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从有效应对和处置海上溢油事故的目的出发,深入研究海上溢油的危害,提出对于船舶溢油处置这样一个由时间因素、空间因素、自然因素、船舶因素、环境因素、人员因素等众多因素所构成的多维复杂过程,应利用现代信息技术提高科学决策水平,构建综合溢油应急辅助决策平台,对各种应急资源和应急力量进行科学调度和协调指挥,实现溢油应急决策的科学化、系统化和智能化。最后,论述溢油应急辅助决策平台应具备的主要功能。  相似文献   

60年,神州风物沧海桑田;60年,国人风貌焕然一新;60年,溢油应急建设从无到有。中国海事局及沿海各省市地方政府,以科学发展观和国家有关环境保护工作方针为指导,在应急预案的颁布实施、组织管理机构的建立、溢油监视监测体系的建立、应急队伍和力量的建设、培训和演练工作的开展等方面全面加强了我国船舶溢油应急管理体系建设,有力地提高了我国船舶重大污染事故应急处置能力。溢油应急建设作为海事工作的重要一环,在60年的探索与实践中,于蔚蓝的大海上毅然铸就了一道亮丽的海上长城……  相似文献   

部际联席会议五项工作制度颁布海上搜救和溢油应急处置迈向“五化” 近日,国家海上搜救部际联席会议和国家重大海上溢油应急处置部际联席会议召集人、交通运输部部长杨传堂签发《国家海上搜救和重大海上溢油应急处置部际联席会议工作制度》等五项工作制度.  相似文献   

《国家重大海上溢油应急处置预案》课题研究报告通过专家评审 9月12日,交通运输部海事局在北京组织召开《国家重大海上溢油应急处置预案》课题专家评审会,中国海上溢油应急中心、交通运输部规划研究院等单位代表和来自环境保护部、中海石油环保公司等单位的专家审阅了课题研究报告及预案送审稿。专家组认为课题报告内容全面,研究成果达到了科研项目要求,对于进一步加强和提升我国重大海上溢油应急水平意义重大,将是我国完善重大海上溢油应急处置决策科学化、指挥专业化、资源利用最大化和应急操作规范化的重要支撑。  相似文献   

<正>2月12日,中国海上搜救和重大海上溢油应急处置新闻发布会在交通运输部召开。中国海上搜救中心副主任智广路在发布会上通报了2014年度中国海上搜救和重大海上溢油应急处置工作情况,并简要介绍了2015年各项重点工作。2014年,我国共组织协调海上搜救行动2014次,共协调飞机297架次、各类船艇7 477艘次,在我国搜救责任区成功搜救1484艘船舶、15387名  相似文献   

陈万里 《水运管理》2010,32(1):37-39
为提高船舶溢油应急处置成效,基于领域专家知识经验对提高船舶溢油应急处置成效重要性的认识,依托调查问卷技术,分析设计开发船舶溢油应急处置知识获取系统的具体步骤,并得出结论:该系统能够比较有效地获取领域专家的知识经验。  相似文献   

溢油回收、油水分离和储运是海上重大溢油应急处置的重要环节。以该环节为基础,分析典型收油技术和油水分离技术的性能特点,研究作业环境对溢油回收的影响。结果表明:下行带式收油机具有更好的抗风浪能力、更高的回收效率及彻底性效率,更加适用于海上溢油的回收;具有高精度、广普性、广幅性和大通量等特点的溢油阻截分离与回收系统能更适应容量大、含水量高的海上溢油。基于此,提出海上重大溢油回收、油水分离与储运集成工艺,可有效提高溢油处置的快速性和高效性。  相似文献   

随着21世纪海上丝绸之路建设推进和国家海洋强国战略的实施,我国航运业和各类涉海用海活动蓬勃发展,海上应急保障国家战略、服务民生发展的任务将更加艰巨,应对处置各类海上突发事件的复杂性、艰巨性日益凸显。基于STAMP模型建立海上船舶通航安全控制结构,并解析"桑吉"轮碰撞燃爆事故致因,对应急处置进行分析,对该事故处置过程中的焦点问题、关键环节进行剖析,并在此基础上提出加强我国海上搜救和海上重大溢油应急处置能力建设的设想。  相似文献   

文章以某沿海海上风电场施工作业为研究背景,以海上施工船舶溢油应急的处置方法为研究课题的方向,在简要的阐述了工程概况后,提出从防碰撞、防走锚、保证通讯、加强消防、加强船舶管理和限制油污等几方面加强预防,防止溢油事件发生,并列举了相应的应急处置措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

我国水上船舶溢油应急能力现状及建设规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中根据“我国沿海与长江干线船舶溢油应急处置能力建设”调研情况,对我国目前的水上船舶溢油应急能力现状进行了总结。对我国当前面临的水上污染形势,以及船舶溢油应急领域存在的问题进行了分析,就海事系统落实《国家水上交通安全和救助系统布局规划》进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来油船的数量和吨位越来越大,油船进出港口次数日渐增加,船舶发生海损事故的几率也随之增加。由于船舶碰撞等海难事故而发生的溢油,也成为海域污染的主要污染源之一。目前我国的海上溢油应急防治能力还是较低的,与国际上相关先进成果相比,理论和实用性方面均有一定差距,提高海上溢油应急反应能力刻不容缓。  相似文献   

海上溢油应急能力评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴田  黄志 《中国航海》2011,34(4):98-103
针对目前我国海上溢油应急能力评估现状,借鉴国内外其他领域应急能力评估模式的先进经验,建立了包含5个一级指标,20个二级指标的海上溢油应急能力评估指标体系.运用改进的层次分析法得出不同层次指标的权重,并结合某海区溢油应急能力现状评分,得到该海区海上溢油应急能力等级.研究表明,该评价指标体系合理、实用,可为海上溢油应急能力...  相似文献   

苏醒  高春元 《中国海事》2008,(12):41-44
文章针对我国港口溢油应急能力及其建设中存在的问题,提出港口溢油应急能力标准化建设的思路,从应急设备配备的技术标准和执行标准两方面全面阐述了标准化建设的内涵,并为具体的建设和营运构建了切实可行的运作模式,力求切实提高国内港口溢油应急处置能力。  相似文献   

Oil spill risk analysis of routeing heavy ship traffic in Norwegian waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Norwegian authorities have for a long time been concerned about the risk of oil spills outside the Norwegian coast. One of the key measures adopted has been to reduce the risk of ship accidents by imposing sailing routes for heavy ship traffic (over 5,000 gross tonnages) with high environmental risk potential farther away from part of the coast. This article is based upon two reports which conducted risk assessments of imposing such sailing routes outside the entire Norwegian coast. These routes were proposed by an expert group consisting of relevant stakeholders. Data of traffic pattern and number of sailing were collected for the year 2008 using the universal Automatic Identification System (AIS). The proposed route was compared with 2008 traffic pattern in regard to the accident frequencies and the expected oil spills per year. An accident and oil spilling simulation program called MARCS was used to simulate these results. After conducting a traffic forecast for the year 2025, the simulation was again run and the results compared with the year 2008. In total, the proposed route is expected to reduce oil spills by 590 t per year in 2008 and by 3670?t in 2025. The main reason for this substantial reduction is that the number of groundings is reduced because of the distance from the shore being increased. The reduction was particularly strong for tankers.  相似文献   

How to build up response capability dealing with major oil spills at sea has been an ongoing hot issue that draws high attention among experts and academia worldwide. In China, with the marine economy demonstrating continuous growth in recent years, this issue becomes even more urgent and draws closer attention than ever. In this paper, based on the significant issues revealed from current status of preparedness and response in China, probation is made into the core of these issues and four key elements are therefore pointed out and highlighted that basically constitute the response capability that should be given more attention and be efficiently implemented in the further improvement of response capability in China. Meanwhile the relationship between each element is also addressed and suggestions are provided as how to combine the four key elements so as to achieve the kind of integrated response capability that is adequate to deal with a major marine pollution accident.  相似文献   

The improved monitoring and modeling capability resulting from recent technological advances in oceanographic sensors, computer processing power, and telecommunications can play a major role in environmental preservation. In particular, this capability can help improve: safe navigation and thus the prevention of maritime accidents that lead to hazardous spills; the effective cleanup of hazardous spills when they do occur; the real-time assessment of water quality problems; the assessment of long-term trends and variability due to both anthropogenic and climate change effects; and the understanding of key physical, chemical, and ecological processes. Presented at the International Conference on Technologies for Marine Environment Preservation (MARIENV’95), Tokyo, Japan, September 24–29, 1995  相似文献   

文中依据客观故据资料,从决策支持,应急抢险,污染物的围控与清除,应急队伍等8个方面系统分析了宁波港船我化学品泄漏应急处置能力现状,指出了不足之处.并提出了加强船栽化学品泄漏应急处置能力建设的建议  相似文献   

The high frequency of maritime accidents and incidents occurring at sea has been a major challenge for the maritime industry in the last decades. The majority of these accidents are attributed to seafarers’ poor performance. This, despite the fact that the international maritime domain continues to adopt and update conventions regulating maritime safety to mitigate these accidents from occurring. In this paper, utilising a qualitative research approach, we show through a socio-cultural contextual perspective that time constraints as a major influencing factor in causing task deviations at sea which leads to dangerous situations. We analyse how some of the present barriers in place to prevent accidents at sea are in effect prompt seafarers who are working under time pressure to deviate from their task. Moreover, the paper discusses the social constituents such as job insecurity and the seafarers’ viewpoint towards the ship operators’ commitment to safe ship operations are crucial in motivating seafarers’ deviating from the task at hand when faced with time pressure.  相似文献   

Ship collision accidents are rare events but pose huge threat to human lives, assets, and the environment. Many researchers have sought for effective models that compute ship stochastic response during collisions by considering the variability of ship collision scenario parameters. However, the existing models were limited by the capability of the collision computational models and did not completely capture collision scenario, and material and geometric uncertainties. In this paper, a novel framework to performance characterisation of ships in collision involving a variety of striking ships is developed, by characterising the structural consequences with efficient response models. A double-hull oil carrier is chosen as the struck ship to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework. Response surface techniques are employed to generate the most probable input design sets which are used to sample an automated finite element tool to compute the chosen structural consequences. The resulting predictor-response relationships are fitted with suitable surrogate models to probabilistically characterise the struck ship damage under collisions. As demonstrated in this paper, such models are extremely useful to reduce the computational complexity in obtaining probabilistic design measures for ship structures. The proposed probabilistic approach is also combined with available collision frequency models from literature to demonstrate the risk tolerance computations.  相似文献   

Ship collision accidents are rare events but pose huge threat to human lives, assets, and the environment. Many researchers have sought for effective models that compute ship stochastic response during collisions by considering the variability of ship collision scenario parameters. However, the existing models were limited by the capability of the collision computational models and did not completely capture collision scenario, and material and geometric uncertainties. In this paper, a novel framework to performance characterisation of ships in collision involving a variety of striking ships is developed, by characterising the structural consequences with efficient response models. A double-hull oil carrier is chosen as the struck ship to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework. Response surface techniques are employed to generate the most probable input design sets which are used to sample an automated finite element tool to compute the chosen structural consequences. The resulting predictor-response relationships are fitted with suitable surrogate models to probabilistically characterise the struck ship damage under collisions. As demonstrated in this paper, such models are extremely useful to reduce the computational complexity in obtaining probabilistic design measures for ship structures. The proposed probabilistic approach is also combined with available collision frequency models from literature to demonstrate the risk tolerance computations.  相似文献   

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