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王成宝 《中国海事》2013,(10):74-75
法国里昂是一个港口城市,主要出口粮食、钢材鑫哥特式的建筑,沿街的雕塑,男士含蓄的气质,女郎优美的身姿,让人流连忘返。我轮满载运往西非的小麦,顺着塞纳河缓缓出港,不拘一格的山岭依河而立,犹如梵高油画,扑朔迷离,虽目不暇接,仍全神贯注,谨慎驾驶,安全航行。穿过船只密集的英吉利海峡、跨过波涛汹涌的比斯开湾后,风开云散,顺风南下,告别了文明的西欧,驶往非洲。  相似文献   

豪华邮轮设计流行趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈波 《中国船检》2011,(3):54-58,123
豪华邮轮一直是造船界顶尖级的高附加值类船舶,欧洲各国专业制造商凭借对其艺术的独特理解,设计的繁杂,技术的先进以及装饰的奢华一直独占鳌头。目前,豪华邮轮发展趋势有两种,一种是越来越向大型化方面发展,船上的餐饮及娱乐设施一应俱全,符合年轻家庭的度假需求。另一种是走奢华路线,船舶尺度中等,但船上设施豪华,空间大,服务更加人性化,满足高端人士需求。同时,豪华邮轮在注重安全性能的环境下,对环保的要求也越来越严格。  相似文献   

历时84天的西向环球航行 我以前做过杂货船的水手、三副、二副、大副和船长,后来又当过多用途货船和小型集装箱船的船长,最终成为一艘大型集装箱船的指挥者.比较典型的航程是多次参与一艘大型集装箱班轮历时84天的西向环球航行——从上海港出发,在上海港引航员引领下驶出长江口,开往东海;在中国香港、新加坡短暂停留后,穿越马六甲海峡,经印度洋、亚丁湾、红海,过苏伊士运河,一路挂靠热那亚、巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚,而后出直布罗陀海峡,跨越北大西洋,停靠纽约、萨瓦那、迈阿密,穿越巴拿马运河后,继续西行,旁经墨西哥海岸,停靠长滩、西雅图、温哥华,最终横渡北太平洋,经津轻海峡,入日本海,回到上海的母港.  相似文献   

周旻 《中国海事》2012,(10):73-76
1941年12月7日,日本偷袭了美国夏威夷珍珠港,被击中的"亚利桑纳"号战舰的大火燃烧了两天,舰上共有1177人丧生,占珍珠港死亡总人数的一半,其中945人随沉船长眠海底。至今,仍有舰内油舱不时冒出的油花,在海面上静静地散开,当地人说那是水手的眼泪。70年后,中国海事局的"海巡31"轮出访美国夏威夷,我以此为题,随笔3篇,以追念此行,献给为出访活动作出贡献的人们。  相似文献   

震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,热气腾腾的饺子,一家人欢聚一堂,在这个辞旧迎新的日子里,当千家万户都沉浸在团圆的喜悦中,却有这样一群交管人,他们远离团圆,在"塔"上坚守,为往来船舶指引前进的方向。一个不眠之夜当新年的钟声敲响的时候,整个城市的上空被焰火照亮了,一团团烟花像一柄柄巨大的花朵在夜空绽放,像一簇  相似文献   

企业要参与市场竞争,除了避免侵犯别人的知识产权,保护自己的知识产权外,还要注意知识产权的管理,防止自己的知识产权被盗用或者无意间流失.现代企业是处于知识经济发展的时代,从企业资产的形态上看,最重要的特征就是知识产权占企业资产总额的份额.对于以技术求发展的企业来说,在产品上市前,所创造的基本上就是知识产权.因此,对这些企业而言,应该从企业的管理层次着手,建立一套长期的技术管理机制,对知识产权进行有效的管理和保护,这将对企业的发展有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

树摇头,枝摆手,风拉袖,雨挽留,始终留不住岁月的匆匆脚步——羊年吉祥。子夜时分,聆听着新年的浑厚钟声,收到一条极富诗意的祝福短信,细细品读,不禁哑然失笑。随手翻阅2015年的新台历,不再年轻的心却也止不住地潮湿和澎湃起来。又是一年春来到——农历乙未羊年。在中华文化特有的十二生肖中,子鼠狡猾,丑牛勤劳,寅虎威猛,卯兔高洁,辰龙威严,巳蛇神秘,午马矫健,申猴调皮,酉鸡高傲,戌狗忠诚,  相似文献   

江南七月,池塘莲花盛开,街头不时飘来凤凰传奇的《荷塘月色》,仿佛是莲花的世界。而对我来说,淡淡的莲花香里弥漫着难以言状的伤感,母亲于7月16日逝去,走完了她人生90年的生命之路。母亲姓李,名若莲。她的一生,人如其名。母亲出身在川西一个地主家庭,是家中的幺女。她的姐夫是国民党的少将,哥哥是国民党县党部书记(亦是1975年我国最后一批特赦人员之一)。出身在这样的家庭里,衣食无  相似文献   

档案是党和国家的宝贵财富,做好档案保管工作,防止档案的损毁,延长档案的使用寿命,维护档案的完整与安全,是档案管理的工作重点.档案工作规范化、标准化是实现档案管理现代化的重要环节,因此,在搞好硬件建设的同时,要强化系统思维意识,树立文书处理工作规范化、标准化与档案工作规范化、标准化同行的工作指导思想,把好文件处理及归档立卷关,做好实现档案工作规范化、标准化的基础工作.  相似文献   

始于秦汉 广州,北依山地,南临南海,总体上形成了以山,城,田,海的自然与人文环境特征。北部山脉蜿蜒,峰峦叠翠,绵延不断,珠江及其众多的支流横穿整个城市,南部平原沃野,河道交错,阡陌纵横。广州,犹如一颗南海明珠,始终照亮着中国前行的路,那些历史中往来的人物,那些开新风气的创举,无一不被这座极具包容力的城市所记住,  相似文献   

Asia-Pacific countries with divergent economic and political backgrounds developed a regime of bilateral free trade agreements in response to globalization. Challenged by the 1997 and 2008 financial crises, this Asian trade regime has remained intact, although the most powerful stakeholders have changed positions, as indicated by the strong emergence of China in the past decade. Efforts of key trading partners to tackle non-tariff barriers (e.g., rule of origin and customs formalities) in the region have yielded little progress thus far. Instead of aiming at a regional consensus on non-tariff barriers by all member states, a global supply chain (GSC) approach is recommended. Mature hub ports at strategic locations with advanced institutional measures could set up international trade facilitation centers co-locating multinational customs formalities. This GSC approach may also be adopted to construct a GSC hub development model that explains the transformation of hub ports.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marine Systems》2005,53(1-4):143-167
Six years of high-resolution hydrographic data from the eastern and northwestern sides of South Georgia (southwest Atlantic) are used to study the changing circulation and water mass properties of the region. One year of data from these locations was used previously to describe the oceanographic conditions at those times; using the much greater volume of data now available, we identify which features appear temporally robust and which are transient, and begin addressing topics relating to the forcing of the inter-annual variability and the potential consequences for the local ecosystem. Waters on the shelf and those over the adjacent deep ocean invariably have different hydrographic properties, though the transition between them can be abrupt or gradual. The onshelf/offshelf differences vary greatly from year to year, due to the combined influences of local and remote processes. There are several instances of strong physical coupling between the eastern and northwestern sides of South Georgia; this offers potential for distinguishing physically-induced ecosystems changes separately from biologically-induced ecosystems changes. On the northeast side of the shelf, close to Cumberland Bay, there is evidence of an often intense, but variable, cyclonic circulation that is the result of interaction with the local bathymetry. This may act as a retention mechanism, and enhance local productivity. Two examples of extreme cold anomalies are present in the series of measurements. One of these (in 2000/2001) affected a limited area at the eastern side of the region surveyed and was due to an intrusion of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front. The other (in early 1998) was due to the combined effects of the passage of a large-scale ocean anomaly that had its origins upstream in the Pacific Ocean, and strong air/sea interaction. Both of these were associated with the strong 1997/1998 El Niño event. Whilst previous studies have observed a link between El Niño forcing and ocean response around South Georgia with a temporal lag of around 3 years, we observe a much more rapid response to the extremely strong 1997/1998 El Niño event. This indicates that the ocean and ecosystem around South Georgia are more immediately susceptible to extreme instances of remote climatic forcing than had been supposed.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of sound scattering layers were observed using bottom deployed acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCP) during early spring of 1996 and autumn of 1997 in the Gullmarsfjord on the Swedish west coast. Variations in relative backscatter were interpreted in relation to horizontal water velocities, oxygen saturation as well as differences in the light, salinity and temperature regimes. Net catches revealed that much of the backscatter below 20-m depth was associated with the presence of krill, principally Meganyctiphanes norvegica.Horizontal currents seemed to influence the migration and distribution of krill, which showed weak vertical migration patterns with low abundance during periods of strong intermediate in- and outflows, while during periods with weaker currents, a more regular diel migration occurred. Horizontal water velocities >5 cm s−1 seemed to have the potential to decrease the peak in the backscatter profile. Mean vertical migration rates of krill was 1 cm s−1, while maximum vertical migration rates were estimated to be 2.5–3 cm s−1. The range of the vertical migration was different in 1997 due to severe oxygen deficiency in the bottom water, which prevented the krill from descending >80 m. The commencement of vertical migration correlated closely to the seasonal light conditions. The descent was immediately triggered by sunrise, while ascent occurred with a delay of about 1 h at sunset.  相似文献   

We present hydrographic data for several sections located along the African coastline and off Cape Ghir, carried out at times of weak surface winds (October 1995 and September 1997). The main sections are near the continental slope, at mean distances between 100 and 150 km from the coastline. North of Cape Ghir (31°N) the geostrophic transport (referenced to 650 m) of North Atlantic Central Water through these sections is 3.7 and 2.0 Sv for 1995 and 1997, respectively. This confirms that a major fraction of the water transport by the Canary Current flows east, into the continental slope off northwest Africa, at latitudes above Cape Ghir. Most of this flow continues south past Cape Ghir, along the coast and probably through the eastern passages of the Canary Archipelago. A significant fraction, however, may escape through surface Ekman transport (0.3–0.5 Sv during the early fall season) and by offshore flow at Cape Ghir (1.1 Sv in September 1997, referenced to 650 m). Despite the weak winds the Cape Ghir filament was clearly visible, characterized by localized coastal upwelling associated to a cyclonic shallow structure and cold (and fresh) waters stretching offshore as a very shallow feature (50–100 m deep). The satellite images show that the surface temperature field is highly variable, in rapid response to the surface winds, always with a core region of relatively cold water and commonly with one or two associated eddies. Our results support the existence of two recirculation cells in the area: a horizontal one that connects the interior eastern boundary currents with the coastal region and a vertical one related to both wind-induced and filament upwelling. The data also show a salinity subsurface maximum at the root of the filament, linked to water inflow from northern latitudes, and a subsurface anticyclonic eddy over the Agadir canyon, likely related to the poleward slope undercurrent.  相似文献   

Particle flux data were obtained from one instrumented array moored under the direct influence of the Almeria-Oran Front (AOF) in the Eastern Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean Sea, within the frame of the “Mediterranean Targeted Project II-MAss Transfer and Ecosystem Response” (MTPII-MATER) EU-funded research project. The mooring line was deployed from July 1997 to May 1998, and was equipped with three sequential sampling sediment trap-current meter pairs at 645, 1170 and 2210 m (30 m above the seafloor). The settling material was analysed to obtain total mass, organic carbon, opal, calcium carbonate and lithogenic fluxes. Qualitative analyses of SST and SeaWiFS images allowed monitoring the location and development of the Western and Eastern Alboran Sea gyres and associated frontal systems to determine their influence on particle fluxes.Particle flux time series obtained at the three depths showed a downward decrease of the time-weighed total mass flux annual means, thus illustrating the role of pelagic particle settling. The total mass flux was dominated by the lithogenic fraction followed by calcium carbonate, opal and organic carbon. The time series at the various depths were rather similar, with two strong synchronous biogenic peaks (up to 98 mg m−2 day−1 of organic carbon and 156 mg m−2 day−1 of opal) recorded in July 1997 and May 1998. Through comparing the fluctuations of the lithogenic and calcium carbonate-rich fluxes with the biogenic flux, we observed that the non-biogenic fluxes remained roughly constant, while the biogenic flux responded strongly to seasonal variations throughout the water column.Overall, the temporal variability of particle fluxes appeared to be linked to the evolution of several tens of kilometres in length sea surface hydrological structures and circulation of the Alboran Sea. Periodic southeastward advective displacements of waters from upwelling events off the southern Spanish coast were observed on SST and SeaWiFS images. In between these periods, widespread phytoplankton blooms were observed. The influence of the varying surface structures resulted in changes in the biogenic particle flux. For example, we observed an opal pulse in April 1998 that resulted from a diatom-rich highly productive frontal surface situation above the mooring line.Estimation of the annual organic carbon export and calculation of a seasonality index indicate that the overall dynamics of the carbon reservoir within the Eastern Alboran Sea appears to be strongly influenced by the sea surface hydrological structures.  相似文献   

随着1997年的香港回归,香港与中国内地间的航线变成了一条国内航线。然而,在“一国两制”的国策下,这一特别的航运市场将发生怎样的变化?本文针对这一问题,通过对香港与内地间水上运输的影响因素的分析,并采用计量经济学模型,对1997—2000年两地间的航运量变化进行了相关分析及预测,并对海峡两岸直航等因素对香港内地间的航运冲击进行了定量研究。  相似文献   

We investigated meroplankton (planktonic larvae of benthic organisms) abundance and distribution in the Northeast Water (NEW) Polynya, located on the northeast coast of Greenland, from July 15 to August 15, 1992. Meroplankton was present at all sites visited (0.03–84.83 individuals per m3); at one station meroplankton comprised 8.28% of total zooplankton. Total meroplankton abundance was correlated with total zooplankton abundance and total benthic infaunal abundance but was not correlated with either microscopic carbon concentration or primary productivity. Examination of distribution data for barnacle nauplii and adults indicated that both adults and larvae were concentrated at the same locations. Patterns of distribution were also examined for stelleroid plutei, polychaete larvae and trochophores. There were distinct geographic patterns in total and class-specific meroplankton distributions, with maximal abundances occurring over the Belgica Bank and in the eastern regions of the Westwind Trough and minimal abundances in the Belgica Trough. The apparent control of meroplankton distribution by the hydrography of the region, coupled with the correlation between meroplankton, zooplankton and adult infaunal abundance, reinforces the hypothesis that hydrography plays a major role in controlling the distribution of biota in the NEW polynya (Ambrose and Renaud, 1995; Ashjian et al., 1995, 1997-this volume; Smith et al., 1995; Piepenburg et al., 1997-this volume).  相似文献   

在总体规划及前期工作基础上,针对防波堤口门处流速较大以及港内存在环流等问题,参考以往经验采取针对性措施,优化防波堤口门布置。通过数学以及物理模型试验进行验证,以减小口门流速,以及由口门较强流速产生的港内较强回流对船舶进出的影响。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to verify possible spatial, seasonal, and inter-annual changes in the zooplankton off Paita (northern Peru), an upwelling area located closely to the limits of cold Humboldt Current and warm Equatorial Surface Waters. Zooplankton was sampled at subsurface on 53 occasions from August 1994 to December 2004 at four stations located 2 to 30 km offshore with a WP-2 net (300 µm). Extremely high surface water temperatures combined with low salinities were observed during the 1997/98 El Niño up to 29.0 °C) and in April 2002 (up to 25.0 °C). Temperatures more than 2 °C above monthly average were also observed in October 1994, in April 2000, and in November 2004. Significant trends were observed for oxygen concentration (increase) and several horizontal and vertical gradients. Among the copepods (72% of all individuals), the most abundant species were Paracalanus parvus (28%), Acartia tonsa (26%), and Calanus sp. (10%). The strong 1997–98 El Niño (EN) event led to drastic changes in species composition that were reversed during the 1998–99 La Niña (LN) event. Community parameters such as total abundance, diversity, equitability and species richness displayed marked variations associated with the 1997–98 EN and long-term trends. Long-term trends were significant for several vertical and horizontal temperature and oxygen gradients, indicating an increase in upwelling intensity at the shelf during the study period. 10-year-trends were also significant for total zooplankton abundance (increase) and community evenness (J, decline). Our data confirmed the importance of the weak EN in 2002/03 for the study region. Within the trend of increasing zooplankton abundance, a sharp step or shift was observed from 1999 to 2000. When using sequential t-tests to detect shifts in (x + 1) transformed abundance data, a significant rupture was found between the last sampling in 1999 and the first sampling in 2000. Also, a substantial decrease in diel variability occurred after 1999, probably due to changes in vertical migration patterns. The considerable increase in zooplankton abundance over the study period, the ENSO effect, and the 1999–2000 transition are discussed with regard to synchronicity with other zooplankton time series. The present study contributes with the first evidence from an important area located in the Humboldt Current for synchronous trends and changes that were previously observed elsewhere in the Pacific. Our results demonstrated the importance of long-term zooplankton monitoring studies in upwelling areas, and confirms the idea of dramatic changes in pelagic ecosystem structure occurring in the East Pacific.  相似文献   

1996年7、8月间和1997年6、7月间,杭州大学韩国研究所与韩国有关方面组织了两次中韩跨海竹筏漂流探险,以验证中国江南与韩国的海上交往到底始于何时。1996年的竹筏漂流遇台风未达预定目的,但考察了一千年前韩国张保皋的海上古道。1997年的竹筏漂流获得成功,从中国浙江舟山胜利到达韩国仁川,从而证明中国江南与韩国的海上交往应该始于四千年前。  相似文献   

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