供应站,能极大缩短溢油应急调度的时间。  相似文献   

随着我国内河航运的快速发展,内河水域的船舶流量正逐年增加,危险品和化学品的运输规模不断扩大,造成内河船舶污染事故风险呈现显著上升趋势,船舶溢油事故时常发生,这些变化对内河水域的环境保护带来了严重威胁。同时,国民环保意识的增强和国家环保要求的提高,内河船舶溢油应急能力己经不能满足应急反应和环境保护的需要,特别是内河船舶溢油控制技术设备建设明显滞后。针对上述问题,本文分析了目前内河船舶溢油的特点和面临的形势与压力,提出了内河船舶溢油应急反应技术装备建设设想,希望通过促进内河溢油应急设备建设的发展来提高内河溢油控制能力。  相似文献   

赵远哲  李鑫 《中国海事》2011,(11):63-63
10月10日,由福建省海上搜救中心主办,泉州市海上搜救中心承办,厦门市海上搜救中心和莆田市海上搜救中心协办,以"防治船舶污染保护海洋环境"为主题的"福建2011海上溢油应急演习"在湄洲湾成功举行。此次是福建省有史以来举办的最大规模的一次海上溢油应急演习。演习模拟一艘万吨级油船出港时与进港  相似文献   

随着石油水上运输量的增加,海上不断发生船舶溢油事故.据统计,1976~1999年,中国沿海共发生大小船舶溢油事故2353起,平均每3.5d发生在一起.其中,溢油量在的50t以上的重大溢油事故53起,总溢油量29754t,海上溢油是造成海洋环境污染与生态损害的主要因素之一.  相似文献   

船舶碰撞缓冲型球鼻艏概念探讨--球鼻曲率对碰撞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶碰撞事故中,被撞油船船侧的破裂会引起严重的海洋污染,故油船双层船壳设计成为防止被撞油船破损的有效措施。但随着海上运输船舶的数目及尺度的日益增大,双层船壳已不能满足防止船侧破损的要求。本文提出了缓冲型球算般的构思。在船舶相撞的过程中,球鼻艏曲率的尖锐程度影响被撞船船侧的损伤程度,故提出并讨论了表征球鼻艏碰撞特性的标志性参数。通过对不同曲率的球鼻艏一系列的碴撞数值仿真计算,详细描述了外形曲率对球鼻艏的变形形态、碰撞力、碰撞力密度及能量吸收的影响,指出船舶采用钝形的球鼻艏能有效减小碰撞时的穿透损伤。  相似文献   

船舶溢油事故污染的行政治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施欣 《中国航海》2006,(2):86-90
在早期的船舶溢油事故污染研究中,对纯技术的研究远远优先于行政组织管理方面的研究。为此,围绕船舶溢油事故污染行政治理,通过实证分析和规范分析,对行政治理的基本内涵、职能、组织架构和应急计划制定等进行了探讨。研究表明:世界各国虽然对船舶溢油事故污染行政治理予以了高度重视,但基本停留在应用实践层面,因此有必要结合实践,从理论角度予以规范化描述。同样,我国船舶溢油事故污染行政治理尚处于初始启动阶段,有必要加快规范化和合理化的进程。  相似文献   

Ship collision accidents are rare events but pose huge threat to human lives, assets, and the environment. Many researchers have sought for effective models that compute ship stochastic response during collisions by considering the variability of ship collision scenario parameters. However, the existing models were limited by the capability of the collision computational models and did not completely capture collision scenario, and material and geometric uncertainties. In this paper, a novel framework to performance characterisation of ships in collision involving a variety of striking ships is developed, by characterising the structural consequences with efficient response models. A double-hull oil carrier is chosen as the struck ship to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework. Response surface techniques are employed to generate the most probable input design sets which are used to sample an automated finite element tool to compute the chosen structural consequences. The resulting predictor-response relationships are fitted with suitable surrogate models to probabilistically characterise the struck ship damage under collisions. As demonstrated in this paper, such models are extremely useful to reduce the computational complexity in obtaining probabilistic design measures for ship structures. The proposed probabilistic approach is also combined with available collision frequency models from literature to demonstrate the risk tolerance computations.  相似文献   

Ship collision accidents are rare events but pose huge threat to human lives, assets, and the environment. Many researchers have sought for effective models that compute ship stochastic response during collisions by considering the variability of ship collision scenario parameters. However, the existing models were limited by the capability of the collision computational models and did not completely capture collision scenario, and material and geometric uncertainties. In this paper, a novel framework to performance characterisation of ships in collision involving a variety of striking ships is developed, by characterising the structural consequences with efficient response models. A double-hull oil carrier is chosen as the struck ship to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework. Response surface techniques are employed to generate the most probable input design sets which are used to sample an automated finite element tool to compute the chosen structural consequences. The resulting predictor-response relationships are fitted with suitable surrogate models to probabilistically characterise the struck ship damage under collisions. As demonstrated in this paper, such models are extremely useful to reduce the computational complexity in obtaining probabilistic design measures for ship structures. The proposed probabilistic approach is also combined with available collision frequency models from literature to demonstrate the risk tolerance computations.  相似文献   

This article presents detailed results of a comprehensive analysis of recorded accidents of large oil tankers (deadweight greater than 80 000 tonnes) occurring between 1978 and 2003. The analysis encompasses a thorough review of available raw accident data and their postprocessing in a way to produce appropriate statistics useful for the implementation of risk-based assessment methodologies. The processing of the captured data led to the identification of significant qualitative historical trends of tanker accidents and of quantitative characteristics of large tanker accidents, such as overall accident rates per ship-year. Data were also analyzed for all major accident categories separately, taking into account tanker ship size/type, the degree of accident severity, and the oil spill tonne rates per ship-year; this led to the identification of heavily polluted worldwide geographical areas as a result of large tanker accidents.  相似文献   

模糊综合评价法在船舶溢油事故定级中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高丹  寿建敏 《船舶》2007,(4):18-21
对船舶溢油事故定级很有必要.通过模糊数学的方法,建立船舶溢油事故定级的评判模型,为事故定级评判提供了依据.通过实例,给出了具体的评价过程,证明该方法对于船舶溢油事故定级有借鉴作用,但此方法尚处于研究阶段.  相似文献   

Having carried out investigations on ship collision accidents with bridges in waterway in China, a database of ship collision with bridge (SCB) is developed in this paper. It includes detailed information about more than 200 accidents near ship' s waterways in the last four decades, in which ships collided with the bridges. Based on the information a statistical analysis is presented tentatively. The increase in frequency of ship collision with bridges appears, and the accident quantity of the barge system is more than that of single ship. The main reason of all the factors for ship collision with bridge is the human errors, which takes up 70%. The quantity of the accidents happened during flooding period shows over 3 - 6 times compared with the period from March to June in a year. The probability follows the normal distribution according to statistical analysis. Visibility, span between piers also have an effect on the frequency of the accidents.  相似文献   

吴乃平 《中国海事》2009,(12):43-45
文中提出了内河船舶碰撞事故所具有的一些基本特性,列举了大量具体数据、实例,从事实上进行了详细的分析,并结合水上交通碰撞事故某些个性从管理的基本原理出发加以探析。只有关注和研究船舶碰撞事故特性,才能减少或避免碰撞事故的发生。  相似文献   

近年来,海上溢油事故时有发生,造成了严重的环境污染。卫星遥感监视系统能够对海面溢油进行有效监视,对船舶非法排污行为产生威慑作用。文中重点介绍了卫星遥感监视系统的由来和在海事执法中的应用,特别是2009年以来常规监视工作的开展,为海事执法提供了新的高科技手段。  相似文献   

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