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路基压实质量连续动态监控技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决粗粒土路基压实质量较难控制的问题,在分析了已有连续压实质量控制方法的基础上,提出了以连续测试路基结构抗力变化信息为特色的动力学监控方法。根据压实机具与路基结构相互作用的动力学分析,以振动压路机为测试对象,采用系统识别原理和动态测试技术,通过对压实机具与路基结构相互作用的连续测试,得到了能反映结构压实状态变化的抗力信息。以路基结构在形成过程中抗力的变化来评价压实状态的变化,实现了在压实过程中连续实时的质量监控。该方法不同于国外流行的压实计谐波比的评价方法,适用范围更广,现场操作方便,更适用于粗粒土的压实质量监控。  相似文献   
建立了多刚体和刚柔体耦合的高速动车组拖车整车动力学模型,通过对多种工况的数值计算,获得随机激扰下轴箱垂向加速度时间历程,结果表明车辆在高速运行时,随速度的提高,刚、弹性轮对的轴箱垂向加速度偏差增大;结合高速线路实测数据进行对比分析,弹性体轮对的结果与实测结果更吻合。  相似文献   
采用有限元/边界元法对潜艇水下辐射噪声特性进行了研究。依据潜艇各种真实的结构尺寸和设备参数,利用有限元软件ANSYS建立了接近于真实潜艇的有限元模型,并利用该模型来计算潜艇在水下低速航行时200Hz以下频率段的辐射噪声。首先计算了潜艇在电机激励时非耐压壳体表面节点的位移,然后将计算所得的位移结果转换成节点速度导入SYSNOISE边界元模型,以作为边界元计算时的边界条件来研究潜艇的辐射噪声,最后将计算结果与实际测量结果进行了对比,结果显示,在63Hz以下的准确性较高,而在63—200Hz频率段的误差则较大。  相似文献   
Pedestrians adjust both speed and stride length when they navigate difficult situations such as tight corners or dense crowds. They try to avoid collisions and to preserve their personal space. State-of-the-art pedestrian motion models automatically reduce speed in dense crowds simply because there is no space where the pedestrians could go. The stride length and its correct adaptation, however, are rarely considered. This leads to artefacts that impact macroscopic observation parameters such as densities in front of bottlenecks and, through this, flow. Hence modelling stride adaptation is important to increase the predictive power of pedestrian models. To achieve this we reformulate the problem as an optimisation problem on a disk around the pedestrian. Each pedestrian seeks the position that is most attractive in a sense of balanced goals between the search for targets, the need for individual space and the need to keep a distance from obstacles. The need for space is modelled according to findings from psychology defining zones around a person that, when invaded, cause unease. The result is a fully automatic adjustment that allows calibration through meaningful social parameters and that gives visually natural results with an excellent fit to measured experimental data.  相似文献   
关于带闭链工业机器人的动力学建模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在以影响系数矩阵为基础进行带闭链机器人的动力学方程推导时,采用了符号一数值方法。在计算机上获得一,二阶影响系数矩阵和动力学方程中各矩阵元素的最简解近表达式,解决了当分支的广义坐标数不等于6时出现的长方形(奇异)矩阵求逆的解析表达问题。在VAX机上偏制调试出了该方法应的软件,并应用于一个带单闭链地的的孤焊机械手的动力学建模。  相似文献   
To identify the potential relationship between Pheaocystis globosa bloom conditions and seawater properties, a hydrobiological survey was performed in the inshore waters of the Eastern English Channel over the course of the phytoplankton spring bloom. Chlorophyll concentration, auto- and hetero/mixotrophic composition of protists and standing stock, and seawater viscosity were measured weekly from March to June 2004. The decline of the bloom is characterized by a massive foam formation in the turbulent surf zone. Before foam formation, seawater viscosity significantly increased, showing a significant positive correlation with chlorophyll concentration. In contrast, after foam formation this correlation was negative, seawater viscosity kept increasing despite a sharp decrease in chlorophyll concentrations. No significant correlation has been found between seawater viscosity and the composition of the phytoplankton assemblages observed during the survey. However, significant positive correlations have been found between seawater viscosity and both the size and the abundance of P. globosa colonies. From the correlation patterns observed between chlorophyll concentration and seawater viscosity, we suggest that the rheological properties of seawater are mainly driven by extracellular materials associated with colony formation and maintenance rather than by cell composition and standing stock.  相似文献   
Silicon dynamics in the Oder estuary, Baltic Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies on dissolved silicate (DSi) and biogenic silica (BSi) dynamics were carried out in the Oder estuary, Baltic Sea in 2000–2005. The Oder estuary proved to be an important component of the Oder River–Baltic Sea continuum where very intensive seasonal DSi uptake during spring and autumn, but also BSi regeneration during summer take place. Owing to the regeneration process annual DSi patterns in the river and the estuary distinctly differed; the annual patterns of DSi in the estuary showed two maxima and two minima in contrast to one maximum- and one minimum-pattern in the Oder River. DSi concentrations in the river and in the estuary were highest in winter (200–250 μmol dm− 3) and lowest (often less than 1 μmol dm− 3) in spring, concomitant with diatom growth; such low values are known to be limiting for new diatom growth. Secondary DSi summer peaks at the estuary exit exceeded 100 μmol dm− 3, and these maxima were followed by autumn minima coinciding with the autumn diatom bloom. Seasonal peaks in BSi concentrations (ca. 100 μmol dm− 3) occurred during the spring diatom bloom in the Oder River. Mass balance calculations of DSi and BSi showed that DSi + BSi import to the estuary over a two year period was 103.2 kt and that can be compared with the DSi export of 98.5 kt. The difference between these numbers gives room for ca. 2.5 kt BSi to be annually exported to the Baltic Sea. Sediment cores studies point to BSi annual accumulation on the level of 2.5 kt BSi. BSi import to the estuary is on the level of ca. 10.5 kt, thus ca. 5 kt of BSi is annually converted into the DSi, increasing the pool of DSi that leaves the system. BSi concentrations being ca. 2 times higher at the estuary entrance than at its exit remain in a good agreement with the DSi and BSi budgeting presented in the paper.  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the effect of three therapeutic methods to find an optimal approach to the treatment of intracranial bacterial infection by retrospectively reviewing 33 intracranial bacterial infection patients who were admitted from 1995 to 2008 in oar hospital. Methods The treatments by intermittent lumbar puncture,continuous lumbar subarachnoid space drainage, and embedment of Ommaya cyst for continuous drainage from the ventricles were performed in 15 cases, 12 cases, and 6 cases respectively along with intravenous application of full dose of antibiotics. Results Nineteen cases were cured and the best prognosis was from the group of Ommaya cyst embedment and continuous drainage from the ventricles. Conclusion Management goals are prompt recognition of the central nervous system (CNS) infection, rapid identification of causative organisms and initiation of treatment with the optimal management methods for complications. Embedment of Ommaya cyst for continuous drainage from the ventricle is a safe and effective treatment for intracranial bacterial infection.  相似文献   
Vehicles equipped with in-wheel motors are being studied and developed as a type of electric vehicle. Since these motors are attached to the suspension, a large vertical suspension reaction force is generated during driving. Based on this mechanism, this paper describes the development of a method for independently controlling roll and pitch as well as yaw using driving force distribution control at each wheel. It also details the theoretical calculation of a method for decoupling the dynamic motions. Finally, it describes the application of these 3D dynamic motion control methods to a test vehicle and the confirmation of the performance improvement.  相似文献   
An accurate and realistic vehicle model is essential for the development of effective vehicle control systems. Many different vehicle models have been developed for use in various vehicle control systems. The complexity of these models and the assumptions made in their development depend on their application. This article looks into the development and validity of vehicle models for prediction of roll behavior and their suitability for application in roll control systems. A 14 DOF vehicle model that includes dynamics of roll center and nonlinear effects due to vehicle geometry changes is developed. The limitations, validity of simplified equations, and various modeling assumptions are discussed by analyzing their effect on the model roll responses in various vehicle maneuvers. A formulation of the popular 8 DOF vehicle model that gives good correlation with the 14 DOF model is presented. The possible limitations of the 14 DOF model compared with an actual vehicle are also discussed.  相似文献   
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