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在引航任务完成和引航风险的处理过程当中,人为失误的产生直接影响了人的行为能力,使人的行为不能正常地完成任务。当各种情况同时发生,则将导致引航事故的发生。要有效地减少人为失误的发生,我们就必须从人为失误产生的根源,即从人的意识和行为学的观点来识别、分析、研究人为失误,找到人为失误产生和意识水平的规律。只有这样我们才能从根本上尽可能的减少人为失误,促进引航的安全。  相似文献   

人为失误与海上事故发生的机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海上事故的发生与航海人员在完成航行任务和处理海上风险过程中的能力有非常密切的关系。保障此过程中的行为能有效地完成成为关键,而航海人员完成任务的能力又直接受到人为失误的影响,也就是说,人为失误的发生直接降低了人的处理能力,使航行任务归于失败。现从行为学的观点对人为失误的发生进行了初步的分析,寻求减少人为失误发生的途径。并从统计学的观点解释了由人为失误引起的海上事故发生的原因。  相似文献   

在研究人为失误以前,首先强调海事活动中人所担负的职责。然后针对人为失误进行研究。对与主题相关的现状进行简略评估。在对人为失误管理方法(HEMA)进行介绍并举例说明其应用情况以前,需要确定人为失误管理的基础。经分析得出结论,首先在现实中,集中注意力能有效控制人为失误的出现;其次,选用恰当的设计方法有助于设计师减少人为失误。  相似文献   

基于船舶碰撞事故调查报告的人的因素数据挖掘   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
船舶碰撞事故发生率居高不下与人为失误有关,而人为失误的发生又受到包括个人因素、环境因素、船舶因素以及组织因素的影响。根据一般的事故统计数据能够初步识别出引发碰撞的人为失误行为,但要进一步建立影响因素与人为失误之间的对应关系却一直是令研究人员困惑的事情。一方面是因为缺少数据,另一方面是缺少方法。我们在收集100个碰撞事故调查报告的基础上,利用数据挖掘技术中的关联规则对人为失误与其影响因素之间的关系进行了挖掘,初步确定了船舶避碰过程中人为失误与引发因素之间的对应关系。  相似文献   

为定量分析各类人为失误因素对内河引航事故的影响程度。首先,建立了内河引航事故人为失误致因分析HFACS-PA模型,并依据事故底层人为失误致因历史信息构建二进制矩阵及其比例矩阵,通过单一聚类分析确定了事故人为失误致因模式。然后,在分析长江江苏段149起引航事故人为失误致因基础上,通过卡方检验和让步比分析,构建了引航事故人为失误致因的贝叶斯网络因果关系图。最后,针对重点人为失误致因提出了防控措施,并为有关部门提供参考和建议,减少引航事故发生和人命财产损失。  相似文献   

刍议加强船员的职业道德教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合典型案例,从船员职业道德的角度入手,探讨、分析船舶事故中的人为矢误问题,阐释人为失误与船员职业道德的关系,最后提出要加强船员职业道德教育,以减少人为失误,增强航行安全。  相似文献   

人为原因分析 人为因素通常是指人的行为对某一特定系统的正确功能或成功性能的不良影响.人为因素一般又叫人为失误.在海上,人为失误可能引起人员伤亡、财产损失和导致海洋环境污染,应当减少和控制人为失误.  相似文献   

从行为学的角度对人为失误的发生进行初步分析,寻求减少人为失误发生的途径。利用航海模拟器对航运从业人员进行BRM(驾驶台资源管理)培训是减少船员人为失误的主要途径之一。  相似文献   

人为原因分析 人为因素通常是指人的行为对某一特定系统的正确功能或成功性能的不良影响。人为因素一般又叫人为失误。在海上,人为失误可能引起人员伤亡、财产损失和导致海洋环境污染,应当减少和控制人为失误。  相似文献   

关于人为失误与船舶机舱资源管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述人为失误与船舶机舱安全之间的关系,分析当前IMO的有关公约和规则的局限性,提出了对轮机人员实施机舱资源管理培训的目的,以提高其综合素质,减少人为失误的发生。  相似文献   

Having carried out investigations on ship collision accidents with bridges in waterway in China, a database of ship collision with bridge (SCB) is developed in this paper. It includes detailed information about more than 200 accidents near ship' s waterways in the last four decades, in which ships collided with the bridges. Based on the information a statistical analysis is presented tentatively. The increase in frequency of ship collision with bridges appears, and the accident quantity of the barge system is more than that of single ship. The main reason of all the factors for ship collision with bridge is the human errors, which takes up 70%. The quantity of the accidents happened during flooding period shows over 3 - 6 times compared with the period from March to June in a year. The probability follows the normal distribution according to statistical analysis. Visibility, span between piers also have an effect on the frequency of the accidents.  相似文献   

Research has shown that there are potentially disastrous outcomes of human fatigue at sea. The conditions in which the seafarers have to operate are becoming more and more demanding. The study in this article attempts to aggregate accident charts derived from in-depth studies of human fatigue-related accidents to determine common patterns of interlinked fatigue factors. The accidents are analyzed by means of the Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), which in the article has been modified for maritime accidents. The main fatigue factors identified are ‘shift work’, ‘irregular working hours’, ‘inadequate task allocation’, and ‘excessive demands’. The study reveals several differences between ship collision and grounding accidents and their corresponding fatigue factors. Human fatigue-related collision accidents are characterized by wrong/badly timed decisions, misconceptions, and poor communication between the vessels. Right before the collision the crew is often panicking and mistakes are easily made. In human fatigue-related groundings, the conditions are often monotonous and the navigating officer has either overlooked the upcoming seabed or simply fallen asleep. Safety climate issues are also identified as important contributors to human fatigue.  相似文献   

In this study, collision and grounding data registered in GISIS (Global Integrated Shipping Information System) were investigated for oil tankers. The database includes the information of the collision and grounding accidents during the period between 1998 and 2010 in oil tankers. The risk assessments were carried out using fault tree analysis (FTA) programme for the incidents as collision and grounding occurred in oil tankers. In this study, we were able to investigate first the potential problems which cause the collision and grounding accidents have been determined, second, the occurrence of accidents has been shown with causal factors by the FTA method, and, finally, the significance degree of the initial events causing occurrence of accidents have been put forth. Collision in oil tanker resulted in economical loss (81%), pollution (6%) and death or injury (13%). Grounding in oil tanker resulted in economical loss (91%) and pollution (9%). According to the FTA results, the main reason for the accidents originating from human error is as follows: for collision accidents, Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG) violation and the lack of communication between vessels; and for grounding accidents, the interpretation failure of the officer on watch and lack of communication in the bridge resource management.  相似文献   

The paper outlines a rational design procedure for bridge piers and pylons against ship collision impacts. Firstly, a set of risk acceptance criteria are proposed. This is followed by a mathematically based procedure for calculation of the probability of critical ship meeting situations near the bridge, and the probability of ship collision accidents caused by human errors as well as technical errors. This first part of the paper leads to identification of the largest striking ship, “design vessels”, a given bridge pier must withstand without structural failure in order for the bridge connection to fulfil the risk acceptance criteria. The final part of the paper is devoted to an analysis of the needed impact capacity for the bridge pylons and piers exposed to ship bow impact loads from these “design vessels”. For a number of different ship types and different tonnage merchant vessels, load – displacement relations for ship bow collisions against rigid walls are derived. Based on these comprehensive numerical results, a new empirical relation is derived which is suited for design against bow collisions. This expression for maximum bow collision forces is compared with a previously published expression for ice-strengthened ships and with existing standards for assessment of bow crushing forces. It is shown that there is need for an update of these existing standards. For design of piers and pylons against local impact pressure loads, a pressure - area relation for bulbous bow impacts is derived.  相似文献   

卞春华 《中国海事》2008,(11):48-50
文中从人、船及环境三个方面对长江张家港段水上交通事故进行归纳分析和论述,论述突破传统观念,提出海轮行为是碰撞事故预防预控的关键因素等理念,旨在对避免事故发生有所促进,并奢望对整个长江江苏段水上交通安全能有所裨益。  相似文献   

吴乃平 《中国海事》2009,(12):43-45
文中提出了内河船舶碰撞事故所具有的一些基本特性,列举了大量具体数据、实例,从事实上进行了详细的分析,并结合水上交通碰撞事故某些个性从管理的基本原理出发加以探析。只有关注和研究船舶碰撞事故特性,才能减少或避免碰撞事故的发生。  相似文献   

多船会遇自主避碰算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶碰撞事故不仅带来人员和财产的巨大损失,还造成了环境污染、资源浪费等严重后果。因此,船舶自主避碰技术已成为当前船舶与航运领域研究的热点问题。提出了一种满足COLREGs避碰规则的多船会遇自主避碰算法,以经典速度障碍法为基础设计自适应采样避碰轨迹生成算法,并应用运动基元理论对避碰轨迹进行调整,使轨迹满足船舶操纵性约束条件。针对案例三体船模型,完成了多船会遇场景下的船模自主避碰航行试验,验证了所提算法的有效性和实用性,对船舶自主避碰系统的研发具有重要借鉴意义。。  相似文献   

人因可靠性评估方法(HRA)能较好地反应操作人员的失误和事故产生的直接原因,所以在船舶事故分析中起到了一定的作用,但是也有其局限性,如忽视了组织管理对船舶事故发生的影响等.针对人因可靠性评估方法的不足,在HRA分析的基础上,采用层次分析法(AHP),综合考虑人的行为和决策以及组织管理因素对船舶事故的影响,客观地体现各个因素在船舶事故中的作用.  相似文献   

人为失误与船舶引航事故的预防   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
船舶引航事故中的主要原因是人为失误,在分析该原因及其相关的失误链与事件链和不同种类失误的基础上,全面认识人为因素与引航事故的关系,注意调节引航员生理与心理状态和及时识别并破断引航中的失误链与事故链的角度,就预防船舶引航事故的发生进行了论述,并提出了一些设想与建议。  相似文献   

一般情况下,渔船集中、数量多,且渔船的行动多变,所显示的号灯不规范,商船值班人员对渔船作为直航船舶对待的疏忽以及望判断失误等,很容易造成碰撞事故。在分析商船和鱼船碰撞事故原因的基础上,就如何正确理解避碰规则、商船相遇渔船时如何避让、如何保持正规望,做好驾驶台班组管理等方面进行了探讨,并提出了一些建议和看法。  相似文献   

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