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如何应对社会经济发展要求,确立中国海事发展的战略目标,在国内和国际发挥更大的作用,全面推进海事现代化进程,是海事发展面临的巨大挑战。坚持海事科学发展,以"四个发展"为要求和目标,坚持不断改革创新,以保障和改善民生为重点,不断提高海事监管能力和服务水平。理论研究已成为当前科学决策的重要手段,加强海事发展研究工作,旨在将科学发展观的实质精神与海事工作结合,剖析海事事业科学发展的内涵,探索海事科学发展的要求和实现途径。  相似文献   

为适应当前海洋经济和区域经济对海事安全监管的需求,切实履行海事职责,服务好国家海洋经济发展和战略运输需要,论述沿海水域海事安全监管系统的技术特点,指出存在的问题,分析未来海事监管系统的发展方向,提出发展策略:更新监管设施,补点去盲,优化站点布局;构建区域宽带通信网,提高船岸通信质量;构建全域测绘发展战略,提升精准化GIS服务效能;实时监测无线电频谱资源,维护电波通信秩序;深化资源整合,拓展数据协同应用能力;构建E航海,提升航海保障能力;引进高精尖装备,提高基础装备科技含量;推动自主知识产权应用,保障核心业务安全。  相似文献   

马艳玲 《中国海事》2009,(10):23-26
当今世界航运界,安全、保安、效益、清洁已成为各国的共同追求,全球性、区域性和多边、双边的海事交往日益增多。改革开放以来,随着我国对外开放程度的不断深入,我国海事部门坚持不断扩大对外交往,加强参与国际海事事务的能力建设,提高履约水平,巩固国际地位,维护国家权益。多年来,海事部门密切跟踪国际海事发展方向,组织开展战略研究,充分利用国际海事发展机遇,  相似文献   

自1982年2月国际海事卫星组织(简称IN-MARSAT)开始提供海事卫星通信服务以来,特别是进入90年代后,国际海事卫星通信发展迅速并取得了很大成功。国际海事卫星通信以摸拟通信发展到数字通信,业务范围也由当初单一面向海上航行的船舶发展为向广大陆地用户和航空用户提供移动话音和数据  相似文献   

海事立法的沿革和发展历史,扎根于海事实践。从公元前9世纪的罗地海法到中世纪的奥列隆法、康索拉度海法、维斯比海法都是从航海贸易和海事判例编篡而成的习惯法,他们从海事实践形成海事习惯做法,为当时海域商人所实践和遵守,并汇集成海事惯例和判例集的通行海法。随着航海贸易的发展,上述以城市经济为基础的海事判例习惯法,发展成国家统一法典,其中最著名的是1681年的法国路易十四颁布的《海事条例》。以后各经济发达国家相继以海事实践为基础制定了国家海事法规。国际海上货物运输法的国际统一以1924年《海牙规则》的制定而形成。之后,随…  相似文献   

海事强国与成才之路   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
分析中国航运业在国家经济建设中的重要性,以国际海事组织提案中各国提案所占份额说明我国在世界海事立法领域所处的被动地位,强调人才培养是海事强国之本,结合国际海事形势和发展趋向,提出海事人才素质要求、培养模式和人才创新能力的评判标准。  相似文献   

袁雪  储婷婷 《水运管理》2012,34(2):38-40
基于国际经济一体化的发展使海事诉讼的国际趋同化趋势越来越强的现状,分析我国海事法律在诉讼主体、船舶扣押等方面存在的对物诉讼制度的明显痕迹,阐述对物诉讼制度的历史渊源和理论基础,并借鉴该制度在英美法系国家海事司法实践中适用的经验,提出将这种诉讼制度运用到我国的海事诉讼中,对于解决目前我国海事对人诉讼中存在的问题具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

分析中国航运业在国家经济建设中的重要性,以国际海事组织提案中各国提案所占份额说明我国在世界海事立法领域所处的被动地位,强调人才培养是海事强国之本,结合国际海事形势和发展趋向,提出海事人才素质要求、培养模式和人才创新能力的评判标准。  相似文献   

黄何 《中国海事》2012,(3):33-34
随着经济全球化、金融全球化及世界性的产业升级和结构调整,经过改革开放的洗礼,中国已成为世界造船大国、航运大国和港口大国。国家海洋经济战略的深入实施和航运业的快速发展对海事工作的要求也不断提高,海事职能得到了不断的发展和深化,  相似文献   

作为国际海事大学联合会历史上的一次重要创新,2006年10月15日,国际海事大学联合会第一届校长论坛在大连海事大学召开。来自中国、美国、德国、瑞典、西班牙、乌克兰、韩国、越南等15个国家的20多所主要海事院校的校长,围绕着国际化海事教育培训(MET)、海事教育与海事安全等主题进行深入探讨与交流。与会校长一致认为,世界经济的快速发展和海运量的激增,促使商船数量急速增长,而世界范围内的商船绝大多数由发达的经合组织国家和新崛起的发展中国家所控制。国际海事界目前所面临的一个核心问题是如何有效地实现航运优质服务的可持续发展,而…  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the precautionary principle has been drawing more and more international attention. This became particularly clear during the series of Conferences on the Protection of the North Sea, which addressed marine environmental protection, and initiated the application of the principle into maritime affairs. Although a unified concept of the precautionary principle is lacking, some typical formulations have been concluded in regional treaties and international documents, and components of the principle can be summarised (Part I and Part II). The precautionary principle has been adopted by international documents involving different fields of law of the sea, and been addressed by international courts and tribunals (Part III). While the precautionary principle is still not part of customary international law (Part IV), its increasing level of worldwide acceptance suggests that it will become a customary international law in the future.  相似文献   

The International Maritime Organization defines maritime domain awareness as the effective understanding of any activity that could impact upon the security, safety, economy or environment. The traditional approach to manage it is based on state sovereignty over national territorial waters where authorities exercise their responsibilities within the defined specific area. Lately, new issues of transboundary dimension (i.e. piracy, overfishing, pollution) are changing the high seas from an open space governed by the rule of freedom into a common domain requiring new governance approach to manage its complex international problems. This paper investigates the use of sustainable development methodology to explore governance solutions within the socio-technical domain of maritime awareness. The outcome suggests that the use of sustainable development tools can and should be used to support the development and implementation of cooperative governance models which are more appropriate for creating global maritime domain awareness than the traditional state-centric and sector-based models. A modelling diagram for potential governance framework under International Maritime Organization’s leadership is included.  相似文献   

In September 2015, the United Nations (UN) officially adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development together with 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) (UN, 2016). The attainment of the SDGs requires a strong commitment by all UN Member States, not least by the Member States at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This empirical research aims to identify the role and challenges of stakeholders at IMO, when implementing the UN’s 2030 Agenda in the international maritime transport domain using a grounded theory approach. This paper describes the methodology and the analytical process undertaken and presents the main findings based on empirical data. The results are presented as a set of six propositions. The first proposition presents the phenomena engulfing Member States at IMO stemming out from lack of knowledge and policy incoherency on the 2030 Agenda at national level. The other five propositions suggest how these challenges could potentially be best alleviated through an IMO-led strategy on sustainable development within the context of the 2030 Agenda, supported by an appropriate governance structure that sees the introduction of strategic actors for coordinating the implementation of the SDGs at national level. With the support of a Task Force, and by also making use of the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS), to create more awareness and ownership, the strategic actors could work towards balancing the three dimensions of sustainable development—the economic, the environmental, and the social dimensions—which were found to be imbalanced in the international maritime transport domain.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the nineties, Croatia witnessed the collapse of communism, arrival of democracy, a war of national survival and the launch of the transition. Extraordinarily under these circumstances, tourism has become one of the most propulsive economic activities in Croatia. To preserve this prosperous industry, one must consider the variables that affect Croatian tourism. Research shows that maritime passenger transport has a substantial influence upon seashore tourism improvement. This mode not only represents a sizable share of international tourism transport, but often provides the only access to island tourism destinations. This paper provides an analysis of the impact of the transitional changes of maritime passenger transport on Croatian tourism development. Following a brief examination of the functions of maritime transport within tourism, the paper focuses on: composition of Croatian fleets, potential opportunities in local and international markets, and structural reforms required to increase the quality of Croatian maritime passenger services. Commercialization programmes are significantly important as Croatia prepares to enter the EU, and open up its markets to free competition.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the nineties, Croatia witnessed the collapse of communism, arrival of democracy, a war of national survival and the launch of the transition. Extraordinarily under these circumstances, tourism has become one of the most propulsive economic activities in Croatia. To preserve this prosperous industry, one must consider the variables that affect Croatian tourism. Research shows that maritime passenger transport has a substantial influence upon seashore tourism improvement. This mode not only represents a sizable share of international tourism transport, but often provides the only access to island tourism destinations. This paper provides an analysis of the impact of the transitional changes of maritime passenger transport on Croatian tourism development. Following a brief examination of the functions of maritime transport within tourism, the paper focuses on: composition of Croatian fleets, potential opportunities in local and international markets, and structural reforms required to increase the quality of Croatian maritime passenger services. Commercialization programmes are significantly important as Croatia prepares to enter the EU, and open up its markets to free competition.  相似文献   

While recognizing the need for increased participation of the private sector in the maritime industry of developing countries, there is a need to go beyond the call for privatization in terms of mere change of ownership from state to private sector as the only solution to the inefficiency of the maritime industry in developing countries. This limited understanding of the maritime problems of these countries abounds in the literature on maritime privatization. This study departs from this approach and focuses on the political economy of the maritime industry, and suggests that maritime privatization will not necessarily result in increased efficiency of the divested maritime enterprises. Rather, it argues that maritime problems in these countries have less to do with ownership than with the structural constraints in world shipping together with internal management and local ~olitics. The maritime industrv in West and Central Africa is used as a case studv. and recommendations such as selective privatization, 'programme contract', and most importantly, corporatization, are suggested as alternative strategies that could enhance maritime privatization and the development of the maritime industry in developing countries.  相似文献   

邱奇  陈海清 《中国海事》2010,(10):27-30
国际海事公约呈现出新的发展趋势,这些新的发展趋势必将对世界海事活动产生直接的影响。文中首先介绍了目前国际海事公约的发展情况,分析了未来国际海事公约的发展趋势及其对世界各国的影响,最后提出了我国应对未来国际海事公约的几点建议。  相似文献   

The paper is to explore the relation between national economic development and the formulation of maritime policy. It collects and examines data from 30 maritime nations, and shows that maritime policy is determined by economic circumstance rather than the result of rational decision of policy makers. A general solution is produced for an optimum maritime policy under a given economic condition. The general solution can serve as a benchmark for future maritime policy making and research in general.  相似文献   

The paper is to explore the relation between national economic development and the formulation of maritime policy. It collects and examines data from 30 maritime nations, and shows that maritime policy is determined by economic circumstance rather than the result of rational decision of policy makers. A general solution is produced for an optimum maritime policy under a given economic condition. The general solution can serve as a benchmark for future maritime policy making and research in general.  相似文献   

In this article, the issue of monitoring compliance of State obligations and responsibilities that are derived from them being parties to the various international maritime treaties adopted under the purview of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will be explored. The genesis of why monitoring compliance of State actors is now topical and the development of the Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme in response thereto will be highlighted. The positive outcome of the audits conducted under the voluntary Scheme and the level of participation of Member States in the Scheme have now brought to the fore the need to consider developing a mandatory audit regime applicable to all Member States of the IMO. In this respect, this article will proffer a possible way forward for the further development of the Audit Scheme.  相似文献   

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