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摩托车点火提前角对摩托车性能有较大影响,其中对摩托车NO。排放量的影响最大。随着点火提前角的增大,NO。排放量也相应增加,为控制NO。的排放量,点火提前角必须尽可能小;另一方面,随着点火提前角的变小,发动机功率也变小,发动机动力性变差,进行电喷标定或摩托车点火器设计时,必须两者兼顾,从而找出一个最佳的点火提前角。  相似文献   
采用Pro/E软件的MECHANICA模块,对QM50QT-2摩托车车架进行了强度分析,找出影响强度及刚度的因素及改进车架强度和刚度的方法,通过对车架施加不同的工况载荷,找出不同工况载荷下车架的危险截面,作为设计开发过程中的参考。  相似文献   
目前,防止摩托车油箱燃油蒸发有2种方法:一种是在摩托车油箱与大气相通的管路上加装吸附炭罐;另一种是在油箱盖或油箱盖锁内设装负压进气超压安全排气双向阀。通过对这2种防止摩托车油箱燃油蒸发的方法进行测试和试验分析,无论是在成本、使用寿命,还是在节约和减排等方面,用装有双向阀的油箱锁来防止摩托车油箱燃油蒸发效果均最佳。  相似文献   
通过对摩托车和轻便摩托车轻合金车轮新老标准分析看到,新标准能更科学合理地为生产企业提供技术内涵和技术平台,以及更科学合理的检测方法。随着车轮行业的不断发展和国际化,也对检测技术提出了新的、更高要求。因此,必须不断加强对车轮行业技术更新的理念,扩大视野和交流平台,不断更新技术和工艺水平,缩短与世界车轮先进水平的技术差距,努力打造出更科学、更合理、国际化的车轮行业标准。  相似文献   
疲劳耐久性是直接影响摩托车行驶安全的重要性能,摩托车生产企业非常有必要针对每款新车开展疲劳耐久性试验。以某款摩托车为例,进行路谱采集和疲劳耐久试验,采集车架上某关键部位的应变监测信号,探索采用S-N曲线和Miner线性累积损伤理论对车架寿命进行预测。通过试验表明,台架耐久试验相比道路耐久试验更高效、更安全,为摩托车的疲劳耐久试验和车架的优化设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
This article investigates the effect of frame compliance and rider mobility on the scooter stability. Particular attention is given to the wobble mode, because it may easily become unstable in the vehicle speed range. This article includes a synthetic discussion of previous works, presents a new mathematical model, and discusses the results of both numerical and experimental analyses of the vehicle stability by varying the vehicle characteristics and motion conditions.

The mathematical model describes the out-of-plane dynamics of the scooter and consists of a twelve-degree-freedom linear model. It describes the main scooter features and, in particular, includes the frame compliance, rider mobility, and an advanced tire model. The torsion and bending compliance of both the front fork and swingarm are modelled using lumped rotational springs; similarly, the rider mobility is described by means of two soft springs which connect the rider body to the chassis. The tire model describes in detail the carcass geometry and its compliance. The full scooter model is available on the website www.dinamoto.it and has been derived using ‘MBSymba’, which is a package for the symbolic modelling of multibody systems.

The scooter stability has been investigated at both low and high speeds; in particular, the effect of vehicle compliance and rider mobility on the weave and wobble modes have been examined. Numerical simulations show that the bending flexibility of the front fork stabilizes wobble mode at high speed and has a contrary effect at low speed, whereas the torsion flexibility of the fork does not appear to have a remarkable influence; the bending flexibility of the swingarm slightly stabilizes the weave mode at very high speeds whereas the torsion flexibility of the swingarm has a contrary effect. The effect of rider mobility is to stabilize the weave mode at high speed and the wobble mode at low speed. Several experimental tests have been carried out in the same speed range and a good correlation between simulations and tests has been found. The variation of some important vehicle parameters has been investigated; in particular, tests were repeated for different values of the rear-frame inertia, the rear-chassis stiffness, the front-tire characteristics, the normal trail, and the steer inertia.  相似文献   
摩托车行业造型整体情况近几年没有太大的变化,依然表现为3种格局,大型一线企业坚持自主开发或与外部专业设计机构合作开发新车型和新技术;日欧双系的合资企业则是以引进国外母公司先进车型或针对中国市场开发新车型为主;其他二三线企业则在模仿和创新之间游离摇摆,举棋不定,或跟随模仿,或追求创新。  相似文献   
意大利是欧洲最大的两轮机动车市场,意大利的摩托车、轻便摩托车产业也一直处于世界领先地位,技术含量较高,从20世纪初开始,意大利就涌现出许多著名的摩托车品牌。虽然2010年意大利摩托车销量下滑,但全年注册量仍位于欧洲首位。  相似文献   
纸质托盘由于材料100%可回收再利用,没有任何污染,符合世界环保要求,虽质量只是同等木制托盘的1/3,但最高承载可达2t以上,因此在摩托车行业中得到不断推广使用,现已成为出口、仓储、物流和中转运输等企业的首选。  相似文献   
机械行业,随着人工成本增加,少用人工和无人车间是今后的发展趋势,就轮毂行业来说,采用机械手配合全功能数控机床是未来发展趋势。因此,轮毂行业更加迫切需要培养懂轮毂、懂全功能数控机床和机床控制原理的复合型人才,以提高轮毂行业整体技术水平和层次,为实现摩托车车轮强国做出贡献。  相似文献   
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