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就目前机车验收在机务段工作的作用及关系进行了普通解释。  相似文献   
广州地铁工程重大地质风险控制模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广州地质极其复杂,工程地质灾害隐患奇多,地下工程面临极大的风险和考验。本文总结并提出了“地下工程管理即以风险管理为核心”理念,通过勘测、调查研究地质条件和施工环境,创新并实践风险预控方法(设计方案、施工工法、工艺设备等),强化全员、全方位、全过程的风险管理,建立了“认知地质是基础、创新方法为手段,精细管理为根本”的“以人为本”风险控制模式。结合典型案例,论述广州地铁风险控制模式,以供同行们指正、参阅和借鉴。  相似文献   
For a vibration system with 2-DOF of bend and torsion, itscritical flutter wind speed can be calculated by using complex mode frequency iteration (CMFI) method based on MatLab 5.2, the results of which are in agree with those acquired by wind tunnel test. Not only critical flutter wind speed, but also vibration characteristic of a system under different wind speeds can be determined. CMFI method is suitable for both of separated-flow torsional flutter and classic coupling flutter analysis, which is presented by flutter analysis of an ideal thin plate and a bluff bridge deck. Furthermore, it is proved through the investigation of the relationship between flutter derivatives and its critical flutter wind speed that coupling aerodynamic derivatives are necessary for classic coupling flutter to occur.  相似文献   
苏州乐园站深基坑监测分析实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合苏州乐园站深基坑支护结构的监测情况,分析了连续墙墙体水平位移、墙顶位移、支撑轴力、建筑物沉降、立柱隆沉及地下水位的变化情况,以及相应的处理措施。  相似文献   
廖瑛 《路基工程》2009,(5):60-62
鉴于基坑稳定性问题的优化设计兼有随机性和模糊性两种不确定性特点,依据模糊数学方法。重点研究了包含各种模糊性因素的模糊目标稳定可靠指标的确定方法。实例计算结果表明,当考虑模糊性特点时,基坑稳定性问题模糊优化设计的可靠指标应适当提高,这与工程实际情况是吻合的。  相似文献   
刘欣  赵骁渤 《中国水运》2007,5(5):173-174
DSP技术的迅速发展,为研制精确的电能计量装置提供了有力的技术支持。本装置就是通过采样电路采集到电网的电压和电流等数据,利用DSP快速处理数据的能力,对电压和电流采样数据进行FFT变换,得到各次谐波电压和电流的值,再根据谐波功率和电能计算方法,计算出电能值。  相似文献   
进一步规范和发展山区水运工程监理工作,全面推行建设项目监理制,是山区水运工程建设项目管理体系逐步由传统的自筹、自建、自管的小生产模式,向社会化、专业化、现代化管理模式转变的有效途径,本文在论述山区河流水运工程的特点及监理工作实际的基础上,分析了当前山区水运工程监理工作存在的问题,提出了相应的解决办法,指出:规范与发展山区水运工程监理工作应加强资质管理,拓展监理业务,改善监理设备,提高人员素质。  相似文献   
On the basis of analysis of the principle of delay restoration in a disturbed schedule, a heuristic algorithm for rescheduling trains is developed by restoring the total delay of the disturbed schedule. A discrete event topologic model is derived from the original undisturbed train diagram and a back propagation analysis method is used to label the maximum buffer time of each point in the model. In order to analyze the principle of delay restoration, the concept of critical delay is developed from the labeled maximum buffer time. The critical delay is the critical point of successful delay restoration. All the disturbed trains are classified into the strong-delayed trains and the weak-delayed trains by the criterion of the critical delay. Only the latter, in which actual delay is less than its critical delay, can be adjusted to a normal running state during time horizon considered. The heuristic algorithm is used to restore all the disturbed trains according to their critical details. The cores of the algorithm are the iterative repair technique and two repair methods for the two kinds of trains. The algorithm searches iteratively the space of possible conflicts caused by disturbed trains using an earfiest-delay-first heuristics and always attempts to repair the earliest constraint violation. The algorithm adjusts the weak-delayed trains directly back to the normal running state using the buffer time of the original train diagram. For the strong-delayed trains,the algorithm uses an utility function with some weighted attributes to determine the dynamic priority of the trains, and resolves the conflict according to the calculated dynamic priority. In the end, the experimental results show that the algorithm produces "good enough" schedules effectively and efficiently in disturbed situations.  相似文献   
廖燕 《中国船检》2006,(1):60-63
长江现有涉外游船运输企业22家,51艘船舶,共计8526个客位.年接待能力达60万人次,涉外游船已由原来单纯的水上交通工具逐步演变成集“吃、住、行、游、娱购”于一体的水上流动宾馆。  相似文献   
从现代高层建筑垂直配电干线要求的角度,分别阐述了插接式密集型封闭母线槽、预制分支电缆以及利用电缆绝缘穿刺分支技术的传统电缆等三种配线方式,并比较了其优缺点。  相似文献   
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