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鱼儿鱼儿水中游,游来游去乐悠悠。有了你的我怎么会寂寞?你就是快乐!鱼儿鱼儿水中游,游过了许多的春夏秋冬。你总是会在我身边陪我,一起游过不同的河流。我觉得自己就像一尾鱼,总是在寻找最适合于自己生活的水。渡边之则这样说。我觉得自己就像一尾鱼,注定了要依水生活。秀秀这样说。  相似文献   

五月,美洲杯帆船赛世界系列赛在风景如画的水城威尼斯拉开战幕,各国勇士在晴朗的天气和完美的比赛条件下展开角逐。完美诠释速度与激情。首日赛事最大的赢家是法国能源队。能源队在船长的带领下一路劈荆斩棘。努力捍卫自己的领先位置。在最后一天的比赛中。微弱的风势成为所有船队最大的敌人,而能源号—直保有领先优势。凭借最后时刻航道的改变赢得了这场比赛的胜利,美国宝马甲骨文屈居亚军。  相似文献   

金燕  陈诚 《中国海事》2011,(5):68-70
"天地之大德曰生。"水,乃生命之源;水之大,莫过于江河海洋。江河,源远流长;海洋,博大精深。江河象征着人类文明的长度;海洋展示着人类文明的宽度。一位哲人曾经说过,"比陆地大的是海洋,比海洋大的是天空,比天空更大的是人的心灵"。2月底,根据  相似文献   

韦克 《水上消防》2003,(4):35-35
国外有这么一个故事,讲的是一个由著名医生组成的俱乐部,每隔三个月均要开一次“教训交流会”,不仅别开生面。而且认真严肃。会上不说别的。每位医生都坦率地说出由于自己失误而“杀人”的“罪行”,与会者也由此可知道:医生们是怎样因错误的诊断、错误的处方和错误的手术“杀害”了一个用其他方法便可以成功地挽救其生命的人。二十多年了,他们都坚持这样做。显然,这个会的目的在于从科学的角度。  相似文献   

徐阿海 《珠江水运》2011,(10):66-66
太阳发出刺眼的光芒,好像对我无情地嘲笑。我漫无目的地走着,心情糟糕透了。我想起来刚才的课就烦,简直像无字天书似的在我眼前翻来翻去,翻得人心烦意乱。我的自信也一点一点地消磨殆尽。我来到了旧操场,仿佛来到了一个与世隔绝的地方。躺在草坪上闭上了  相似文献   

Mehmet很年轻。 年轻的Mehmet很明朗,透着土耳其的阳光的明朗、土耳其的山水的明丽。 Mehmet很快活。在遥远的异乡的海面上乘风破浪,这种经历很容易让人快活。  相似文献   

有签约就有违约,而在现在的就业形势下,违约也成了非常普遍的现象。需要强调的一点是,签约是一件非常严肃的事,一定要认真对待。不要随便签约,更不要随便违约。违约带来的,是对公司、学校和个人声誉的损害。所以在此提醒大家:一定要想清楚再签约,尤其是自己肯定不想去的单位,更不要随便签。一旦违约,你可能会为自己的违约行为付出巨大的代价。  相似文献   

如果一滴水不能推动另一滴水,或者被另一滴水所推动,那么,这滴水必定成为静止的水,扩而大之就是静止的河流。但这样的河流迟早都会死去。因为河流的生命就来自动荡不安的流动。流动才是河流的灵魂。我们其实一直在寻找这种推动的力量。在寻找中,我们有时候成为一滴推动的水,有时候又成为一滴被推动的水。在推动与被推动之中,我们蜿蜒成流淌的溪水或河流。我们笃信一条大河的澎湃与壮观,就是无数一滴水绵密推动力量的合唱。  相似文献   

引航员心理压力研究与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0引言 关于心理压力的定义有许多不同的说法,较为普遍地被学术界所接受的是1984年LARAZUS和FOLKMAN所下的定义:“心理压力是人和环境之间的一种特殊关系,这个环境在个人看来已给他的应付能力带来负担或超出个人的应付能力,并且危害到他的健康。”这个定义既强调了环境的刺激,也考虑到个体反应的差异性。我们将可能产生压力的环境和事件称为压力源。压力源本身是非特异性的。具有客观性。只有通过个体感受才形成压力感。压力过程具有多重性。  相似文献   

近期,国内某修船厂修理了一艘轮船,在船舶修理合同中,既没有写明修船的周期,也没有注明修船的费用。结果,船舶修好了,船东以修船周期过长等理由,没有付清修船款。此事件导致该修船厂亏损上百万。 由于可以理解的原因,记者在这里隐去了这家修船厂的名称。但是,这个看似不可思议的亏损事件,却是真实的。诸如此类的修船厂亏损的事件不胜枚举。其中重要的原因之一,就是船舶修理合同不规范。 合同不规范,自然容易产生各种漏洞和法律上的纠纷。“船舶修理非标准合同”几乎成了中国修船企业的“软肋”之一。 2004年8月19日,《中国船舶工业行业协会标准船舶修理合同》(试行)正式发布。  相似文献   

随着罗津港使用权的获取,自罗津港出入的中国船舶将不断增多,因此对日本海西部的气象保障服务需求势必不断增加。为加强日本海西部海事气象保障服务水平,使其能够为罗津港附近海域在海运、港口管理和海上作业等方面更好地起到规避风险、提高效益的作用,文中根据对目前日本海西部海事气象保障服务现状的调研结果,指出了当前日本海西部海事气象保障服务存在着区域划分不合理、精细化程度不足以及服务形式过于单一等问题。据此,结合目前国内外海事气象保障服务的思路,提出了针对于日本海西部的海事气象保障服务的建议,可为提升日本海西部海事气象保障服务的升级换代提供一些参考思路。  相似文献   

预应力大直径混凝土管桩自20世纪80年代研制成功后;在我国南方各大港口得到了推广应用,但在我国北方港口中还没有大批量使用的先例。东营港扩建工程在北方港口首次大批量使用,通过进行大管桩抗冻、试桩等试验,沉桩获得成功。  相似文献   

This paper provides an up-to-date review of the previous literature concerning the impact of passenger rail franchising on productivity and costs in Britain, and also presents important new evidence. In particular, the extension in time of previously-used datasets offers the first opportunity to study the impacts of re-franchising. The previous literature emphasised the failure of franchising to produce sustained productivity gains, with a sharp deterioration in productivity after 2000. The new evidence presented offers a somewhat more positive view of the British experience. It suggests that part of what was previously considered to be falling productivity may in fact be due to exogenous changes in diesel prices. Further, new data suggests that the recent increases in costs have resulted in higher quality of service. Finally, competitive re-franchising, and the associated unwinding of short-term management and re-negotiated contracts, seems to have led to improvements in productivity between 2006 and 2008. Nevertheless, it remains the case that passenger rail franchising in Britain has failed to reduce costs in the way experienced in many other industries and in rail in other European countries. The evidence is that somewhat larger franchises, avoiding overlapping and optimising train density and length, should reduce costs. We also speculate that the major increase in wages and conditions of staff might be moderated by longer franchises, although that remains to be proved. This re-appraisal of the British case is important in the context of the wider international interest in the use of franchising in passenger rail, and its relevance to the current review of ways of introducing competition into the domestic rail passenger market in Europe.  相似文献   

风浪中螺旋桨水动力变化规律是研究舰船在风浪中速航性能的重要方面。本文参照有关文献,提出了一种计算风浪中螺旋桨推力、转矩损失的实用定量计算方法,既可用于较精确地估算舰船在风浪中的增阻和失速,还可供提高舰船在风浪中速航性的研究和螺旋桨设计参考。  相似文献   

Intense competition in many sectors across the maritime industry and in professional ship management in particular, means that the quest for achieving competitiveness will continue and intensify. A review of the current strategies across many sectors of the industry indicates the importance of forging stable partnerships for the achievement of competitiveness. Considering that the capability to form a relationship is an intangible resource (as depicted in resource-advantage theory), an empirical assessment in the context of ship management was undertaken. The assessment aimed to identify the type of relationships present in ship management, and succeeded in classifying those relationships into four distinct groups. The central thesis of the paper is that maritime organizations in general, and ship management companies in particular, may utilize their intangible relational resources in order to achieve competitive advantage. Based on the classification of ship management relationships, implications for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

The response of the Mediterranean Sea and the various sub-basins to changes in the freshwater budget are investigated in a process-oriented study, using the POM model. The model is first integrated using values of the Nile and Ebro rivers runoff, as well as of the Dardanelles freshwater input, typical of the fifties. The model reaches a steady state representative of that existing in the Mediterranean prior to the major damming period after 90 years of integration. Then the model is integrated using the reduced river runoff values typical of the after-damming period. The additional impact of decadal scale trends in the precipitation rate as well as of intense surface cooling periods/events on the thermohaline circulation during the last 40 years were also examined. The model results show that the dramatic reduction of the Nile freshwater input and to a lesser extent the reduction of the freshwater input from the Dardanelles Straits induced a large increase in the sea surface salinity in the Aegean and Levantine basins in the late sixties/early seventies, in agreement with observations. Furthermore, the Ebro runoff reduction during the same period further enhanced the salinity increase in the Levantine basin as higher salinity surface waters of the western basin reached the eastern basin via the Atlantic Water circulation. This saltier surface layer in the vicinity of the Rhodes Gyre favoured the preconditioning for the formation of the Levantine Intermediate Water, resulting in about 40% increase of its formation rate. This in turn resulted in the production of saltier and larger amounts of deep waters in the various deep-water formation sites. According to the model, the river damming and decreased precipitation since the eighties explain about 95% of the observed salinity increase in the Western Mediterranean Deep Water over the last 40 years. The major contributor to this increase was proved to be the Nile damming. The salt increase in the surface layer is proved to be insufficient to produce alone the two climatic transient events in the deep waters of the Eastern Mediterranean in the late sixties and early nineties, respectively. Surface cooling was found to be important, resulting in large deep water formation and thus allowing the propagation of the increased surface salinity signal to the deep layers. However, model results demonstrate that the river damming played an important role in the long-term salt preconditioning of the surface/intermediate layers, thus contributing in triggering the two events.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between the spatial patterns of the distribution of the young hakes of the year (YOY) and the oceanographical features in two areas of the Central Mediterranean (the Ligurian Sea and the Strait of Sicily), characterised by the occurrence of straits and channels. Comparative and correlative approaches were used to investigate coupling between biological and physical patterns. Density indices of the YOY were derived from annual trawl surveys from 1994 to 2004 in spring and autumn. Mean patterns of the YOY distributions were compared with the mesoscale oceanographical features reported in literature. No evident trends in recruitment strength were found in either areas. Inter-annual variability in YOY abundance in the Ligurian Sea was higher than in the Strait of Sicily. The location of nursery grounds in the study areas coincides with zones of relatively higher production, where upwelling and other enrichment processes regularly occur. The presence of predictable eddies and the frontal systems play a major role in the localization of nursery areas in the Strait of Sicily, maintaining their stable position throughout the years. The strongest transport of southern waters from the Tyrrhenian to the Ligurian Sea, due to the East Corsica Current, which is negatively correlated to winter North Atlantic Oscillation, is associated with the highest abundance of hake recruits in the nurseries of the Northern Ligurian Sea.  相似文献   

基于珠海高栏港船舶活动数据与船舶能耗报告数据,结合《非道路移动源大气污染物排放清单编制技术指南》中排放因子与辖区实际燃油取样检查中的含硫量,运用燃油消耗法,建立了珠海高栏港2018年沿海及远洋船舶大气污染物排放清单,以期为大气环境科学领域对船舶排放影响进行定量研究提供重要基础,也为管理部门提供更加科学的决策依据和有效的治理措施。  相似文献   

This paper investigates, for the first time, the relationship between prices and trading activity in a market where real assets are traded, i.e. in the sale and purchase market for second-hand dry bulk vessels. Investigation of this issue is of interest since the level of trading activity may contain information about the sentiment and the future direction of the prices in the market. Several important conclusions emerge from this analysis. It is found that price changes are useful in predicting trading volume, which suggests that higher capital gains encourage more transactions in the market. Additionally, it seems that volume has a negative impact on the volatility of price changes. More specifically, in contrast to what is reported for financial markets, we find evidence that, in the market for ships, increases in trading activity lead to a reduction in market volatility. This can be explained by the unique underlying characteristics of the market for ships, including thin trading, which imply that increases in trading activity result in price transparency and stability. These findings indicate that practitioners in the market may use the information contained in the level of trading activity so as to guide their market decisions in the sale and purchase market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates, for the first time, the relationship between prices and trading activity in a market where real assets are traded, i.e. in the sale and purchase market for second-hand dry bulk vessels. Investigation of this issue is of interest since the level of trading activity may contain information about the sentiment and the future direction of the prices in the market. Several important conclusions emerge from this analysis. It is found that price changes are useful in predicting trading volume, which suggests that higher capital gains encourage more transactions in the market. Additionally, it seems that volume has a negative impact on the volatility of price changes. More specifically, in contrast to what is reported for financial markets, we find evidence that, in the market for ships, increases in trading activity lead to a reduction in market volatility. This can be explained by the unique underlying characteristics of the market for ships, including thin trading, which imply that increases in trading activity result in price transparency and stability. These findings indicate that practitioners in the market may use the information contained in the level of trading activity so as to guide their market decisions in the sale and purchase market.  相似文献   

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