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水中悬浮隧道是在水中穿越江河湖海的新型构筑物,具有其他水下隧道不可比拟的优势.介绍了悬浮隧道的研究历史、在结构分析方面的研究概况以及需要研究的重大课题.  相似文献   

水中悬浮隧道通过系泊系统使其悬浮在水下一定深度处,与潜器的碰撞可能会使隧道结构产生较大运动响应,呈现大幅度的非线性位移,会使隧道失去原有的稳定性甚至对隧道安全性产生较大的影响。因此,本文开展考虑多场耦合场景下碰撞载荷作用下,水中悬浮隧道的运动响应研究。通过与文献中试验结果的对比分析,验证数值模型的有效性。建立水中悬浮隧道及其系泊系统的三维运动模型,同时通过Abaqus建立水中悬浮隧道的碰撞场景与STAR-CCM+进行双向耦合联合仿真,开展水中悬浮隧道被潜器撞击后的运动响应研究,并分析不同碰撞场景下水中悬浮隧道的运动响应变化规律。  相似文献   

为研究波流作用下悬浮隧道局部锚索的破断动力响应,运用ANSYS/AQWA软件建立悬浮隧道及其锚泊系统的有限元模型.通过单元生死功能和时控法模拟锚索破断行为,对比分析不同波流条件对悬浮隧道局部锚索破断动力响应的影响.研究结果表明:锚索破断之后,会对剩余锚索产生冲击效应,缆力瞬态增量随着与破断位置距离的增加而逐步递减;规则波、均匀流和锚索破断作用引起的悬浮隧道动力响应具有不同的特征,规则波主要引起结构产生周期运动,均匀流主要引起结构产生大幅偏移和低频运动,锚索破断主要引起结构产生冲击效应和高频振动;锚索破断之后,剩余结构的阻尼增大、刚度降低,导致锚索破断前后的结构运动行为出现明显的不同.  相似文献   

深水环境下双层圆柱壳结构受撞数值仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水下运载器一旦受到物体撞击造成破舱进水,后果不堪设想.为了提高水下运载器的结构安全性,选取其典型耐压结构形式--双层圆柱壳结构为研究对象,采用MSC.Dytran非线性瞬态动力学分析程序,分3种撞击环境:流固耦合与深水静压联合作用、单深水静压作用以及单流固耦合作用,对双层圆柱壳结构受物体撞击的损伤过程进行数值仿真.通过对计算结果的对比分析,研究了深水压力及流固耦合作用对受撞结构的损伤变形、撞击过程中的能量转换和撞击力的影响.本文的研究成果,可为水下运载器的碰撞研究及抗撞结构设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

海流作用下悬浮隧道缆索的运动响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑参数激励频率,利用涡激振动方程,应用伽辽金和龙格库塔数值积分法,计算出不同流速下参数激励对缆索1阶振动的影响;进一步计算隧道—缆索耦合作用下缆索的振动响应。计算结果表明参数激励为缆索固有频率2倍时,缆索响应最大;隧道对缆索振动有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

本研究根据相似准则和试验条件设计试验模型。在试验模拟的1节悬浮隧道管段上分别布置2组和3组锚索支撑,测试在不同流速条件下,悬浮隧道管体结构的环向应变、轴向应变及张力腿锚索的轴力。根据试验结果,初步分析悬浮隧道应力的空间分布特征和张力腿的轴力情况;给出在相同环境条件下,张力腿锚索数量对结构应力的影响、洋流速度对悬浮隧道管段结构变形和张力腿轴力的影响关系等。  相似文献   

通过采用光滑粒子法求解弱可压流体运动方程,建立波浪-悬浮隧道-系泊系统全耦合时域分析模型,研究波浪对悬浮隧道耦合作用下的动力响应。基于中国南海实测海洋环境数据,对波浪作用下悬浮隧道的整体受力、运动响应及系泊受力进行研究。结果表明:受雷诺数影响,隧道受到的波浪力与波浪强度呈非线性关系;系泊缆与海床夹角越小,隧道的纵摇幅值越小;当角度为45°时,隧道运动性能及系泊缆受力能够达到较好的平衡状态。研究结果能为悬浮隧道选型及系泊系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

应用Morison方程和有限元法,将悬浮隧道管体假定为与岸坡固定的Euler-Bernoulli梁结构,通过将锚索与悬浮隧道管体、海底平面铰接,实现了锚索、悬浮隧道管体以及岸坡三者之间的动力学耦合,将线性波浪理论应用于Morison方程计算波浪荷载,在时域内采用Newmark-β隐式时间积分法迭代求解悬浮隧道的运动控制方程,进而构建了水下悬浮隧道的三维动力学耦合数值模型。研究结果表明:在长周期波主导的海域,适当增大水平方向的系泊刚度,将有利于控制悬浮隧道整体的位移幅值;隧道近岸处的锚索由于边界条件的影响,在波浪条件下将承受更大的张力,工程中应适当增加或加粗近岸端部锚索,排除安全隐患;悬浮隧道的锚索布置间距宜固定在250~300 m的范围内。  相似文献   

以双壳体潜艇的典型结构—双层环肋圆柱壳受多物体撞击为研究对象,开展了模型试验,并与仿真计算结果进行对比,验证了有限元数值仿真方法对求解该类问题的有效性。还从结构损伤变形、撞击力历程和能量转换等方面对多物体撞击壳体过程的动响应特性进行了分析。研究成果将为潜艇抗撞能力的评估及抗撞结构的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

圆柱壳是海洋工程结构物和潜体中广泛采用的结构单元,为了研究其在物体撞击作用下的响应以及撞击角度对撞击响应的影响,文中采用大型非线性动态响应分析程序MSC.Dytran,分不同撞击角度,对双层圆柱壳结构受射弹撞击过程进行了数值仿真,研究分析了圆柱壳结构的损伤变形、能量吸收及撞击力的变化情况.文中的计算结果对圆柱壳结构物的抗撞击分析研究及合理的结构设计有参考价值.  相似文献   

Stress evaluation of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT) is an issue important for determining the section dimensions required to resist environmental loads. However, the complex interaction between an SFT and surrounding fluid has confined most research on SFTs to longitudinal global time-history analyses based on Morison's equation [1]. Even though these analyses give sufficient information in the longitudinal direction, too little information about the circumferential direction compels an SFT section to be designed conservatively. This means that SFT design requires additional information on the structural behavior of the tunnel in the circumferential direction for efficient design. Accordingly, a supplementary approach by which to obtain structural responses in the circumferential direction is introduced in this paper. Upon consideration of the static responses equivalent to the dynamic behavior, three-dimensional (3-D) finite-element analyses of an SFT were performed by application of static loads corresponding to dynamic loads equivalent to those of wave, current and earthquake. The validation of each equivalent static load was supported by the results from comparison of the tension forces in mooring lines obtained using OrcaFlex [2] and ABAQUS [3]. These were used mainly for longitudinal dynamic analysis and 3-D stress evaluation, respectively, of an SFT. Based on the stresses obtained in the longitudinal and circumferential directions, the selection of suitable section dimensions for an SFT is considered.  相似文献   

波浪引起的附加阻力是管节海上浮运过程中总阻力的重要组成。采用基于势流理论的水动力学软件AQWA计算了管节浮运过程中的波浪附加阻力。通过建立管节及附属结构的三维有限元模型,确定管节的几何、物理性质,建立湿表 面模型进行水动力学分析。对影响附加阻力的各因素,包括水深、航速、波浪谱及波浪要素等,进行了参数敏感性分析。计算结果表明,采用P-M谱的计算值较采用JONSWAP谱有所不同,附加阻力随水深增加而减小,阻力值与波浪周期及波浪入射角均有一定的关系,与波浪高度的平方成正比,且与拖航速度成正比。  相似文献   

结合桁架结构的优点,将桁架结构应用于传统浮筏形成一种新型桁架箱体浮筏结构,并对其重量进行优化。首先在有限元软件Abaqus中建立了桁架箱体浮筏模型,然后基于模态分析,重力场分析和抗冲击分析,以筏架上、下面板厚度为设计变量,分析了面板厚度变化对结构刚度及强度水平的影响,且在保证足够刚度和强度水平的前提下,浮筏减重可达15.4%。本文的研究可为新型桁架箱体浮筏的结构轻量化设计奠定基础。  相似文献   

Submerged floating tunnel (SFT) is an innovative cable-supported structural system for crossing deep and long-distance ocean environments. In the complex ocean environment, the construction of SFT needs to consider wave and current forces. Specific construction measures and control also require in-depth study and understanding of the dynamic response of SFT under such environmental loads. In this study, the dynamic response of SFT and cable forces under the action of waves alone and wave-current interactions are investigated by using a large wave-current basin. A total of 138 regular wave and wave-current cases were conducted during the experiments, and the influence of waves and wave-current interactions on the dynamic response of SFT and cable forces are discussed in detail by combining experimental data with corresponding analysis. Results show that the wave height, current velocity, and ratio of wavelength to structure size are important factors affecting the dynamic response of SFT and cable forces. The multi-anchor cable arrangement used in the present experimental tests distribute cable force more effectively and reduce the potential safety hazard caused by cable breakage. This study can provide a useful reference for the construction and control of the single SFT segment under construction in a complex ocean environment, especially under the interaction of waves and currents.  相似文献   

To achieve rational design in waves for a submerged floating tunnel which has emerged as a new offshore transportation infrastructure, it's necessary to understand its hydrodynamic behavior. For simple but accurate estimation of hydrodynamic forces, a theoretical method is proposed and the tests with physical models in a wave flume were carried out for verification. Morison's equation was used to estimate wave loads composed of inertia force and drag force. Forces calculated by applying the linear wave theory to Morison's equation coincided well with those measured by the tests. The test results showed that mooring systems played a significant role in the movement of the submerged floating tunnel in waves. A pendulum model could be used to describe the motion of the submerged floating tunnel with a single vertical mooring. Based on the verified relations, a simple slack condition which causes the submerged floating tunnel to be unstable was also proposed. The simplified approach proposed by this study proved to be useful in designing the submerged floating tunnel in the initial stage.  相似文献   

研究水下结构的声辐射问题时,流体声介质通常被假设为无限域,然而对于大部分水面海洋结构物,则是部分浸没在水中,自由液面的作用不可忽略。通过构造反对称边界条件来考虑自由液面的影响,采用有限元法结合间接边界元法研究水中部分浸没悬臂平板的振动和声辐射特性。首先,计算悬臂平板在不同浸没深度下的固有频率和模态振型,并与已有文献的算例进行对比分析,验证该方法的正确性;然后,对半浸没悬臂板的声辐射特性进行计算,并讨论载荷位置和浸没深度对平板声振特性的影响。研究表明:平板在水中的固有频率随着浸没深度的增加而降低;载荷位置对平板辐射声功率级有影响且和频率有关;平板辐射声功率是随着浸没深度的增加而增大,低频段辐射声功率曲线的峰值随着深度的增大有向低频移动的趋势。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic load and motion response are the first considerations in the structural design of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT). Currently, most of the relevant studies have been based on a two-dimensional model test with a fixed or fully free boundary condition, which inhibits a deep investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics with an elastic constraint. As a result, a series of difficulties exist in the structural design and analysis of an SFT. In this study, an SFT model with a one-degree-of-freedom vertical elastically truncated boundary condition was established to investigate the motion response and hydrodynamic characteristics of the tube under the wave action. The effect of several typical hydrodynamic parameters, such as the buoyancy-weight ratio, γ, the relative frequency, f/fN, the Keulegan–Carpenter (KC) number, the reduced velocity, Ur, the Reynolds number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number, on the motion characteristics of the tube, were selectively analyzed, and the reverse feedback mechanism from the tube's motion response to the hydrodynamic loads was confirmed. Finally, the critical hydrodynamic parameters corresponding to the maximum motion response at different values of γ were obtained, and a formula for calculating the hydrodynamic load parameters of the SFT in the motion state was established. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (i) Under the wave action, the motion of the SFT shows an apparent nonlinearity, which is mainly caused by the intensive interaction between the tube and its surrounding water particles, as well as the nonlinearity of the wave. (ii) The relative displacement of the tube first increases and then decreases with increasing values of f/fN, Ur, KC number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number. (iii) γ is inversely proportional to the maximum relative displacement of the tube and the wave force on the tube in its motion direction. (iv) Under the motion boundary condition (as opposed to the fixed boundary condition), the peak frequency of the wave force on the SFT in its motion direction decreases and approaches the natural vibration frequency of the tube, whereas the wave force perpendicular to the motion direction increases. When the incident wave frequency is close to the natural vibration frequency of the tube, the tube resonates easily, leading to an increased wave force in the motion direction. (v) If the velocity in the Morison equation is substituted by the water particle velocity measured when the tube is at its equilibrium position, the inertia coefficient in the motion direction of the tube is linearly related to its displacement, whereas that in the direction perpendicular to the motion direction is logarithmically related to its displacement.  相似文献   

In case of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT), which is difficult to cast in-site underwater construction, it is modularized on land and then assembled them in the field. Therefore, it is influential to investigate the structural performance of the joints between the modules. A concept of the steel-concrete composite hollow in the SFT, which stably maintains the joints, has been proposed by applying prestressing method to resist various external loads. In this study, the bending behavior of module joints was experimentally analyzed to evaluate the safety for the bending deformation that is dominant in SFT. Test results show that there is a difference at the module joint portion in the performance depending on whether or not the inner steel tube is connected. The bending stiffness of the module joints in the SFT was very similar but there was a difference in strength. The maximum strength was increased from 700 kN to 1200 kN when the inner tube was connected, and the residual displacement was increased from 15 mm to 40 mm. As a result, in the design of the module joint, depending on the purpose of SFT, it is possible to consider both methods which is allowing the ductility behavior of internal tube and controlling the tight connection. Moreover, the failure criterion of the bending behavior of the module joint can be selected as the maximum load or deformation limit.  相似文献   

采用波浪断面物理模型试验和数学模型耦合的方法,研究了抛石潜堤后方掩护水域的波浪计算方法。潜堤后方掩护水域波高由潜堤越浪后的再生波、潜堤间口门绕射波和小风区浪组成,其主要影响因素有潜堤结构形式、入射波浪要素、风区长度等。采用耦合模型,根据物理模型试验的结果,验证数模计算成果,考虑了越浪波高传递的沿程衰减,波浪相互作用时的能量损耗等因素,通过调整波浪破碎指标和波浪能量耗散参数,直接计算堤前设计波浪要素,计算结果更符合实际,为工程设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

安装在深水区的悬浮隧道在水流作用下会产生交替脱落的漩涡,从而使得悬浮隧道受到周期性的力,进一步导致悬浮隧道产生涡激振动。当涡脱落频率与悬浮隧道固有频率相接近时会发生锁定现象,进而导致悬浮隧道发生振幅较大的运动,类似于结构的共振状态。文章利用有限元数值方法求解不可压缩粘性流体雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程,并结合任意拉格朗日-欧拉(ALE)动网格方法,对不同雷诺数下(Re=1 000~100 000)悬浮隧道的涡激振动问题进行了数值模拟研究。计算中悬浮隧道受到弹簧和阻尼的约束,并允许其仅发生横流向的运动,研究了不同结构自振频率下悬浮隧道的受力和运动情况以及不同浮重比情况下悬浮隧道的受力和运动的结果。结果表明,在计算的各雷诺数下,悬浮隧道发生锁定的频率基本一致,但是悬浮隧道不同浮重比对锁定区间存在影响作用。  相似文献   

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