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将怠速空气温控阀应用在骑式和弯梁摩托车上时,可大大提高摩托车的冷机起动、过渡和加速性能,摩托车发动机和化油器结构设计改动较小,成本增加也少,很值得在骑式和弯梁摩托车上推广使用。  相似文献   
刘光大 《摩托车技术》2006,(3):20-20,22,24,25
为适应稀混合气燃烧,应加大点火能量、延长火花放电时间,所以点火系统采用电感放电模式较好。配合摩托车发动机技术的提升,应在改进火花塞上下功夫。  相似文献   
This study established a hypothesis model based on the seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE) model to investigate the relationship between public transportation, car, and motorcycle use in various townships in Taiwan and to analyse important factors that affect the usage of these modes. The SURE model was adopted because of the lack of a significant correlation between the dependent variables. The pairwise covariance analysis for any two of the three transportation modes revealed that the transportation modes could substitute for one another. Factors related to modal and demographic characteristics had different impacts on the usage of the three modes. The calculation of elasticity using different population densities and public transportation usage showed that when the ‘number of city bus routes’ was increased by 50% in areas with high population density and high public transportation usage, car usage decreased by 1.4%, which corresponds to 300,000 vehicles, and total CO2 emissions reduced by 0.0204%. When the ‘total length of city bus routes’ was increased by 50%, the number of motorcycles used decreased by 83 million, and total CO2 emissions reduced by 1.119%, which corresponds to 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 emission. These findings suggest that these different factors had varying impacts on car and motorcycle usage in different areas. We therefore recommended that future transportation policies consider the varying transportation usage trends in different areas.  相似文献   
在减震器设计和试验阶段,经常会碰到前减震器“软”、“硬”问题,解决该问题最有效、最快捷的方法就是改变内压力。在设计合理的前提下,确定了内装零件体积后,如果要满足静负荷特性的需要,唯一可调整的是注油量,通过改变空气室的容积,达到调整空气弹簧特性的目的。  相似文献   
利用CAD/CAE/CAM一体化技术对铝车轮进行结构设计、受力分析、寿命预测、性能优化及模拟加工等方面的研究,可在虚拟环境中实现产品的数字化定义、结构强度分析和仿真加工,不仅提高了铝车轮的设计质量和设计水平,还极大缩短了铝车轮的设计开发周期。  相似文献   
液压盘式制动系统因技术先进、稳定性好、无自锁现象及维修方便等优点,在国外已被广泛应用于摩托车前、后轮制动器上,而我国则仅限于前轮制动器的使用,后轮制动器多使用技术相对简单的鼓式制动器。为提高我国摩托车的技术含量,摩托车后轮液压盘式制动器的研究非常必要,同时也是为摩托车制动系统向更高技术含量的防抱死制劝系统发展做好技术储备。  相似文献   
通过试验对比,机前补气+单催化器净化和闭环电喷+单催化器净化技术方案,尾气排放均较佳,其中,闭环电喷+单催化器净化技术方案,稳定性、可靠性较好,但价格较高,改动较大;机前补气+单催化器净化技术方案,具有相对价格优势,且尾气排放及性能均较好。  相似文献   
在很多国家,摩托车不仅作为便捷的交通工具广泛用于人们的日常生活,而且还广泛用于娱乐和运动领域。近些年,由于经济形势的影响,全球摩托车行业状况发生了很大的变化,欧美、日本、中国台湾省等国家和地区摩托车行业及市场也都出现了新情况和新的发展趋势。  相似文献   
This study aims to determine risk factors contributing to traffic crashes in 9,176 fatal cases involving motorcycle in Malaysia between 2010 and 2012. For this purpose, both multinomial and mixed models of motorcycle fatal crash outcome based on the number of vehicle involved are estimated. The corresponding model predicts the probability of three fatal crash outcomes: motorcycle single-vehicle fatal crash, motorcycle fatal crash involving another vehicle and motorcycle fatal crash involving two or more vehicles. Several road characteristic and environmental factors are considered including type of road in the hierarchy, location, road geometry, posted speed limit, road marking type, lighting, time of day and weather conditions during the fatal crash. The estimation results suggest that curve road sections, no road marking, smooth, rut and corrugation of road surface and wee hours, i.e. between 00.00 am to 6 am, increase the probability of motorcycle single-vehicle fatal crashes. As for the motorcycle fatal crashes involving multiple vehicles, factors such as expressway, primary and secondary roads, speed limit more than 70 km/h, roads with non-permissible marking, i.e. double lane line and daylight condition are found to cause an increase the probability of their occurrence. The estimation results also suggest that time of day (between 7 pm to 12 pm) has an increasing impact on the probability of motorcycle single-vehicle fatal crashes and motorcycle fatal crashes involving two or more vehicles. Whilst the multinomial logit model was found as more parsimonious, the mixed logit model is likely to capture the unobserved heterogeneity in fatal motorcycle crashes based on the number of vehicles involved due to the underreporting data with two random effect parameters including 70 km/h speed limit and double lane line road marking.  相似文献   
摩托车车架常见断裂部位,骑式车常位于主梁和车架后减振支撑部位的悬臂梁处;踏板车常位于主梁和踏板后部弯角部位。引起断裂的主要原因是车架前部不断受到来自地面和前轮的冲击,弯距和冲击力过大;而后部悬臂梁受重载弯距和后轮冲击力作用,发生断裂的几率也很大,但具体到某一款车架而言,断裂部位主要取决于结构形式、材料选用和载荷特征,需要具体问题具体分析,不能一概而论。  相似文献   
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